
670 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Combine
import Foundation
import MatrixRustSDK
import UIKit
private class WeakClientProxyWrapper: ClientDelegate, NotificationDelegate, SlidingSyncObserver {
private weak var clientProxy: ClientProxy?
init(clientProxy: ClientProxy) {
self.clientProxy = clientProxy
// MARK: - ClientDelegate
func didReceiveAuthError(isSoftLogout: Bool) {
MXLog.error("Received authentication error, softlogout=\(isSoftLogout)")
clientProxy?.didReceiveAuthError(isSoftLogout: isSoftLogout)
func didRefreshTokens() {
MXLog.info("The session has updated tokens.")
// MARK: - SlidingSyncDelegate
func didReceiveSyncUpdate(summary: UpdateSummary) {
MXLog.info("Received sliding sync update")
clientProxy?.didReceiveSlidingSyncUpdate(summary: summary)
// MARK: - NotificationDelegate
func didReceiveNotification(notification: MatrixRustSDK.NotificationItem) {
guard let userID = clientProxy?.userID else { return }
clientProxy?.didReceiveNotification(notification: NotificationItemProxy(notificationItem: notification, receiverID: userID))
class ClientProxy: ClientProxyProtocol {
private let client: ClientProtocol
private let backgroundTaskService: BackgroundTaskServiceProtocol
private var sessionVerificationControllerProxy: SessionVerificationControllerProxy?
private let mediaLoader: MediaLoaderProtocol
private let clientQueue: DispatchQueue
private var slidingSyncObserverToken: TaskHandle?
private var slidingSync: SlidingSyncProtocol?
private var slidingSyncTasks = [TaskHandle?]()
var visibleRoomsListBuilder: SlidingSyncListBuilder?
var visibleRoomsListProxy: SlidingSyncListProxy?
var visibleRoomsSummaryProvider: RoomSummaryProviderProtocol?
var allRoomsListBuilder: SlidingSyncListBuilder?
var allRoomsListProxy: SlidingSyncListProxy?
var allRoomsSummaryProvider: RoomSummaryProviderProtocol?
var invitesListBuilder: SlidingSyncListBuilder?
var invitesListProxy: SlidingSyncListProxy?
var invitesSummaryProvider: RoomSummaryProviderProtocol?
var notificationsListBuilder: SlidingSyncListBuilder?
private var loadCachedAvatarURLTask: Task<Void, Never>?
private let avatarURLSubject = CurrentValueSubject<URL?, Never>(nil)
var avatarURLPublisher: AnyPublisher<URL?, Never> {
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
private var visibleRoomsListProxyStateObservationToken: AnyCancellable?
deinit {
// These need to be inlined instead of using stopSync()
// as we can't call async methods safely from deinit
client.setDelegate(delegate: nil)
slidingSync?.setObserver(observer: nil)
let callbacks = PassthroughSubject<ClientProxyCallback, Never>()
init(client: ClientProtocol, backgroundTaskService: BackgroundTaskServiceProtocol) async {
self.client = client
self.backgroundTaskService = backgroundTaskService
clientQueue = .init(label: "ClientProxyQueue", attributes: .concurrent)
mediaLoader = MediaLoader(client: client, clientQueue: clientQueue)
let delegate = WeakClientProxyWrapper(clientProxy: self)
client.setDelegate(delegate: delegate)
// Set up sync listener for generating local notifications.
