// swiftlint:disable all // Generated using SwiftGen — https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen import Foundation // swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command file_length implicit_return // MARK: - Strings // swiftlint:disable explicit_type_interface function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length // swiftlint:disable nesting type_body_length type_name vertical_whitespace_opening_braces extension ElementL10n { /// User menu public static let a11yAllChatsUserAvatarMenu = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "a11y_all_chats_user_avatar_menu") /// Confirm public static let actionConfirm = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "action_confirm") /// Match public static let actionMatch = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "action_match") /// Attach Screenshot public static let bugReportScreenAttachScreenshot = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "bug_report_screen_attach_screenshot") /// Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened. Please go into as much detail as you can. public static let bugReportScreenDescription = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "bug_report_screen_description") /// Edit Screenshot public static let bugReportScreenEditScreenshot = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "bug_report_screen_edit_screenshot") /// Describe the bug… public static let bugReportScreenEditorPlaceholder = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "bug_report_screen_editor_placeholder") /// Send logs to help public static let bugReportScreenIncludeLogs = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "bug_report_screen_include_logs") /// To check things work as intended, logs will be sent with your message. These will be private. To just send your message, turn off this setting. public static let bugReportScreenLogsDescription = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "bug_report_screen_logs_description") /// Report a bug public static let bugReportScreenTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "bug_report_screen_title") /// %@ iOS public static func defaultSessionDisplayName(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "default_session_display_name", String(describing: p1)) } /// Welcome to the %@ Beta. Supercharged, for speed and simplicity. public static func ftueAuthCarouselWelcomeBody(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "ftue_auth_carousel_welcome_body", String(describing: p1)) } /// Be in your Element public static let ftueAuthCarouselWelcomeTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "ftue_auth_carousel_welcome_title") /// Enter your details public static let ftueAuthSignInEnterDetails = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "ftue_auth_sign_in_enter_details") /// No public static let iosNo = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "ios_no") /// Yes public static let iosYes = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "ios_yes") /// Mobile public static let loginMobileDevice = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "login_mobile_device") /// Tablet public static let loginTabletDevice = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "login_tablet_device") /// Message public static let message = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "message") /// %1$@ accepted the invite public static func noticeRoomInviteAccepted(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomInviteAccepted", String(describing: p1)) } /// You accepted the invite public static let noticeRoomInviteAcceptedByYou = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomInviteAcceptedByYou") /// %1$@ requested to join public static func noticeRoomKnock(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnock", String(describing: p1)) } /// %1$@ allowed %2$@ to join public static func noticeRoomKnockAccepted(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnockAccepted", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2)) } /// %1$@ allowed you to join public static func noticeRoomKnockAcceptedByYou(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnockAcceptedByYou", String(describing: p1)) } /// You requested to join public static let noticeRoomKnockByYou = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnockByYou") /// %1$@ rejected %2$@'s request to join public static func noticeRoomKnockDenied(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnockDenied", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2)) } /// You rejected %1$@'s request to join public static func noticeRoomKnockDeniedByYou(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnockDeniedByYou", String(describing: p1)) } /// %1$@ rejected your request to join public static func noticeRoomKnockDeniedYou(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnockDeniedYou", String(describing: p1)) } /// %1$@ is no longer interested in joining public static func noticeRoomKnockRetracted(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnockRetracted", String(describing: p1)) } /// You cancelled your request to join public static let noticeRoomKnockRetractedByYou = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomKnockRetractedByYou") /// %1$@ made an unknown change to their membership public static func noticeRoomUnknownMembershipChange(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "noticeRoomUnknownMembershipChange", String(describing: p1)) } /// Notification public static let notification = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "Notification") /// Reporting this message will send it’s unique ‘event ID’ to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images. public static let reportContentInfo = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "report_content_info") /// Report Submitted public static let reportContentSubmitted = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "report_content_submitted") /// About public static let roomDetailsAboutSectionTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_details_about_section_title") /// Copy Link public static let roomDetailsCopyLink = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_details_copy_link") /// Are you sure that you want to leave this room? You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you. public static let roomDetailsLeaveEmptyRoomAlertSubtitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_details_leave_empty_room_alert_subtitle") /// Are you sure that you want to leave this room? This room is not public and you will not be able to rejoin without an invite. public static let roomDetailsLeavePrivateRoomAlertSubtitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_details_leave_private_room_alert_subtitle") /// Are