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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Combine
import SwiftUI
/// A table view cell that displays a timeline item in a room. The cell is intended
/// to be configured to display a SwiftUI view and not use any UIKit.
class TimelineItemCell: UITableViewCell {
static let reuseIdentifier = "TimelineItemCell"
var item: RoomTimelineViewProvider?
override func prepareForReuse() {
item = nil
/// A table view controller that displays the timeline of a room.
/// This class subclasses `UIViewController` as `UITableViewController` adds some
/// extra keyboard handling magic that wasn't playing well with SwiftUI (as of iOS 16.1).
class TimelineTableViewController: UIViewController {
private let coordinator: TimelineView.Coordinator
private let tableView = UITableView(frame: .zero, style: .plain)
var timelineStyle: TimelineStyle
var timelineItems: [RoomTimelineViewProvider] = [] {
didSet {
guard !scrollAdapter.isScrolling.value else {
// Delay updating until scrolling has stopped as programatic
// changes to the scroll position kills any inertia.
hasPendingUpdates = true
if timelineItems.isEmpty {
/// The mode of the message composer. This is used to render selected
/// items in the timeline when replying, editing etc.
var composerMode: RoomScreenComposerMode = .default
/// Whether or not the timeline has more messages to back paginate.
var canBackPaginate = true
/// Whether or not the timeline is waiting for more messages to be added to the top.
var isBackPaginating = false {
didSet {
// Paginate again if the threshold hasn't been satisfied.
var contextMenuActionProvider: (@MainActor (_ itemId: String) -> TimelineItemContextMenuActions?)?
@Binding private var scrollToBottomButtonVisible: Bool
/// The table's diffable data source.
private var dataSource: UITableViewDiffableDataSource<TimelineSection, RoomTimelineViewProvider>?
private var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
/// The scroll view adapter used to detect whether scrolling is in progress.
private let scrollAdapter = ScrollViewAdapter()
/// A publisher used to throttle back pagination requests.
/// Our view actions get wrapped in a `Task` so it is possible that a second call in
/// quick succession can execute before ``isBackPaginating`` becomes `true`.
private let paginateBackwardsPublisher = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
/// Whether or not the ``timelineItems`` value should be applied when scrolling stops.
private var hasPendingUpdates = false
/// We need to store the previous layout as computing it on the fly leads to problems.
private var previousLayout: LayoutDescriptor?
/// Whether or not the view has been shown on screen yet.
private var hasAppearedOnce = false
init(coordinator: TimelineView.Coordinator,
timelineStyle: TimelineStyle,
scrollToBottomButtonVisible: Binding<Bool>,
scrollToBottomPublisher: PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>) {
self.coordinator = coordinator
self.timelineStyle = timelineStyle
_scrollToBottomButtonVisible = scrollToBottomButtonVisible
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
tableView.register(TimelineItemCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: TimelineItemCell.reuseIdentifier)
tableView.separatorStyle = .none
tableView.allowsSelection = false
tableView.keyboardDismissMode = .onDrag
tableView.backgroundColor = .element.background
// Prevents XCUITest from invoking the diffable dataSource's cellProvider
// for each possible cell, causing layout issues
tableView.accessibilityElementsHidden = Tests.shouldDisableTimelineAccessibility
.sink { [weak self] _ in
self?.scrollToBottom(animated: true)
.store(in: &cancellables)
.sink { [weak self] isScrolling in
guard !isScrolling, let self, self.hasPendingUpdates else { return }
// When scrolling has stopped, apply any pending updates.
self.hasPendingUpdates = false
.store(in: &cancellables)
.collect(.byTime(DispatchQueue.main, 0.1))
.sink { [weak self] _ in
.store(in: &cancellables)
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIResponder.keyboardDidShowNotification)
.sink { [weak self] _ in
guard let self, let layout = self.previousLayout, layout.isBottomVisible else { return }
self.scrollToBottom(animated: false) // Force the bottom to be visible as some timelines misbehave.
.store(in: &cancellables)
@available(*, unavailable)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) is not available.") }
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
guard !hasAppearedOnce else { return }
scrollToBottom(animated: false)
hasAppearedOnce = true
override func didMove(toParent parent: UIViewController?) {
super.didMove(toParent: parent)
// Ensure the padding is correct before display.
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
if tableView.frame.size != view.frame.size {
tableView.frame = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: view.frame.size)
// Update the table's layout if necessary after the frame changed.
if let previousLayout, previousLayout.isBottomVisible {
scrollToBottom(animated: false)
/// Configures a diffable data source for the timeline's table view.
private func configureDataSource() {
dataSource = .init(tableView: tableView) { [weak self] tableView, indexPath, timelineItem in
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: TimelineItemCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath)
guard let self, let cell = cell as? TimelineItemCell else { return cell }
// A local reference to avoid capturing self in the cell configuration.
let coordinator = self.coordinator
cell.item = timelineItem
cell.contentConfiguration = UIHostingConfiguration {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
.environmentObject(coordinator.context) // Attempted fix at a crash in TimelineItemContextMenu
.onAppear {
coordinator.send(viewAction: .itemAppeared(id: timelineItem.id))
.onDisappear {
coordinator.send(viewAction: .itemDisappeared(id: timelineItem.id))
.environment(\.openURL, OpenURLAction { url in
coordinator.send(viewAction: .linkClicked(url: url))
return .systemAction
.onTapGesture(count: 2) {
coordinator.send(viewAction: .itemDoubleTapped(id: timelineItem.id))
.onTapGesture {
coordinator.send(viewAction: .itemTapped(id: timelineItem.id))
.margins(.all, self.timelineStyle.rowInsets)
.minSize(height: 1)
return cell
tableView.delegate = self
/// Updates the table view with the latest items from the ``timelineItems`` array. After
/// updating the data, the table will be scrolled to the bottom if it was visible otherwise
/// the scroll position will be updated to maintain the position of the last visible item.
