
242 lines
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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
import MatrixRustSDK
import UserNotifications
extension NotificationItemProxy {
var requiresMediaProvider: Bool {
// if avatarUrl != nil {
// return true
// }
// switch timelineItemProxy {
// case .event(let eventItem):
// guard eventItem.isMessage else {
// // To be handled in the future
// return false
// }
// guard let message = eventItem.content.asMessage() else {
// fatalError("Only handled messages")
// }
// switch message.msgtype() {
// case .image, .video:
// return true
// default:
// return false
// }
// case .virtual:
// return false
// case .other:
// return false
// }
/// Process the receiver item proxy
/// - Parameters:
/// - roomId: Room identifier
/// - mediaProvider: Media provider to process also media. May be passed nil to ignore media operations.
/// - Returns: A notification content object if the notification should be displayed. Otherwise nil.
func process(with roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent? {
// switch timelineItemProxy {
// case .event(let eventItem):
// guard eventItem.isMessage else {
// // To be handled in the future
// return nil
// }
// guard let message = eventItem.content.asMessage() else {
// fatalError("Item must be a message")
// }
// return try await process(message: message,
// senderId: eventItem.sender,
// roomId: roomId,
// mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
// case .virtual:
// return nil
// case .other:
// return nil
// }
// MARK: - Private
// MARK: Common
private func process(message: Message,
senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent? {
switch message.msgtype() {
case .text(content: let content):
return try await processText(content: content,
senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
case .image(content: let content):
return try await processImage(content: content,
senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
case .audio(content: let content):
return try await processAudio(content: content,
senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
case .video(content: let content):
return try await processVideo(content: content,
senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
case .file(content: let content):
return try await processFile(content: content,
senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
case .notice(content: let content):
return try await processNotice(content: content,
senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
case .emote(content: let content):
return try await processEmote(content: content,
senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
case .none:
return nil
private func processCommon(senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent {
var notification = UNMutableNotificationContent()
notification.title = title
if let subtitle = subtitle {
notification.subtitle = subtitle
// We can store the room identifier into the thread identifier since it's used for notifications
// that belong to the same group
notification.threadIdentifier = roomId
notification.categoryIdentifier = NotificationConstants.Category.reply
notification.sound = isNoisy ? UNNotificationSound(named: UNNotificationSoundName(rawValue: "message.caf")) : nil
notification = try await notification.addSenderIcon(using: mediaProvider,
senderId: senderId,
senderName: title,
mediaSource: avatarMediaSource,
roomId: roomId)
return notification
// MARK: Message Types
private func processText(content: TextMessageContent,
senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent {
let notification = try await processCommon(senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
notification.body = content.body
return notification
private func processImage(content: ImageMessageContent,
senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent {
var notification = try await processCommon(senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
notification.body = "📷 " + content.body
notification = try await notification.addMediaAttachment(using: mediaProvider,
mediaSource: .init(source: content.source, mimeType: content.info?.mimetype))
return notification
private func processVideo(content: VideoMessageContent,
senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent {
var notification = try await processCommon(senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
notification.body = "📹 " + content.body
notification = try await notification.addMediaAttachment(using: mediaProvider,
mediaSource: .init(source: content.source, mimeType: content.info?.mimetype))
return notification
private func processFile(content: FileMessageContent,
senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent {
let notification = try await processCommon(senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
notification.body = "📄 " + content.body
return notification
private func processNotice(content: NoticeMessageContent,
senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent {
let notification = try await processCommon(senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
notification.body = "" + content.body
return notification
private func processEmote(content: EmoteMessageContent,
senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent {
let notification = try await processCommon(senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
notification.body = "🫥 " + content.body
return notification
private func processAudio(content: AudioMessageContent,
senderId: String,
roomId: String,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol?) async throws -> UNMutableNotificationContent {
let notification = try await processCommon(senderId: senderId,
roomId: roomId,
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
notification.body = "🔊 " + content.body
return notification