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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Combine
import Foundation
import MatrixRustSDK
class MockClientProxy: ClientProxyProtocol {
let callbacks = PassthroughSubject<ClientProxyCallback, Never>()
let userID: String
let deviceId: String? = nil
let homeserver = ""
let restorationToken: RestorationToken? = nil
var visibleRoomsSummaryProvider: RoomSummaryProviderProtocol? = MockRoomSummaryProvider()
var allRoomsSummaryProvider: RoomSummaryProviderProtocol? = MockRoomSummaryProvider()
var avatarURLPublisher: AnyPublisher<URL?, Never> { Empty().eraseToAnyPublisher() }
internal init(userID: String, roomSummaryProvider: RoomSummaryProviderProtocol? = MockRoomSummaryProvider()) {
self.userID = userID
visibleRoomsSummaryProvider = roomSummaryProvider
func loadUserAvatarURL() async { }
func startSync() { }
func stopSync() { }
func roomForIdentifier(_ identifier: String) async -> RoomProxyProtocol? {
guard let room = visibleRoomsSummaryProvider?.roomListPublisher.value.first(where: { $0.id == identifier }) else {
return nil
switch room {
case .empty:
return await RoomProxyMock(with: .init(displayName: "Empty room"))
case .filled(let details), .invalidated(let details):
return await RoomProxyMock(with: .init(displayName: details.name))
func loadUserDisplayName() async -> Result<String, ClientProxyError> {
.success("User display name")
func accountDataEvent<Content>(type: String) async -> Result<Content?, ClientProxyError> where Content: Decodable {
func setAccountData<Content>(content: Content, type: String) async -> Result<Void, ClientProxyError> where Content: Encodable {
func loadMediaContentForSource(_ source: MediaSourceProxy) async throws -> Data {
throw ClientProxyError.failedLoadingMedia
func loadMediaThumbnailForSource(_ source: MediaSourceProxy, width: UInt, height: UInt) async throws -> Data {
throw ClientProxyError.failedLoadingMedia
func loadMediaFileForSource(_ source: MediaSourceProxy) async throws -> MediaFileHandleProxy {
throw ClientProxyError.failedLoadingMedia
var sessionVerificationControllerProxyResult: Result<SessionVerificationControllerProxyProtocol, ClientProxyError>?
func sessionVerificationControllerProxy() async -> Result<SessionVerificationControllerProxyProtocol, ClientProxyError> {
if let sessionVerificationControllerProxyResult {
return sessionVerificationControllerProxyResult
} else {
return .failure(.failedRetrievingSessionVerificationController)
func logout() async {
// no-op
var setPusherErrorToThrow: Error?
var setPusherArgument: PusherConfiguration?
var setPusherCalled = false
func setPusher(with configuration: PusherConfiguration) async throws {
if let setPusherErrorToThrow { throw setPusherErrorToThrow }
setPusherCalled = true
setPusherArgument = configuration