
24691 lines
812 KiB

// This file was autogenerated by some hot garbage in the `uniffi` crate.
// Trust me, you don't want to mess with it!
// swiftlint:disable all
import Foundation
// Depending on the consumer's build setup, the low-level FFI code
// might be in a separate module, or it might be compiled inline into
// this module. This is a bit of light hackery to work with both.
#if canImport(matrix_sdk_ffiFFI)
import matrix_sdk_ffiFFI
fileprivate extension RustBuffer {
// Allocate a new buffer, copying the contents of a `UInt8` array.
init(bytes: [UInt8]) {
let rbuf = bytes.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
self.init(capacity: rbuf.capacity, len: rbuf.len, data:
static func from(_ ptr: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> RustBuffer {
try! rustCall { ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rustbuffer_from_bytes(ForeignBytes(bufferPointer: ptr), $0) }
// Frees the buffer in place.
// The buffer must not be used after this is called.
func deallocate() {
try! rustCall { ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rustbuffer_free(self, $0) }
fileprivate extension ForeignBytes {
init(bufferPointer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) {
self.init(len: Int32(bufferPointer.count), data: bufferPointer.baseAddress)
// For every type used in the interface, we provide helper methods for conveniently
// lifting and lowering that type from C-compatible data, and for reading and writing
// values of that type in a buffer.
// Helper classes/extensions that don't change.
// Someday, this will be in a library of its own.
fileprivate extension Data {
init(rustBuffer: RustBuffer) {
// TODO: This copies the buffer. Can we read directly from a
// Rust buffer?
self.init(bytes:!, count: Int(rustBuffer.len))
// Define reader functionality. Normally this would be defined in a class or
// struct, but we use standalone functions instead in order to make external
// types work.
// With external types, one swift source file needs to be able to call the read
// method on another source file's FfiConverter, but then what visibility
// should Reader have?
// - If Reader is fileprivate, then this means the read() must also
// be fileprivate, which doesn't work with external types.
// - If Reader is internal/public, we'll get compile errors since both source
// files will try define the same type.
// Instead, the read() method and these helper functions input a tuple of data
fileprivate func createReader(data: Data) -> (data: Data, offset: Data.Index) {
(data: data, offset: 0)
// Reads an integer at the current offset, in big-endian order, and advances
// the offset on success. Throws if reading the integer would move the
// offset past the end of the buffer.
fileprivate func readInt<T: FixedWidthInteger>(_ reader: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> T {
let range = reader.offset..<reader.offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size
guard >= range.upperBound else {
throw UniffiInternalError.bufferOverflow
if T.self == UInt8.self {
let value =[reader.offset]
reader.offset += 1
return value as! T
var value: T = 0
let _ = withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &value, { $0, from: range)})
reader.offset = range.upperBound
return value.bigEndian
// Reads an arbitrary number of bytes, to be used to read
// raw bytes, this is useful when lifting strings
fileprivate func readBytes(_ reader: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index), count: Int) throws -> Array<UInt8> {
let range = reader.offset..<(reader.offset+count)
guard >= range.upperBound else {
throw UniffiInternalError.bufferOverflow
var value = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: count)
value.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer({ buffer in buffer, from: range)
reader.offset = range.upperBound
return value
// Reads a float at the current offset.
fileprivate func readFloat(_ reader: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Float {
return Float(bitPattern: try readInt(&reader))
// Reads a float at the current offset.
fileprivate func readDouble(_ reader: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Double {
return Double(bitPattern: try readInt(&reader))
// Indicates if the offset has reached the end of the buffer.
fileprivate func hasRemaining(_ reader: (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) -> Bool {
return reader.offset <
// Define writer functionality. Normally this would be defined in a class or
// struct, but we use standalone functions instead in order to make external
// types work. See the above discussion on Readers for details.
fileprivate func createWriter() -> [UInt8] {
return []
fileprivate func writeBytes<S>(_ writer: inout [UInt8], _ byteArr: S) where S: Sequence, S.Element == UInt8 {
writer.append(contentsOf: byteArr)
// Writes an integer in big-endian order.
// Warning: make sure what you are trying to write
// is in the correct type!
fileprivate func writeInt<T: FixedWidthInteger>(_ writer: inout [UInt8], _ value: T) {
var value = value.bigEndian
withUnsafeBytes(of: &value) { writer.append(contentsOf: $0) }
fileprivate func writeFloat(_ writer: inout [UInt8], _ value: Float) {
writeInt(&writer, value.bitPattern)
fileprivate func writeDouble(_ writer: inout [UInt8], _ value: Double) {
writeInt(&writer, value.bitPattern)
// Protocol for types that transfer other types across the FFI. This is
// analogous go the Rust trait of the same name.
fileprivate protocol FfiConverter {
associatedtype FfiType
associatedtype SwiftType
static func lift(_ value: FfiType) throws -> SwiftType
static func lower(_ value: SwiftType) -> FfiType
static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType
static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8])
// Types conforming to `Primitive` pass themselves directly over the FFI.
fileprivate protocol FfiConverterPrimitive: FfiConverter where FfiType == SwiftType { }
extension FfiConverterPrimitive {
public static func lift(_ value: FfiType) throws -> SwiftType {
return value
public static func lower(_ value: SwiftType) -> FfiType {
return value
// Types conforming to `FfiConverterRustBuffer` lift and lower into a `RustBuffer`.
// Used for complex types where it's hard to write a custom lift/lower.
fileprivate protocol FfiConverterRustBuffer: FfiConverter where FfiType == RustBuffer {}
extension FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> SwiftType {
var reader = createReader(data: Data(rustBuffer: buf))
let value = try read(from: &reader)
if hasRemaining(reader) {
throw UniffiInternalError.incompleteData
return value
public static func lower(_ value: SwiftType) -> RustBuffer {
var writer = createWriter()
write(value, into: &writer)
return RustBuffer(bytes: writer)
// An error type for FFI errors. These errors occur at the UniFFI level, not
// the library level.
fileprivate enum UniffiInternalError: LocalizedError {
case bufferOverflow
case incompleteData
case unexpectedOptionalTag
case unexpectedEnumCase
case unexpectedNullPointer
case unexpectedRustCallStatusCode
case unexpectedRustCallError
case unexpectedStaleHandle
case rustPanic(_ message: String)
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .bufferOverflow: return "Reading the requested value would read past the end of the buffer"
case .incompleteData: return "The buffer still has data after lifting its containing value"
case .unexpectedOptionalTag: return "Unexpected optional tag; should be 0 or 1"
case .unexpectedEnumCase: return "Raw enum value doesn't match any cases"
case .unexpectedNullPointer: return "Raw pointer value was null"
case .unexpectedRustCallStatusCode: return "Unexpected RustCallStatus code"
case .unexpectedRustCallError: return "CALL_ERROR but no errorClass specified"
case .unexpectedStaleHandle: return "The object in the handle map has been dropped already"
case let .rustPanic(message): return message
fileprivate extension NSLock {
func withLock<T>(f: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
defer { self.unlock() }
return try f()
fileprivate let CALL_SUCCESS: Int8 = 0
fileprivate let CALL_ERROR: Int8 = 1
fileprivate let CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR: Int8 = 2
fileprivate let CALL_CANCELLED: Int8 = 3
fileprivate extension RustCallStatus {
init() {
errorBuf: RustBuffer.init(
capacity: 0,
len: 0,
data: nil
private func rustCall<T>(_ callback: (UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>) -> T) throws -> T {
try makeRustCall(callback, errorHandler: nil)
private func rustCallWithError<T>(
_ errorHandler: @escaping (RustBuffer) throws -> Error,
_ callback: (UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>) -> T) throws -> T {
try makeRustCall(callback, errorHandler: errorHandler)
private func makeRustCall<T>(
_ callback: (UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>) -> T,
errorHandler: ((RustBuffer) throws -> Error)?
) throws -> T {
var callStatus = RustCallStatus.init()
let returnedVal = callback(&callStatus)
try uniffiCheckCallStatus(callStatus: callStatus, errorHandler: errorHandler)
return returnedVal
private func uniffiCheckCallStatus(
callStatus: RustCallStatus,
errorHandler: ((RustBuffer) throws -> Error)?
) throws {
switch callStatus.code {
if let errorHandler = errorHandler {
throw try errorHandler(callStatus.errorBuf)
} else {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedRustCallError
// When the rust code sees a panic, it tries to construct a RustBuffer
// with the message. But if that code panics, then it just sends back
// an empty buffer.
if callStatus.errorBuf.len > 0 {
throw UniffiInternalError.rustPanic(try FfiConverterString.lift(callStatus.errorBuf))
} else {
throw UniffiInternalError.rustPanic("Rust panic")
fatalError("Cancellation not supported yet")
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedRustCallStatusCode
private func uniffiTraitInterfaceCall<T>(
callStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>,
makeCall: () throws -> T,
writeReturn: (T) -> ()
) {
do {
try writeReturn(makeCall())
} catch let error {
callStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
callStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower(String(describing: error))
private func uniffiTraitInterfaceCallWithError<T, E>(
callStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>,
makeCall: () throws -> T,
writeReturn: (T) -> (),
lowerError: (E) -> RustBuffer
) {
do {
try writeReturn(makeCall())
} catch let error as E {
callStatus.pointee.code = CALL_ERROR
callStatus.pointee.errorBuf = lowerError(error)
} catch {
callStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
callStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower(String(describing: error))
fileprivate class UniffiHandleMap<T> {
private var map: [UInt64: T] = [:]
private let lock = NSLock()
private var currentHandle: UInt64 = 1
func insert(obj: T) -> UInt64 {
lock.withLock {
let handle = currentHandle
currentHandle += 1
map[handle] = obj
return handle
func get(handle: UInt64) throws -> T {
try lock.withLock {
guard let obj = map[handle] else {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedStaleHandle
return obj
func remove(handle: UInt64) throws -> T {
try lock.withLock {
guard let obj = map.removeValue(forKey: handle) else {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedStaleHandle
return obj
// Public interface members begin here.
fileprivate struct FfiConverterUInt8: FfiConverterPrimitive {
typealias FfiType = UInt8
typealias SwiftType = UInt8
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UInt8 {
return try lift(readInt(&buf))
public static func write(_ value: UInt8, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(value))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterUInt16: FfiConverterPrimitive {
typealias FfiType = UInt16
typealias SwiftType = UInt16
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UInt16 {
return try lift(readInt(&buf))
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(value))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterUInt32: FfiConverterPrimitive {
typealias FfiType = UInt32
typealias SwiftType = UInt32
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UInt32 {
return try lift(readInt(&buf))
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(value))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterInt32: FfiConverterPrimitive {
typealias FfiType = Int32
typealias SwiftType = Int32
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Int32 {
return try lift(readInt(&buf))
public static func write(_ value: Int32, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(value))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterUInt64: FfiConverterPrimitive {
typealias FfiType = UInt64
typealias SwiftType = UInt64
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UInt64 {
return try lift(readInt(&buf))
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(value))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterInt64: FfiConverterPrimitive {
typealias FfiType = Int64
typealias SwiftType = Int64
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Int64 {
return try lift(readInt(&buf))
public static func write(_ value: Int64, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(value))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterDouble: FfiConverterPrimitive {
typealias FfiType = Double
typealias SwiftType = Double
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Double {
return try lift(readDouble(&buf))
public static func write(_ value: Double, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeDouble(&buf, lower(value))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterBool : FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = Int8
typealias SwiftType = Bool
public static func lift(_ value: Int8) throws -> Bool {
return value != 0
public static func lower(_ value: Bool) -> Int8 {
return value ? 1 : 0
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Bool {
return try lift(readInt(&buf))
public static func write(_ value: Bool, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(value))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterString: FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = String
typealias FfiType = RustBuffer
public static func lift(_ value: RustBuffer) throws -> String {
defer {
if == nil {
return String()
let bytes = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start:!, count: Int(value.len))
return String(bytes: bytes, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!
public static func lower(_ value: String) -> RustBuffer {
return value.utf8CString.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
// The swift string gives us int8_t, we want uint8_t.
ptr.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self) { ptr in
// The swift string gives us a trailing null byte, we don't want it.
let buf = UnsafeBufferPointer(rebasing: ptr.prefix(upTo: ptr.count - 1))
return RustBuffer.from(buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> String {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
return String(bytes: try readBytes(&buf, count: Int(len)), encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!
public static func write(_ value: String, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.utf8.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
writeBytes(&buf, value.utf8)
fileprivate struct FfiConverterData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = Data
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Data {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
return Data(try readBytes(&buf, count: Int(len)))
public static func write(_ value: Data, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
writeBytes(&buf, value)
fileprivate struct FfiConverterDuration: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TimeInterval
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimeInterval {
let seconds: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
let nanoseconds: UInt32 = try readInt(&buf)
return Double(seconds) + (Double(nanoseconds) / 1.0e9)
public static func write(_ value: TimeInterval, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
if value.rounded(.down) > Double(Int64.max) {
fatalError("Duration overflow, exceeds max bounds supported by Uniffi")
if value < 0 {
fatalError("Invalid duration, must be non-negative")
let seconds = UInt64(value)
let nanoseconds = UInt32((value - Double(seconds)) * 1.0e9)
writeInt(&buf, seconds)
writeInt(&buf, nanoseconds)
public protocol AuthenticationServiceProtocol : AnyObject {
* Updates the service to authenticate with the homeserver for the
* specified address.
func configureHomeserver(serverNameOrHomeserverUrl: String) async throws
func homeserverDetails() -> HomeserverLoginDetails?
* Performs a password login using the current homeserver.
func login(username: String, password: String, initialDeviceName: String?, deviceId: String?) async throws -> Client
* Completes the OIDC login process.
func loginWithOidcCallback(authenticationData: OidcAuthenticationData, callbackUrl: String) async throws -> Client
* Requests the URL needed for login in a web view using OIDC. Once the web
* view has succeeded, call `login_with_oidc_callback` with the callback it
* returns.
func urlForOidcLogin() async throws -> OidcAuthenticationData
open class AuthenticationService:
AuthenticationServiceProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_authenticationservice(self.pointer, $0) }
* Creates a new service to authenticate a user with.
public convenience init(basePath: String, passphrase: String?, userAgent: String?, additionalRootCertificates: [Data], proxy: String?, oidcConfiguration: OidcConfiguration?, customSlidingSyncProxy: String?, sessionDelegate: ClientSessionDelegate?, crossProcessRefreshLockId: String?) {
self.init(unsafeFromRawPointer: try! rustCall() {
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_authenticationservice(pointer, $0) }
* Updates the service to authenticate with the homeserver for the
* specified address.
open func configureHomeserver(serverNameOrHomeserverUrl: String) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationError.lift
open func homeserverDetails() -> HomeserverLoginDetails? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeHomeserverLoginDetails.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_authenticationservice_homeserver_details(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Performs a password login using the current homeserver.
open func login(username: String, password: String, initialDeviceName: String?, deviceId: String?) async throws -> Client {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeClient.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationError.lift
* Completes the OIDC login process.
open func loginWithOidcCallback(authenticationData: OidcAuthenticationData, callbackUrl: String) async throws -> Client {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeClient.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationError.lift
* Requests the URL needed for login in a web view using OIDC. Once the web
* view has succeeded, call `login_with_oidc_callback` with the callback it
* returns.
open func urlForOidcLogin() async throws -> OidcAuthenticationData {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeOidcAuthenticationData.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationError.lift
public struct FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationService: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = AuthenticationService
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> AuthenticationService {
return AuthenticationService(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: AuthenticationService) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> AuthenticationService {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: AuthenticationService, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationService_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> AuthenticationService {
return try FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationService.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationService_lower(_ value: AuthenticationService) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationService.lower(value)
public protocol ClientProtocol : AnyObject {
* Get the content of the event of the given type out of the account data
* store.
* It will be returned as a JSON string.
func accountData(eventType: String) throws -> String?
func accountUrl(action: AccountManagementAction?) throws -> String?
func avatarUrl() throws -> String?
func cachedAvatarUrl() throws -> String?
func createRoom(request: CreateRoomParameters) throws -> String
* Deletes a pusher of given pusher ids
func deletePusher(identifiers: PusherIdentifiers) async throws
func deviceId() throws -> String
func displayName() throws -> String
func encryption() -> Encryption
func getDmRoom(userId: String) throws -> Room?
func getMediaContent(mediaSource: MediaSource) async throws -> Data
func getMediaFile(mediaSource: MediaSource, body: String?, mimeType: String, useCache: Bool, tempDir: String?) async throws -> MediaFileHandle
func getMediaThumbnail(mediaSource: MediaSource, width: UInt64, height: UInt64) async throws -> Data
func getNotificationSettings() -> NotificationSettings
func getProfile(userId: String) throws -> UserProfile
func getRecentlyVisitedRooms() async throws -> [String]
* Get the preview of a room, to interact with it.
func getRoomPreview(roomIdOrAlias: String) async throws -> RoomPreview
func getSessionVerificationController() throws -> SessionVerificationController
* The homeserver this client is configured to use.
func homeserver() -> String
func ignoreUser(userId: String) async throws
func ignoredUsers() async throws -> [String]
func joinRoomById(roomId: String) async throws -> Room
* Login using a username and password.
func login(username: String, password: String, initialDeviceName: String?, deviceId: String?) async throws
* Log out the current user. This method returns an optional URL that
* should be presented to the user to complete logout (in the case of
* Session having been authenticated using OIDC).
func logout() throws -> String?
func notificationClient(processSetup: NotificationProcessSetup) throws -> NotificationClientBuilder
func removeAvatar() throws
* Resolves the given room alias to a room id, if possible.
func resolveRoomAlias(roomAlias: String) async throws -> String
* Restores the client from a `Session`.
func restoreSession(session: Session) throws
func roomDirectorySearch() -> RoomDirectorySearch
func rooms() -> [Room]
func searchUsers(searchTerm: String, limit: UInt64) throws -> SearchUsersResults
func session() throws -> Session
* Set the given account data content for the given event type.
