Initial commit.

This commit is contained in:
Stefan Ceriu 2022-02-10 17:20:21 +02:00
parent 0c68928211
commit 29ec56da83
9 changed files with 858 additions and 3 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
// Swift Package Manager needs at least one source file.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// Swift Package Manager needs at least one header to prevent a warning. See
#import "sdkFFI.h"

Package.swift Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// swift-tools-version:5.5
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription
let checksum = "051aa92b9fff0b18e54c6a82ea12231edf4cfa98b49889223870b3c63bf2829b"
let version = "v1.0.0-alpha"
let url = "\(version)/"
let package = Package(
name: "MatrixRustComponentsSwift",
products: [
name: "MatrixRustComponentsSwift",
targets: ["MatrixRustComponentsSwift"]),
targets: [
name: "MatrixSDKFFI",
url: url,
checksum: checksum),
* A placeholder wrapper for our binaryTarget so that Xcode will ensure this is
* downloaded/built before trying to use it in the build process
* A bit hacky but necessary for now
name: "MatrixSDKFFIWrapper",
dependencies: [
.target(name: "MatrixSDKFFI")
path: "MatrixSDKFFIWrapper"
name: "MatrixRustComponentsSwift",
dependencies: ["MatrixSDKFFIWrapper"]),
name: "MatrixRustComponentsSwiftTests",
dependencies: ["MatrixRustComponentsSwift"]),

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# .github
Default metadata files for repos in this org.
# MatrixRustComponentsSwift
If you're seeing this readme in your project, your project is configured wrong.
A description of this package.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// ClientError+Error.swift
// MatrixRustSDK
// Created by Stefan Ceriu on 09.02.2022.
import Foundation
// Fixes code generation problem from uniffi
extension ClientError: Error { }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
// This file was autogenerated by some hot garbage in the `uniffi` crate.
// Trust me, you don't want to mess with it!
import Foundation
import MatrixSDKFFIWrapper
// Depending on the consumer's build setup, the low-level FFI code
// might be in a separate module, or it might be compiled inline into
// this module. This is a bit of light hackery to work with both.
#if canImport(sdkFFI)
import sdkFFI
private extension RustBuffer {
// Allocate a new buffer, copying the contents of a `UInt8` array.
init(bytes: [UInt8]) {
let rbuf = bytes.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
self.init(capacity: rbuf.capacity, len: rbuf.len, data:
static func from(_ ptr: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> RustBuffer {
try! rustCall { ffi_sdk_a8d0_rustbuffer_from_bytes(ForeignBytes(bufferPointer: ptr), $0) }
// Frees the buffer in place.
// The buffer must not be used after this is called.
func deallocate() {
try! rustCall { ffi_sdk_a8d0_rustbuffer_free(self, $0) }
private extension ForeignBytes {
init(bufferPointer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) {
self.init(len: Int32(bufferPointer.count), data: bufferPointer.baseAddress)
// For every type used in the interface, we provide helper methods for conveniently
// lifting and lowering that type from C-compatible data, and for reading and writing
// values of that type in a buffer.
// Helper classes/extensions that don't change.
// Someday, this will be in a libray of its own.
private extension Data {
init(rustBuffer: RustBuffer) {
// TODO: This copies the buffer. Can we read directly from a
// Rust buffer?
self.init(bytes:!, count: Int(rustBuffer.len))
// A helper class to read values out of a byte buffer.
private class Reader {
let data: Data
var offset: Data.Index
init(data: Data) { = data
offset = 0
// Reads an integer at the current offset, in big-endian order, and advances
// the offset on success. Throws if reading the integer would move the
// offset past the end of the buffer.
func readInt<T: FixedWidthInteger>() throws -> T {
let range = offset ..< offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size
guard data.count >= range.upperBound else {
throw UniffiInternalError.bufferOverflow
if T.self == UInt8.self {
let value = data[offset]
offset += 1
return value as! T
var value: T = 0
let _ = withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &value) { data.copyBytes(to: $0, from: range) }
offset = range.upperBound
return value.bigEndian
// Reads an arbitrary number of bytes, to be used to read
// raw bytes, this is useful when lifting strings
func readBytes(count: Int) throws -> [UInt8] {
let range = offset ..< (offset + count)
guard data.count >= range.upperBound else {
throw UniffiInternalError.bufferOverflow
var value = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: count)
value.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { buffer in
data.copyBytes(to: buffer, from: range)
offset = range.upperBound
return value
// Reads a float at the current offset.
func readFloat() throws -> Float {
return Float(bitPattern: try readInt())
// Reads a float at the current offset.
func readDouble() throws -> Double {
return Double(bitPattern: try readInt())
// Indicates if the offset has reached the end of the buffer.
func hasRemaining() -> Bool {
return offset < data.count
// A helper class to write values into a byte buffer.
private class Writer {
var bytes: [UInt8]
var offset: Array<UInt8>.Index
init() {
bytes = []
offset = 0
func writeBytes<S>(_ byteArr: S) where S: Sequence, S.Element == UInt8 {
bytes.append(contentsOf: byteArr)
// Writes an integer in big-endian order.