if ServiceLocator.shared.settings.enableLocalPushNotifications {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
client.setNotificationDelegate(notificationDelegate: delegate)
var userID: String {
do {
return try client.userId()
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed retrieving room info with error: \(error)")
return "Unknown user identifier"
var deviceId: String? {
do {
return try client.deviceId()
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed retrieving device id with error: \(error)")
return nil
var homeserver: String {
var restorationToken: RestorationToken? {
do {
return try RestorationToken(session: client.session())
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed retrieving restore token with error: \(error)")
return nil
var isSyncing: Bool {
slidingSyncObserverToken != nil
func startSync() {
MXLog.info("Starting sync")
guard !isSyncing else {
slidingSyncObserverToken = slidingSync?.sync()
func stopSync() {
MXLog.info("Stopping sync")
slidingSyncObserverToken = nil
func directRoomForUserID(_ userID: String) async -> Result<String?, ClientProxyError> {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
let roomId = try self.client.getDmRoom(userId: userID)?.id()
return .success(roomId)
} catch {
return .failure(.failedRetrievingDirectRoom)
func createDirectRoom(with userID: String, expectedRoomName: String?) async -> Result<String, ClientProxyError> {
let result: Result<String, ClientProxyError> = await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
let parameters = CreateRoomParameters(name: nil, topic: nil, isEncrypted: true, isDirect: true, visibility: .private, preset: .trustedPrivateChat, invite: [userID], avatar: nil)
let result = try self.client.createRoom(request: parameters)
return .success(result)
} catch {
return .failure(.failedCreatingRoom)
return await waitForRoomSummary(with: result, name: expectedRoomName)
func createRoom(with parameters: CreateRoomFlowParameters, userIDs: [String]) async -> Result<String, ClientProxyError> {
let result: Result<String, ClientProxyError> = await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
let parameters = CreateRoomParameters(name: parameters.name,
topic: parameters.topic,
isEncrypted: parameters.isRoomPrivate,
isDirect: false,
visibility: parameters.isRoomPrivate ? .private : .public,
preset: parameters.isRoomPrivate ? .privateChat : .publicChat,
invite: userIDs,
avatar: nil)
let roomId = try self.client.createRoom(request: parameters)
return .success(roomId)
} catch {
return .failure(.failedCreatingRoom)
return await waitForRoomSummary(with: result, name: parameters.name)
/// Await the room to be available in the room summary list
/// - Parameter result: the result of a room creation Task with the roomId
private func waitForRoomSummary(with result: Result<String, ClientProxyError>, name: String?) async -> Result<String, ClientProxyError> {
guard case .success(let roomId) = result else { return result }
let runner = ExpiringTaskRunner { [weak self] in
guard let roomLists = self?.allRoomsSummaryProvider?.roomListPublisher.values else {
// for every list of summaries, we check if we have a room summary with matching ID and name (if present)
for await roomList in roomLists {
guard let summary = roomList.first(where: { $0.id == roomId }) else { continue }
guard let name else { break }
if summary.name == name {
// we want to ignore the timeout error, and return the .success case because the room it was properly created already, we are only waiting for it to appear
try? await runner.run(timeout: .seconds(10))
return result
func roomForIdentifier(_ identifier: String) async -> RoomProxyProtocol? {
// Try fetching the room from the cold cache (if available) first
var (slidingSyncRoom, room) = await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
if let slidingSyncRoom, let room {
return await RoomProxy(slidingSyncRoom: slidingSyncRoom,
room: room,
backgroundTaskService: backgroundTaskService)
// Else wait for the visible rooms list to go into fully loaded
guard let visibleRoomsSummaryProvider else {
MXLog.error("Visible rooms summary provider not setup yet")
return nil
if visibleRoomsSummaryProvider.statePublisher.value != .fullyLoaded {