* It should be supplied as a JSON string.
func setAccountData(eventType: String, content: String) throws
func setDelegate(delegate: ClientDelegate?) -> TaskHandle?
func setDisplayName(name: String) throws
* Registers a pusher with given parameters
func setPusher(identifiers: PusherIdentifiers, kind: PusherKind, appDisplayName: String, deviceDisplayName: String, profileTag: String?, lang: String) async throws
func subscribeToIgnoredUsers(listener: IgnoredUsersListener) -> TaskHandle
func syncService() -> SyncServiceBuilder
func trackRecentlyVisitedRoom(room: String) async throws
func unignoreUser(userId: String) async throws
func uploadAvatar(mimeType: String, data: Data) throws
func uploadMedia(mimeType: String, data: Data, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) async throws -> String
func userId() throws -> String
open class Client:
ClientProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_client(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_client(pointer, $0) }
* Get the content of the event of the given type out of the account data
* store.
* It will be returned as a JSON string.
open func accountData(eventType: String) throws -> String? {
return try FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func accountUrl(action: AccountManagementAction?) throws -> String? {
return try FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func avatarUrl() throws -> String? {
return try FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_avatar_url(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func cachedAvatarUrl() throws -> String? {
return try FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_cached_avatar_url(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func createRoom(request: CreateRoomParameters) throws -> String {
return try FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
* Deletes a pusher of given pusher ids
open func deletePusher(identifiers: PusherIdentifiers) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func deviceId() throws -> String {
return try FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_device_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func displayName() throws -> String {
return try FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_display_name(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func encryption() -> Encryption {
return try! FfiConverterTypeEncryption.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_encryption(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func getDmRoom(userId: String) throws -> Room? {
return try FfiConverterOptionTypeRoom.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func getMediaContent(mediaSource: MediaSource) async throws -> Data {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterData.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func getMediaFile(mediaSource: MediaSource, body: String?, mimeType: String, useCache: Bool, tempDir: String?) async throws -> MediaFileHandle {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeMediaFileHandle.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func getMediaThumbnail(mediaSource: MediaSource, width: UInt64, height: UInt64) async throws -> Data {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterData.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func getNotificationSettings() -> NotificationSettings {
return try! FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettings.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_get_notification_settings(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func getProfile(userId: String) throws -> UserProfile {
return try FfiConverterTypeUserProfile.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func getRecentlyVisitedRooms() async throws -> [String] {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterSequenceString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Get the preview of a room, to interact with it.
open func getRoomPreview(roomIdOrAlias: String) async throws -> RoomPreview {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomPreview.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func getSessionVerificationController() throws -> SessionVerificationController {
return try FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationController.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_get_session_verification_controller(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* The homeserver this client is configured to use.
open func homeserver() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_homeserver(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func ignoreUser(userId: String) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func ignoredUsers() async throws -> [String] {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterSequenceString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func joinRoomById(roomId: String) async throws -> Room {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoom.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Login using a username and password.
open func login(username: String, password: String, initialDeviceName: String?, deviceId: String?) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Log out the current user. This method returns an optional URL that
* should be presented to the user to complete logout (in the case of
* Session having been authenticated using OIDC).
open func logout() throws -> String? {
return try FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_logout(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func notificationClient(processSetup: NotificationProcessSetup) throws -> NotificationClientBuilder {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationClientBuilder.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func removeAvatar() throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_remove_avatar(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Resolves the given room alias to a room id, if possible.
open func resolveRoomAlias(roomAlias: String) async throws -> String {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Restores the client from a `Session`.
open func restoreSession(session: Session) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func roomDirectorySearch() -> RoomDirectorySearch {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearch.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_room_directory_search(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func rooms() -> [Room] {
return try! FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoom.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_rooms(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func searchUsers(searchTerm: String, limit: UInt64) throws -> SearchUsersResults {
return try FfiConverterTypeSearchUsersResults.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func session() throws -> Session {
return try FfiConverterTypeSession.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_session(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Set the given account data content for the given event type.
* It should be supplied as a JSON string.
open func setAccountData(eventType: String, content: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func setDelegate(delegate: ClientDelegate?) -> TaskHandle? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func setDisplayName(name: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
* Registers a pusher with given parameters
open func setPusher(identifiers: PusherIdentifiers, kind: PusherKind, appDisplayName: String, deviceDisplayName: String, profileTag: String?, lang: String) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func subscribeToIgnoredUsers(listener: IgnoredUsersListener) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func syncService() -> SyncServiceBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_sync_service(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func trackRecentlyVisitedRoom(room: String) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func unignoreUser(userId: String) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func uploadAvatar(mimeType: String, data: Data) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func uploadMedia(mimeType: String, data: Data, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) async throws -> String {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func userId() throws -> String {
return try FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_client_user_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeClient: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = Client
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Client {
return Client(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: Client) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Client {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: Client, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeClient_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Client {
return try FfiConverterTypeClient.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeClient_lower(_ value: Client) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeClient.lower(value)
public protocol ClientBuilderProtocol : AnyObject {
func addRootCertificates(certificates: [Data]) -> ClientBuilder
func basePath(path: String) -> ClientBuilder
func build() async throws -> Client
func disableAutomaticTokenRefresh() -> ClientBuilder
func disableSslVerification() -> ClientBuilder
func enableCrossProcessRefreshLock(processId: String, sessionDelegate: ClientSessionDelegate) -> ClientBuilder
func homeserverUrl(url: String) -> ClientBuilder
func passphrase(passphrase: String?) -> ClientBuilder
func proxy(url: String) -> ClientBuilder
func serverName(serverName: String) -> ClientBuilder
func serverNameOrHomeserverUrl(serverNameOrUrl: String) -> ClientBuilder
func serverVersions(versions: [String]) -> ClientBuilder
func setSessionDelegate(sessionDelegate: ClientSessionDelegate) -> ClientBuilder
func slidingSyncProxy(slidingSyncProxy: String?) -> ClientBuilder
func userAgent(userAgent: String) -> ClientBuilder
func username(username: String) -> ClientBuilder
open class ClientBuilder:
ClientBuilderProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_clientbuilder(self.pointer, $0) }
public convenience init() {
self.init(unsafeFromRawPointer: try! rustCall() {
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_clientbuilder(pointer, $0) }
open func addRootCertificates(certificates: [Data]) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func basePath(path: String) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func build() async throws -> Client {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeClient.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientBuildError.lift
open func disableAutomaticTokenRefresh() -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_clientbuilder_disable_automatic_token_refresh(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func disableSslVerification() -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_clientbuilder_disable_ssl_verification(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func enableCrossProcessRefreshLock(processId: String, sessionDelegate: ClientSessionDelegate) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func homeserverUrl(url: String) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func passphrase(passphrase: String?) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func proxy(url: String) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func serverName(serverName: String) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func serverNameOrHomeserverUrl(serverNameOrUrl: String) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func serverVersions(versions: [String]) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func setSessionDelegate(sessionDelegate: ClientSessionDelegate) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func slidingSyncProxy(slidingSyncProxy: String?) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func userAgent(userAgent: String) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func username(username: String) -> ClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
public struct FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = ClientBuilder
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> ClientBuilder {
return ClientBuilder(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: ClientBuilder) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ClientBuilder {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: ClientBuilder, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> ClientBuilder {
return try FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder_lower(_ value: ClientBuilder) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeClientBuilder.lower(value)
public protocol EncryptionProtocol : AnyObject {
* Does a backup exist on the server?
* Because the homeserver doesn't notify us about changes to the backup
* version, the [`BackupState`] and its listener are a bit crippled.
* The `BackupState::Unknown` state might mean there is no backup at all or
* a backup exists but we don't have access to it.
* Therefore it is necessary to poll the server for an answer every time
* you want to differentiate between those two states.
func backupExistsOnServer() async throws -> Bool
func backupState() -> BackupState
func backupStateListener(listener: BackupStateListener) -> TaskHandle
func disableRecovery() async throws
func enableBackups() async throws
func enableRecovery(waitForBackupsToUpload: Bool, progressListener: EnableRecoveryProgressListener) async throws -> String
func isLastDevice() async throws -> Bool
func recover(recoveryKey: String) async throws
func recoverAndReset(oldRecoveryKey: String) async throws -> String
func recoveryState() -> RecoveryState
func recoveryStateListener(listener: RecoveryStateListener) -> TaskHandle
func resetRecoveryKey() async throws -> String
func verificationState() -> VerificationState
func verificationStateListener(listener: VerificationStateListener) -> TaskHandle
func waitForBackupUploadSteadyState(progressListener: BackupSteadyStateListener?) async throws
open class Encryption:
EncryptionProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_encryption(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_encryption(pointer, $0) }
* Does a backup exist on the server?
* Because the homeserver doesn't notify us about changes to the backup
* version, the [`BackupState`] and its listener are a bit crippled.
* The `BackupState::Unknown` state might mean there is no backup at all or
* a backup exists but we don't have access to it.
* Therefore it is necessary to poll the server for an answer every time
* you want to differentiate between those two states.
open func backupExistsOnServer() async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func backupState() -> BackupState {
return try! FfiConverterTypeBackupState.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_encryption_backup_state(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func backupStateListener(listener: BackupStateListener) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func disableRecovery() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRecoveryError.lift
open func enableBackups() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRecoveryError.lift
open func enableRecovery(waitForBackupsToUpload: Bool, progressListener: EnableRecoveryProgressListener) async throws -> String {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRecoveryError.lift
open func isLastDevice() async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRecoveryError.lift
open func recover(recoveryKey: String) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRecoveryError.lift
open func recoverAndReset(oldRecoveryKey: String) async throws -> String {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRecoveryError.lift
open func recoveryState() -> RecoveryState {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRecoveryState.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_encryption_recovery_state(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func recoveryStateListener(listener: RecoveryStateListener) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func resetRecoveryKey() async throws -> String {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRecoveryError.lift
open func verificationState() -> VerificationState {
return try! FfiConverterTypeVerificationState.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_encryption_verification_state(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func verificationStateListener(listener: VerificationStateListener) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func waitForBackupUploadSteadyState(progressListener: BackupSteadyStateListener?) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeSteadyStateError.lift
public struct FfiConverterTypeEncryption: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = Encryption
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Encryption {
return Encryption(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: Encryption) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Encryption {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: Encryption, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeEncryption_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Encryption {
return try FfiConverterTypeEncryption.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeEncryption_lower(_ value: Encryption) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeEncryption.lower(value)
public protocol EventTimelineItemProtocol : AnyObject {
func canBeRepliedTo() -> Bool
func content() -> TimelineItemContent
func debugInfo() -> EventTimelineItemDebugInfo
func eventId() -> String?
func isEditable() -> Bool
func isLocal() -> Bool
func isOwn() -> Bool
func isRemote() -> Bool
func localSendState() -> EventSendState?
func origin() -> EventItemOrigin?
func reactions() -> [Reaction]
func readReceipts() -> [String: Receipt]
func sender() -> String
func senderProfile() -> ProfileDetails
func timestamp() -> UInt64
func transactionId() -> String?
open class EventTimelineItem:
EventTimelineItemProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_eventtimelineitem(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_eventtimelineitem(pointer, $0) }
open func canBeRepliedTo() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_can_be_replied_to(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func content() -> TimelineItemContent {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContent.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_content(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func debugInfo() -> EventTimelineItemDebugInfo {
return try! FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItemDebugInfo.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_debug_info(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func eventId() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_event_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isEditable() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_is_editable(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isLocal() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_is_local(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isOwn() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_is_own(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isRemote() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_is_remote(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func localSendState() -> EventSendState? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeEventSendState.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_local_send_state(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func origin() -> EventItemOrigin? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeEventItemOrigin.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_origin(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func reactions() -> [Reaction] {
return try! FfiConverterSequenceTypeReaction.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_reactions(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func readReceipts() -> [String: Receipt] {
return try! FfiConverterDictionaryStringTypeReceipt.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_read_receipts(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func sender() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_sender(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func senderProfile() -> ProfileDetails {
return try! FfiConverterTypeProfileDetails.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_sender_profile(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func timestamp() -> UInt64 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt64.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_timestamp(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func transactionId() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_eventtimelineitem_transaction_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItem: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = EventTimelineItem
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> EventTimelineItem {
return EventTimelineItem(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: EventTimelineItem) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> EventTimelineItem {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: EventTimelineItem, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItem_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> EventTimelineItem {
return try FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItem.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItem_lower(_ value: EventTimelineItem) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItem.lower(value)
public protocol HomeserverLoginDetailsProtocol : AnyObject {
* The URL of the discovered or manually set sliding sync proxy,
* if any.
func slidingSyncProxy() -> String?
* Whether the current homeserver supports login using OIDC.
func supportsOidcLogin() -> Bool
* Whether the current homeserver supports the password login flow.
func supportsPasswordLogin() -> Bool
* The URL of the currently configured homeserver.
func url() -> String
open class HomeserverLoginDetails:
HomeserverLoginDetailsProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_homeserverlogindetails(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_homeserverlogindetails(pointer, $0) }
* The URL of the discovered or manually set sliding sync proxy,
* if any.
open func slidingSyncProxy() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_homeserverlogindetails_sliding_sync_proxy(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Whether the current homeserver supports login using OIDC.
open func supportsOidcLogin() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_homeserverlogindetails_supports_oidc_login(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Whether the current homeserver supports the password login flow.
open func supportsPasswordLogin() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_homeserverlogindetails_supports_password_login(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* The URL of the currently configured homeserver.
open func url() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_homeserverlogindetails_url(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeHomeserverLoginDetails: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = HomeserverLoginDetails
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> HomeserverLoginDetails {
return HomeserverLoginDetails(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: HomeserverLoginDetails) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> HomeserverLoginDetails {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: HomeserverLoginDetails, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeHomeserverLoginDetails_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> HomeserverLoginDetails {
return try FfiConverterTypeHomeserverLoginDetails.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeHomeserverLoginDetails_lower(_ value: HomeserverLoginDetails) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeHomeserverLoginDetails.lower(value)
* A file handle that takes ownership of a media file on disk. When the handle
* is dropped, the file will be removed from the disk.
public protocol MediaFileHandleProtocol : AnyObject {
* Get the media file's path.
func path() throws -> String
func persist(path: String) throws -> Bool
* A file handle that takes ownership of a media file on disk. When the handle
* is dropped, the file will be removed from the disk.
open class MediaFileHandle:
MediaFileHandleProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_mediafilehandle(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_mediafilehandle(pointer, $0) }
* Get the media file's path.
open func path() throws -> String {
return try FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_mediafilehandle_path(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func persist(path: String) throws -> Bool {
return try FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeMediaFileHandle: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = MediaFileHandle
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> MediaFileHandle {
return MediaFileHandle(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: MediaFileHandle) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MediaFileHandle {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: MediaFileHandle, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeMediaFileHandle_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> MediaFileHandle {
return try FfiConverterTypeMediaFileHandle.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeMediaFileHandle_lower(_ value: MediaFileHandle) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeMediaFileHandle.lower(value)
public protocol MediaSourceProtocol : AnyObject {
func toJson() -> String
func url() -> String
open class MediaSource:
MediaSourceProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_mediasource(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_mediasource(pointer, $0) }
public static func fromJson(json: String) throws -> MediaSource {
return MediaSource(unsafeFromRawPointer: try rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func toJson() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_mediasource_to_json(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func url() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_mediasource_url(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeMediaSource: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = MediaSource
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> MediaSource {
return MediaSource(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: MediaSource) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MediaSource {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: MediaSource, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeMediaSource_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> MediaSource {
return try FfiConverterTypeMediaSource.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeMediaSource_lower(_ value: MediaSource) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeMediaSource.lower(value)
public protocol MessageProtocol : AnyObject {
func body() -> String
func inReplyTo() -> InReplyToDetails?
func isEdited() -> Bool
func isThreaded() -> Bool
func msgtype() -> MessageType
open class Message:
MessageProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_message(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_message(pointer, $0) }
open func body() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_message_body(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func inReplyTo() -> InReplyToDetails? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeInReplyToDetails.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_message_in_reply_to(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isEdited() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_message_is_edited(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isThreaded() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_message_is_threaded(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func msgtype() -> MessageType {
return try! FfiConverterTypeMessageType.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_message_msgtype(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeMessage: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = Message
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Message {
return Message(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: Message) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Message {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: Message, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeMessage_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Message {
return try FfiConverterTypeMessage.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeMessage_lower(_ value: Message) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeMessage.lower(value)
public protocol NotificationClientProtocol : AnyObject {
* See also documentation of
* `MatrixNotificationClient::get_notification`.
func getNotification(roomId: String, eventId: String) throws -> NotificationItem?
open class NotificationClient:
NotificationClientProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_notificationclient(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_notificationclient(pointer, $0) }
* See also documentation of
* `MatrixNotificationClient::get_notification`.
open func getNotification(roomId: String, eventId: String) throws -> NotificationItem? {
return try FfiConverterOptionTypeNotificationItem.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationClient: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = NotificationClient
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> NotificationClient {
return NotificationClient(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: NotificationClient) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationClient {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: NotificationClient, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationClient_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> NotificationClient {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationClient.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationClient_lower(_ value: NotificationClient) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationClient.lower(value)
public protocol NotificationClientBuilderProtocol : AnyObject {
* Filter out the notification event according to the push rules present in
* the event.
func filterByPushRules() -> NotificationClientBuilder
func finish() -> NotificationClient
open class NotificationClientBuilder:
NotificationClientBuilderProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_notificationclientbuilder(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_notificationclientbuilder(pointer, $0) }
* Filter out the notification event according to the push rules present in
* the event.
open func filterByPushRules() -> NotificationClientBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeNotificationClientBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_notificationclientbuilder_filter_by_push_rules(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func finish() -> NotificationClient {
return try! FfiConverterTypeNotificationClient.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_notificationclientbuilder_finish(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationClientBuilder: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = NotificationClientBuilder
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> NotificationClientBuilder {
return NotificationClientBuilder(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: NotificationClientBuilder) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationClientBuilder {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: NotificationClientBuilder, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationClientBuilder_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> NotificationClientBuilder {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationClientBuilder.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationClientBuilder_lower(_ value: NotificationClientBuilder) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationClientBuilder.lower(value)
public protocol NotificationSettingsProtocol : AnyObject {
* Check whether [MSC 4028 push rule][rule] is enabled on the homeserver.
* [rule]:
func canHomeserverPushEncryptedEventToDevice() async -> Bool
* Returns true if [MSC 4028 push rule][rule] is supported and enabled.
* [rule]:
func canPushEncryptedEventToDevice() async -> Bool
* Get whether some enabled keyword rules exist.
func containsKeywordsRules() async -> Bool
* Get the default room notification mode
* The mode will depend on the associated `PushRule` based on whether the
* room is encrypted or not, and on the number of members.
