Mauro e1df5310b7
Ignore User UI (#737)
* generated files

* Revert "generated files"

This reverts commit f62c1dbcd9.

* renaming files to RoomMembersList

* completed the renaming of the list files

* added generated files

* basic setup of the view and the mock

* added a new mock with a avatar

* share/copy link

* copyUserLink implemented

* removed unimplemented tests

* block user UI

* navigation to room member details added

* implemented but we require a sync from the Rust side

* adjusted some UI test screens

* alert for unblocking

* completed

* some tests

* changelog

* ignore user ui enabled

* loader inside the button when the request is fetching

* removed unused code

* blocking the button while loading

* improved the code

* changelog

* UI tests

* unit tests

* added collection concurrency kit

* Revert "added collection concurrency kit"

This reverts commit 499fbe129f.

* replaced the asyncMap with a @MainActor builder function

* pr comments

* added localazy to setup

* sdk bump to 1.0.49
2023-03-28 09:00:40 +00:00
__Snapshots__/Application Ignore User UI (#737) 2023-03-28 09:00:40 +00:00
AnalyticsPromptUITests.swift Disable broken UI Tests and remove navigation. (#577) 2023-02-14 16:25:24 +00:00
Application.swift Add UI_TESTS_SCREEN as a disabled env var for quicker debugging. (#619) 2023-02-23 15:07:33 +00:00
AuthenticationCoordinatorUITests.swift Align accessibility IDs with elementX android (#567) 2023-02-15 07:53:04 +02:00
BugReportUITests.swift Fix bugReport UI test (#673) 2023-03-06 16:32:27 +02:00
DeveloperOptionsScreenScreenUITests.swift Fixes #322 - Developer options menu (#581) 2023-02-15 11:07:06 +00:00
HomeScreenUITests.swift Use strings from Localazy (#718) 2023-03-27 17:18:59 +00:00
LoginScreenUITests.swift Align accessibility IDs with elementX android (#567) 2023-02-15 07:53:04 +02:00
OnboardingUITests.swift Use strings from Localazy (#718) 2023-03-27 17:18:59 +00:00
ReportContentScreenUITests.swift Report Content v2 (#659) 2023-03-02 18:24:10 +00:00
RoomDetailsScreenUITests.swift Fixed UI test problems introduced after the accessibility identifier … (#586) 2023-02-16 12:42:50 +02:00
RoomMemberDetailsScreenUITests.swift Ignore User UI (#737) 2023-03-28 09:00:40 +00:00
RoomMembersListScreenUITests.swift RoomMemberDetailsScreen (#727) 2023-03-24 20:27:47 +01:00
RoomScreenUITests.swift Use files instead of UDP for signalling. (#585) 2023-02-15 14:02:50 +00:00
ServerSelectionUITests.swift Use strings from Localazy (#718) 2023-03-27 17:18:59 +00:00
SessionVerificationUITests.swift Use strings from Localazy (#718) 2023-03-27 17:18:59 +00:00
SettingsScreenUITests.swift Disable broken UI Tests and remove navigation. (#577) 2023-02-14 16:25:24 +00:00
SoftLogoutUITests.swift Align accessibility IDs with elementX android (#567) 2023-02-15 07:53:04 +02:00
StartChatScreenUITests.swift Epic: create and join rooms - Start Chat (#680) 2023-03-14 10:50:09 +01:00
UserSessionScreenTests.swift Align accessibility IDs with elementX android (#567) 2023-02-15 07:53:04 +02:00