
59 lines
1.5 KiB

use adw::prelude::*;
use adw::subclass::prelude::AdwApplicationWindowImpl;
use adw::subclass::prelude::*;
use adw::EntryRow;
use gio::Settings;
use glib::subclass::InitializingObject;
use gtk::{gio, glib, CompositeTemplate};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
// Object holding the state
#[derive(CompositeTemplate, Default)]
#[template(resource = "/space/midnightthoughts/matrix_client/window.ui")]
pub struct Window {
pub entry: TemplateChild<EntryRow>,
pub settings: OnceCell<Settings>,
// The central trait for subclassing a GObject
impl ObjectSubclass for Window {
// `NAME` needs to match `class` attribute of template
const NAME: &'static str = "MainWindow";
type Type = super::Window;
type ParentType = adw::ApplicationWindow;
fn class_init(klass: &mut Self::Class) {
fn instance_init(obj: &InitializingObject<Self>) {
// Trait shared by all GObjects
impl ObjectImpl for Window {
fn constructed(&self) {
let obj = self.instance();
// Call "constructed" on parent
// Setup
// Trait shared by all widgets
impl WidgetImpl for Window {}
// Trait shared by all windows
impl WindowImpl for Window {}
// Trait shared by all application windows
impl ApplicationWindowImpl for Window {}
// Trait shared by all adwaita application windows
impl AdwApplicationWindowImpl for Window {}