* # Arguments
* * `is_encrypted` - whether the room is encrypted
* * `is_one_to_one` - whether the room is a direct chats involving two
* people
func getDefaultRoomNotificationMode(isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async -> RoomNotificationMode
* Get the notification settings for a room.
* # Arguments
* * `room_id` - the room ID
* * `is_encrypted` - whether the room is encrypted
* * `is_one_to_one` - whether the room is a direct chat involving two
* people
func getRoomNotificationSettings(roomId: String, isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async throws -> RoomNotificationSettings
* Get all room IDs for which a user-defined rule exists.
func getRoomsWithUserDefinedRules(enabled: Bool?) async -> [String]
* Get the user defined room notification mode
func getUserDefinedRoomNotificationMode(roomId: String) async throws -> RoomNotificationMode?
* Get whether the `` push rule is enabled
func isCallEnabled() async throws -> Bool
* Get whether the `.m.rule.invite_for_me` push rule is enabled
func isInviteForMeEnabled() async throws -> Bool
* Get whether room mentions are enabled.
func isRoomMentionEnabled() async throws -> Bool
* Get whether user mentions are enabled.
func isUserMentionEnabled() async throws -> Bool
* Restore the default notification mode for a room
func restoreDefaultRoomNotificationMode(roomId: String) async throws
* Set whether the `` push rule is enabled
func setCallEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws
* Set the default room notification mode
* # Arguments
* * `is_encrypted` - whether the mode is for encrypted rooms
* * `is_one_to_one` - whether the mode is for direct chats involving two
* people
* * `mode` - the new default mode
func setDefaultRoomNotificationMode(isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool, mode: RoomNotificationMode) async throws
func setDelegate(delegate: NotificationSettingsDelegate?)
* Set whether the `.m.rule.invite_for_me` push rule is enabled
func setInviteForMeEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws
* Set whether room mentions are enabled.
func setRoomMentionEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws
* Set the notification mode for a room.
func setRoomNotificationMode(roomId: String, mode: RoomNotificationMode) async throws
* Set whether user mentions are enabled.
func setUserMentionEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws
* Unmute a room.
* # Arguments
* * `room_id` - the room to unmute
* * `is_encrypted` - whether the room is encrypted
* * `is_one_to_one` - whether the room is a direct chat involving two
* people
func unmuteRoom(roomId: String, isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async throws
open class NotificationSettings:
NotificationSettingsProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_notificationsettings(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_notificationsettings(pointer, $0) }
* Check whether [MSC 4028 push rule][rule] is enabled on the homeserver.
* [rule]:
open func canHomeserverPushEncryptedEventToDevice() async -> Bool {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: nil
* Returns true if [MSC 4028 push rule][rule] is supported and enabled.
* [rule]:
open func canPushEncryptedEventToDevice() async -> Bool {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: nil
* Get whether some enabled keyword rules exist.
open func containsKeywordsRules() async -> Bool {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: nil
* Get the default room notification mode
* The mode will depend on the associated `PushRule` based on whether the
* room is encrypted or not, and on the number of members.
* # Arguments
* * `is_encrypted` - whether the room is encrypted
* * `is_one_to_one` - whether the room is a direct chats involving two
* people
open func getDefaultRoomNotificationMode(isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async -> RoomNotificationMode {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationMode.lift,
errorHandler: nil
* Get the notification settings for a room.
* # Arguments
* * `room_id` - the room ID
* * `is_encrypted` - whether the room is encrypted
* * `is_one_to_one` - whether the room is a direct chat involving two
* people
open func getRoomNotificationSettings(roomId: String, isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async throws -> RoomNotificationSettings {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationSettings.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Get all room IDs for which a user-defined rule exists.
open func getRoomsWithUserDefinedRules(enabled: Bool?) async -> [String] {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterSequenceString.lift,
errorHandler: nil
* Get the user defined room notification mode
open func getUserDefinedRoomNotificationMode(roomId: String) async throws -> RoomNotificationMode? {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterOptionTypeRoomNotificationMode.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Get whether the `` push rule is enabled
open func isCallEnabled() async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Get whether the `.m.rule.invite_for_me` push rule is enabled
open func isInviteForMeEnabled() async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Get whether room mentions are enabled.
open func isRoomMentionEnabled() async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Get whether user mentions are enabled.
open func isUserMentionEnabled() async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Restore the default notification mode for a room
open func restoreDefaultRoomNotificationMode(roomId: String) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Set whether the `` push rule is enabled
open func setCallEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Set the default room notification mode
* # Arguments
* * `is_encrypted` - whether the mode is for encrypted rooms
* * `is_one_to_one` - whether the mode is for direct chats involving two
* people
* * `mode` - the new default mode
open func setDefaultRoomNotificationMode(isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool, mode: RoomNotificationMode) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
open func setDelegate(delegate: NotificationSettingsDelegate?) {
rustCall() {
* Set whether the `.m.rule.invite_for_me` push rule is enabled
open func setInviteForMeEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Set whether room mentions are enabled.
open func setRoomMentionEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Set the notification mode for a room.
open func setRoomNotificationMode(roomId: String, mode: RoomNotificationMode) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Set whether user mentions are enabled.
open func setUserMentionEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
* Unmute a room.
* # Arguments
* * `room_id` - the room to unmute
* * `is_encrypted` - whether the room is encrypted
* * `is_one_to_one` - whether the room is a direct chat involving two
* people
open func unmuteRoom(roomId: String, isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError.lift
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettings: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = NotificationSettings
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> NotificationSettings {
return NotificationSettings(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: NotificationSettings) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationSettings {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: NotificationSettings, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettings_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> NotificationSettings {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettings.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettings_lower(_ value: NotificationSettings) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettings.lower(value)
* The data required to authenticate against an OIDC server.
public protocol OidcAuthenticationDataProtocol : AnyObject {
* The login URL to use for authentication.
func loginUrl() -> String
* The data required to authenticate against an OIDC server.
open class OidcAuthenticationData:
OidcAuthenticationDataProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_oidcauthenticationdata(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_oidcauthenticationdata(pointer, $0) }
* The login URL to use for authentication.
open func loginUrl() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_oidcauthenticationdata_login_url(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeOidcAuthenticationData: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = OidcAuthenticationData
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> OidcAuthenticationData {
return OidcAuthenticationData(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: OidcAuthenticationData) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> OidcAuthenticationData {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: OidcAuthenticationData, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeOidcAuthenticationData_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> OidcAuthenticationData {
return try FfiConverterTypeOidcAuthenticationData.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeOidcAuthenticationData_lower(_ value: OidcAuthenticationData) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeOidcAuthenticationData.lower(value)
public protocol RoomProtocol : AnyObject {
func activeMembersCount() -> UInt64
* Returns a Vec of userId's that participate in the room call.
* matrix_rtc memberships with application "" and scope "" are
* considered. A user can occur twice if they join with two devices.
* convert to a set depending if the different users are required or the
* amount of sessions.
* The vector is ordered by oldest membership user to newest.
func activeRoomCallParticipants() -> [String]
func alternativeAliases() -> [String]
func applyPowerLevelChanges(changes: RoomPowerLevelChanges) async throws
func avatarUrl() -> String?
func banUser(userId: String, reason: String?) async throws
func canUserBan(userId: String) async throws -> Bool
func canUserInvite(userId: String) async throws -> Bool
func canUserKick(userId: String) async throws -> Bool
func canUserRedactOther(userId: String) async throws -> Bool
func canUserRedactOwn(userId: String) async throws -> Bool
func canUserSendMessage(userId: String, message: MessageLikeEventType) async throws -> Bool
func canUserSendState(userId: String, stateEvent: StateEventType) async throws -> Bool
func canUserTriggerRoomNotification(userId: String) async throws -> Bool
func canonicalAlias() -> String?
* Forces the currently active room key, which is used to encrypt messages,
* to be rotated.
* A new room key will be crated and shared with all the room members the
* next time a message will be sent. You don't have to call this method,
* room keys will be rotated automatically when necessary. This method is
* still useful for debugging purposes.
func discardRoomKey() async throws
func displayName() throws -> String
func getPowerLevels() async throws -> RoomPowerLevels
* Is there a non expired membership with application "" and scope
* "" in this room.
func hasActiveRoomCall() -> Bool
func id() -> String
* Ignores a user.
* # Arguments
* * `user_id` - The ID of the user to ignore.
func ignoreUser(userId: String) async throws
func inviteUserById(userId: String) throws
func invitedMembersCount() -> UInt64
func inviter() -> RoomMember?
func isDirect() -> Bool
func isEncrypted() throws -> Bool
func isPublic() -> Bool
func isSpace() -> Bool
func isTombstoned() -> Bool
* Join this room.
* Only invited and left rooms can be joined via this method.
func join() throws
func joinedMembersCount() -> UInt64
func kickUser(userId: String, reason: String?) async throws
* Leave this room.
* Only invited and joined rooms can be left.
func leave() throws
* Mark a room as read, by attaching a read receipt on the latest event.
* Note: this does NOT unset the unread flag; it's the caller's
* responsibility to do so, if needs be.
func markAsRead(receiptType: ReceiptType) async throws
func matrixToEventPermalink(eventId: String) async throws -> String
func matrixToPermalink() async throws -> String
func member(userId: String) async throws -> RoomMember
func memberAvatarUrl(userId: String) throws -> String?
func memberDisplayName(userId: String) throws -> String?
func members() async throws -> RoomMembersIterator
func membersNoSync() async throws -> RoomMembersIterator
func membership() -> Membership
func name() -> String?
func ownUserId() -> String
* Redacts an event from the room.
* # Arguments
* * `event_id` - The ID of the event to redact
* * `reason` - The reason for the event being redacted (optional).
* its transaction ID (optional). If not given one is created.
func redact(eventId: String, reason: String?) throws
* Removes the current room avatar
func removeAvatar() throws
* Reports an event from the room.
* # Arguments
* * `event_id` - The ID of the event to report
* * `reason` - The reason for the event being reported (optional).
* * `score` - The score to rate this content as where -100 is most
* offensive and 0 is inoffensive (optional).
func reportContent(eventId: String, score: Int32?, reason: String?) throws
func resetPowerLevels() async throws -> RoomPowerLevels
func roomInfo() async throws -> RoomInfo
func setIsFavourite(isFavourite: Bool, tagOrder: Double?) async throws
func setIsLowPriority(isLowPriority: Bool, tagOrder: Double?) async throws
* Sets a new name to the room.
func setName(name: String) throws
* Sets a new topic in the room.
func setTopic(topic: String) throws
* Set (or unset) a flag on the room to indicate that the user has
* explicitly marked it as unread.
func setUnreadFlag(newValue: Bool) async throws
func subscribeToRoomInfoUpdates(listener: RoomInfoListener) -> TaskHandle
func subscribeToTypingNotifications(listener: TypingNotificationsListener) -> TaskHandle
func suggestedRoleForUser(userId: String) async throws -> RoomMemberRole
func timeline() async throws -> Timeline
func topic() -> String?
func typingNotice(isTyping: Bool) async throws
func unbanUser(userId: String, reason: String?) async throws
func updatePowerLevelsForUsers(updates: [UserPowerLevelUpdate]) async throws
* Upload and set the room's avatar.
* This will upload the data produced by the reader to the homeserver's
* content repository, and set the room's avatar to the MXC URI for the
* uploaded file.
* # Arguments
* * `mime_type` - The mime description of the avatar, for example
* image/jpeg
* * `data` - The raw data that will be uploaded to the homeserver's
* content repository
* * `media_info` - The media info used as avatar image info.
func uploadAvatar(mimeType: String, data: Data, mediaInfo: ImageInfo?) throws
open class Room:
RoomProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_room(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_room(pointer, $0) }
open func activeMembersCount() -> UInt64 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt64.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_active_members_count(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Returns a Vec of userId's that participate in the room call.
* matrix_rtc memberships with application "" and scope "" are
* considered. A user can occur twice if they join with two devices.
* convert to a set depending if the different users are required or the
* amount of sessions.
* The vector is ordered by oldest membership user to newest.
open func activeRoomCallParticipants() -> [String] {
return try! FfiConverterSequenceString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_active_room_call_participants(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func alternativeAliases() -> [String] {
return try! FfiConverterSequenceString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_alternative_aliases(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func applyPowerLevelChanges(changes: RoomPowerLevelChanges) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func avatarUrl() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_avatar_url(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func banUser(userId: String, reason: String?) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canUserBan(userId: String) async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canUserInvite(userId: String) async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canUserKick(userId: String) async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canUserRedactOther(userId: String) async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canUserRedactOwn(userId: String) async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canUserSendMessage(userId: String, message: MessageLikeEventType) async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canUserSendState(userId: String, stateEvent: StateEventType) async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canUserTriggerRoomNotification(userId: String) async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func canonicalAlias() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_canonical_alias(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Forces the currently active room key, which is used to encrypt messages,
* to be rotated.
* A new room key will be crated and shared with all the room members the
* next time a message will be sent. You don't have to call this method,
* room keys will be rotated automatically when necessary. This method is
* still useful for debugging purposes.
open func discardRoomKey() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func displayName() throws -> String {
return try FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_display_name(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func getPowerLevels() async throws -> RoomPowerLevels {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomPowerLevels.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Is there a non expired membership with application "" and scope
* "" in this room.
open func hasActiveRoomCall() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_has_active_room_call(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func id() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Ignores a user.
* # Arguments
* * `user_id` - The ID of the user to ignore.
open func ignoreUser(userId: String) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func inviteUserById(userId: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func invitedMembersCount() -> UInt64 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt64.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_invited_members_count(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func inviter() -> RoomMember? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeRoomMember.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_inviter(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isDirect() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_is_direct(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isEncrypted() throws -> Bool {
return try FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_is_encrypted(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isPublic() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_is_public(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isSpace() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_is_space(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isTombstoned() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_is_tombstoned(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Join this room.
* Only invited and left rooms can be joined via this method.
open func join() throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_join(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func joinedMembersCount() -> UInt64 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt64.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_joined_members_count(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func kickUser(userId: String, reason: String?) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Leave this room.
* Only invited and joined rooms can be left.
open func leave() throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_leave(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Mark a room as read, by attaching a read receipt on the latest event.
* Note: this does NOT unset the unread flag; it's the caller's
* responsibility to do so, if needs be.
open func markAsRead(receiptType: ReceiptType) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func matrixToEventPermalink(eventId: String) async throws -> String {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func matrixToPermalink() async throws -> String {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func member(userId: String) async throws -> RoomMember {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomMember.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func memberAvatarUrl(userId: String) throws -> String? {
return try FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func memberDisplayName(userId: String) throws -> String? {
return try FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func members() async throws -> RoomMembersIterator {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomMembersIterator.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func membersNoSync() async throws -> RoomMembersIterator {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomMembersIterator.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func membership() -> Membership {
return try! FfiConverterTypeMembership.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_membership(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func name() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_name(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func ownUserId() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_own_user_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Redacts an event from the room.
* # Arguments
* * `event_id` - The ID of the event to redact
* * `reason` - The reason for the event being redacted (optional).
* its transaction ID (optional). If not given one is created.
open func redact(eventId: String, reason: String?) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
* Removes the current room avatar
open func removeAvatar() throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_remove_avatar(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Reports an event from the room.
* # Arguments
* * `event_id` - The ID of the event to report
* * `reason` - The reason for the event being reported (optional).
* * `score` - The score to rate this content as where -100 is most
* offensive and 0 is inoffensive (optional).
open func reportContent(eventId: String, score: Int32?, reason: String?) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func resetPowerLevels() async throws -> RoomPowerLevels {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomPowerLevels.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func roomInfo() async throws -> RoomInfo {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomInfo.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func setIsFavourite(isFavourite: Bool, tagOrder: Double?) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func setIsLowPriority(isLowPriority: Bool, tagOrder: Double?) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Sets a new name to the room.
open func setName(name: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
* Sets a new topic in the room.
open func setTopic(topic: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
* Set (or unset) a flag on the room to indicate that the user has
* explicitly marked it as unread.
open func setUnreadFlag(newValue: Bool) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func subscribeToRoomInfoUpdates(listener: RoomInfoListener) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func subscribeToTypingNotifications(listener: TypingNotificationsListener) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func suggestedRoleForUser(userId: String) async throws -> RoomMemberRole {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomMemberRole_lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func timeline() async throws -> Timeline {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeTimeline.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func topic() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_room_topic(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func typingNotice(isTyping: Bool) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func unbanUser(userId: String, reason: String?) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func updatePowerLevelsForUsers(updates: [UserPowerLevelUpdate]) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Upload and set the room's avatar.
* This will upload the data produced by the reader to the homeserver's
* content repository, and set the room's avatar to the MXC URI for the
* uploaded file.