_ = await visibleRoomsSummaryProvider.statePublisher.values.first(where: { $0 == .fullyLoaded })
(slidingSyncRoom, room) = await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
guard let slidingSyncRoom else {
MXLog.error("Invalid slidingSyncRoom for identifier \(identifier)")
return nil
guard let room else {
MXLog.error("Invalid slidingSyncRoom fullRoom for identifier \(identifier)")
return nil
return await RoomProxy(slidingSyncRoom: slidingSyncRoom,
room: room,
backgroundTaskService: backgroundTaskService)
func loadUserDisplayName() async -> Result<String, ClientProxyError> {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
let displayName = try self.client.displayName()
return .success(displayName)
} catch {
return .failure(.failedRetrievingDisplayName)
func loadUserAvatarURL() async {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
let urlString = try self.client.avatarUrl()
self.avatarURLSubject.value = urlString.flatMap(URL.init)
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed fetching the user avatar url: \(error)")
func accountDataEvent<Content>(type: String) async -> Result<Content?, ClientProxyError> where Content: Decodable {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
func setAccountData<Content: Encodable>(content: Content, type: String) async -> Result<Void, ClientProxyError> {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
func sessionVerificationControllerProxy() async -> Result<SessionVerificationControllerProxyProtocol, ClientProxyError> {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
let sessionVerificationController = try self.client.getSessionVerificationController()
return .success(SessionVerificationControllerProxy(sessionVerificationController: sessionVerificationController))
} catch {
return .failure(.failedRetrievingSessionVerificationController)
func logout() async {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
try self.client.logout()
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed logging out with error: \(error)")
func setPusher(with configuration: PusherConfiguration) async throws {
try await Task.dispatch(on: .global()) {
try self.client.setPusher(identifiers: configuration.identifiers,
kind: configuration.kind,
appDisplayName: configuration.appDisplayName,
deviceDisplayName: configuration.deviceDisplayName,
profileTag: configuration.profileTag,
lang: configuration.lang)
func searchUsers(searchTerm: String, limit: UInt) async -> Result<SearchUsersResults, ClientProxyError> {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
return try .success(.init(sdkResults: self.client.searchUsers(searchTerm: searchTerm, limit: UInt64(limit))))
} catch {
return .failure(.failedSearchingUsers)
func profile(for userID: String) async -> Result<UserProfile, ClientProxyError> {
await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
return try .success(.init(sdkUserProfile: self.client.getProfile(userId: userID)))
} catch {
return .failure(.failedGettingUserProfile)
// MARK: Private
private func loadUserAvatarURLFromCache() {
loadCachedAvatarURLTask = Task {
let urlString = await Task.dispatch(on: clientQueue) {
do {
return try self.client.cachedAvatarUrl()
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed to look for the avatar url in the cache: \(error)")
return nil
guard !Task.isCancelled else { return }
self.avatarURLSubject.value = urlString.flatMap(URL.init)
private func configureSlidingSync() {
guard slidingSync == nil else {
fatalError("This shouldn't be called more than once")
do {
let slidingSyncBuilder = client.slidingSync()
// List observers need to be setup before calling build() on the SlidingSyncBuilder otherwise
// cold cache state and count updates will be lost
if ServiceLocator.shared.settings.enableLocalPushNotifications {
guard let visibleRoomsListBuilder else {
MXLog.error("Visible rooms sliding sync view unavailable")
let roomListRecencyOrderingAllowedEventTypes = ["m.room.message", "m.room.encrypted", "m.sticker"]
// Add the visibleRoomsSlidingSyncList here so that it can take advantage of the SS builder cold cache
// We will still register the allRoomsSlidingSyncList later, and than will have no cache
let slidingSync = try slidingSyncBuilder