// Warning: make sure what you are trying to write
// is in the correct type!
func writeInt<T: FixedWidthInteger>(_ value: T) {
var value = value.bigEndian
withUnsafeBytes(of: &value) { bytes.append(contentsOf: $0) }
func writeFloat(_ value: Float) {
func writeDouble(_ value: Double) {
// Types conforming to `Serializable` can be read and written in a bytebuffer.
private protocol Serializable {
func write(into: Writer)
static func read(from: Reader) throws -> Self
// Types confirming to `ViaFfi` can be transferred back-and-for over the FFI.
// This is analogous to the Rust trait of the same name.
private protocol ViaFfi: Serializable {
associatedtype FfiType
static func lift(_ v: FfiType) throws -> Self
func lower() -> FfiType
// Types conforming to `Primitive` pass themselves directly over the FFI.
private protocol Primitive {}
private extension Primitive {
typealias FfiType = Self
static func lift(_ v: Self) throws -> Self {
return v
func lower() -> Self {
return self
// Types conforming to `ViaFfiUsingByteBuffer` lift and lower into a bytebuffer.
// Use this for complex types where it's hard to write a custom lift/lower.
private protocol ViaFfiUsingByteBuffer: Serializable {}
private extension ViaFfiUsingByteBuffer {
typealias FfiType = RustBuffer
static func lift(_ buf: FfiType) throws -> Self {
let reader = Reader(data: Data(rustBuffer: buf))
let value = try reader)
if reader.hasRemaining() {
throw UniffiInternalError.incompleteData
return value
func lower() -> FfiType {
let writer = Writer()
write(into: writer)
return RustBuffer(bytes: writer.bytes)
// An error type for FFI errors. These errors occur at the UniFFI level, not
// the library level.
private enum UniffiInternalError: LocalizedError {
case bufferOverflow
case incompleteData
case unexpectedOptionalTag
case unexpectedEnumCase
case unexpectedNullPointer
case unexpectedRustCallStatusCode
case unexpectedRustCallError
case unexpectedStaleHandle
case rustPanic(_ message: String)
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .bufferOverflow: return "Reading the requested value would read past the end of the buffer"
case .incompleteData: return "The buffer still has data after lifting its containing value"
case .unexpectedOptionalTag: return "Unexpected optional tag; should be 0 or 1"
case .unexpectedEnumCase: return "Raw enum value doesn't match any cases"
case .unexpectedNullPointer: return "Raw pointer value was null"
case .unexpectedRustCallStatusCode: return "Unexpected RustCallStatus code"
case .unexpectedRustCallError: return "CALL_ERROR but no errorClass specified"
case .unexpectedStaleHandle: return "The object in the handle map has been dropped already"
case let .rustPanic(message): return message
private let CALL_SUCCESS: Int8 = 0
private let CALL_ERROR: Int8 = 1
private let CALL_PANIC: Int8 = 2
private extension RustCallStatus {
init() {
errorBuf: RustBuffer(
capacity: 0,
len: 0,
data: nil
private func rustCall<T>(_ callback: (UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>) -> T) throws -> T {
try makeRustCall(callback, errorHandler: {
return UniffiInternalError.unexpectedRustCallError
private func rustCallWithError<T, E: ViaFfiUsingByteBuffer & Error>(_: E.Type, _ callback: (UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>) -> T) throws -> T {
try makeRustCall(callback, errorHandler: { try E.lift($0) })
private func makeRustCall<T>(_ callback: (UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>) -> T, errorHandler: (RustBuffer) throws -> Error) throws -> T {
var callStatus = RustCallStatus()
let returnedVal = callback(&callStatus)
switch callStatus.code {
return returnedVal
throw try errorHandler(callStatus.errorBuf)
// When the rust code sees a panic, it tries to construct a RustBuffer
// with the message. But if that code panics, then it just sends back
// an empty buffer.
if callStatus.errorBuf.len > 0 {
throw UniffiInternalError.rustPanic(try String.lift(callStatus.errorBuf))
} else {
throw UniffiInternalError.rustPanic("Rust panic")
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedRustCallStatusCode
// Protocols for converters we'll implement in templates
private protocol FfiConverter {
associatedtype SwiftType
associatedtype FfiType
static func lift(_ ffiValue: FfiType) throws -> SwiftType
static func lower(_ value: SwiftType) -> FfiType
static func read(from: Reader) throws -> SwiftType
static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into: Writer)
private protocol FfiConverterUsingByteBuffer: FfiConverter where FfiType == RustBuffer {
// Empty, because we want to declare some helper methods in the extension below.