* # Arguments
* * `mime_type` - The mime description of the avatar, for example
* image/jpeg
* * `data` - The raw data that will be uploaded to the homeserver's
* content repository
* * `media_info` - The media info used as avatar image info.
open func uploadAvatar(mimeType: String, data: Data, mediaInfo: ImageInfo?) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoom: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = Room
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Room {
return Room(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: Room) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Room {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: Room, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoom_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Room {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoom.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoom_lower(_ value: Room) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoom.lower(value)
public protocol RoomDirectorySearchProtocol : AnyObject {
func isAtLastPage() async throws -> Bool
func loadedPages() async throws -> UInt32
func nextPage() async throws
func results(listener: RoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener) async -> TaskHandle
func search(filter: String?, batchSize: UInt32) async throws
open class RoomDirectorySearch:
RoomDirectorySearchProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_roomdirectorysearch(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_roomdirectorysearch(pointer, $0) }
open func isAtLastPage() async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func loadedPages() async throws -> UInt32 {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_u32,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_u32,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_u32,
liftFunc: FfiConverterUInt32.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func nextPage() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func results(listener: RoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener) async -> TaskHandle {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift,
errorHandler: nil
open func search(filter: String?, batchSize: UInt32) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearch: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = RoomDirectorySearch
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomDirectorySearch {
return RoomDirectorySearch(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: RoomDirectorySearch) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomDirectorySearch {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: RoomDirectorySearch, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearch_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomDirectorySearch {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearch.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearch_lower(_ value: RoomDirectorySearch) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearch.lower(value)
public protocol RoomListProtocol : AnyObject {
func entries(listener: RoomListEntriesListener) -> RoomListEntriesResult
func entriesWithDynamicAdapters(pageSize: UInt32, listener: RoomListEntriesListener) -> RoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult
func loadingState(listener: RoomListLoadingStateListener) throws -> RoomListLoadingStateResult
func room(roomId: String) throws -> RoomListItem
open class RoomList:
RoomListProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_roomlist(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_roomlist(pointer, $0) }
open func entries(listener: RoomListEntriesListener) -> RoomListEntriesResult {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesResult.lift(
rustCall() {
open func entriesWithDynamicAdapters(pageSize: UInt32, listener: RoomListEntriesListener) -> RoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult.lift(
rustCall() {
open func loadingState(listener: RoomListLoadingStateListener) throws -> RoomListLoadingStateResult {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingStateResult.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeRoomListError.lift) {
open func room(roomId: String) throws -> RoomListItem {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListItem.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeRoomListError.lift) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomList: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = RoomList
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomList {
return RoomList(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: RoomList) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomList {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: RoomList, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomList_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomList {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomList.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomList_lower(_ value: RoomList) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomList.lower(value)
public protocol RoomListDynamicEntriesControllerProtocol : AnyObject {
func addOnePage()
func resetToOnePage()
func setFilter(kind: RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind) -> Bool
open class RoomListDynamicEntriesController:
RoomListDynamicEntriesControllerProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_roomlistdynamicentriescontroller(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_roomlistdynamicentriescontroller(pointer, $0) }
open func addOnePage() {
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistdynamicentriescontroller_add_one_page(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func resetToOnePage() {
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistdynamicentriescontroller_reset_to_one_page(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func setFilter(kind: RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind) -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListDynamicEntriesController: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = RoomListDynamicEntriesController
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomListDynamicEntriesController {
return RoomListDynamicEntriesController(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: RoomListDynamicEntriesController) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListDynamicEntriesController {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: RoomListDynamicEntriesController, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListDynamicEntriesController_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomListDynamicEntriesController {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListDynamicEntriesController.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListDynamicEntriesController_lower(_ value: RoomListDynamicEntriesController) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListDynamicEntriesController.lower(value)
public protocol RoomListItemProtocol : AnyObject {
func avatarUrl() -> String?
func canonicalAlias() -> String?
* Building a `Room`. If its internal timeline hasn't been initialized
* it'll fail.
func fullRoom() async throws -> Room
func id() -> String
* Initializes the timeline for this room using the provided parameters.
* * `event_type_filter` - An optional [`TimelineEventTypeFilter`] to be
* used to filter timeline events besides the default timeline filter. If
* `None` is passed, only the default timeline filter will be used.
func initTimeline(eventTypeFilter: TimelineEventTypeFilter?) async throws
func isDirect() -> Bool
* Checks whether the Room's timeline has been initialized before.
func isTimelineInitialized() -> Bool
func latestEvent() async -> EventTimelineItem?
func name() -> String?
func roomInfo() async throws -> RoomInfo
func subscribe(settings: RoomSubscription?)
func unsubscribe()
open class RoomListItem:
RoomListItemProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_roomlistitem(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_roomlistitem(pointer, $0) }
open func avatarUrl() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistitem_avatar_url(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func canonicalAlias() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistitem_canonical_alias(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Building a `Room`. If its internal timeline hasn't been initialized
* it'll fail.
open func fullRoom() async throws -> Room {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoom.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRoomListError.lift
open func id() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistitem_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Initializes the timeline for this room using the provided parameters.
* * `event_type_filter` - An optional [`TimelineEventTypeFilter`] to be
* used to filter timeline events besides the default timeline filter. If
* `None` is passed, only the default timeline filter will be used.
open func initTimeline(eventTypeFilter: TimelineEventTypeFilter?) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRoomListError.lift
open func isDirect() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistitem_is_direct(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Checks whether the Room's timeline has been initialized before.
open func isTimelineInitialized() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistitem_is_timeline_initialized(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func latestEvent() async -> EventTimelineItem? {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterOptionTypeEventTimelineItem.lift,
errorHandler: nil
open func name() -> String? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistitem_name(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func roomInfo() async throws -> RoomInfo {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomInfo.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func subscribe(settings: RoomSubscription?) {
rustCall() {
open func unsubscribe() {
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roomlistitem_unsubscribe(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListItem: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = RoomListItem
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomListItem {
return RoomListItem(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: RoomListItem) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListItem {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: RoomListItem, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListItem_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomListItem {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListItem.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListItem_lower(_ value: RoomListItem) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListItem.lower(value)
public protocol RoomListServiceProtocol : AnyObject {
func allRooms() async throws -> RoomList
func applyInput(input: RoomListInput) async throws
func invites() async throws -> RoomList
func room(roomId: String) throws -> RoomListItem
func state(listener: RoomListServiceStateListener) -> TaskHandle
func syncIndicator(delayBeforeShowingInMs: UInt32, delayBeforeHidingInMs: UInt32, listener: RoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener) -> TaskHandle
open class RoomListService:
RoomListServiceProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_roomlistservice(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_roomlistservice(pointer, $0) }
open func allRooms() async throws -> RoomList {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomList.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRoomListError.lift
open func applyInput(input: RoomListInput) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRoomListError.lift
open func invites() async throws -> RoomList {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomList.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRoomListError.lift
open func room(roomId: String) throws -> RoomListItem {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListItem.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeRoomListError.lift) {
open func state(listener: RoomListServiceStateListener) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func syncIndicator(delayBeforeShowingInMs: UInt32, delayBeforeHidingInMs: UInt32, listener: RoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListService: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = RoomListService
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomListService {
return RoomListService(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: RoomListService) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListService {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: RoomListService, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListService_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomListService {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListService.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListService_lower(_ value: RoomListService) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListService.lower(value)
public protocol RoomMembersIteratorProtocol : AnyObject {
func len() -> UInt32
func nextChunk(chunkSize: UInt32) -> [RoomMember]?
open class RoomMembersIterator:
RoomMembersIteratorProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_roommembersiterator(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_roommembersiterator(pointer, $0) }
open func len() -> UInt32 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt32.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_roommembersiterator_len(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func nextChunk(chunkSize: UInt32) -> [RoomMember]? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionSequenceTypeRoomMember.lift(
rustCall() {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomMembersIterator: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = RoomMembersIterator
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomMembersIterator {
return RoomMembersIterator(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: RoomMembersIterator) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomMembersIterator {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: RoomMembersIterator, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomMembersIterator_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomMembersIterator {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomMembersIterator.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomMembersIterator_lower(_ value: RoomMembersIterator) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomMembersIterator.lower(value)
public protocol RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelationProtocol : AnyObject {
func withMentions(mentions: Mentions) -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation
open class RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation:
RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelationProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_roommessageeventcontentwithoutrelation(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_roommessageeventcontentwithoutrelation(pointer, $0) }
open func withMentions(mentions: Mentions) -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lift(
rustCall() {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation_lower(_ value: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lower(value)
public protocol SendAttachmentJoinHandleProtocol : AnyObject {
func cancel()
func join() async throws
open class SendAttachmentJoinHandle:
SendAttachmentJoinHandleProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_sendattachmentjoinhandle(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_sendattachmentjoinhandle(pointer, $0) }
open func cancel() {
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_sendattachmentjoinhandle_cancel(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func join() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeRoomError.lift
public struct FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = SendAttachmentJoinHandle
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle {
return SendAttachmentJoinHandle(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: SendAttachmentJoinHandle) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: SendAttachmentJoinHandle, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle {
return try FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle_lower(_ value: SendAttachmentJoinHandle) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle.lower(value)
public protocol SessionVerificationControllerProtocol : AnyObject {
func approveVerification() async throws
func cancelVerification() async throws
func declineVerification() async throws
func isVerified() async throws -> Bool
func requestVerification() async throws
func setDelegate(delegate: SessionVerificationControllerDelegate?)
func startSasVerification() async throws
open class SessionVerificationController:
SessionVerificationControllerProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_sessionverificationcontroller(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_sessionverificationcontroller(pointer, $0) }
open func approveVerification() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func cancelVerification() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func declineVerification() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func isVerified() async throws -> Bool {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func requestVerification() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func setDelegate(delegate: SessionVerificationControllerDelegate?) {
rustCall() {
open func startSasVerification() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
public struct FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationController: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = SessionVerificationController
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SessionVerificationController {
return SessionVerificationController(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: SessionVerificationController) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SessionVerificationController {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: SessionVerificationController, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationController_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SessionVerificationController {
return try FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationController.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationController_lower(_ value: SessionVerificationController) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationController.lower(value)
public protocol SessionVerificationEmojiProtocol : AnyObject {
func description() -> String
func symbol() -> String
open class SessionVerificationEmoji:
SessionVerificationEmojiProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_sessionverificationemoji(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_sessionverificationemoji(pointer, $0) }
open func description() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_sessionverificationemoji_description(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func symbol() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_sessionverificationemoji_symbol(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationEmoji: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = SessionVerificationEmoji
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SessionVerificationEmoji {
return SessionVerificationEmoji(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: SessionVerificationEmoji) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SessionVerificationEmoji {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: SessionVerificationEmoji, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationEmoji_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SessionVerificationEmoji {
return try FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationEmoji.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationEmoji_lower(_ value: SessionVerificationEmoji) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationEmoji.lower(value)
public protocol SpanProtocol : AnyObject {
func enter()
func exit()
func isNone() -> Bool
open class Span:
SpanProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_span(self.pointer, $0) }
* Create a span originating at the given callsite (file, line and column).
* The target should be something like a module path, and can be referenced
* in the filter string given to `setup_tracing`. `level` and `target`
* for a callsite are fixed at the first creation of a span for that
* callsite and can not be changed afterwards, i.e. the level and
* target passed for second and following creation of a span with the same
* callsite will be ignored.
* This function leaks a little bit of memory for each unique (file + line
* + level + target + name) it is called with. Please make sure that the
* number of different combinations of those parameters this can be called
* with is constant in the final executable.
* For a span to have an effect, you must `.enter()` it at the start of a
* logical unit of work and `.exit()` it at the end of the same (including
* on failure). Entering registers the span in thread-local storage, so
* future calls to `log_event` on the same thread are able to attach the
* events they create to the span, exiting unregisters it. For this to
* work, exiting a span must be done on the same thread where it was
* entered. It is possible to enter a span on multiple threads, in which
* case it should also be exited on all of them individually; that is,
* unless you *want* the span to be attached to all further events created
* on that thread.
public convenience init(file: String, line: UInt32?, level: LogLevel, target: String, name: String) {
self.init(unsafeFromRawPointer: try! rustCall() {
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_span(pointer, $0) }
public static func current() -> Span {
return Span(unsafeFromRawPointer: try! rustCall() {
open func enter() {
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_span_enter(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func exit() {
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_span_exit(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func isNone() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_span_is_none(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeSpan: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = Span
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Span {
return Span(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: Span) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Span {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: Span, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeSpan_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Span {
return try FfiConverterTypeSpan.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeSpan_lower(_ value: Span) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeSpan.lower(value)
public protocol SyncServiceProtocol : AnyObject {
func roomListService() -> RoomListService
func start() async
func state(listener: SyncServiceStateObserver) -> TaskHandle
func stop() async throws
open class SyncService:
SyncServiceProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_syncservice(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_syncservice(pointer, $0) }
open func roomListService() -> RoomListService {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomListService.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_syncservice_room_list_service(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func start() async {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: nil
open func state(listener: SyncServiceStateObserver) -> TaskHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func stop() async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
public struct FfiConverterTypeSyncService: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = SyncService
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SyncService {
return SyncService(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: SyncService) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SyncService {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: SyncService, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeSyncService_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SyncService {
return try FfiConverterTypeSyncService.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeSyncService_lower(_ value: SyncService) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeSyncService.lower(value)
public protocol SyncServiceBuilderProtocol : AnyObject {
func finish() async throws -> SyncService
func withCrossProcessLock(appIdentifier: String?) -> SyncServiceBuilder
func withUnifiedInvitesInRoomList(withUnifiedInvites: Bool) -> SyncServiceBuilder
func withUtdHook(delegate: UnableToDecryptDelegate) -> SyncServiceBuilder
open class SyncServiceBuilder:
SyncServiceBuilderProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_syncservicebuilder(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_syncservicebuilder(pointer, $0) }
open func finish() async throws -> SyncService {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_pointer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_pointer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_pointer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeSyncService.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func withCrossProcessLock(appIdentifier: String?) -> SyncServiceBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func withUnifiedInvitesInRoomList(withUnifiedInvites: Bool) -> SyncServiceBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
open func withUtdHook(delegate: UnableToDecryptDelegate) -> SyncServiceBuilder {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder.lift(
rustCall() {
public struct FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = SyncServiceBuilder
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SyncServiceBuilder {
return SyncServiceBuilder(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: SyncServiceBuilder) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SyncServiceBuilder {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: SyncServiceBuilder, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> SyncServiceBuilder {
return try FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder_lower(_ value: SyncServiceBuilder) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceBuilder.lower(value)
* A task handle is a way to keep the handle a task running by itself in
* detached mode.
* It's a thin wrapper around [`JoinHandle`].
public protocol TaskHandleProtocol : AnyObject {
func cancel()
* Check whether the handle is finished.
func isFinished() -> Bool
* A task handle is a way to keep the handle a task running by itself in
* detached mode.
* It's a thin wrapper around [`JoinHandle`].
open class TaskHandle:
TaskHandleProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_taskhandle(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_taskhandle(pointer, $0) }
open func cancel() {
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_taskhandle_cancel(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
* Check whether the handle is finished.
open func isFinished() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_taskhandle_is_finished(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = TaskHandle
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TaskHandle {
return TaskHandle(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: TaskHandle) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TaskHandle {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: TaskHandle, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TaskHandle {
return try FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle_lower(_ value: TaskHandle) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lower(value)
public protocol TimelineProtocol : AnyObject {
func addListener(listener: TimelineListener) async -> RoomTimelineListenerResult
func cancelSend(txnId: String)
func createPoll(question: String, answers: [String], maxSelections: UInt8, pollKind: PollKind) throws
func edit(newContent: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation, editItem: EventTimelineItem) throws
func editPoll(question: String, answers: [String], maxSelections: UInt8, pollKind: PollKind, editItem: EventTimelineItem) async throws
func endPoll(pollStartId: String, text: String) throws
func fetchDetailsForEvent(eventId: String) throws
func fetchMembers() async
func getEventTimelineItemByEventId(eventId: String) throws -> EventTimelineItem
func getTimelineEventContentByEventId(eventId: String) throws -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation
func latestEvent() async -> EventTimelineItem?
* Mark the room as read by trying to attach an *unthreaded* read receipt
* to the latest room event.
* This works even if the latest event belongs to a thread, as a threaded
* reply also belongs to the unthreaded timeline. No threaded receipt
* will be sent here (see also #3123).
func markAsRead(receiptType: ReceiptType) async throws
* Loads older messages into the timeline.
* Raises an exception if there are no timeline listeners.
func paginateBackwards(opts: PaginationOptions) throws
func retryDecryption(sessionIds: [String])
func retrySend(txnId: String)
func send(msg: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation)
func sendAudio(url: String, audioInfo: AudioInfo, caption: String?, formattedCaption: FormattedBody?, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle
func sendFile(url: String, fileInfo: FileInfo, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle
func sendImage(url: String, thumbnailUrl: String?, imageInfo: ImageInfo, caption: String?, formattedCaption: FormattedBody?, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle
func sendLocation(body: String, geoUri: String, description: String?, zoomLevel: UInt8?, assetType: AssetType?)
func sendPollResponse(pollStartId: String, answers: [String]) throws
func sendReadReceipt(receiptType: ReceiptType, eventId: String) throws
func sendReply(msg: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation, replyItem: EventTimelineItem) throws
func sendVideo(url: String, thumbnailUrl: String?, videoInfo: VideoInfo, caption: String?, formattedCaption: FormattedBody?, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle
func sendVoiceMessage(url: String, audioInfo: AudioInfo, waveform: [UInt16], caption: String?, formattedCaption: FormattedBody?, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle
func subscribeToBackPaginationStatus(listener: BackPaginationStatusListener) throws -> TaskHandle
func toggleReaction(eventId: String, key: String) throws
open class Timeline:
TimelineProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_timeline(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_timeline(pointer, $0) }
open func addListener(listener: TimelineListener) async -> RoomTimelineListenerResult {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterTypeRoomTimelineListenerResult.lift,
errorHandler: nil
open func cancelSend(txnId: String) {
rustCall() {
open func createPoll(question: String, answers: [String], maxSelections: UInt8, pollKind: PollKind) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func edit(newContent: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation, editItem: EventTimelineItem) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func editPoll(question: String, answers: [String], maxSelections: UInt8, pollKind: PollKind, editItem: EventTimelineItem) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
open func endPoll(pollStartId: String, text: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func fetchDetailsForEvent(eventId: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func fetchMembers() async {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: nil
open func getEventTimelineItemByEventId(eventId: String) throws -> EventTimelineItem {
return try FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItem.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func getTimelineEventContentByEventId(eventId: String) throws -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func latestEvent() async -> EventTimelineItem? {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterOptionTypeEventTimelineItem.lift,
errorHandler: nil
* Mark the room as read by trying to attach an *unthreaded* read receipt
* to the latest room event.
* This works even if the latest event belongs to a thread, as a threaded
* reply also belongs to the unthreaded timeline. No threaded receipt
* will be sent here (see also #3123).
open func markAsRead(receiptType: ReceiptType) async throws {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift
* Loads older messages into the timeline.
