Commit Graph

5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mauro 61d42a24ba
Leave Room (#699)
* created the row in the view and the alert, and added the new function to the RoomProxy

* fixed an issue with the alert function

* handling the navigation

* fixed a bug with the detail coordinators being dismissed incorrectly when inside a stack

* implementation completed

* replaced UI screenshots

* added a test for the fixed bug of the coordinators

* trying to increase the wait time for the expectation

* improved the test

* improved the buttons UI

* uploading artifacts for unit tests

* added result bundle true

* improved the tests

* added a new test

* pr suggestions

* updating mock

* PR suggestions

* improved tests

* fixed UI tests

* pr should be ready now

* removed testing code

* reduced complexity

* fixed test

* added a an assert to the new test case

* more tests and messages cases

* pr comments addressed

* completed
2023-03-17 13:57:08 +00:00
Doug 246879f1bf
Design: Forms, Login and Members screen. (#608)
* Rename Settings styles to Form styles.

* Removed redundant FormPickerRow.

* Use the button style everywhere and fix icon shapes.
2023-02-22 13:37:02 +00:00
Doug b2d99e27a5
Tweak the design of various Forms to match Figma (#573)
Add formBackground and formRowBackground colours and adopt them.

* Include topic in UI tests.
2023-02-14 10:14:13 +00:00
Mauro 910a8e2067
Updated Screenshot Tests and fixed an issue with the MockMediaProvider (#554)
* updated the tests

* updated ui tests

* removed unused files

* fixed a bug that prevented the image to be added in the avatar of the rooms from the mock, and improved some UI tests

* swiftformat

* fixed an issue where the room Id was not matching the real room id coming from the timelineController, also updated some tests, and added a test for the case where the RoomAvatar is available.

* added some waitForExistence checks to allow the CI to find the UI elements

* this should make the loading bar always match at the HStack size

* code improvement for the tests

* fix for the max frame of the loading screen

* updated tests

* regenerated and improved some tests

* sonarcloud improvements

* changelog
2023-02-09 14:57:55 +01:00
ismailgulek 1a47fd1a8d
Room details screen (#348)
* Create screen module

* Display details on header tap

* Add strings

* Add room avatar size on details

* Update members method signature

* Use room proxy values

* Create room members screen

* Display room members on tap

* Update previews and mock room proxy

* Commit project file

* Various tweaks and cleanup following code review

* More small tweaks + UI and screenshot tests

Co-authored-by: Stefan Ceriu <>
2022-12-19 14:39:33 +02:00