
335 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Algorithms
import Combine
import SwiftUI
typealias RoomScreenViewModelType = StateStoreViewModel<RoomScreenViewState, RoomScreenViewAction>
class RoomScreenViewModel: RoomScreenViewModelType, RoomScreenViewModelProtocol {
private enum Constants {
static let backPaginationEventLimit: UInt = 20
static let backPaginationPageSize: UInt = 50
static let toastErrorID = "RoomScreenToastError"
private let timelineController: RoomTimelineControllerProtocol
init(timelineController: RoomTimelineControllerProtocol,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol,
roomName: String?,
roomAvatarUrl: URL? = nil) {
self.timelineController = timelineController
super.init(initialViewState: RoomScreenViewState(roomId: timelineController.roomID,
roomTitle: roomName ?? "Unknown room 💥",
roomAvatarURL: roomAvatarUrl,
timelineStyle: ServiceLocator.shared.settings.timelineStyle,
bindings: .init(composerText: "", composerFocused: false)),
imageProvider: mediaProvider)
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] callback in
guard let self else { return }
switch callback {
case .updatedTimelineItems:
case .canBackPaginate(let canBackPaginate):
if self.state.canBackPaginate != canBackPaginate {
self.state.canBackPaginate = canBackPaginate
case .isBackPaginating(let isBackPaginating):
if self.state.isBackPaginating != isBackPaginating {
self.state.isBackPaginating = isBackPaginating
.store(in: &cancellables)
state.contextMenuActionProvider = { [weak self] itemId -> TimelineItemContextMenuActions? in
guard let self else {
return nil
return self.contextMenuActionsForItemId(itemId)
.weakAssign(to: \.state.timelineStyle, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellables)
// MARK: - Public
var callback: ((RoomScreenViewModelAction) -> Void)?
// swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
override func process(viewAction: RoomScreenViewAction) async {
switch viewAction {
case .displayRoomDetails:
case .paginateBackwards:
await paginateBackwards()
case .itemAppeared(let id):
await timelineController.processItemAppearance(id)
case .itemDisappeared(let id):
await timelineController.processItemDisappearance(id)
case .itemTapped(let id):
await itemTapped(with: id)
case .itemDoubleTapped(let id):
itemDoubleTapped(with: id)
case .linkClicked(let url):
MXLog.warning("Link clicked: \(url)")
case .sendMessage:
await sendCurrentMessage()
case .sendReaction(let emoji, let itemId):
await timelineController.sendReaction(emoji, to: itemId)
case .cancelReply:
state.composerMode = .default
case .cancelEdit:
state.composerMode = .default
state.bindings.composerText = ""
case .markRoomAsRead:
await markRoomAsRead()
case .contextMenuAction(let itemID, let action):
processContentMenuAction(action, itemID: itemID)
// MARK: - Private
private func paginateBackwards() async {
switch await timelineController.paginateBackwards(requestSize: Constants.backPaginationEventLimit, untilNumberOfItems: Constants.backPaginationPageSize) {
case .failure:
private func markRoomAsRead() async {
_ = await timelineController.markRoomAsRead()
private func itemTapped(with itemId: String) async {
state.showLoading = true
let action = await timelineController.processItemTap(itemId)
switch action {
case .displayMediaFile(let file, let title):
callback?(.displayMediaFile(file: file, title: title))
case .none:
state.showLoading = false
private func itemDoubleTapped(with itemId: String) {
guard let item = state.items.first(where: { $0.id == itemId }), item.isReactable else { return }
callback?(.displayEmojiPicker(itemId: itemId))
private func buildTimelineViews() {
var timelineViews = [RoomTimelineViewProvider]()
let itemsGroupedByTimelineDisplayStyle = timelineController.timelineItems.chunked { current, next in
canGroupItem(timelineItem: current, with: next)
for itemGroup in itemsGroupedByTimelineDisplayStyle {
guard !itemGroup.isEmpty else {
MXLog.error("Found empty item group")
if itemGroup.count == 1 {
if let firstItem = itemGroup.first {
timelineViews.append(RoomTimelineViewProvider(timelineItem: firstItem, groupStyle: .single))
} else {
for (index, item) in itemGroup.enumerated() {
if index == 0 {
timelineViews.append(RoomTimelineViewProvider(timelineItem: item, groupStyle: .first))
} else if index == itemGroup.count - 1 {
timelineViews.append(RoomTimelineViewProvider(timelineItem: item, groupStyle: .last))
} else {
timelineViews.append(RoomTimelineViewProvider(timelineItem: item, groupStyle: .middle))
state.items = timelineViews
private func canGroupItem(timelineItem: RoomTimelineItemProtocol, with otherTimelineItem: RoomTimelineItemProtocol) -> Bool {
if timelineItem is CollapsibleTimelineItem || otherTimelineItem is CollapsibleTimelineItem {
return false
guard let eventTimelineItem = timelineItem as? EventBasedTimelineItemProtocol,
let otherEventTimelineItem = otherTimelineItem as? EventBasedTimelineItemProtocol else {
return false
// State events aren't rendered as messages so shouldn't be grouped.