* Raises an exception if there are no timeline listeners.
open func paginateBackwards(opts: PaginationOptions) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func retryDecryption(sessionIds: [String]) {
rustCall() {
open func retrySend(txnId: String) {
rustCall() {
open func send(msg: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation) {
rustCall() {
open func sendAudio(url: String, audioInfo: AudioInfo, caption: String?, formattedCaption: FormattedBody?, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func sendFile(url: String, fileInfo: FileInfo, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func sendImage(url: String, thumbnailUrl: String?, imageInfo: ImageInfo, caption: String?, formattedCaption: FormattedBody?, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func sendLocation(body: String, geoUri: String, description: String?, zoomLevel: UInt8?, assetType: AssetType?) {
rustCall() {
open func sendPollResponse(pollStartId: String, answers: [String]) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func sendReadReceipt(receiptType: ReceiptType, eventId: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func sendReply(msg: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation, replyItem: EventTimelineItem) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func sendVideo(url: String, thumbnailUrl: String?, videoInfo: VideoInfo, caption: String?, formattedCaption: FormattedBody?, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func sendVoiceMessage(url: String, audioInfo: AudioInfo, waveform: [UInt16], caption: String?, formattedCaption: FormattedBody?, progressWatcher: ProgressWatcher?) -> SendAttachmentJoinHandle {
return try! FfiConverterTypeSendAttachmentJoinHandle.lift(
rustCall() {
open func subscribeToBackPaginationStatus(listener: BackPaginationStatusListener) throws -> TaskHandle {
return try FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
open func toggleReaction(eventId: String, key: String) throws {
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimeline: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = Timeline
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Timeline {
return Timeline(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: Timeline) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Timeline {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: Timeline, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeTimeline_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Timeline {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimeline.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimeline_lower(_ value: Timeline) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimeline.lower(value)
public protocol TimelineDiffProtocol : AnyObject {
func append() -> [TimelineItem]?
func change() -> TimelineChange
func insert() -> InsertData?
func pushBack() -> TimelineItem?
func pushFront() -> TimelineItem?
func remove() -> UInt32?
func reset() -> [TimelineItem]?
func set() -> SetData?
open class TimelineDiff:
TimelineDiffProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_timelinediff(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_timelinediff(pointer, $0) }
open func append() -> [TimelineItem]? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionSequenceTypeTimelineItem.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelinediff_append(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func change() -> TimelineChange {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTimelineChange.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelinediff_change(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func insert() -> InsertData? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeInsertData.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelinediff_insert(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func pushBack() -> TimelineItem? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeTimelineItem.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelinediff_push_back(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func pushFront() -> TimelineItem? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeTimelineItem.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelinediff_push_front(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func remove() -> UInt32? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionUInt32.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelinediff_remove(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func reset() -> [TimelineItem]? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionSequenceTypeTimelineItem.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelinediff_reset(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func set() -> SetData? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeSetData.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelinediff_set(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimelineDiff: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = TimelineDiff
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineDiff {
return TimelineDiff(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: TimelineDiff) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimelineDiff {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: TimelineDiff, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineDiff_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineDiff {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineDiff.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineDiff_lower(_ value: TimelineDiff) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimelineDiff.lower(value)
public protocol TimelineEventProtocol : AnyObject {
func eventId() -> String
func eventType() throws -> TimelineEventType
func senderId() -> String
func timestamp() -> UInt64
open class TimelineEvent:
TimelineEventProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_timelineevent(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_timelineevent(pointer, $0) }
open func eventId() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineevent_event_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func eventType() throws -> TimelineEventType {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventType.lift(
rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineevent_event_type(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func senderId() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineevent_sender_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func timestamp() -> UInt64 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt64.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineevent_timestamp(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimelineEvent: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = TimelineEvent
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineEvent {
return TimelineEvent(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: TimelineEvent) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimelineEvent {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: TimelineEvent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineEvent_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineEvent {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineEvent.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineEvent_lower(_ value: TimelineEvent) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimelineEvent.lower(value)
public protocol TimelineEventTypeFilterProtocol : AnyObject {
open class TimelineEventTypeFilter:
TimelineEventTypeFilterProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_timelineeventtypefilter(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_timelineeventtypefilter(pointer, $0) }
public static func exclude(eventTypes: [FilterTimelineEventType]) -> TimelineEventTypeFilter {
return TimelineEventTypeFilter(unsafeFromRawPointer: try! rustCall() {
public static func include(eventTypes: [FilterTimelineEventType]) -> TimelineEventTypeFilter {
return TimelineEventTypeFilter(unsafeFromRawPointer: try! rustCall() {
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventTypeFilter: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = TimelineEventTypeFilter
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineEventTypeFilter {
return TimelineEventTypeFilter(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: TimelineEventTypeFilter) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimelineEventTypeFilter {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: TimelineEventTypeFilter, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventTypeFilter_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineEventTypeFilter {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventTypeFilter.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventTypeFilter_lower(_ value: TimelineEventTypeFilter) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventTypeFilter.lower(value)
public protocol TimelineItemProtocol : AnyObject {
func asEvent() -> EventTimelineItem?
func asVirtual() -> VirtualTimelineItem?
func fmtDebug() -> String
func uniqueId() -> UInt64
open class TimelineItem:
TimelineItemProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_timelineitem(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_timelineitem(pointer, $0) }
open func asEvent() -> EventTimelineItem? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeEventTimelineItem.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineitem_as_event(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func asVirtual() -> VirtualTimelineItem? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeVirtualTimelineItem.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineitem_as_virtual(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func fmtDebug() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineitem_fmt_debug(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func uniqueId() -> UInt64 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt64.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineitem_unique_id(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = TimelineItem
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineItem {
return TimelineItem(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: TimelineItem) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimelineItem {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: TimelineItem, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineItem {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem_lower(_ value: TimelineItem) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem.lower(value)
public protocol TimelineItemContentProtocol : AnyObject {
func asMessage() -> Message?
func kind() -> TimelineItemContentKind
open class TimelineItemContent:
TimelineItemContentProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_timelineitemcontent(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_timelineitemcontent(pointer, $0) }
open func asMessage() -> Message? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeMessage.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineitemcontent_as_message(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func kind() -> TimelineItemContentKind {
return try! FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContentKind.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_timelineitemcontent_kind(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContent: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = TimelineItemContent
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineItemContent {
return TimelineItemContent(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: TimelineItemContent) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimelineItemContent {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: TimelineItemContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContent_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> TimelineItemContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContent.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContent_lower(_ value: TimelineItemContent) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContent.lower(value)
public protocol UnreadNotificationsCountProtocol : AnyObject {
func hasNotifications() -> Bool
func highlightCount() -> UInt32
func notificationCount() -> UInt32
open class UnreadNotificationsCount:
UnreadNotificationsCountProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_unreadnotificationscount(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_unreadnotificationscount(pointer, $0) }
open func hasNotifications() -> Bool {
return try! FfiConverterBool.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_unreadnotificationscount_has_notifications(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func highlightCount() -> UInt32 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt32.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_unreadnotificationscount_highlight_count(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
open func notificationCount() -> UInt32 {
return try! FfiConverterUInt32.lift(
rustCall() {
uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_method_unreadnotificationscount_notification_count(self.uniffiClonePointer(), $0
public struct FfiConverterTypeUnreadNotificationsCount: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = UnreadNotificationsCount
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> UnreadNotificationsCount {
return UnreadNotificationsCount(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: UnreadNotificationsCount) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UnreadNotificationsCount {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: UnreadNotificationsCount, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeUnreadNotificationsCount_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> UnreadNotificationsCount {
return try FfiConverterTypeUnreadNotificationsCount.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeUnreadNotificationsCount_lower(_ value: UnreadNotificationsCount) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeUnreadNotificationsCount.lower(value)
* An object that handles all interactions of a widget living inside a webview
* or IFrame with the Matrix world.
public protocol WidgetDriverProtocol : AnyObject {
func run(room: Room, capabilitiesProvider: WidgetCapabilitiesProvider) async
* An object that handles all interactions of a widget living inside a webview
* or IFrame with the Matrix world.
open class WidgetDriver:
WidgetDriverProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_widgetdriver(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_widgetdriver(pointer, $0) }
open func run(room: Room, capabilitiesProvider: WidgetCapabilitiesProvider) async {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_void,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_void,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_void,
liftFunc: { $0 },
errorHandler: nil
public struct FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriver: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = WidgetDriver
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> WidgetDriver {
return WidgetDriver(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: WidgetDriver) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> WidgetDriver {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: WidgetDriver, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriver_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> WidgetDriver {
return try FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriver.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriver_lower(_ value: WidgetDriver) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriver.lower(value)
* A handle that encapsulates the communication between a widget driver and the
* corresponding widget (inside a webview or IFrame).
public protocol WidgetDriverHandleProtocol : AnyObject {
* Receive a message from the widget driver.
* The message must be passed on to the widget.
* Returns `None` if the widget driver is no longer running.
func recv() async -> String?
* Returns `false` if the widget driver is no longer running.
func send(msg: String) async -> Bool
* A handle that encapsulates the communication between a widget driver and the
* corresponding widget (inside a webview or IFrame).
open class WidgetDriverHandle:
WidgetDriverHandleProtocol {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
/// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
/// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
/// - Warning:
/// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_clone_widgetdriverhandle(self.pointer, $0) }
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_fn_free_widgetdriverhandle(pointer, $0) }
* Receive a message from the widget driver.
* The message must be passed on to the widget.
* Returns `None` if the widget driver is no longer running.
open func recv() async -> String? {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterOptionString.lift,
errorHandler: nil
* Returns `false` if the widget driver is no longer running.
open func send(msg: String) async -> Bool {
return try! await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_i8,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_i8,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_i8,
liftFunc: FfiConverterBool.lift,
errorHandler: nil
public struct FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverHandle: FfiConverter {
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = WidgetDriverHandle
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> WidgetDriverHandle {
return WidgetDriverHandle(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: WidgetDriverHandle) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> WidgetDriverHandle {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: WidgetDriverHandle, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverHandle_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> WidgetDriverHandle {
return try FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverHandle.lift(pointer)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverHandle_lower(_ value: WidgetDriverHandle) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverHandle.lower(value)
public struct AudioInfo {
public var duration: TimeInterval?
public var size: UInt64?
public var mimetype: String?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(duration: TimeInterval?, size: UInt64?, mimetype: String?) {
self.duration = duration
self.size = size
self.mimetype = mimetype
extension AudioInfo: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: AudioInfo, rhs: AudioInfo) -> Bool {
if lhs.duration != rhs.duration {
return false
if lhs.size != rhs.size {
return false
if lhs.mimetype != rhs.mimetype {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeAudioInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> AudioInfo {
try AudioInfo(
duration: &buf),
size: &buf),
mimetype: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: AudioInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionDuration.write(value.duration, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.size, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.mimetype, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeAudioInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> AudioInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeAudioInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeAudioInfo_lower(_ value: AudioInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeAudioInfo.lower(value)
public struct AudioMessageContent {
public var body: String
public var formatted: FormattedBody?
public var filename: String?
public var source: MediaSource
public var info: AudioInfo?
public var audio: UnstableAudioDetailsContent?
public var voice: UnstableVoiceContent?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(body: String, formatted: FormattedBody?, filename: String?, source: MediaSource, info: AudioInfo?, audio: UnstableAudioDetailsContent?, voice: UnstableVoiceContent?) {
self.body = body
self.formatted = formatted
self.filename = filename
self.source = source = info = audio
self.voice = voice
public struct FfiConverterTypeAudioMessageContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> AudioMessageContent {
try AudioMessageContent(
body: &buf),
formatted: &buf),
filename: &buf),
source: &buf),
info: &buf),
audio: &buf),
voice: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: AudioMessageContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeFormattedBody.write(value.formatted, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.filename, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeMediaSource.write(value.source, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeAudioInfo.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeUnstableAudioDetailsContent.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeUnstableVoiceContent.write(value.voice, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeAudioMessageContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> AudioMessageContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeAudioMessageContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeAudioMessageContent_lower(_ value: AudioMessageContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeAudioMessageContent.lower(value)
public struct ClientProperties {
* The client_id provides the widget with the option to behave differently
* for different clients. e.g org.example.ios.
public var clientId: String
* The language tag the client is set to e.g. en-us. (Undefined and invalid
* becomes: `en-US`)
public var languageTag: String?
* A string describing the theme (dark, light) or org.example.dark.
* (default: `light`)
public var theme: String?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The client_id provides the widget with the option to behave differently
* for different clients. e.g org.example.ios.
*/clientId: String,
* The language tag the client is set to e.g. en-us. (Undefined and invalid
* becomes: `en-US`)
*/languageTag: String?,
* A string describing the theme (dark, light) or org.example.dark.
* (default: `light`)
*/theme: String?) {
self.clientId = clientId
self.languageTag = languageTag
self.theme = theme
extension ClientProperties: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: ClientProperties, rhs: ClientProperties) -> Bool {
if lhs.clientId != rhs.clientId {
return false
if lhs.languageTag != rhs.languageTag {
return false
if lhs.theme != rhs.theme {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeClientProperties: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ClientProperties {
try ClientProperties(
clientId: &buf),
languageTag: &buf),
theme: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: ClientProperties, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.clientId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.languageTag, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.theme, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeClientProperties_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> ClientProperties {
return try FfiConverterTypeClientProperties.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeClientProperties_lower(_ value: ClientProperties) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeClientProperties.lower(value)
public struct CreateRoomParameters {
public var name: String?
public var topic: String?
public var isEncrypted: Bool
public var isDirect: Bool
public var visibility: RoomVisibility
public var preset: RoomPreset
public var invite: [String]?
public var avatar: String?
public var powerLevelContentOverride: PowerLevels?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(name: String?, topic: String? = nil, isEncrypted: Bool, isDirect: Bool = false, visibility: RoomVisibility, preset: RoomPreset, invite: [String]? = nil, avatar: String? = nil, powerLevelContentOverride: PowerLevels? = nil) { = name
self.topic = topic
self.isEncrypted = isEncrypted
self.isDirect = isDirect
self.visibility = visibility
self.preset = preset
self.invite = invite
self.avatar = avatar
self.powerLevelContentOverride = powerLevelContentOverride
extension CreateRoomParameters: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: CreateRoomParameters, rhs: CreateRoomParameters) -> Bool {
if != {
return false
if lhs.topic != rhs.topic {
return false
if lhs.isEncrypted != rhs.isEncrypted {
return false
if lhs.isDirect != rhs.isDirect {
return false
if lhs.visibility != rhs.visibility {
return false
if lhs.preset != rhs.preset {
return false
if lhs.invite != rhs.invite {
return false
if lhs.avatar != rhs.avatar {
return false
if lhs.powerLevelContentOverride != rhs.powerLevelContentOverride {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeCreateRoomParameters: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> CreateRoomParameters {
try CreateRoomParameters(
name: &buf),
topic: &buf),
isEncrypted: &buf),
isDirect: &buf),
visibility: &buf),
preset: &buf),
invite: &buf),
avatar: &buf),
powerLevelContentOverride: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: CreateRoomParameters, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionString.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.topic, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isEncrypted, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isDirect, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeRoomVisibility.write(value.visibility, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeRoomPreset.write(value.preset, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionSequenceString.write(value.invite, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.avatar, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypePowerLevels.write(value.powerLevelContentOverride, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeCreateRoomParameters_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> CreateRoomParameters {
return try FfiConverterTypeCreateRoomParameters.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeCreateRoomParameters_lower(_ value: CreateRoomParameters) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeCreateRoomParameters.lower(value)
public struct EmoteMessageContent {
public var body: String
public var formatted: FormattedBody?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(body: String, formatted: FormattedBody?) {
self.body = body
self.formatted = formatted
extension EmoteMessageContent: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: EmoteMessageContent, rhs: EmoteMessageContent) -> Bool {
if lhs.body != rhs.body {
return false
if lhs.formatted != rhs.formatted {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeEmoteMessageContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> EmoteMessageContent {
try EmoteMessageContent(
body: &buf),
formatted: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: EmoteMessageContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeFormattedBody.write(value.formatted, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEmoteMessageContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> EmoteMessageContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeEmoteMessageContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEmoteMessageContent_lower(_ value: EmoteMessageContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeEmoteMessageContent.lower(value)
public struct EventTimelineItemDebugInfo {
public var model: String
public var originalJson: String?
public var latestEditJson: String?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(model: String, originalJson: String?, latestEditJson: String?) {
self.model = model
self.originalJson = originalJson
self.latestEditJson = latestEditJson
extension EventTimelineItemDebugInfo: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: EventTimelineItemDebugInfo, rhs: EventTimelineItemDebugInfo) -> Bool {
if lhs.model != rhs.model {
return false
if lhs.originalJson != rhs.originalJson {
return false
if lhs.latestEditJson != rhs.latestEditJson {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItemDebugInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> EventTimelineItemDebugInfo {
try EventTimelineItemDebugInfo(
model: &buf),
originalJson: &buf),
latestEditJson: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: EventTimelineItemDebugInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.model, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.originalJson, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.latestEditJson, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItemDebugInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> EventTimelineItemDebugInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItemDebugInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItemDebugInfo_lower(_ value: EventTimelineItemDebugInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItemDebugInfo.lower(value)
public struct FileInfo {
public var mimetype: String?
public var size: UInt64?
public var thumbnailInfo: ThumbnailInfo?
public var thumbnailSource: MediaSource?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(mimetype: String?, size: UInt64?, thumbnailInfo: ThumbnailInfo?, thumbnailSource: MediaSource?) {
self.mimetype = mimetype
self.size = size
self.thumbnailInfo = thumbnailInfo
self.thumbnailSource = thumbnailSource
public struct FfiConverterTypeFileInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> FileInfo {
try FileInfo(
mimetype: &buf),
size: &buf),
thumbnailInfo: &buf),
thumbnailSource: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: FileInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.mimetype, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.size, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeThumbnailInfo.write(value.thumbnailInfo, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeMediaSource.write(value.thumbnailSource, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeFileInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> FileInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeFileInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeFileInfo_lower(_ value: FileInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeFileInfo.lower(value)
public struct FileMessageContent {
public var body: String
public var formatted: FormattedBody?
public var filename: String?
