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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Combine
import SwiftUI
import UIKit
enum RoomScreenViewModelAction {
case displayRoomDetails
case displayMediaViewer(file: MediaFileHandleProxy, title: String?)
case displayEmojiPicker(itemID: String)
case displayReportContent(itemID: String, senderID: String)
case displayCameraPicker
case displayMediaPicker
case displayDocumentPicker
case displayMediaUploadPreviewScreen(url: URL)
case displayRoomMemberDetails(member: RoomMemberProxyProtocol)
enum RoomScreenComposerMode: Equatable {
case `default`
case reply(itemID: String, replyDetails: TimelineItemReplyDetails)
case edit(originalItemId: String)
var isEdit: Bool {
switch self {
case .edit:
return true
return false
enum RoomScreenViewAction {
case displayRoomDetails
case paginateBackwards
case itemAppeared(id: String)
case itemDisappeared(id: String)
case itemTapped(id: String)
case linkClicked(url: URL)
case sendMessage
case sendReaction(key: String, eventID: String)
case cancelReply
case cancelEdit
/// Mark the entire room as read - this is heavy handed as a starting point for now.
case markRoomAsRead
case timelineItemMenu(itemID: String)
case timelineItemMenuAction(itemID: String, action: TimelineItemMenuAction)
case displayEmojiPicker(itemID: String)
case displayCameraPicker
case displayMediaPicker
case displayDocumentPicker
case handlePasteOrDrop(provider: NSItemProvider)
case tappedOnUser(userID: String)
struct RoomScreenViewState: BindableState {
var roomId: String
var roomTitle = ""
var roomAvatarURL: URL?
var items: [RoomTimelineViewProvider] = []
var canBackPaginate = true
var isBackPaginating = false
var showLoading = false
var timelineStyle: TimelineStyle
var bindings: RoomScreenViewStateBindings
var timelineItemMenuActionProvider: (@MainActor (_ itemId: String) -> TimelineItemMenuActions?)?
var composerMode: RoomScreenComposerMode = .default
var sendButtonDisabled: Bool {
bindings.composerText.count == 0
let scrollToBottomPublisher = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
struct RoomScreenViewStateBindings {
var composerText: String
var composerFocused: Bool
var scrollToBottomButtonVisible = false
/// Information describing the currently displayed alert.
var alertInfo: AlertInfo<RoomScreenErrorType>?
var debugInfo: TimelineItemDebugInfo?
var actionMenuInfo: TimelineItemActionMenuInfo?
struct TimelineItemActionMenuInfo: Identifiable {
let item: EventBasedTimelineItemProtocol
var id: String {
enum RoomScreenErrorType: Hashable {
/// A specific error message shown in an alert.
case alert(String)
/// A specific error message shown in a toast.
case toast(String)