Stefan Ceriu 530440eb39 Resurrect the Xcode project file 2023-05-16 18:00:40 +03:00
post-checkout Resurrect the Xcode project file 2023-05-16 18:00:40 +03:00
post-commit Swiftformat on githooks + New `swift run tools setup` command (#563) 2023-02-10 15:04:00 +02:00
post-merge Swiftformat on githooks + New `swift run tools setup` command (#563) 2023-02-10 15:04:00 +02:00
pre-commit Project file removal (#569) 2023-02-13 12:53:01 +00:00
pre-push Swiftformat on githooks + New `swift run tools setup` command (#563) 2023-02-10 15:04:00 +02:00