public var source: MediaSource
public var info: FileInfo?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(body: String, formatted: FormattedBody?, filename: String?, source: MediaSource, info: FileInfo?) {
self.body = body
self.formatted = formatted
self.filename = filename
self.source = source = info
public struct FfiConverterTypeFileMessageContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> FileMessageContent {
try FileMessageContent(
body: &buf),
formatted: &buf),
filename: &buf),
source: &buf),
info: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: FileMessageContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeFormattedBody.write(value.formatted, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.filename, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeMediaSource.write(value.source, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeFileInfo.write(, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeFileMessageContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> FileMessageContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeFileMessageContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeFileMessageContent_lower(_ value: FileMessageContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeFileMessageContent.lower(value)
public struct FormattedBody {
public var format: MessageFormat
public var body: String
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(format: MessageFormat, body: String) {
self.format = format
self.body = body
extension FormattedBody: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: FormattedBody, rhs: FormattedBody) -> Bool {
if lhs.format != rhs.format {
return false
if lhs.body != rhs.body {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeFormattedBody: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> FormattedBody {
try FormattedBody(
format: &buf),
body: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: FormattedBody, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterTypeMessageFormat.write(value.format, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeFormattedBody_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> FormattedBody {
return try FfiConverterTypeFormattedBody.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeFormattedBody_lower(_ value: FormattedBody) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeFormattedBody.lower(value)
public struct HttpPusherData {
public var url: String
public var format: PushFormat?
public var defaultPayload: String?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(url: String, format: PushFormat?, defaultPayload: String?) {
self.url = url
self.format = format
self.defaultPayload = defaultPayload
extension HttpPusherData: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: HttpPusherData, rhs: HttpPusherData) -> Bool {
if lhs.url != rhs.url {
return false
if lhs.format != rhs.format {
return false
if lhs.defaultPayload != rhs.defaultPayload {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeHttpPusherData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> HttpPusherData {
try HttpPusherData(
url: &buf),
format: &buf),
defaultPayload: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: HttpPusherData, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.url, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypePushFormat.write(value.format, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.defaultPayload, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeHttpPusherData_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> HttpPusherData {
return try FfiConverterTypeHttpPusherData.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeHttpPusherData_lower(_ value: HttpPusherData) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeHttpPusherData.lower(value)
public struct ImageInfo {
public var height: UInt64?
public var width: UInt64?
public var mimetype: String?
public var size: UInt64?
public var thumbnailInfo: ThumbnailInfo?
public var thumbnailSource: MediaSource?
public var blurhash: String?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(height: UInt64?, width: UInt64?, mimetype: String?, size: UInt64?, thumbnailInfo: ThumbnailInfo?, thumbnailSource: MediaSource?, blurhash: String?) {
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.mimetype = mimetype
self.size = size
self.thumbnailInfo = thumbnailInfo
self.thumbnailSource = thumbnailSource
self.blurhash = blurhash
public struct FfiConverterTypeImageInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ImageInfo {
try ImageInfo(
height: &buf),
width: &buf),
mimetype: &buf),
size: &buf),
thumbnailInfo: &buf),
thumbnailSource: &buf),
blurhash: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: ImageInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.height, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.width, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.mimetype, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.size, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeThumbnailInfo.write(value.thumbnailInfo, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeMediaSource.write(value.thumbnailSource, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.blurhash, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeImageInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> ImageInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeImageInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeImageInfo_lower(_ value: ImageInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeImageInfo.lower(value)
public struct ImageMessageContent {
public var body: String
public var formatted: FormattedBody?
public var filename: String?
public var source: MediaSource
public var info: ImageInfo?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(body: String, formatted: FormattedBody?, filename: String?, source: MediaSource, info: ImageInfo?) {
self.body = body
self.formatted = formatted
self.filename = filename
self.source = source = info
public struct FfiConverterTypeImageMessageContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ImageMessageContent {
try ImageMessageContent(
body: &buf),
formatted: &buf),
filename: &buf),
source: &buf),
info: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: ImageMessageContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeFormattedBody.write(value.formatted, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.filename, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeMediaSource.write(value.source, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeImageInfo.write(, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeImageMessageContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> ImageMessageContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeImageMessageContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeImageMessageContent_lower(_ value: ImageMessageContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeImageMessageContent.lower(value)
public struct InReplyToDetails {
public var eventId: String
public var event: RepliedToEventDetails
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(eventId: String, event: RepliedToEventDetails) {
self.eventId = eventId
self.event = event
public struct FfiConverterTypeInReplyToDetails: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> InReplyToDetails {
try InReplyToDetails(
eventId: &buf),
event: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: InReplyToDetails, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.eventId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeRepliedToEventDetails.write(value.event, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeInReplyToDetails_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> InReplyToDetails {
return try FfiConverterTypeInReplyToDetails.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeInReplyToDetails_lower(_ value: InReplyToDetails) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeInReplyToDetails.lower(value)
public struct InsertData {
public var index: UInt32
public var item: TimelineItem
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(index: UInt32, item: TimelineItem) {
self.index = index
self.item = item
public struct FfiConverterTypeInsertData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> InsertData {
try InsertData(
index: &buf),
item: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: InsertData, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterUInt32.write(value.index, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem.write(value.item, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeInsertData_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> InsertData {
return try FfiConverterTypeInsertData.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeInsertData_lower(_ value: InsertData) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeInsertData.lower(value)
public struct LocationContent {
public var body: String
public var geoUri: String
public var description: String?
public var zoomLevel: UInt8?
public var asset: AssetType?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(body: String, geoUri: String, description: String?, zoomLevel: UInt8?, asset: AssetType?) {
self.body = body
self.geoUri = geoUri
self.description = description
self.zoomLevel = zoomLevel
self.asset = asset
extension LocationContent: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: LocationContent, rhs: LocationContent) -> Bool {
if lhs.body != rhs.body {
return false
if lhs.geoUri != rhs.geoUri {
return false
if lhs.description != rhs.description {
return false
if lhs.zoomLevel != rhs.zoomLevel {
return false
if lhs.asset != rhs.asset {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeLocationContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> LocationContent {
try LocationContent(
body: &buf),
geoUri: &buf),
description: &buf),
zoomLevel: &buf),
asset: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: LocationContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.geoUri, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.description, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt8.write(value.zoomLevel, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeAssetType.write(value.asset, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeLocationContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> LocationContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeLocationContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeLocationContent_lower(_ value: LocationContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeLocationContent.lower(value)
* A Matrix entity that can be a room, room alias, user, or event, and a list
* of via servers.
public struct MatrixEntity {
public var id: MatrixId
public var via: [String]
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(id: MatrixId, via: [String]) { = id
self.via = via
extension MatrixEntity: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: MatrixEntity, rhs: MatrixEntity) -> Bool {
if != {
return false
if lhs.via != rhs.via {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeMatrixEntity: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MatrixEntity {
try MatrixEntity(
id: &buf),
via: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: MatrixEntity, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterTypeMatrixId.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterSequenceString.write(value.via, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMatrixEntity_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MatrixEntity {
return try FfiConverterTypeMatrixEntity.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMatrixEntity_lower(_ value: MatrixEntity) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMatrixEntity.lower(value)
public struct Mentions {
public var userIds: [String]
public var room: Bool
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(userIds: [String], room: Bool) {
self.userIds = userIds = room
extension Mentions: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: Mentions, rhs: Mentions) -> Bool {
if lhs.userIds != rhs.userIds {
return false
if != {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeMentions: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Mentions {
try Mentions(
userIds: &buf),
room: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: Mentions, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterSequenceString.write(value.userIds, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMentions_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> Mentions {
return try FfiConverterTypeMentions.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMentions_lower(_ value: Mentions) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMentions.lower(value)
public struct NoticeMessageContent {
public var body: String
public var formatted: FormattedBody?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(body: String, formatted: FormattedBody?) {
self.body = body
self.formatted = formatted
extension NoticeMessageContent: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: NoticeMessageContent, rhs: NoticeMessageContent) -> Bool {
if lhs.body != rhs.body {
return false
if lhs.formatted != rhs.formatted {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeNoticeMessageContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NoticeMessageContent {
try NoticeMessageContent(
body: &buf),
formatted: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: NoticeMessageContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeFormattedBody.write(value.formatted, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNoticeMessageContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> NoticeMessageContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeNoticeMessageContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNoticeMessageContent_lower(_ value: NoticeMessageContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeNoticeMessageContent.lower(value)
public struct NotificationItem {
public var event: NotificationEvent
public var senderInfo: NotificationSenderInfo
public var roomInfo: NotificationRoomInfo
* Is the notification supposed to be at the "noisy" level?
* Can be `None` if we couldn't determine this, because we lacked
* information to create a push context.
public var isNoisy: Bool?
public var hasMention: Bool?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(event: NotificationEvent, senderInfo: NotificationSenderInfo, roomInfo: NotificationRoomInfo,
* Is the notification supposed to be at the "noisy" level?
* Can be `None` if we couldn't determine this, because we lacked
* information to create a push context.
*/isNoisy: Bool?, hasMention: Bool?) {
self.event = event
self.senderInfo = senderInfo
self.roomInfo = roomInfo
self.isNoisy = isNoisy
self.hasMention = hasMention
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationItem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationItem {
try NotificationItem(
event: &buf),
senderInfo: &buf),
roomInfo: &buf),
isNoisy: &buf),
hasMention: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: NotificationItem, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterTypeNotificationEvent.write(value.event, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeNotificationSenderInfo.write(value.senderInfo, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeNotificationRoomInfo.write(value.roomInfo, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionBool.write(value.isNoisy, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionBool.write(value.hasMention, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationItem_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> NotificationItem {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationItem.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationItem_lower(_ value: NotificationItem) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationItem.lower(value)
public struct NotificationPowerLevels {
public var room: Int32
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(room: Int32) { = room
extension NotificationPowerLevels: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: NotificationPowerLevels, rhs: NotificationPowerLevels) -> Bool {
if != {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationPowerLevels: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationPowerLevels {
try NotificationPowerLevels(
room: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: NotificationPowerLevels, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterInt32.write(, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationPowerLevels_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> NotificationPowerLevels {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationPowerLevels.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationPowerLevels_lower(_ value: NotificationPowerLevels) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationPowerLevels.lower(value)
public struct NotificationRoomInfo {
public var displayName: String
public var avatarUrl: String?
public var canonicalAlias: String?
public var joinedMembersCount: UInt64
public var isEncrypted: Bool?
public var isDirect: Bool
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(displayName: String, avatarUrl: String?, canonicalAlias: String?, joinedMembersCount: UInt64, isEncrypted: Bool?, isDirect: Bool) {
self.displayName = displayName
self.avatarUrl = avatarUrl
self.canonicalAlias = canonicalAlias
self.joinedMembersCount = joinedMembersCount
self.isEncrypted = isEncrypted
self.isDirect = isDirect
extension NotificationRoomInfo: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: NotificationRoomInfo, rhs: NotificationRoomInfo) -> Bool {
if lhs.displayName != rhs.displayName {
return false
if lhs.avatarUrl != rhs.avatarUrl {
return false
if lhs.canonicalAlias != rhs.canonicalAlias {
return false
if lhs.joinedMembersCount != rhs.joinedMembersCount {
return false
if lhs.isEncrypted != rhs.isEncrypted {
return false
if lhs.isDirect != rhs.isDirect {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationRoomInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationRoomInfo {
try NotificationRoomInfo(
displayName: &buf),
avatarUrl: &buf),
canonicalAlias: &buf),
joinedMembersCount: &buf),
isEncrypted: &buf),
isDirect: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: NotificationRoomInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.displayName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.avatarUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.canonicalAlias, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.joinedMembersCount, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionBool.write(value.isEncrypted, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isDirect, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationRoomInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> NotificationRoomInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationRoomInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationRoomInfo_lower(_ value: NotificationRoomInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationRoomInfo.lower(value)
public struct NotificationSenderInfo {
public var displayName: String?
public var avatarUrl: String?
public var isNameAmbiguous: Bool
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(displayName: String?, avatarUrl: String?, isNameAmbiguous: Bool) {
self.displayName = displayName
self.avatarUrl = avatarUrl
self.isNameAmbiguous = isNameAmbiguous
extension NotificationSenderInfo: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: NotificationSenderInfo, rhs: NotificationSenderInfo) -> Bool {
if lhs.displayName != rhs.displayName {
return false
if lhs.avatarUrl != rhs.avatarUrl {
return false
if lhs.isNameAmbiguous != rhs.isNameAmbiguous {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationSenderInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationSenderInfo {
try NotificationSenderInfo(
displayName: &buf),
avatarUrl: &buf),
isNameAmbiguous: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: NotificationSenderInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.displayName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.avatarUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isNameAmbiguous, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationSenderInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> NotificationSenderInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationSenderInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationSenderInfo_lower(_ value: NotificationSenderInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationSenderInfo.lower(value)
* The configuration to use when authenticating with OIDC.
public struct OidcConfiguration {
* The name of the client that will be shown during OIDC authentication.
public var clientName: String?
* The redirect URI that will be used when OIDC authentication is
* successful.
public var redirectUri: String
* A URI that contains information about the client.
public var clientUri: String?
* A URI that contains the client's logo.
public var logoUri: String?
* A URI that contains the client's terms of service.
public var tosUri: String?
* A URI that contains the client's privacy policy.
public var policyUri: String?
* An array of e-mail addresses of people responsible for this client.
public var contacts: [String]?
* Pre-configured registrations for use with issuers that don't support
* dynamic client registration.
public var staticRegistrations: [String: String]
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The name of the client that will be shown during OIDC authentication.
*/clientName: String?,
* The redirect URI that will be used when OIDC authentication is
* successful.
*/redirectUri: String,
* A URI that contains information about the client.
*/clientUri: String?,
* A URI that contains the client's logo.
*/logoUri: String?,
* A URI that contains the client's terms of service.
*/tosUri: String?,
* A URI that contains the client's privacy policy.
*/policyUri: String?,
* An array of e-mail addresses of people responsible for this client.
*/contacts: [String]?,
* Pre-configured registrations for use with issuers that don't support
* dynamic client registration.
*/staticRegistrations: [String: String]) {
self.clientName = clientName
self.redirectUri = redirectUri
self.clientUri = clientUri
self.logoUri = logoUri
self.tosUri = tosUri
self.policyUri = policyUri
self.contacts = contacts
self.staticRegistrations = staticRegistrations
extension OidcConfiguration: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: OidcConfiguration, rhs: OidcConfiguration) -> Bool {
if lhs.clientName != rhs.clientName {
return false
if lhs.redirectUri != rhs.redirectUri {
return false
if lhs.clientUri != rhs.clientUri {
return false
if lhs.logoUri != rhs.logoUri {
return false
if lhs.tosUri != rhs.tosUri {
return false
if lhs.policyUri != rhs.policyUri {
return false
if lhs.contacts != rhs.contacts {
return false
if lhs.staticRegistrations != rhs.staticRegistrations {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeOidcConfiguration: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> OidcConfiguration {
try OidcConfiguration(
clientName: &buf),
redirectUri: &buf),
clientUri: &buf),
logoUri: &buf),
tosUri: &buf),
policyUri: &buf),
contacts: &buf),
staticRegistrations: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: OidcConfiguration, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.clientName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.redirectUri, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.clientUri, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.logoUri, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.tosUri, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.policyUri, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionSequenceString.write(value.contacts, into: &buf)
FfiConverterDictionaryStringString.write(value.staticRegistrations, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeOidcConfiguration_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> OidcConfiguration {
return try FfiConverterTypeOidcConfiguration.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeOidcConfiguration_lower(_ value: OidcConfiguration) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeOidcConfiguration.lower(value)
public struct OtlpTracingConfiguration {
public var clientName: String
public var user: String
public var password: String
public var otlpEndpoint: String
public var filter: String
* Controls whether to print to stdout or, equivalent, the system logs on
* Android.
public var writeToStdoutOrSystem: Bool
public var writeToFiles: TracingFileConfiguration?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(clientName: String, user: String, password: String, otlpEndpoint: String, filter: String,
* Controls whether to print to stdout or, equivalent, the system logs on
* Android.
