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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import DesignTokens
import SwiftUI
// MARK: SwiftUI
public extension Color {
static let element = ElementColors()
static let global = Color.global
public struct ElementColors {
// MARK: - Legacy Compound
private let compound = DesignTokens.CompoundColors()
public var accent: Color { systemPrimaryLabel }
public var alert: Color { compound.alert }
public var links: Color { compound.links }
public var primaryContent: Color { compound.primaryContent }
public var secondaryContent: Color { compound.secondaryContent }
public var tertiaryContent: Color { compound.tertiaryContent }
public var quaternaryContent: Color { compound.quaternaryContent }
public var quinaryContent: Color { compound.quinaryContent }
public var system: Color { compound.system }
public var background: Color { compound.background }
// Should be the accent color
public var brand: Color { compound.accent }
public var contentAndAvatars: [Color] { compound.contentAndAvatars }
public func avatarBackground(for contentId: String) -> Color {
let colorIndex = Int(contentId.hashCode % Int32(contentAndAvatars.count))
return contentAndAvatars[colorIndex % contentAndAvatars.count]
// MARK: - Temp
public var systemPrimaryLabel: Color { .primary }
public var systemPrimaryBackground: Color { Color(.systemBackground) }
public var systemGray4: Color { Color(.systemGray4) }
public var systemGray6: Color { Color(.systemGray6) }
public var bubblesYou: Color {
Color(UIColor { collection in
// Note: Light colour doesn't currently match Figma.
collection.userInterfaceStyle == .light ? .systemGray5 : UIColor(red: 0.16, green: 0.18, blue: 0.21, alpha: 1)
public var bubblesNotYou: Color {
Color(UIColor { collection in
// Note: Light colour doesn't currently match Figma.
collection.userInterfaceStyle == .light ? .systemGray6 : .element.system
/// The colour to use on the background of a Form or grouped List.
/// This colour is a special case as it uses `system` in light mode and `background` in dark mode.
public var formBackground: Color {
Color(UIColor { collection in
collection.userInterfaceStyle == .light ? .element.system : .element.background
/// The background colour of a row in a Form or grouped List.
/// This colour is a special case as it uses `background` in light mode and `system` in dark mode.
public var formRowBackground: Color {
Color(UIColor { collection in
collection.userInterfaceStyle == .light ? .element.background : .element.system
// MARK: UIKit
public extension UIColor {
/// The colors from Compound, as dynamic colors that automatically update for light and dark mode.
static let element = ElementUIColors()
@objcMembers public class ElementUIColors: NSObject {
// MARK: - Compound
private let compound = DesignTokens.CompoundUIColors()
public var accent: UIColor { .label }
public var alert: UIColor { compound.alert }
public var links: UIColor { compound.links }
public var primaryContent: UIColor { compound.primaryContent }
public var secondaryContent: UIColor { compound.secondaryContent }
public var tertiaryContent: UIColor { compound.tertiaryContent }
public var quaternaryContent: UIColor { compound.quaternaryContent }
public var quinaryContent: UIColor { compound.quinaryContent }
public var system: UIColor { compound.system }
public var background: UIColor { compound.background }
public var contentAndAvatars: [UIColor] { compound.contentAndAvatars }
public func avatarBackground(for contentId: String) -> UIColor {
let colorIndex = Int(contentId.hashCode % Int32(contentAndAvatars.count))
return contentAndAvatars[colorIndex % contentAndAvatars.count]
private extension String {
/// Calculates a numeric hash same as Element Web
/// See original function here https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-react-sdk/blob/321dd49db4fbe360fc2ff109ac117305c955b061/src/utils/FormattingUtils.js#L47
var hashCode: Int32 {
var hash: Int32 = 0
for character in self {
let shiftedHash = hash << 5
hash = shiftedHash.subtractingReportingOverflow(hash).partialValue + Int32(character.unicodeScalars[character.unicodeScalars.startIndex].value)
return abs(hash)