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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Combine
import Foundation
import MatrixRustSDK
enum RoomProxyError: Error {
case noMoreMessagesToBackPaginate
case failedPaginatingBackwards
case failedRetrievingMemberAvatarURL
case failedRetrievingMemberDisplayName
case failedSendingReadReceipt
case failedSendingMessage
case failedSendingReaction
case failedEditingMessage
case failedRedactingEvent
case failedReportingContent
case failedAddingTimelineListener
case failedRetrievingMembers
case failedLeavingRoom
// sourcery: AutoMockable
protocol RoomProxyProtocol {
var id: String { get }
var isDirect: Bool { get }
var isPublic: Bool { get }
var isSpace: Bool { get }
var isEncrypted: Bool { get }
var isTombstoned: Bool { get }
var canonicalAlias: String? { get }
var alternativeAliases: [String] { get }
var hasUnreadNotifications: Bool { get }
var name: String? { get }
var displayName: String? { get }
var topic: String? { get }
var avatarURL: URL? { get }
func loadAvatarURLForUserId(_ userId: String) async -> Result<URL?, RoomProxyError>
func loadDisplayNameForUserId(_ userId: String) async -> Result<String?, RoomProxyError>
func addTimelineListener(listener: TimelineListener) -> Result<[TimelineItem], RoomProxyError>
func removeTimelineListener()
func paginateBackwards(requestSize: UInt, untilNumberOfItems: UInt) async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError>
func sendReadReceipt(for eventID: String) async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError>
func sendMessage(_ message: String, inReplyTo eventID: String?) async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError>
func sendReaction(_ reaction: String, to eventID: String) async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError>
func editMessage(_ newMessage: String, original eventID: String) async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError>
func redact(_ eventID: String) async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError>
func reportContent(_ eventID: String, reason: String?) async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError>
func members() async -> Result<[RoomMemberProxy], RoomProxyError>
func retryDecryption(for sessionID: String) async
func leaveRoom() async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError>
extension RoomProxyProtocol {
var permalink: URL? {
if let canonicalAlias, let link = try? PermalinkBuilder.permalinkTo(roomAlias: canonicalAlias) {
return link
} else if let link = try? PermalinkBuilder.permalinkTo(roomIdentifier: id) {
return link
} else {
MXLog.error("Failed to build permalink for Room: \(id)")
return nil
func sendMessage(_ message: String) async -> Result<Void, RoomProxyError> {
await sendMessage(message, inReplyTo: nil)