*/writeToStdoutOrSystem: Bool, writeToFiles: TracingFileConfiguration?) {
self.clientName = clientName
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.otlpEndpoint = otlpEndpoint
self.filter = filter
self.writeToStdoutOrSystem = writeToStdoutOrSystem
self.writeToFiles = writeToFiles
extension OtlpTracingConfiguration: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: OtlpTracingConfiguration, rhs: OtlpTracingConfiguration) -> Bool {
if lhs.clientName != rhs.clientName {
return false
if lhs.user != rhs.user {
return false
if lhs.password != rhs.password {
return false
if lhs.otlpEndpoint != rhs.otlpEndpoint {
return false
if lhs.filter != rhs.filter {
return false
if lhs.writeToStdoutOrSystem != rhs.writeToStdoutOrSystem {
return false
if lhs.writeToFiles != rhs.writeToFiles {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeOtlpTracingConfiguration: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> OtlpTracingConfiguration {
try OtlpTracingConfiguration(
clientName: &buf),
user: &buf),
password: &buf),
otlpEndpoint: &buf),
filter: &buf),
writeToStdoutOrSystem: &buf),
writeToFiles: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: OtlpTracingConfiguration, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.clientName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.user, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.password, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.otlpEndpoint, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.filter, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.writeToStdoutOrSystem, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeTracingFileConfiguration.write(value.writeToFiles, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeOtlpTracingConfiguration_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> OtlpTracingConfiguration {
return try FfiConverterTypeOtlpTracingConfiguration.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeOtlpTracingConfiguration_lower(_ value: OtlpTracingConfiguration) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeOtlpTracingConfiguration.lower(value)
public struct PollAnswer {
public var id: String
public var text: String
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(id: String, text: String) { = id
self.text = text
extension PollAnswer: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: PollAnswer, rhs: PollAnswer) -> Bool {
if != {
return false
if lhs.text != rhs.text {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypePollAnswer: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> PollAnswer {
try PollAnswer(
id: &buf),
text: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: PollAnswer, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.text, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePollAnswer_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> PollAnswer {
return try FfiConverterTypePollAnswer.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePollAnswer_lower(_ value: PollAnswer) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypePollAnswer.lower(value)
public struct PowerLevels {
public var usersDefault: Int32?
public var eventsDefault: Int32?
public var stateDefault: Int32?
public var ban: Int32?
public var kick: Int32?
public var redact: Int32?
public var invite: Int32?
public var notifications: NotificationPowerLevels?
public var users: [String: Int32]
public var events: [String: Int32]
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(usersDefault: Int32?, eventsDefault: Int32?, stateDefault: Int32?, ban: Int32?, kick: Int32?, redact: Int32?, invite: Int32?, notifications: NotificationPowerLevels?, users: [String: Int32], events: [String: Int32]) {
self.usersDefault = usersDefault
self.eventsDefault = eventsDefault
self.stateDefault = stateDefault
self.ban = ban
self.kick = kick
self.redact = redact
self.invite = invite
self.notifications = notifications
self.users = users = events
extension PowerLevels: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: PowerLevels, rhs: PowerLevels) -> Bool {
if lhs.usersDefault != rhs.usersDefault {
return false
if lhs.eventsDefault != rhs.eventsDefault {
return false
if lhs.stateDefault != rhs.stateDefault {
return false
if lhs.ban != rhs.ban {
return false
if lhs.kick != rhs.kick {
return false
if lhs.redact != rhs.redact {
return false
if lhs.invite != rhs.invite {
return false
if lhs.notifications != rhs.notifications {
return false
if lhs.users != rhs.users {
return false
if != {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypePowerLevels: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> PowerLevels {
try PowerLevels(
usersDefault: &buf),
eventsDefault: &buf),
stateDefault: &buf),
ban: &buf),
kick: &buf),
redact: &buf),
invite: &buf),
notifications: &buf),
users: &buf),
events: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: PowerLevels, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionInt32.write(value.usersDefault, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionInt32.write(value.eventsDefault, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionInt32.write(value.stateDefault, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionInt32.write(value.ban, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionInt32.write(value.kick, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionInt32.write(value.redact, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionInt32.write(value.invite, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeNotificationPowerLevels.write(value.notifications, into: &buf)
FfiConverterDictionaryStringInt32.write(value.users, into: &buf)
FfiConverterDictionaryStringInt32.write(, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePowerLevels_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> PowerLevels {
return try FfiConverterTypePowerLevels.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePowerLevels_lower(_ value: PowerLevels) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypePowerLevels.lower(value)
public struct PusherIdentifiers {
public var pushkey: String
public var appId: String
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(pushkey: String, appId: String) {
self.pushkey = pushkey
self.appId = appId
extension PusherIdentifiers: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: PusherIdentifiers, rhs: PusherIdentifiers) -> Bool {
if lhs.pushkey != rhs.pushkey {
return false
if lhs.appId != rhs.appId {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypePusherIdentifiers: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> PusherIdentifiers {
try PusherIdentifiers(
pushkey: &buf),
appId: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: PusherIdentifiers, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.pushkey, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.appId, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePusherIdentifiers_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> PusherIdentifiers {
return try FfiConverterTypePusherIdentifiers.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePusherIdentifiers_lower(_ value: PusherIdentifiers) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypePusherIdentifiers.lower(value)
public struct Reaction {
public var key: String
public var count: UInt64
public var senders: [ReactionSenderData]
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(key: String, count: UInt64, senders: [ReactionSenderData]) {
self.key = key
self.count = count
self.senders = senders
extension Reaction: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: Reaction, rhs: Reaction) -> Bool {
if lhs.key != rhs.key {
return false
if lhs.count != rhs.count {
return false
if lhs.senders != rhs.senders {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeReaction: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Reaction {
try Reaction(
key: &buf),
count: &buf),
senders: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: Reaction, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.key, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.count, into: &buf)
FfiConverterSequenceTypeReactionSenderData.write(value.senders, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeReaction_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> Reaction {
return try FfiConverterTypeReaction.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeReaction_lower(_ value: Reaction) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeReaction.lower(value)
public struct ReactionSenderData {
public var senderId: String
public var timestamp: UInt64
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(senderId: String, timestamp: UInt64) {
self.senderId = senderId
self.timestamp = timestamp
extension ReactionSenderData: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: ReactionSenderData, rhs: ReactionSenderData) -> Bool {
if lhs.senderId != rhs.senderId {
return false
if lhs.timestamp != rhs.timestamp {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeReactionSenderData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ReactionSenderData {
try ReactionSenderData(
senderId: &buf),
timestamp: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: ReactionSenderData, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.senderId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.timestamp, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeReactionSenderData_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> ReactionSenderData {
return try FfiConverterTypeReactionSenderData.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeReactionSenderData_lower(_ value: ReactionSenderData) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeReactionSenderData.lower(value)
public struct Receipt {
public var timestamp: UInt64?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(timestamp: UInt64?) {
self.timestamp = timestamp
extension Receipt: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: Receipt, rhs: Receipt) -> Bool {
if lhs.timestamp != rhs.timestamp {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeReceipt: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Receipt {
try Receipt(
timestamp: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: Receipt, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.timestamp, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeReceipt_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> Receipt {
return try FfiConverterTypeReceipt.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeReceipt_lower(_ value: Receipt) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeReceipt.lower(value)
public struct RequiredState {
public var key: String
public var value: String
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(key: String, value: String) {
self.key = key
self.value = value
extension RequiredState: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: RequiredState, rhs: RequiredState) -> Bool {
if lhs.key != rhs.key {
return false
if lhs.value != rhs.value {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRequiredState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RequiredState {
try RequiredState(
key: &buf),
value: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RequiredState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.key, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.value, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRequiredState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RequiredState {
return try FfiConverterTypeRequiredState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRequiredState_lower(_ value: RequiredState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRequiredState.lower(value)
public struct RoomDescription {
public var roomId: String
public var name: String?
public var topic: String?
public var alias: String?
public var avatarUrl: String?
public var joinRule: PublicRoomJoinRule?
public var isWorldReadable: Bool
public var joinedMembers: UInt64
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(roomId: String, name: String?, topic: String?, alias: String?, avatarUrl: String?, joinRule: PublicRoomJoinRule?, isWorldReadable: Bool, joinedMembers: UInt64) {
self.roomId = roomId = name
self.topic = topic
self.alias = alias
self.avatarUrl = avatarUrl
self.joinRule = joinRule
self.isWorldReadable = isWorldReadable
self.joinedMembers = joinedMembers
extension RoomDescription: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: RoomDescription, rhs: RoomDescription) -> Bool {
if lhs.roomId != rhs.roomId {
return false
if != {
return false
if lhs.topic != rhs.topic {
return false
if lhs.alias != rhs.alias {
return false
if lhs.avatarUrl != rhs.avatarUrl {
return false
if lhs.joinRule != rhs.joinRule {
return false
if lhs.isWorldReadable != rhs.isWorldReadable {
return false
if lhs.joinedMembers != rhs.joinedMembers {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomDescription {
try RoomDescription(
roomId: &buf),
name: &buf),
topic: &buf),
alias: &buf),
avatarUrl: &buf),
joinRule: &buf),
isWorldReadable: &buf),
joinedMembers: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomDescription, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.roomId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.topic, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.alias, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.avatarUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypePublicRoomJoinRule.write(value.joinRule, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isWorldReadable, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.joinedMembers, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomDescription {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription_lower(_ value: RoomDescription) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription.lower(value)
public struct RoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult {
public var entriesStream: TaskHandle
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(entriesStream: TaskHandle) {
self.entriesStream = entriesStream
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult {
try RoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult(
entriesStream: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.write(value.entriesStream, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult_lower(_ value: RoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntriesResult.lower(value)
public struct RoomInfo {
public var id: String
public var name: String?
public var topic: String?
public var avatarUrl: String?
public var isDirect: Bool
public var isPublic: Bool
public var isSpace: Bool
public var isTombstoned: Bool
public var isFavourite: Bool
public var canonicalAlias: String?
public var alternativeAliases: [String]
public var membership: Membership
public var latestEvent: EventTimelineItem?
public var inviter: RoomMember?
public var activeMembersCount: UInt64
public var invitedMembersCount: UInt64
public var joinedMembersCount: UInt64
public var userPowerLevels: [String: Int64]
public var highlightCount: UInt64
public var notificationCount: UInt64
public var userDefinedNotificationMode: RoomNotificationMode?
public var hasRoomCall: Bool
public var activeRoomCallParticipants: [String]
* Whether this room has been explicitly marked as unread
public var isMarkedUnread: Bool
* "Interesting" messages received in that room, independently of the
* notification settings.
public var numUnreadMessages: UInt64
* Events that will notify the user, according to their
* notification settings.
public var numUnreadNotifications: UInt64
* Events causing mentions/highlights for the user, according to their
* notification settings.
public var numUnreadMentions: UInt64
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(id: String, name: String?, topic: String?, avatarUrl: String?, isDirect: Bool, isPublic: Bool, isSpace: Bool, isTombstoned: Bool, isFavourite: Bool, canonicalAlias: String?, alternativeAliases: [String], membership: Membership, latestEvent: EventTimelineItem?, inviter: RoomMember?, activeMembersCount: UInt64, invitedMembersCount: UInt64, joinedMembersCount: UInt64, userPowerLevels: [String: Int64], highlightCount: UInt64, notificationCount: UInt64, userDefinedNotificationMode: RoomNotificationMode?, hasRoomCall: Bool, activeRoomCallParticipants: [String],
* Whether this room has been explicitly marked as unread
*/isMarkedUnread: Bool,
* "Interesting" messages received in that room, independently of the
* notification settings.
*/numUnreadMessages: UInt64,
* Events that will notify the user, according to their
* notification settings.
*/numUnreadNotifications: UInt64,
* Events causing mentions/highlights for the user, according to their
* notification settings.
*/numUnreadMentions: UInt64) { = id = name
self.topic = topic
self.avatarUrl = avatarUrl
self.isDirect = isDirect
self.isPublic = isPublic
self.isSpace = isSpace
self.isTombstoned = isTombstoned
self.isFavourite = isFavourite
self.canonicalAlias = canonicalAlias
self.alternativeAliases = alternativeAliases
self.membership = membership
self.latestEvent = latestEvent
self.inviter = inviter
self.activeMembersCount = activeMembersCount
self.invitedMembersCount = invitedMembersCount
self.joinedMembersCount = joinedMembersCount
self.userPowerLevels = userPowerLevels
self.highlightCount = highlightCount
self.notificationCount = notificationCount
self.userDefinedNotificationMode = userDefinedNotificationMode
self.hasRoomCall = hasRoomCall
self.activeRoomCallParticipants = activeRoomCallParticipants
self.isMarkedUnread = isMarkedUnread
self.numUnreadMessages = numUnreadMessages
self.numUnreadNotifications = numUnreadNotifications
self.numUnreadMentions = numUnreadMentions
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomInfo {
try RoomInfo(
id: &buf),
name: &buf),
topic: &buf),
avatarUrl: &buf),
isDirect: &buf),
isPublic: &buf),
isSpace: &buf),
isTombstoned: &buf),
isFavourite: &buf),
canonicalAlias: &buf),
alternativeAliases: &buf),
membership: &buf),
latestEvent: &buf),
inviter: &buf),
activeMembersCount: &buf),
invitedMembersCount: &buf),
joinedMembersCount: &buf),
userPowerLevels: &buf),
highlightCount: &buf),
notificationCount: &buf),
userDefinedNotificationMode: &buf),
hasRoomCall: &buf),
activeRoomCallParticipants: &buf),
isMarkedUnread: &buf),
numUnreadMessages: &buf),
numUnreadNotifications: &buf),
numUnreadMentions: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.topic, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.avatarUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isDirect, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isPublic, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isSpace, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isTombstoned, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isFavourite, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.canonicalAlias, into: &buf)
FfiConverterSequenceString.write(value.alternativeAliases, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeMembership.write(value.membership, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeEventTimelineItem.write(value.latestEvent, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeRoomMember.write(value.inviter, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.activeMembersCount, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.invitedMembersCount, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.joinedMembersCount, into: &buf)
FfiConverterDictionaryStringInt64.write(value.userPowerLevels, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.highlightCount, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.notificationCount, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeRoomNotificationMode.write(value.userDefinedNotificationMode, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.hasRoomCall, into: &buf)
FfiConverterSequenceString.write(value.activeRoomCallParticipants, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isMarkedUnread, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.numUnreadMessages, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.numUnreadNotifications, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.numUnreadMentions, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomInfo_lower(_ value: RoomInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomInfo.lower(value)
public struct RoomListEntriesResult {
public var entries: [RoomListEntry]
public var entriesStream: TaskHandle
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(entries: [RoomListEntry], entriesStream: TaskHandle) {
self.entries = entries
self.entriesStream = entriesStream
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesResult: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListEntriesResult {
try RoomListEntriesResult(
entries: &buf),
entriesStream: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomListEntriesResult, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntry.write(value.entries, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.write(value.entriesStream, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesResult_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListEntriesResult {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesResult.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesResult_lower(_ value: RoomListEntriesResult) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesResult.lower(value)
public struct RoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult {
public var controller: RoomListDynamicEntriesController
public var entriesStream: TaskHandle
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(controller: RoomListDynamicEntriesController, entriesStream: TaskHandle) {
self.controller = controller
self.entriesStream = entriesStream
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult {
try RoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult(
controller: &buf),
entriesStream: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterTypeRoomListDynamicEntriesController.write(value.controller, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.write(value.entriesStream, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult_lower(_ value: RoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesWithDynamicAdaptersResult.lower(value)
public struct RoomListLoadingStateResult {
public var state: RoomListLoadingState
public var stateStream: TaskHandle
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(state: RoomListLoadingState, stateStream: TaskHandle) {
self.state = state
self.stateStream = stateStream
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingStateResult: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListLoadingStateResult {
try RoomListLoadingStateResult(
state: &buf),
stateStream: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomListLoadingStateResult, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingState.write(value.state, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.write(value.stateStream, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingStateResult_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListLoadingStateResult {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingStateResult.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingStateResult_lower(_ value: RoomListLoadingStateResult) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingStateResult.lower(value)
public struct RoomListRange {
public var start: UInt32
public var endInclusive: UInt32
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(start: UInt32, endInclusive: UInt32) {
self.start = start
self.endInclusive = endInclusive
extension RoomListRange: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: RoomListRange, rhs: RoomListRange) -> Bool {
if lhs.start != rhs.start {
return false
if lhs.endInclusive != rhs.endInclusive {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListRange: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListRange {
try RoomListRange(
start: &buf),
endInclusive: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomListRange, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterUInt32.write(value.start, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt32.write(value.endInclusive, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListRange_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListRange {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListRange.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListRange_lower(_ value: RoomListRange) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListRange.lower(value)
public struct RoomMember {
public var userId: String
public var displayName: String?
public var avatarUrl: String?
public var membership: MembershipState
public var isNameAmbiguous: Bool
public var powerLevel: Int64
public var normalizedPowerLevel: Int64
public var isIgnored: Bool
public var suggestedRoleForPowerLevel: RoomMemberRole
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(userId: String, displayName: String?, avatarUrl: String?, membership: MembershipState, isNameAmbiguous: Bool, powerLevel: Int64, normalizedPowerLevel: Int64, isIgnored: Bool, suggestedRoleForPowerLevel: RoomMemberRole) {
self.userId = userId
self.displayName = displayName
self.avatarUrl = avatarUrl
self.membership = membership
self.isNameAmbiguous = isNameAmbiguous
self.powerLevel = powerLevel
self.normalizedPowerLevel = normalizedPowerLevel
self.isIgnored = isIgnored
self.suggestedRoleForPowerLevel = suggestedRoleForPowerLevel
extension RoomMember: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: RoomMember, rhs: RoomMember) -> Bool {
if lhs.userId != rhs.userId {
return false
if lhs.displayName != rhs.displayName {
return false
if lhs.avatarUrl != rhs.avatarUrl {
return false
if lhs.membership != rhs.membership {
return false
if lhs.isNameAmbiguous != rhs.isNameAmbiguous {
return false
if lhs.powerLevel != rhs.powerLevel {
return false
if lhs.normalizedPowerLevel != rhs.normalizedPowerLevel {
return false
if lhs.isIgnored != rhs.isIgnored {
return false
if lhs.suggestedRoleForPowerLevel != rhs.suggestedRoleForPowerLevel {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomMember: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomMember {
try RoomMember(
userId: &buf),
displayName: &buf),
avatarUrl: &buf),
membership: &buf),
isNameAmbiguous: &buf),
powerLevel: &buf),
normalizedPowerLevel: &buf),
isIgnored: &buf),
suggestedRoleForPowerLevel: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomMember, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.userId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.displayName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.avatarUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeMembershipState.write(value.membership, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isNameAmbiguous, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.powerLevel, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.normalizedPowerLevel, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isIgnored, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeRoomMemberRole.write(value.suggestedRoleForPowerLevel, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomMember_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomMember {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomMember.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomMember_lower(_ value: RoomMember) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomMember.lower(value)
* `RoomNotificationSettings` represents the current settings for a `Room`
public struct RoomNotificationSettings {
* The room notification mode
public var mode: RoomNotificationMode
* Whether the mode is the default one
public var isDefault: Bool
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The room notification mode
*/mode: RoomNotificationMode,
* Whether the mode is the default one
*/isDefault: Bool) {
self.mode = mode
self.isDefault = isDefault
extension RoomNotificationSettings: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: RoomNotificationSettings, rhs: RoomNotificationSettings) -> Bool {
if lhs.mode != rhs.mode {
return false
if lhs.isDefault != rhs.isDefault {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationSettings: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomNotificationSettings {
try RoomNotificationSettings(
mode: &buf),
isDefault: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomNotificationSettings, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationMode.write(value.mode, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isDefault, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationSettings_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomNotificationSettings {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationSettings.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationSettings_lower(_ value: RoomNotificationSettings) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationSettings.lower(value)
public struct RoomPowerLevels {
* The level required to ban a user.
public var ban: Int64
* The level required to invite a user.
public var invite: Int64
* The level required to kick a user.
public var kick: Int64
* The level required to redact an event.
public var redact: Int64
* The default level required to send message events.
public var eventsDefault: Int64
* The default level required to send state events.
public var stateDefault: Int64
* The default power level for every user in the room.
public var usersDefault: Int64
* The level required to change the room's name.
public var roomName: Int64
* The level required to change the room's avatar.
public var roomAvatar: Int64
* The level required to change the room's topic.
public var roomTopic: Int64
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The level required to ban a user.
*/ban: Int64,
* The level required to invite a user.
*/invite: Int64,
* The level required to kick a user.
*/kick: Int64,
* The level required to redact an event.
*/redact: Int64,
* The default level required to send message events.
