Commit Graph

4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Doug 0ae664933b
Allow theming of the search bar. (#700) 2023-03-15 10:02:51 +00:00
Mauro 910a8e2067
Updated Screenshot Tests and fixed an issue with the MockMediaProvider (#554)
* updated the tests

* updated ui tests

* removed unused files

* fixed a bug that prevented the image to be added in the avatar of the rooms from the mock, and improved some UI tests

* swiftformat

* fixed an issue where the room Id was not matching the real room id coming from the timelineController, also updated some tests, and added a test for the case where the RoomAvatar is available.

* added some waitForExistence checks to allow the CI to find the UI elements

* this should make the loading bar always match at the HStack size

* code improvement for the tests

* fix for the max frame of the loading screen

* updated tests

* regenerated and improved some tests

* sonarcloud improvements

* changelog
2023-02-09 14:57:55 +01:00
Doug 22a99482a0
Fix UI Tests for OnboardingScreen, BugReportScreen, ServerSelectionScreen, and UserSessionFlows. (#549)
* Fix OnboardingScreen UI Tests

Disable the swipe tests for now as there is only a single page.

* Fix BugReportScreen UI Tests.

Use snapshots more and remove manual validation method.

* Fix ServerSelectionScreen UI Tests.

* Fix SessionVerificationScreen UI Tests.

* Fix UserSessionFlows UI Tests
2023-02-08 14:11:09 +00:00
Stefan Ceriu 5b90f37f2e
Various UI test fixes (#370)
* Increase integration tests time limits again as they're still ocasionally failing

* Fixed NavigationRootCoordinator name in logs

* Refactor UI tests hierarchy and introduce new userFlowScreen

* Introduce a RoomTimelineControllerFactory so that it can be mocked in the UserFlow UI tests

* Start using a mock timeline controller for the UserSession flows

* Remove the WeakDictionary dependency and replce it with a plain NSMapTable in the BackgroundTaskService

* Allow multiple UITests screenshots per screen

* Prevent the view hierarchy changing when taking screenshots

* Add UserSessionScreen UI tests

* Fix label triaging workflow project identifier as per vector-im/element-ios/pull/7150

* Fix settings screen tests

* Fix roomPlainNoAvatar and roomEncryptedWithAvatar UI tests

* Fix modal server selection screen UI tests

* Fix bug report and login screen UI tests

* Fix text typing missing characters on UI tests

* Fix sliding sync configuration on integration tests

* Stop crashing if not finding a particular room through the MockClientProxy
2022-12-15 15:22:39 +02:00