if eventTimelineItem is StateRoomTimelineItem || otherEventTimelineItem is StateRoomTimelineItem {
return false
// can be improved by adding a date threshold
return otherEventTimelineItem.properties.reactions.isEmpty && eventTimelineItem.sender == otherEventTimelineItem.sender
private func sendCurrentMessage() async {
guard !state.bindings.composerText.isEmpty else {
fatalError("This message should never be empty")
let currentMessage = state.bindings.composerText
let currentComposerState = state.composerMode
state.bindings.composerText = ""
state.composerMode = .default
switch currentComposerState {
case .reply(let itemId, _):
await timelineController.sendMessage(currentMessage, inReplyTo: itemId)
case .edit(let originalItemId):
await timelineController.editMessage(currentMessage, original: originalItemId)
await timelineController.sendMessage(currentMessage)
private func displayError(_ type: RoomScreenErrorType) {
switch type {
case .alert(let message):
state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: type,
title: ElementL10n.dialogTitleError,
message: message)
case .toast(let message):
ServiceLocator.shared.userIndicatorController.submitIndicator(UserIndicator(id: Constants.toastErrorID,
type: .toast,
title: message,
iconName: "xmark"))
// MARK: ContextMenus
private func contextMenuActionsForItemId(_ itemId: String) -> TimelineItemContextMenuActions? {
guard let timelineItem = timelineController.timelineItems.first(where: { $0.id == itemId }),
let item = timelineItem as? EventBasedTimelineItemProtocol else {
// Don't show a context menu for non-event based items.
return nil
if timelineItem is StateRoomTimelineItem {
// Don't show a context menu for state events.
return nil
var actions: [TimelineItemContextMenuAction] = [
.react, .copy, .reply
// Disabled for FOSDEM
// .quote, .copyPermalink
if item.isEditable {
if item.isOutgoing {
} else {
var debugActions: [TimelineItemContextMenuAction] = ServiceLocator.shared.settings.canShowDeveloperOptions ? [.viewSource] : []
if let item = timelineItem as? EncryptedRoomTimelineItem,
case let .megolmV1AesSha2(sessionID) = item.encryptionType {
debugActions.append(.retryDecryption(sessionID: sessionID))
return .init(actions: actions, debugActions: debugActions)
// swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
private func processContentMenuAction(_ action: TimelineItemContextMenuAction, itemID: String) {
guard let timelineItem = timelineController.timelineItems.first(where: { $0.id == itemID }),
let item = timelineItem as? EventBasedTimelineItemProtocol else {
switch action {
case .react:
callback?(.displayEmojiPicker(itemId: item.id))
case .copy:
UIPasteboard.general.string = item.body
case .edit:
state.bindings.composerFocused = true
state.bindings.composerText = item.body
state.composerMode = .edit(originalItemId: item.id)
case .quote:
state.bindings.composerFocused = true
state.bindings.composerText = "> \(item.body)"
case .copyPermalink:
do {
let permalink = try PermalinkBuilder.permalinkTo(eventIdentifier: item.id, roomIdentifier: timelineController.roomID)
UIPasteboard.general.url = permalink
} catch {
case .redact:
Task {
await timelineController.redact(itemID)
case .reply:
state.bindings.composerFocused = true
state.composerMode = .reply(id: item.id, displayName: item.sender.displayName ?? item.sender.id)
case .viewSource:
let debugDescription = timelineController.debugDescription(for: item.id)
state.bindings.debugInfo = .init(title: "Timeline item", content: debugDescription)
case .retryDecryption(let sessionID):
Task {
await timelineController.retryDecryption(for: sessionID)
case .report:
callback?(.displayReportContent(itemId: itemID))
if action.switchToDefaultComposer {
state.composerMode = .default
// MARK: - Mocks
extension RoomScreenViewModel {
static let mock = RoomScreenViewModel(timelineController: MockRoomTimelineController(),
mediaProvider: MockMediaProvider(),
roomName: "Preview room")