extension FfiConverterUsingByteBuffer {
static func lower(_ value: SwiftType) -> FfiType {
let writer = Writer()
Self.write(value, into: writer)
return RustBuffer(bytes: writer.bytes)
static func lift(_ buf: FfiType) throws -> SwiftType {
let reader = Reader(data: Data(rustBuffer: buf))
let value = try reader)
if reader.hasRemaining() {
throw UniffiInternalError.incompleteData
return value
// Helpers for structural types. Note that because of canonical_names, it /should/ be impossible
// to make another `FfiConverterSequence` etc just using the UDL.
private enum FfiConverterSequence {
static func write<T>(_ value: [T], into buf: Writer, writeItem: (T, Writer) -> Void) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
for item in value {
writeItem(item, buf)
static func read<T>(from buf: Reader, readItem: (Reader) throws -> T) throws -> [T] {
let len: Int32 = try buf.readInt()
var seq = [T]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try readItem(buf))
return seq
private enum FfiConverterOptional {
static func write<T>(_ value: T?, into buf: Writer, writeItem: (T, Writer) -> Void) {
guard let value = value else {
writeItem(value, buf)
static func read<T>(from buf: Reader, readItem: (Reader) throws -> T) throws -> T? {
switch try buf.readInt() as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try readItem(buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
private enum FfiConverterDictionary {
static func write<T>(_ value: [String: T], into buf: Writer, writeItem: (String, T, Writer) -> Void) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
for (key, value) in value {
writeItem(key, value, buf)
static func read<T>(from buf: Reader, readItem: (Reader) throws -> (String, T)) throws -> [String: T] {
let len: Int32 = try buf.readInt()
var dict = [String: T]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
let (key, value) = try readItem(buf)
dict[key] = value
return dict
// Public interface members begin here.
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum ClientError {
case generic(msg: String)
extension ClientError: ViaFfiUsingByteBuffer, ViaFfi {
fileprivate static func read(from buf: Reader) throws -> ClientError {
let variant: Int32 = try buf.readInt()
switch variant {
case 1: return .generic(
msg: try buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
fileprivate func write(into buf: Writer) {
switch self {
case let .generic(msg):
msg.write(into: buf)
extension ClientError: Equatable, Hashable {}
public func loginNewClient(basePath: String, username: String, password: String) throws -> Client {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_login_new_client(basePath.lower(), username.lower(), password.lower(), $0)
return try Client.lift(_retval)
public func guestClient(basePath: String, homeserver: String) throws -> Client {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_guest_client(basePath.lower(), homeserver.lower(), $0)
return try Client.lift(_retval)
public func loginWithToken(basePath: String, restoreToken: String) throws -> Client {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_login_with_token(basePath.lower(), restoreToken.lower(), $0)
return try Client.lift(_retval)
public protocol RoomProtocol {
func displayName() throws -> String
func avatar() throws -> [UInt8]
public class Room: RoomProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `ViaFfi` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
deinit {
try! rustCall { ffi_sdk_a8d0_Room_object_free(pointer, $0) }
public func displayName() throws -> String {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_Room_display_name(self.pointer, $0)
return try String.lift(_retval)
public func avatar() throws -> [UInt8] {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_Room_avatar(self.pointer, $0)
return try FfiConverterSequenceUInt8.lift(_retval)
private extension Room {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
static func read(from buf: Reader) throws -> Self {
let v: UInt64 = try buf.readInt()
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if ptr == nil {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
func write(into buf: Writer) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
buf.writeInt(UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower()))))
static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Self {
return Self(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
func lower() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return pointer
// Ideally this would be `fileprivate`, but Swift says:
// """
// 'private' modifier cannot be used with extensions that declare protocol conformances
// """
extension Room: ViaFfi, Serializable {}
public protocol ClientProtocol {
func startSync()
func restoreToken() throws -> String
func isGuest() -> Bool
func hasFirstSynced() -> Bool
func isSyncing() -> Bool
func userId() throws -> String
func displayName() throws -> String
func deviceId() throws -> String
func avatar() throws -> [UInt8]
func conversations() -> [Room]
public class Client: ClientProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `ViaFfi` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
deinit {
try! rustCall { ffi_sdk_a8d0_Client_object_free(pointer, $0) }
public func startSync() {
rustCall {
sdk_a8d0_Client_start_sync(self.pointer, $0)
public func restoreToken() throws -> String {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_Client_restore_token(self.pointer, $0)
return try String.lift(_retval)
public func isGuest() -> Bool {
let _retval = try!
