
142 lines
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Raw Blame History

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/* Used for testing */
"untranslated" = "Untranslated";
"ios_yes" = "Yes";
"ios_no" = "No";
"action_confirm" = "Confirm";
"action_match" = "Match";
"message" = "Message";
"sending" = "Sending...";
"screenshot_detected_title" = "You took a screenshot";
"screenshot_detected_message" = "Would you like to submit a bug report?";
"settings_appearance" = "Appearance";
"settings_timeline_style" = "Message layout";
"settings_session_verification" = "Complete verification";
"settings_developer_options" = "Developer options";
"room_timeline_style_plain_long_description" = "Modern";
"room_timeline_style_bubbled_long_description" = "Bubbles";
"room_timeline_permalink_creation_failure" = "Failed creating the permalink";
"room_timeline_backpagination_failure" = "Failed loading messages";
"room_timeline_replying_to" = "Replying to %@";
"room_timeline_editing" = "Editing";
"room_timeline_syncing" = "Syncing";
"room_timeline_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt";
"room_timeline_context_menu_retry_decryption" = "Retry decryption";
"room_timeline_item_unsupported" = "Unsupported event";
"room_timeline_image_gif" = "GIF";
"room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "New";
"room_timeline_state_changes" = "%d room changes";
"noticeRoomInviteAccepted" = "%1$@ accepted the invite";
"noticeRoomInviteAcceptedByYou" = "You accepted the invite";
"noticeRoomKnock" = "%1$@ requested to join";
"noticeRoomKnockByYou" = "You requested to join";
"noticeRoomKnockAccepted" = "%1$@ allowed %2$@ to join";
"noticeRoomKnockAcceptedByYou" = "%1$@ allowed you to join";
"noticeRoomKnockRetracted" = "%1$@ is no longer interested in joining";
"noticeRoomKnockRetractedByYou" = "You cancelled your request to join";
"noticeRoomKnockDenied" = "%1$@ rejected %2$@'s request to join";
"noticeRoomKnockDeniedByYou" = "You rejected %1$@'s request to join";
"noticeRoomKnockDeniedYou" = "%1$@ rejected your request to join";
"noticeRoomUnknownMembershipChange" = "%1$@ made an unknown change to their membership";
"session_verification_banner_title" = "Access your message history";
"session_verification_banner_message" = "Looks like youre using a new device. Verify its you to access your encrypted messages.";
"session_verification_start" = "Start";
"server_selection_server_footer" = "You can only connect to an existing server that supports sliding sync. Your homeserver admin will need to configure it. %@";
"server_selection_sliding_sync_alert_title" = "Server not supported";
"server_selection_sliding_sync_alert_message" = "This server currently doesnt support sliding sync.";
"login_mobile_device" = "Mobile";
"login_tablet_device" = "Tablet";
"a11y_all_chats_user_avatar_menu" = "User menu";
// Parameter is the application display name (e.g. "ElementX")
"default_session_display_name" = "%@ iOS";
"Notification" = "Notification";
// Room Details
"room_details_title" = "Info";
"room_details_about_section_title" = "About";
"room_details_copy_link" = "Copy Link";
"room_details_leave_room_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave the room?";
"room_details_leave_private_room_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave this room? This room is not public and you will not be able to rejoin without an invite.";
"room_details_leave_empty_room_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave this room? You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you.";
"room_details_room_left_toast" = "Room left";
// Onboarding
"ftue_auth_carousel_welcome_title" = "Be in your Element";
"ftue_auth_carousel_welcome_body" = "Welcome to the %@ Beta. Supercharged, for speed and simplicity.";
// Sign in
"ftue_auth_sign_in_enter_details" = "Enter your details";
// Bug report
"bug_report_screen_title" = "Report a bug";
"bug_report_screen_editor_placeholder" = "Describe the bug…";
"bug_report_screen_description" = "Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened. Please go into as much detail as you can.";
"bug_report_screen_include_logs" = "Send logs to help";
"bug_report_screen_logs_description" = "To check things work as intended, logs will be sent with your message. These will be private. To just send your message, turn off this setting.";
"bug_report_screen_attach_screenshot" = "Attach Screenshot";
"bug_report_screen_edit_screenshot" = "Edit Screenshot";
// Report Content
"report_content_info" = "Reporting this message will send its unique event ID to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.";
"report_content_submitted" = "Report Submitted";
// Session verification
"verification_open_other_to_verify" = "Use an existing session to verify this one, granting it access to encrypted messages.";
"verification_profile_verify" = "Verify";
"verification_profile_verified" = "Verified";
"verification_profile_warning" = "Warning";
"verification_conclusion_warning" = "Untrusted sign in";
"verification_sas_match" = "They match";
"verification_sas_do_not_match" = "They don\'t match";
"verification_conclusion_not_secure" = "Not secure";
"verification_conclusion_compromised" = "One of the following may be compromised:\n\n - Your homeserver\n - The homeserver the user youre verifying is connected to\n - Yours, or the other users internet connection\n - Yours, or the other users device";
"verification_request_waiting" = "Waiting…";
"verification_request_other_cancelled" = "%@ cancelled";
"verification_request_you_cancelled" = "You cancelled";
"verification_request_other_accepted" = "%@ accepted";
"verification_request_you_accepted" = "You accepted";
"verification_sent" = "Verification Sent";
"verification_request" = "Verification Request";
"verification_verify_device" = "Verify this session";
"verification_scan_notice" = "Scan the code with the other user\'s device to securely verify each other";
"verification_scan_self_notice" = "Scan the code with your other device or switch and scan with this device";
"verification_scan_their_code" = "Scan their code";
"verification_scan_with_this_device" = "Scan with this device";
"verification_scan_emoji_title" = "Can\'t scan";
"verification_scan_emoji_subtitle" = "If you\'re not in person, compare emoji instead";
"verification_scan_self_emoji_subtitle" = "Verify by comparing emoji instead";
"verification_no_scan_emoji_title" = "Verify by comparing emojis";
"verification_verify_user" = "Verify %@";
"verification_verified_user" = "Verified %@";
"verification_request_waiting_for" = "Waiting for %@…";
"verification_open_other_to_verify_title" = "Open an existing session";
"verification_open_other_to_verify_detail" = "Prove its you in order to access your encrypted message history.";
"verification_request_waiting_accept_request_title" = "Waiting to accept request";
"verification_request_waiting_accept_request_detail" = "Accept the request to start the verification process in your other session to continue.";
"verification_request_cancelled_title" = "Verification cancelled";
"verification_request_cancelled_detail" = "Something doesnt seem right. Either the request timed out or the request was denied.";
"verification_compare_emojis_title" = "Compare emojis";
"verification_compare_emojis_detail" = "Confirm that the emojis below match those shown on your other session.";
"verification_conclusion_ok_self_notice_title" = "Verification complete";