private func applySnapshot() {
guard let dataSource else { return }
let previousLayout = layout()
self.previousLayout = previousLayout
var snapshot = NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot<TimelineSection, RoomTimelineViewProvider>()
dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: false)
if previousLayout.isBottomVisible {
scrollToBottom(animated: false)
} else if let pinnedItem = previousLayout.pinnedItem {
restoreScrollPosition(using: pinnedItem, and: snapshot)
/// Returns a description of the current layout in order to update the
/// scroll position after adding/updating items to the timeline.
private func layout() -> LayoutDescriptor {
guard let dataSource else { return LayoutDescriptor() }
let snapshot = dataSource.snapshot()
var layout = LayoutDescriptor(numberOfItems: snapshot.numberOfItems)
guard !snapshot.itemIdentifiers.isEmpty else {
layout.isBottomVisible = true
return layout
guard let bottomItemIndexPath = tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows?.last,
let bottomItem = dataSource.itemIdentifier(for: bottomItemIndexPath)
else { return layout }
let bottomCellFrame = tableView.cellFrame(for: bottomItem)
layout.pinnedItem = PinnedItem(id: bottomItem.id, position: .bottom, frame: bottomCellFrame)
layout.isBottomVisible = bottomItem == snapshot.itemIdentifiers.last
return layout
/// Updates the additional padding added to the top of the table (via a header)
/// in order to fill the timeline from the bottom of the view upwards.
private func updateTopPadding() {
let headerHeight = tableView.tableHeaderView?.frame.height ?? 0
let contentHeight = tableView.contentSize.height - headerHeight
let newHeight = max(0, tableView.visibleSize.height - contentHeight)
guard newHeight != headerHeight else { return }
if newHeight > 0 {
let frame = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: tableView.contentSize.width, height: newHeight))
tableView.tableHeaderView = UIView(frame: frame) // Updating an existing view's height doesn't move the cells.
} else {
tableView.tableHeaderView = nil
/// Whether or not the bottom of the scroll view is visible (with some small tolerance added).
private func isAtBottom() -> Bool {
tableView.contentOffset.y < (tableView.contentSize.height - tableView.visibleSize.height - 15)
/// Scrolls to the bottom of the timeline.
private func scrollToBottom(animated: Bool) {
guard let lastItem = timelineItems.last,
let lastIndexPath = dataSource?.indexPath(for: lastItem)
else { return }
tableView.scrollToRow(at: lastIndexPath, at: .bottom, animated: animated)
/// Restores the position of the timeline using the supplied item and snapshot.
private func restoreScrollPosition(using pinnedItem: PinnedItem, and snapshot: NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot<TimelineSection, RoomTimelineViewProvider>) {
guard let item = snapshot.itemIdentifiers.first(where: { $0.id == pinnedItem.id }),
let indexPath = dataSource?.indexPath(for: item)
else { return }
// Scroll the item into view.
tableView.scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: pinnedItem.position, animated: false)
guard let oldFrame = pinnedItem.frame, let newFrame = tableView.cellFrame(for: item) else { return }
// Remove any unwanted offset that was added by scrollToRow.
let deltaY = newFrame.maxY - oldFrame.maxY
if deltaY != 0 {
tableView.contentOffset.y += deltaY
/// Checks whether or a backwards pagination is needed and requests one if so.
/// Prefer not to call this directly, instead using ``paginateBackwardsPublisher`` to throttle requests.
private func paginateBackwardsIfNeeded() {
guard canBackPaginate,
tableView.contentOffset.y < tableView.visibleSize.height * 2.0
else { return }
coordinator.send(viewAction: .paginateBackwards)
// MARK: - UITableViewDelegate
extension TimelineTableViewController: UITableViewDelegate {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
// Dispatch to fix runtime warning about making changes during a view update.
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }
let isAtBottom = self.isAtBottom()
// Only update the binding on changes to avoid needlessly recomputing the hierarchy when scrolling.
if self.scrollToBottomButtonVisible != isAtBottom {
self.scrollToBottomButtonVisible = isAtBottom
// MARK: ScrollViewAdapter Methods
// Required delegate methods are forwarded to the adapter so others can be implemented.
func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
scrollAdapter.scrollViewDidEndDragging(scrollView, willDecelerate: decelerate)
func scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidScrollToTop(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
// MARK: - Layout Types
extension TimelineTableViewController {
/// The sections of the table view used in the diffable data source.
enum TimelineSection {
case main
/// A description of the timeline's layout.
struct LayoutDescriptor {
var numberOfItems = 0
var pinnedItem: PinnedItem?
var isBottomVisible = false
/// An item that should have its position pinned after updates.
struct PinnedItem {
let id: String
let position: UITableView.ScrollPosition
let frame: CGRect?
// MARK: - Cell Layout
private extension UITableView {
/// Returns the frame of the cell for a particular timeline item.
func cellFrame(for item: RoomTimelineViewProvider) -> CGRect? {
guard let timelineCell = visibleCells.last(where: { ($0 as? TimelineItemCell)?.item == item }) else {
return nil
return convert(timelineCell.frame, to: superview)