rustCall {
sdk_a8d0_Client_is_guest(self.pointer, $0)
return try! Bool.lift(_retval)
public func hasFirstSynced() -> Bool {
let _retval = try!
rustCall {
sdk_a8d0_Client_has_first_synced(self.pointer, $0)
return try! Bool.lift(_retval)
public func isSyncing() -> Bool {
let _retval = try!
rustCall {
sdk_a8d0_Client_is_syncing(self.pointer, $0)
return try! Bool.lift(_retval)
public func userId() throws -> String {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_Client_user_id(self.pointer, $0)
return try String.lift(_retval)
public func displayName() throws -> String {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_Client_display_name(self.pointer, $0)
return try String.lift(_retval)
public func deviceId() throws -> String {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_Client_device_id(self.pointer, $0)
return try String.lift(_retval)
public func avatar() throws -> [UInt8] {
let _retval = try
rustCallWithError(ClientError.self) {
sdk_a8d0_Client_avatar(self.pointer, $0)
return try FfiConverterSequenceUInt8.lift(_retval)
public func conversations() -> [Room] {
let _retval = try!
rustCall {
sdk_a8d0_Client_conversations(self.pointer, $0)
return try! FfiConverterSequenceObjectRoom.lift(_retval)
private extension Client {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
static func read(from buf: Reader) throws -> Self {
let v: UInt64 = try buf.readInt()
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if ptr == nil {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
func write(into buf: Writer) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
buf.writeInt(UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower()))))
static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Self {
return Self(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
func lower() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return pointer
// Ideally this would be `fileprivate`, but Swift says:
// """
// 'private' modifier cannot be used with extensions that declare protocol conformances
// """
extension Client: ViaFfi, Serializable {}
extension UInt8: Primitive, ViaFfi {
fileprivate static func read(from buf: Reader) throws -> Self {
return try lift(buf.readInt())
fileprivate func write(into buf: Writer) {
extension Bool: ViaFfi {
fileprivate typealias FfiType = Int8
fileprivate static func read(from buf: Reader) throws -> Self {
return try lift(buf.readInt())
fileprivate func write(into buf: Writer) {
fileprivate static func lift(_ v: FfiType) throws -> Self {
return v != 0
fileprivate func lower() -> FfiType {
return self ? 1 : 0
extension String: ViaFfi {
fileprivate typealias FfiType = RustBuffer
fileprivate static func lift(_ v: FfiType) throws -> Self {
defer {
if == nil {
return String()
let bytes = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start:!, count: Int(v.len))
return String(bytes: bytes, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!
fileprivate func lower() -> FfiType {
return utf8CString.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
// The swift string gives us int8_t, we want uint8_t.
ptr.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self) { ptr in
// The swift string gives us a trailing null byte, we don't want it.
let buf = UnsafeBufferPointer(rebasing: ptr.prefix(upTo: ptr.count - 1))
return RustBuffer.from(buf)
fileprivate static func read(from buf: Reader) throws -> Self {
let len: Int32 = try buf.readInt()
return String(bytes: try buf.readBytes(count: Int(len)), encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!
fileprivate func write(into buf: Writer) {
let len = Int32(utf8.count)
// Helper code for Client class is found in ObjectTemplate.swift
// Helper code for Room class is found in ObjectTemplate.swift
// Helper code for ClientError enum is found in EnumTemplate.swift
private enum FfiConverterSequenceUInt8: FfiConverterUsingByteBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [UInt8]
static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: Writer) {
FfiConverterSequence.write(value, into: buf) { item, buf in
item.write(into: buf)
static func read(from buf: Reader) throws -> SwiftType {
try buf) { buf in
try buf)
private enum FfiConverterSequenceObjectRoom: FfiConverterUsingByteBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [Room]
static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: Writer) {
FfiConverterSequence.write(value, into: buf) { item, buf in
item.write(into: buf)
static func read(from buf: Reader) throws -> SwiftType {
try buf) { buf in
try buf)
* Top level initializers and tear down methods.
* This is generated by uniffi.
public enum SdkLifecycle {
* Initialize the FFI and Rust library. This should be only called once per application.
func initialize() {
// No initialization code needed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import XCTest
@testable import MatrixRustComponentsSwift
final class MatrixRustComponentsSwiftTests: XCTestCase {
func testExample() throws {
do {
let client = try loginNewClient(basePath: "", username: "", password: "")
let displayName = try client.displayName()
print("Display name: \(displayName)")
} catch ClientError.generic(let msg) {
print("Failed with message \(msg)")
} catch {