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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import SwiftUI
/// A type that describes an alert to be shown to the user.
/// The alert info can be added to the view state bindings and used as an alert's `item`:
/// ```
/// MyView
/// .alert(item: $viewModel.alertInfo) { $0.alert }
/// ```
struct AlertInfo<T: Hashable>: Identifiable {
/// An identifier that can be used to distinguish one error from another.
let id: T
/// The alert's title.
let title: String
/// The alert's message (optional).
var message: String?
/// The alert's primary button title and action. Defaults to an Ok button with no action.
var primaryButton: (title: String, action: (() -> Void)?) = (ElementL10n.ok, nil)
/// The alert's secondary button title and action.
var secondaryButton: (title: String, action: (() -> Void)?)?
extension AlertInfo {
/// Initialises the type with the title from an `Error`'s localised description along with the default Ok button.
/// Currently this initialiser creates an alert for every error, however in the future it may be updated to filter
/// out some specific errors such as cancellation and networking issues that create too much noise or are
/// indicated to the user using other mechanisms.
init(error: Error) where T == String {
self.init(id: error.localizedDescription,
title: error.localizedDescription)
/// Initialises the type with a generic title and message for an unknown error along with the default Ok button.
/// - Parameters:
/// - id: An ID that identifies the error.
/// - error: The Error that occurred.
init(id: T) {
self.id = id
title = ElementL10n.dialogTitleError
message = ElementL10n.unknownError
extension AlertInfo {
private var messageText: Text? {
guard let message = message else { return nil }
return Text(message)
/// Returns a SwiftUI `Alert` created from this alert info, using default button
/// styles for both primary and (if set) secondary buttons.
var alert: Alert {
if let secondaryButton = secondaryButton {
return Alert(title: Text(title),
message: messageText,
primaryButton: alertButton(for: primaryButton),
secondaryButton: alertButton(for: secondaryButton))
} else {
return Alert(title: Text(title),
message: messageText,
dismissButton: alertButton(for: primaryButton))
private func alertButton(for buttonParameters: (title: String, action: (() -> Void)?)) -> Alert.Button {
guard let action = buttonParameters.action else {
return .default(Text(buttonParameters.title))
return .default(Text(buttonParameters.title), action: action)