// swift-tools-version:5.5 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let checksum = "051aa92b9fff0b18e54c6a82ea12231edf4cfa98b49889223870b3c63bf2829b" let version = "v1.0.0-alpha" let url = "https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-rust-components-swift/releases/download/\(version)/MatrixSDKFFI.xcframework.zip" let package = Package( name: "MatrixRustComponentsSwift", products: [ .library( name: "MatrixRustComponentsSwift", targets: ["MatrixRustComponentsSwift"]), ], targets: [ .binaryTarget( name: "MatrixSDKFFI", url: url, checksum: checksum), /* * A placeholder wrapper for our binaryTarget so that Xcode will ensure this is * downloaded/built before trying to use it in the build process * A bit hacky but necessary for now https://github.com/mozilla/application-services/issues/4422 */ .target( name: "MatrixSDKFFIWrapper", dependencies: [ .target(name: "MatrixSDKFFI") ], path: "MatrixSDKFFIWrapper" ), .target( name: "MatrixRustComponentsSwift", dependencies: ["MatrixSDKFFIWrapper"]), .testTarget( name: "MatrixRustComponentsSwiftTests", dependencies: ["MatrixRustComponentsSwift"]), ] )