.addList(listBuilder: visibleRoomsListBuilder)
.bumpEventTypes(bumpEventTypes: roomListRecencyOrderingAllowedEventTypes)
// .storageKey(name: "ElementX")
// Don't forget to update the view proxies after building the slidingSync
visibleRoomsListProxy?.setSlidingSync(slidingSync: slidingSync)
allRoomsListProxy?.setSlidingSync(slidingSync: slidingSync)
invitesListProxy?.setSlidingSync(slidingSync: slidingSync)
// Build the room summary providers later so the sliding sync view proxies are up to date and the
// currentRoomList is populated with the data from the cold cache
slidingSync.setObserver(observer: WeakClientProxyWrapper(clientProxy: self))
self.slidingSync = slidingSync
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed building sliding sync with error: \(error)")
private func buildAndConfigureVisibleRoomsSlidingSyncList() {
guard visibleRoomsListBuilder == nil else {
fatalError("This shouldn't be called more than once")
let listName = "CurrentlyVisibleRooms"
let visibleRoomsListProxy = SlidingSyncListProxy(name: listName)
let visibleRoomsListBuilder = SlidingSyncListBuilder(name: listName)
.timelineLimit(limit: UInt32(SlidingSyncConstants.initialTimelineLimit)) // Starts off with zero to quickly load rooms, then goes to 1 while scrolling to quickly load last messages and 20 when the scrolling stops to load room history
.requiredState(requiredState: slidingSyncRequiredState)
.filters(filters: slidingSyncFilters)
.addRange(from: 0, toIncluded: 20)
.onceBuilt(callback: visibleRoomsListProxy)
self.visibleRoomsListBuilder = visibleRoomsListBuilder
self.visibleRoomsListProxy = visibleRoomsListProxy
// The allRoomsSlidingSyncList will be registered as soon as the visibleRoomsSlidingSyncList receives its first update
visibleRoomsListProxyStateObservationToken = visibleRoomsListProxy.statePublisher.sink { [weak self] state in
guard state == .fullyLoaded else {
MXLog.info("Visible rooms view received first update, configuring views post initial sync")
self?.visibleRoomsListProxyStateObservationToken = nil
private func buildAndConfigureAllRoomsSlidingSyncList() {
guard allRoomsListBuilder == nil else {
fatalError("This shouldn't be called more than once")
let listName = "AllRooms"
let allRoomsListProxy = SlidingSyncListProxy(name: listName)
let allRoomsListBuilder = SlidingSyncListBuilder(name: listName)
.requiredState(requiredState: slidingSyncRequiredState)
.filters(filters: slidingSyncFilters)
.syncModeGrowing(batchSize: 100, maximumNumberOfRoomsToFetch: nil)
.onceBuilt(callback: allRoomsListProxy)
self.allRoomsListBuilder = allRoomsListBuilder
self.allRoomsListProxy = allRoomsListProxy
private func buildAndConfigureInvitesSlidingSyncList() {
guard invitesListBuilder == nil else {
fatalError("This shouldn't be called more than once")
let listName = "Invites"
let invitesListProxy = SlidingSyncListProxy(name: "Invites")
let invitesListBuilder = SlidingSyncListBuilder(name: listName)
.requiredState(requiredState: slidingSyncInvitesRequiredState)
.filters(filters: slidingSyncInviteFilters)
.syncModeGrowing(batchSize: 100, maximumNumberOfRoomsToFetch: nil)
.onceBuilt(callback: invitesListProxy)
self.invitesListBuilder = invitesListBuilder
self.invitesListProxy = invitesListProxy
private func buildAndConfigureNotificationsSlidingSyncList() {
guard notificationsListBuilder == nil else {
fatalError("This shouldn't be called more than once")
let notificationsListBuilder = SlidingSyncListBuilder(name: "Notifications")
.requiredState(requiredState: slidingSyncNotificationsRequiredState)
.filters(filters: slidingSyncNotificationsFilters)
.syncModeGrowing(batchSize: 100, maximumNumberOfRoomsToFetch: nil)
self.notificationsListBuilder = notificationsListBuilder
private func buildRoomSummaryProviders() {
guard visibleRoomsSummaryProvider == nil, allRoomsSummaryProvider == nil, invitesSummaryProvider == nil else {
fatalError("This shouldn't be called more than once")
guard let visibleRoomsListProxy, let allRoomsListProxy, let invitesListProxy else {
MXLog.error("Sliding sync view proxies unavailable")
visibleRoomsSummaryProvider = RoomSummaryProvider(slidingSyncListProxy: visibleRoomsListProxy,
eventStringBuilder: RoomEventStringBuilder(stateEventStringBuilder: RoomStateEventStringBuilder(userID: userID)),
