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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
@testable import ElementX
import XCTest
class KeychainControllerTests: XCTestCase {
var keychain: KeychainController!
override func setUp() {
keychain = KeychainController(service: .tests,
accessGroup: InfoPlistReader.main.keychainAccessGroupIdentifier)
func testAddRestorationToken() {
// Given an empty keychain.
XCTAssertTrue(keychain.restorationTokens().isEmpty, "The keychain should be empty to begin with.")
// When adding an restoration token.
let username = "@test:example.com"
let restorationToken = RestorationToken(session: .init(accessToken: "accessToken",
refreshToken: "refreshToken",
userId: "userId",
deviceId: "deviceId",
homeserverUrl: "homeserverUrl",
slidingSyncProxy: "https://my.sync.proxy"))
keychain.setRestorationToken(restorationToken, forUsername: username)
// Then the restoration token should be stored in the keychain.
XCTAssertEqual(keychain.restorationTokenForUsername(username), restorationToken, "The retrieved restoration token should match the value that was stored.")
func testRemovingRestorationToken() {
// Given a keychain with a stored restoration token.
let username = "@test:example.com"
let restorationToken = RestorationToken(session: .init(accessToken: "accessToken",
refreshToken: "refreshToken",
userId: "userId",
deviceId: "deviceId",
homeserverUrl: "homeserverUrl",
slidingSyncProxy: "https://my.sync.proxy"))
keychain.setRestorationToken(restorationToken, forUsername: username)
XCTAssertEqual(keychain.restorationTokens().count, 1, "The keychain should have 1 restoration token.")
XCTAssertEqual(keychain.restorationTokenForUsername(username), restorationToken, "The initial restoration token should match the value that was stored.")
// When deleting the restoration token.
// Then the keychain should be empty.
XCTAssertTrue(keychain.restorationTokens().isEmpty, "The keychain should be empty after deleting the token.")
XCTAssertNil(keychain.restorationTokenForUsername(username), "There restoration token should not be returned after removal.")
func testRemovingAllRestorationTokens() {
// Given a keychain with 5 stored restoration tokens.
for index in 0..<5 {
let restorationToken = RestorationToken(session: .init(accessToken: "accessToken",
refreshToken: "refreshToken",
userId: "userId",
deviceId: "deviceId",
homeserverUrl: "homeserverUrl",
slidingSyncProxy: "https://my.sync.proxy"))
keychain.setRestorationToken(restorationToken, forUsername: "@test\(index):example.com")
XCTAssertEqual(keychain.restorationTokens().count, 5, "The keychain should have 5 restoration tokens.")
// When deleting all of the restoration tokens.
// Then the keychain should be empty.
XCTAssertTrue(keychain.restorationTokens().isEmpty, "The keychain should be empty after deleting the token.")
func testRemovingSingleRestorationTokens() {
// Given a keychain with 5 stored restoration tokens.
for index in 0..<5 {
let restorationToken = RestorationToken(session: .init(accessToken: "accessToken",
refreshToken: "refreshToken",
userId: "userId",
deviceId: "deviceId",
homeserverUrl: "homeserverUrl",
slidingSyncProxy: "https://my.sync.proxy"))
keychain.setRestorationToken(restorationToken, forUsername: "@test\(index):example.com")
XCTAssertEqual(keychain.restorationTokens().count, 5, "The keychain should have 5 restoration tokens.")
// When deleting one of the restoration tokens.
// Then the other 4 items should remain untouched.
XCTAssertEqual(keychain.restorationTokens().count, 4, "The keychain have 4 remaining restoration tokens.")
XCTAssertNotNil(keychain.restorationTokenForUsername("@test0:example.com"), "The restoration token should not have been deleted.")
XCTAssertNotNil(keychain.restorationTokenForUsername("@test1:example.com"), "The restoration token should not have been deleted.")
XCTAssertNil(keychain.restorationTokenForUsername("@test2:example.com"), "The restoration token should have been deleted.")
XCTAssertNotNil(keychain.restorationTokenForUsername("@test3:example.com"), "The restoration token should not have been deleted.")
XCTAssertNotNil(keychain.restorationTokenForUsername("@test4:example.com"), "The restoration token should not have been deleted.")