// // Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import Combine import KZFileWatchers import SwiftUI enum UITestsSignal: String { /// An internal signal used to indicate that one side of the connection is ready. case ready /// Ask the app to back paginate. case paginate /// Ask the app to simulate an incoming message. case incomingMessage /// The operation has completed successfully. case success } enum UITestsSignalError: String, LocalizedError { /// The app client failed to start as the tests client isn't ready. case testsClientNotReady /// Failed to send a signal as a connection hasn't been established. case notConnected var errorDescription: String? { "UITestsSignalError.\(rawValue)" } } enum UITestsSignalling { /// A two-way file-based signalling client that can be used to signal between the app and the UI tests runner. /// The connection should be created as follows: /// - Create a `Client` in `tests` mode in your UI tests before launching the app. It will start listening for signals. /// - Within the app, create a `Client` in `app` mode. This will check that the tests are ready and echo back that the app is too. /// - Call `waitForApp()` in the tests when you need to send the signal. This will suspend execution until the app has signalled it is ready. /// - The two `Client` objects can now be used for two-way signalling. class Client { /// The file watcher responsible for receiving signals. private let fileWatcher: FileWatcher.Local /// The file name used for the connection. /// /// The device name is included to allow UI tests to run on multiple devices simultaneously. /// When using parallel execution, each execution will spawn a simulator clone with its own unique name. private let fileURL = { let directory = URL(filePath: "/Users/Shared") let deviceName = (UIDevice.current.name).replacing(" ", with: "-") return directory.appending(component: "UITestsSignalling-\(deviceName)") }() /// A mode that defines the behaviour of the client. enum Mode: String { case app, tests } /// The mode that the client is using. let mode: Mode /// A publisher the will be sent every time a new signal is received. let signals = PassthroughSubject() /// Whether or not the client has established a connection. private(set) var isConnected = false /// Creates a new signalling `Client`. init(mode: Mode) throws { fileWatcher = .init(path: fileURL.path()) self.mode = mode switch mode { case .tests: // The tests client is started first and writes to the file saying it is ready. try rawSignal(.ready).write(to: fileURL, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8) case .app: // The app client is started second and checks that there is a ready signal from the tests. guard try String(contentsOf: fileURL) == "\(Mode.tests):\(UITestsSignal.ready)" else { throw UITestsSignalError.testsClientNotReady } isConnected = true // The app client then echoes back to the tests that it is now ready. try send(.ready) } try fileWatcher.start { [weak self] result in self?.handleFileRefresh(result) } } /// Suspends execution until the app's Client has signalled that it's ready. func waitForApp() async { guard mode == .tests else { fatalError("The app can't wait for itself.") } guard !isConnected else { return } await _ = signals.values.first { $0 == .ready } NSLog("UITestsSignalling: Connected to app.") } /// Stops listening for signals. func stop() throws { try fileWatcher.stop() } /// Sends a signal. func send(_ signal: UITestsSignal) throws { guard isConnected else { throw UITestsSignalError.notConnected } let rawSignal = rawSignal(signal) try rawSignal.write(to: fileURL, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8) NSLog("UITestsSignalling: Sent \(rawSignal)") } /// The signal formatted as a string, prefixed with an identifier for the sender. /// E.g. The tests client would produce `tests:ready` for the ready signal. private func rawSignal(_ signal: UITestsSignal) -> String { "\(mode.rawValue):\(signal.rawValue)" } /// Handles a file refresh to receive a new signal. fileprivate func handleFileRefresh(_ result: FileWatcher.RefreshResult) { switch result { case .noChanges: guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: fileURL) else { return } processFileData(data) case .updated(let data): processFileData(data) } } /// Processes string data from the file and publishes its signal. private func processFileData(_ data: Data) { guard let message = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else { return } let components = message.components(separatedBy: ":") guard components.count == 2, components[0] != mode.rawValue, // Filter out messages sent by this client. let signal = UITestsSignal(rawValue: components[1]) else { return } if signal == .ready { isConnected = true } signals.send(signal) NSLog("UITestsSignalling: Received \(message)") } } }