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// Copyright 2023 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
@testable import ElementX
import MatrixRustSDK
import XCTest
// swiftlint:disable force_unwrapping
class MessageTimelineItemTests: XCTestCase {
// MARK: Image
func testImageContentType() {
let mimetype = "image/gif"
let imageContent = ImageMessageContent(body: "amazing.gif",
source: mediaSourceFromUrl(url: "mxc://doesnt/matter"),
info: makeImageInfo(mimetype: mimetype))
let messageItem = MockEventTimelineItem.message(from: imageContent)
XCTAssertEqual(messageItem.contentType, .gif)
func testImageContentTypeWithoutMimetype() {
let imageContent = ImageMessageContent(body: "amazing.jpeg",
source: mediaSourceFromUrl(url: "mxc://doesnt/matter"),
info: makeImageInfo(mimetype: nil))
let messageItem = MockEventTimelineItem.message(from: imageContent)
XCTAssertEqual(messageItem.contentType, .jpeg)
func makeImageInfo(mimetype: String?) -> ImageInfo {
ImageInfo(height: nil,
width: nil,
mimetype: mimetype,
size: nil,
thumbnailInfo: nil,
thumbnailSource: nil,
blurhash: nil)
// MARK: Video
func testVideoContentType() {
let mimetype = "video/x-msvideo"
let imageContent = VideoMessageContent(body: "amazing.avi",
source: mediaSourceFromUrl(url: "mxc://doesnt/matter"),
info: makeVideoInfo(mimetype: mimetype))
let messageItem = MockEventTimelineItem.message(from: imageContent)
XCTAssertEqual(messageItem.contentType, .avi)
func testVideoContentTypeWithoutMimetype() {
let imageContent = VideoMessageContent(body: "amazing.mp4",
source: mediaSourceFromUrl(url: "mxc://doesnt/matter"),
info: makeVideoInfo(mimetype: nil))
let messageItem = MockEventTimelineItem.message(from: imageContent)
XCTAssertEqual(messageItem.contentType, .mpeg4Movie)
func makeVideoInfo(mimetype: String?) -> VideoInfo {
VideoInfo(duration: nil,
height: nil,
width: nil,
mimetype: mimetype,
size: nil,
thumbnailInfo: nil,
thumbnailSource: nil,
blurhash: nil)
// MARK: Audio
func testAudioContentType() {
let mimetype = "audio/mp3"
let imageContent = AudioMessageContent(body: "amazing.mp3",
source: mediaSourceFromUrl(url: "mxc://doesnt/matter"),
info: makeAudioInfo(mimetype: mimetype))
let messageItem = MockEventTimelineItem.message(from: imageContent)
XCTAssertEqual(messageItem.contentType, .mp3)
func testAudioContentTypeWithoutMimetype() {
let imageContent = AudioMessageContent(body: "amazing.m4a",
source: mediaSourceFromUrl(url: "mxc://doesnt/matter"),
info: makeAudioInfo(mimetype: nil))
let messageItem = MockEventTimelineItem.message(from: imageContent)
XCTAssertTrue(messageItem.contentType!.conforms(to: .mpeg4Audio))
func makeAudioInfo(mimetype: String?) -> AudioInfo {
AudioInfo(duration: nil, size: nil, mimetype: mimetype)
// MARK: File
func testFileContentType() {
let mimetype = "text"
let imageContent = FileMessageContent(body: "amazing.txt",
source: mediaSourceFromUrl(url: "mxc://doesnt/matter"),
info: makeFileInfo(mimetype: mimetype))
let messageItem = MockEventTimelineItem.message(from: imageContent)
XCTAssertEqual(messageItem.contentType, .plainText)
func testFileContentTypeWithoutMimetype() {
let imageContent = FileMessageContent(body: "amazing.rtf",
source: mediaSourceFromUrl(url: "mxc://doesnt/matter"),
info: makeFileInfo(mimetype: nil))
let messageItem = MockEventTimelineItem.message(from: imageContent)
XCTAssertEqual(messageItem.contentType, .rtf)
func makeFileInfo(mimetype: String?) -> FileInfo {
FileInfo(mimetype: mimetype, size: nil, thumbnailInfo: nil, thumbnailSource: nil)
// MARK: - Mocks
// swiftlint:disable force_cast
private struct MockEventTimelineItem: EventTimelineItemProtocol {
static func message<Content: MessageContentProtocol>(from content: Content) -> MessageTimelineItem<Content> {
let item = MockEventTimelineItem(underlyingContent: content)
return MessageTimelineItem(item: item, content: content)
let underlyingContent: MessageContentProtocol
func content() -> MatrixRustSDK.TimelineItemContent { underlyingContent as! TimelineItemContent }
func eventId() -> String? { UUID().uuidString }
func fmtDebug() -> String { "MockEvent" }
func isEditable() -> Bool { false }
func isLocal() -> Bool { false }
func isOwn() -> Bool { false }
func isRemote() -> Bool { true }
func localSendState() -> MatrixRustSDK.EventSendState? { nil }
func raw() -> String? { nil }
func reactions() -> [MatrixRustSDK.Reaction]? { nil }
func sender() -> String { "@user:server.com" }
func senderProfile() -> MatrixRustSDK.ProfileTimelineDetails { .unavailable }
func timestamp() -> UInt64 { 0 }
func uniqueIdentifier() -> String { eventId() ?? "" }