name: visibleRoomsListProxy.name)
allRoomsSummaryProvider = RoomSummaryProvider(slidingSyncListProxy: allRoomsListProxy,
eventStringBuilder: RoomEventStringBuilder(stateEventStringBuilder: RoomStateEventStringBuilder(userID: userID)),
name: allRoomsListProxy.name)
invitesSummaryProvider = RoomSummaryProvider(slidingSyncListProxy: invitesListProxy,
eventStringBuilder: RoomEventStringBuilder(stateEventStringBuilder: RoomStateEventStringBuilder(userID: userID)),
name: invitesListProxy.name)
private lazy var slidingSyncRequiredState = [RequiredState(key: "m.room.avatar", value: ""),
RequiredState(key: "m.room.encryption", value: ""),
RequiredState(key: "m.room.power_levels", value: "")]
private lazy var slidingSyncNotificationsRequiredState = [RequiredState(key: "m.room.member", value: "$ME"),
RequiredState(key: "m.room.power_levels", value: ""),
RequiredState(key: "m.room.name", value: "")]
private lazy var slidingSyncInvitesRequiredState = [RequiredState(key: "m.room.avatar", value: ""),
RequiredState(key: "m.room.encryption", value: ""),
RequiredState(key: "m.room.member", value: "$ME"),
RequiredState(key: "m.room.canonical_alias", value: "")]
private lazy var slidingSyncFilters = SlidingSyncRequestListFilters(isDm: nil,
spaces: [],
isEncrypted: nil,
isInvite: false,
isTombstoned: false,
roomTypes: [],
notRoomTypes: ["m.space"],
roomNameLike: nil,
tags: [],
notTags: [])
private lazy var slidingSyncNotificationsFilters = SlidingSyncRequestListFilters(isDm: nil,
spaces: [],
isEncrypted: nil,
isInvite: nil,
isTombstoned: false,
roomTypes: [],
notRoomTypes: ["m.space"],
roomNameLike: nil,
tags: [],
notTags: [])
private lazy var slidingSyncInviteFilters = SlidingSyncRequestListFilters(isDm: nil,
spaces: [],
isEncrypted: nil,
isInvite: true,
isTombstoned: false,
roomTypes: [],
notRoomTypes: ["m.space"],
roomNameLike: nil,
tags: [],
notTags: [])
private func configureViewsPostInitialSync() {
if let visibleRoomsListProxy {
MXLog.info("Setting visible rooms view timeline limit to \(SlidingSyncConstants.lastMessageTimelineLimit)")
visibleRoomsListProxy.updateVisibleRange(nil, timelineLimit: SlidingSyncConstants.lastMessageTimelineLimit)
} else {
MXLog.error("Visible rooms sliding sync view unavailable")
if let allRoomsListBuilder {
MXLog.info("Registering all rooms view")
slidingSyncTasks.append(slidingSync?.addList(listBuilder: allRoomsListBuilder))
} else {
MXLog.error("All rooms sliding sync view unavailable")
if let invitesListBuilder {
MXLog.info("Registering invites view")
slidingSyncTasks.append(slidingSync?.addList(listBuilder: invitesListBuilder))
} else {
MXLog.error("Invites sliding sync view unavailable")
if ServiceLocator.shared.settings.enableLocalPushNotifications {
if let notificationsListBuilder {
MXLog.info("Registering notifications view")
slidingSyncTasks.append(slidingSync?.addList(listBuilder: notificationsListBuilder))
} else {
MXLog.error("Notifications sliding sync view unavailable")
private func roomTupleForIdentifier(_ identifier: String) -> (SlidingSyncRoom?, Room?) {
do {
let slidingSyncRoom = try slidingSync?.getRoom(roomId: identifier)
let fullRoom = slidingSyncRoom?.fullRoom()
return (slidingSyncRoom, fullRoom)
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed retrieving room with identifier: \(identifier)")
return (nil, nil)
fileprivate func updateRestorationToken() {
fileprivate func didReceiveAuthError(isSoftLogout: Bool) {
callbacks.send(.receivedAuthError(isSoftLogout: isSoftLogout))
fileprivate func didReceiveSlidingSyncUpdate(summary: UpdateSummary) {
fileprivate func didReceiveNotification(notification: NotificationItemProxyProtocol) {
extension ClientProxy: MediaLoaderProtocol {
func loadMediaContentForSource(_ source: MediaSourceProxy) async throws -> Data {
try await mediaLoader.loadMediaContentForSource(source)
func loadMediaThumbnailForSource(_ source: MediaSourceProxy, width: UInt, height: UInt) async throws -> Data {
try await mediaLoader.loadMediaThumbnailForSource(source, width: width, height: height)
func loadMediaFileForSource(_ source: MediaSourceProxy, body: String?) async throws -> MediaFileHandleProxy {
try await mediaLoader.loadMediaFileForSource(source, body: body)