Commit Graph

3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mauro c67c4e362e
Auto-Mocking with Sourcery (#597)
* work in progress, was able to generate a mock for the RoomProxyProtocol, I'll try if I can swap the mock we have with this one

* removing swiftformat from generated

* added the disable of swiftlint directly into the .stencil

* testing if danger still complains

* improved the stencil

* session verification controller proxy using auto mockable

* BugReport mocks and tests added

* changelog

* fixing a typo

Co-authored-by: Doug <>

* fix typo in the test

Co-authored-by: Doug <>

* removing the Protocol word from the type if present

* using extension in place of a subclass

* removed unused imports

* improved the yielding code

* moved Sourcery files

* stencil master


Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2023-03-08 17:04:31 +01:00
Stefan Ceriu 7ab64d4cb4
Project file removal (#569)
* Deleted project file

* Add back SPM Package.resolved + .gitignore

* Generate project file on release builds

* Converge on single CI setup scripts within `ci_scripts/`

* Fix unit tests

* Use new `ci_common/setup_github_actions_environment` setup script on all workflows

* Move lfs validation check to the pre-commit hooks. Remove validate-lfs github actions workflow

* Fix integration tests workflow

* Tweaks following code review
2023-02-13 12:53:01 +00:00
Mauro c8fb93e00d
Swiftformat on githooks + New `swift run tools setup` command (#563) 2023-02-10 15:04:00 +02:00