you sure that you want to leave the room? public static let roomDetailsLeaveRoomAlertSubtitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_details_leave_room_alert_subtitle") /// Room left public static let roomDetailsRoomLeftToast = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_details_room_left_toast") /// Info public static let roomDetailsTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_details_title") /// Failed loading messages public static let roomTimelineBackpaginationFailure = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_backpagination_failure") /// Retry decryption public static let roomTimelineContextMenuRetryDecryption = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_context_menu_retry_decryption") /// Editing public static let roomTimelineEditing = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_editing") /// GIF public static let roomTimelineImageGif = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_image_gif") /// Unsupported event public static let roomTimelineItemUnsupported = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_item_unsupported") /// Failed creating the permalink public static let roomTimelinePermalinkCreationFailure = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_permalink_creation_failure") /// New public static let roomTimelineReadMarkerTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_read_marker_title") /// Replying to %@ public static func roomTimelineReplyingTo(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_replying_to", String(describing: p1)) } /// %d room changes public static func roomTimelineStateChanges(_ p1: Int) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_state_changes", p1) } /// Bubbles public static let roomTimelineStyleBubbledLongDescription = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_style_bubbled_long_description") /// Modern public static let roomTimelineStylePlainLongDescription = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_style_plain_long_description") /// Syncing public static let roomTimelineSyncing = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_syncing") /// Unable to decrypt public static let roomTimelineUnableToDecrypt = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "room_timeline_unable_to_decrypt") /// Would you like to submit a bug report? public static let screenshotDetectedMessage = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "screenshot_detected_message") /// You took a screenshot public static let screenshotDetectedTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "screenshot_detected_title") /// Sending... public static let sending = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "sending") /// You can only connect to an existing server that supports sliding sync. Your homeserver admin will need to configure it. %@ public static func serverSelectionServerFooter(_ p1: Any) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "server_selection_server_footer", String(describing: p1)) } /// This server currently doesn’t support sliding sync. public static let serverSelectionSlidingSyncAlertMessage = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "server_selection_sliding_sync_alert_message") /// Server not supported public static let serverSelectionSlidingSyncAlertTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "server_selection_sliding_sync_alert_title") /// Looks like you’re using a new device. Verify it’s you to access your encrypted messages. public static let sessionVerificationBannerMessage = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "session_verification_banner_message") /// Access your message history public static let sessionVerificationBannerTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "session_verification_banner_title") /// Start public static let sessionVerificationStart = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "session_verification_start") /// Appearance public static let settingsAppearance = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "settings_appearance") /// Developer options public static let settingsDeveloperOptions = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "settings_developer_options") /// Complete verification public static let settingsSessionVerification = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "settings_session_verification") /// Message layout public static let settingsTimelineStyle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "settings_timeline_style") /// Untranslated public static let untranslated = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "untranslated") /// Plural format key: "%#@VARIABLE@" public static func untranslatedPlural(_ p1: Int) -> String { return ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "untranslated_plural", p1) } /// Confirm that the emojis below match those shown on your other session. public static let verificationCompareEmojisDetail = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_compare_emojis_detail") /// Compare emojis public static let verificationCompareEmojisTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_compare_emojis_title") /// Verification complete public static let verificationConclusionOkSelfNoticeTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_conclusion_ok_self_notice_title") /// Prove it’s you in order to access your encrypted message history. public static let verificationOpenOtherToVerifyDetail = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_open_other_to_verify_detail") /// Open an existing session public static let verificationOpenOtherToVerifyTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_open_other_to_verify_title") /// Something doesn’t seem right. Either the request timed out or the request was denied. public static let verificationRequestCancelledDetail = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_request_cancelled_detail") /// Verification cancelled public static let verificationRequestCancelledTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_request_cancelled_title") /// Accept the request to start the verification process in your other session to continue. public static let verificationRequestWaitingAcceptRequestDetail = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_request_waiting_accept_request_detail") /// Waiting to accept request public static let verificationRequestWaitingAcceptRequestTitle = ElementL10n.tr("Untranslated", "verification_request_waiting_accept_request_title") } // swiftlint:enable explicit_type_interface function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length // swiftlint:enable nesting type_body_length type_name vertical_whitespace_opening_braces