*/eventsDefault: Int64,
* The default level required to send state events.
*/stateDefault: Int64,
* The default power level for every user in the room.
*/usersDefault: Int64,
* The level required to change the room's name.
*/roomName: Int64,
* The level required to change the room's avatar.
*/roomAvatar: Int64,
* The level required to change the room's topic.
*/roomTopic: Int64) {
self.ban = ban
self.invite = invite
self.kick = kick
self.redact = redact
self.eventsDefault = eventsDefault
self.stateDefault = stateDefault
self.usersDefault = usersDefault
self.roomName = roomName
self.roomAvatar = roomAvatar
self.roomTopic = roomTopic
extension RoomPowerLevels: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: RoomPowerLevels, rhs: RoomPowerLevels) -> Bool {
if lhs.ban != rhs.ban {
return false
if lhs.invite != rhs.invite {
return false
if lhs.kick != rhs.kick {
return false
if lhs.redact != rhs.redact {
return false
if lhs.eventsDefault != rhs.eventsDefault {
return false
if lhs.stateDefault != rhs.stateDefault {
return false
if lhs.usersDefault != rhs.usersDefault {
return false
if lhs.roomName != rhs.roomName {
return false
if lhs.roomAvatar != rhs.roomAvatar {
return false
if lhs.roomTopic != rhs.roomTopic {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomPowerLevels: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomPowerLevels {
try RoomPowerLevels(
ban: &buf),
invite: &buf),
kick: &buf),
redact: &buf),
eventsDefault: &buf),
stateDefault: &buf),
usersDefault: &buf),
roomName: &buf),
roomAvatar: &buf),
roomTopic: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomPowerLevels, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.ban, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.invite, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.kick, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.redact, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.eventsDefault, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.stateDefault, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.usersDefault, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.roomName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.roomAvatar, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.roomTopic, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomPowerLevels_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomPowerLevels {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomPowerLevels.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomPowerLevels_lower(_ value: RoomPowerLevels) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomPowerLevels.lower(value)
* The preview of a room, be it invited/joined/left, or not.
public struct RoomPreview {
* The room id for this room.
public var roomId: String
* The canonical alias for the room.
public var canonicalAlias: String?
* The room's name, if set.
public var name: String?
* The room's topic, if set.
public var topic: String?
* The MXC URI to the room's avatar, if set.
public var avatarUrl: String?
* The number of joined members.
public var numJoinedMembers: UInt64
* The room type (space, custom) or nothing, if it's a regular room.
public var roomType: String?
* Is the history world-readable for this room?
public var isHistoryWorldReadable: Bool
* Is the room joined by the current user?
public var isJoined: Bool
* Is the current user invited to this room?
public var isInvited: Bool
* is the join rule public for this room?
public var isPublic: Bool
* Can we knock (or restricted-knock) to this room?
public var canKnock: Bool
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The room id for this room.
*/roomId: String,
* The canonical alias for the room.
*/canonicalAlias: String?,
* The room's name, if set.
*/name: String?,
* The room's topic, if set.
*/topic: String?,
* The MXC URI to the room's avatar, if set.
*/avatarUrl: String?,
* The number of joined members.
*/numJoinedMembers: UInt64,
* The room type (space, custom) or nothing, if it's a regular room.
*/roomType: String?,
* Is the history world-readable for this room?
*/isHistoryWorldReadable: Bool,
* Is the room joined by the current user?
*/isJoined: Bool,
* Is the current user invited to this room?
*/isInvited: Bool,
* is the join rule public for this room?
*/isPublic: Bool,
* Can we knock (or restricted-knock) to this room?
*/canKnock: Bool) {
self.roomId = roomId
self.canonicalAlias = canonicalAlias = name
self.topic = topic
self.avatarUrl = avatarUrl
self.numJoinedMembers = numJoinedMembers
self.roomType = roomType
self.isHistoryWorldReadable = isHistoryWorldReadable
self.isJoined = isJoined
self.isInvited = isInvited
self.isPublic = isPublic
self.canKnock = canKnock
extension RoomPreview: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: RoomPreview, rhs: RoomPreview) -> Bool {
if lhs.roomId != rhs.roomId {
return false
if lhs.canonicalAlias != rhs.canonicalAlias {
return false
if != {
return false
if lhs.topic != rhs.topic {
return false
if lhs.avatarUrl != rhs.avatarUrl {
return false
if lhs.numJoinedMembers != rhs.numJoinedMembers {
return false
if lhs.roomType != rhs.roomType {
return false
if lhs.isHistoryWorldReadable != rhs.isHistoryWorldReadable {
return false
if lhs.isJoined != rhs.isJoined {
return false
if lhs.isInvited != rhs.isInvited {
return false
if lhs.isPublic != rhs.isPublic {
return false
if lhs.canKnock != rhs.canKnock {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomPreview: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomPreview {
try RoomPreview(
roomId: &buf),
canonicalAlias: &buf),
name: &buf),
topic: &buf),
avatarUrl: &buf),
numJoinedMembers: &buf),
roomType: &buf),
isHistoryWorldReadable: &buf),
isJoined: &buf),
isInvited: &buf),
isPublic: &buf),
canKnock: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomPreview, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.roomId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.canonicalAlias, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.topic, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.avatarUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.numJoinedMembers, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.roomType, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isHistoryWorldReadable, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isJoined, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isInvited, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.isPublic, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.canKnock, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomPreview_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomPreview {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomPreview.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomPreview_lower(_ value: RoomPreview) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomPreview.lower(value)
public struct RoomSubscription {
public var requiredState: [RequiredState]?
public var timelineLimit: UInt32?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(requiredState: [RequiredState]?, timelineLimit: UInt32?) {
self.requiredState = requiredState
self.timelineLimit = timelineLimit
extension RoomSubscription: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: RoomSubscription, rhs: RoomSubscription) -> Bool {
if lhs.requiredState != rhs.requiredState {
return false
if lhs.timelineLimit != rhs.timelineLimit {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomSubscription: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomSubscription {
try RoomSubscription(
requiredState: &buf),
timelineLimit: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomSubscription, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionSequenceTypeRequiredState.write(value.requiredState, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt32.write(value.timelineLimit, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomSubscription_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomSubscription {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomSubscription.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomSubscription_lower(_ value: RoomSubscription) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomSubscription.lower(value)
public struct RoomTimelineListenerResult {
public var items: [TimelineItem]
public var itemsStream: TaskHandle
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(items: [TimelineItem], itemsStream: TaskHandle) {
self.items = items
self.itemsStream = itemsStream
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomTimelineListenerResult: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomTimelineListenerResult {
try RoomTimelineListenerResult(
items: &buf),
itemsStream: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: RoomTimelineListenerResult, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterSequenceTypeTimelineItem.write(value.items, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.write(value.itemsStream, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomTimelineListenerResult_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomTimelineListenerResult {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomTimelineListenerResult.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomTimelineListenerResult_lower(_ value: RoomTimelineListenerResult) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomTimelineListenerResult.lower(value)
public struct SearchUsersResults {
public var results: [UserProfile]
public var limited: Bool
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(results: [UserProfile], limited: Bool) {
self.results = results = limited
extension SearchUsersResults: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: SearchUsersResults, rhs: SearchUsersResults) -> Bool {
if lhs.results != rhs.results {
return false
if != {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeSearchUsersResults: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SearchUsersResults {
try SearchUsersResults(
results: &buf),
limited: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: SearchUsersResults, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterSequenceTypeUserProfile.write(value.results, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSearchUsersResults_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> SearchUsersResults {
return try FfiConverterTypeSearchUsersResults.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSearchUsersResults_lower(_ value: SearchUsersResults) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeSearchUsersResults.lower(value)
public struct Session {
* The access token used for this session.
public var accessToken: String
* The token used for [refreshing the access token], if any.
* [refreshing the access token]:
public var refreshToken: String?
* The user the access token was issued for.
public var userId: String
* The ID of the client device.
public var deviceId: String
* The URL for the homeserver used for this session.
public var homeserverUrl: String
* Additional data for this session if OpenID Connect was used for
* authentication.
public var oidcData: String?
* The URL for the sliding sync proxy used for this session.
public var slidingSyncProxy: String?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The access token used for this session.
*/accessToken: String,
* The token used for [refreshing the access token], if any.
* [refreshing the access token]:
*/refreshToken: String?,
* The user the access token was issued for.
*/userId: String,
* The ID of the client device.
*/deviceId: String,
* The URL for the homeserver used for this session.
*/homeserverUrl: String,
* Additional data for this session if OpenID Connect was used for
* authentication.
*/oidcData: String?,
* The URL for the sliding sync proxy used for this session.
*/slidingSyncProxy: String?) {
self.accessToken = accessToken
self.refreshToken = refreshToken
self.userId = userId
self.deviceId = deviceId
self.homeserverUrl = homeserverUrl
self.oidcData = oidcData
self.slidingSyncProxy = slidingSyncProxy
extension Session: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: Session, rhs: Session) -> Bool {
if lhs.accessToken != rhs.accessToken {
return false
if lhs.refreshToken != rhs.refreshToken {
return false
if lhs.userId != rhs.userId {
return false
if lhs.deviceId != rhs.deviceId {
return false
if lhs.homeserverUrl != rhs.homeserverUrl {
return false
if lhs.oidcData != rhs.oidcData {
return false
if lhs.slidingSyncProxy != rhs.slidingSyncProxy {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeSession: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Session {
try Session(
accessToken: &buf),
refreshToken: &buf),
userId: &buf),
deviceId: &buf),
homeserverUrl: &buf),
oidcData: &buf),
slidingSyncProxy: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: Session, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.accessToken, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.refreshToken, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.userId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.deviceId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.homeserverUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.oidcData, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.slidingSyncProxy, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSession_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> Session {
return try FfiConverterTypeSession.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSession_lower(_ value: Session) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeSession.lower(value)
public struct SetData {
public var index: UInt32
public var item: TimelineItem
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(index: UInt32, item: TimelineItem) {
self.index = index
self.item = item
public struct FfiConverterTypeSetData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SetData {
try SetData(
index: &buf),
item: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: SetData, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterUInt32.write(value.index, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem.write(value.item, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSetData_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> SetData {
return try FfiConverterTypeSetData.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSetData_lower(_ value: SetData) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeSetData.lower(value)
public struct TextMessageContent {
public var body: String
public var formatted: FormattedBody?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(body: String, formatted: FormattedBody?) {
self.body = body
self.formatted = formatted
extension TextMessageContent: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: TextMessageContent, rhs: TextMessageContent) -> Bool {
if lhs.body != rhs.body {
return false
if lhs.formatted != rhs.formatted {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeTextMessageContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TextMessageContent {
try TextMessageContent(
body: &buf),
formatted: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: TextMessageContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeFormattedBody.write(value.formatted, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTextMessageContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> TextMessageContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeTextMessageContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTextMessageContent_lower(_ value: TextMessageContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeTextMessageContent.lower(value)
public struct ThumbnailInfo {
public var height: UInt64?
public var width: UInt64?
public var mimetype: String?
public var size: UInt64?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(height: UInt64?, width: UInt64?, mimetype: String?, size: UInt64?) {
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.mimetype = mimetype
self.size = size
extension ThumbnailInfo: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: ThumbnailInfo, rhs: ThumbnailInfo) -> Bool {
if lhs.height != rhs.height {
return false
if lhs.width != rhs.width {
return false
if lhs.mimetype != rhs.mimetype {
return false
if lhs.size != rhs.size {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeThumbnailInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ThumbnailInfo {
try ThumbnailInfo(
height: &buf),
width: &buf),
mimetype: &buf),
size: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: ThumbnailInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.height, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.width, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.mimetype, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.size, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeThumbnailInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> ThumbnailInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeThumbnailInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeThumbnailInfo_lower(_ value: ThumbnailInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeThumbnailInfo.lower(value)
public struct TracingConfiguration {
public var filter: String
* Controls whether to print to stdout or, equivalent, the system logs on
* Android.
public var writeToStdoutOrSystem: Bool
public var writeToFiles: TracingFileConfiguration?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(filter: String,
* Controls whether to print to stdout or, equivalent, the system logs on
* Android.
*/writeToStdoutOrSystem: Bool, writeToFiles: TracingFileConfiguration?) {
self.filter = filter
self.writeToStdoutOrSystem = writeToStdoutOrSystem
self.writeToFiles = writeToFiles
extension TracingConfiguration: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: TracingConfiguration, rhs: TracingConfiguration) -> Bool {
if lhs.filter != rhs.filter {
return false
if lhs.writeToStdoutOrSystem != rhs.writeToStdoutOrSystem {
return false
if lhs.writeToFiles != rhs.writeToFiles {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeTracingConfiguration: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TracingConfiguration {
try TracingConfiguration(
filter: &buf),
writeToStdoutOrSystem: &buf),
writeToFiles: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: TracingConfiguration, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.filter, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.writeToStdoutOrSystem, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeTracingFileConfiguration.write(value.writeToFiles, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTracingConfiguration_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> TracingConfiguration {
return try FfiConverterTypeTracingConfiguration.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTracingConfiguration_lower(_ value: TracingConfiguration) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeTracingConfiguration.lower(value)
public struct TracingFileConfiguration {
public var path: String
public var filePrefix: String
public var fileSuffix: String?
public var maxFiles: UInt64?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(path: String, filePrefix: String, fileSuffix: String?, maxFiles: UInt64?) {
self.path = path
self.filePrefix = filePrefix
self.fileSuffix = fileSuffix
self.maxFiles = maxFiles
extension TracingFileConfiguration: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: TracingFileConfiguration, rhs: TracingFileConfiguration) -> Bool {
if lhs.path != rhs.path {
return false
if lhs.filePrefix != rhs.filePrefix {
return false
if lhs.fileSuffix != rhs.fileSuffix {
return false
if lhs.maxFiles != rhs.maxFiles {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeTracingFileConfiguration: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TracingFileConfiguration {
try TracingFileConfiguration(
path: &buf),
filePrefix: &buf),
fileSuffix: &buf),
maxFiles: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: TracingFileConfiguration, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.path, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.filePrefix, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.fileSuffix, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.maxFiles, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTracingFileConfiguration_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> TracingFileConfiguration {
return try FfiConverterTypeTracingFileConfiguration.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTracingFileConfiguration_lower(_ value: TracingFileConfiguration) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeTracingFileConfiguration.lower(value)
public struct TransmissionProgress {
public var current: UInt64
public var total: UInt64
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(current: UInt64, total: UInt64) {
self.current = current = total
extension TransmissionProgress: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: TransmissionProgress, rhs: TransmissionProgress) -> Bool {
if lhs.current != rhs.current {
return false
if != {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeTransmissionProgress: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TransmissionProgress {
try TransmissionProgress(
current: &buf),
total: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: TransmissionProgress, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value.current, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTransmissionProgress_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> TransmissionProgress {
return try FfiConverterTypeTransmissionProgress.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTransmissionProgress_lower(_ value: TransmissionProgress) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeTransmissionProgress.lower(value)
public struct UnableToDecryptInfo {
* The identifier of the event that couldn't get decrypted.
public var eventId: String
* If the event could be decrypted late (that is, the event was encrypted
* at first, but could be decrypted later on), then this indicates the
* time it took to decrypt the event. If it is not set, this is
* considered a definite UTD.
* If set, this is in milliseconds.
public var timeToDecryptMs: UInt64?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The identifier of the event that couldn't get decrypted.
*/eventId: String,
* If the event could be decrypted late (that is, the event was encrypted
* at first, but could be decrypted later on), then this indicates the
* time it took to decrypt the event. If it is not set, this is
* considered a definite UTD.
* If set, this is in milliseconds.
*/timeToDecryptMs: UInt64?) {
self.eventId = eventId
self.timeToDecryptMs = timeToDecryptMs
extension UnableToDecryptInfo: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: UnableToDecryptInfo, rhs: UnableToDecryptInfo) -> Bool {
if lhs.eventId != rhs.eventId {
return false
if lhs.timeToDecryptMs != rhs.timeToDecryptMs {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeUnableToDecryptInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UnableToDecryptInfo {
try UnableToDecryptInfo(
eventId: &buf),
timeToDecryptMs: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: UnableToDecryptInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.eventId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.timeToDecryptMs, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUnableToDecryptInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> UnableToDecryptInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeUnableToDecryptInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUnableToDecryptInfo_lower(_ value: UnableToDecryptInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeUnableToDecryptInfo.lower(value)
public struct UnstableAudioDetailsContent {
public var duration: TimeInterval
public var waveform: [UInt16]
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(duration: TimeInterval, waveform: [UInt16]) {
self.duration = duration
self.waveform = waveform
extension UnstableAudioDetailsContent: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: UnstableAudioDetailsContent, rhs: UnstableAudioDetailsContent) -> Bool {
if lhs.duration != rhs.duration {
return false
if lhs.waveform != rhs.waveform {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeUnstableAudioDetailsContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UnstableAudioDetailsContent {
try UnstableAudioDetailsContent(
duration: &buf),
waveform: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: UnstableAudioDetailsContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterDuration.write(value.duration, into: &buf)
FfiConverterSequenceUInt16.write(value.waveform, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUnstableAudioDetailsContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> UnstableAudioDetailsContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeUnstableAudioDetailsContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUnstableAudioDetailsContent_lower(_ value: UnstableAudioDetailsContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeUnstableAudioDetailsContent.lower(value)
public struct UnstableVoiceContent {
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init() {
extension UnstableVoiceContent: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: UnstableVoiceContent, rhs: UnstableVoiceContent) -> Bool {
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeUnstableVoiceContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UnstableVoiceContent {
public static func write(_ value: UnstableVoiceContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
public func FfiConverterTypeUnstableVoiceContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> UnstableVoiceContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeUnstableVoiceContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUnstableVoiceContent_lower(_ value: UnstableVoiceContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeUnstableVoiceContent.lower(value)
* An update for a particular user's power level within the room.
public struct UserPowerLevelUpdate {
* The user ID of the user to update.
public var userId: String
* The power level to assign to the user.
public var powerLevel: Int64
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The user ID of the user to update.
*/userId: String,
* The power level to assign to the user.
*/powerLevel: Int64) {
self.userId = userId
self.powerLevel = powerLevel
extension UserPowerLevelUpdate: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: UserPowerLevelUpdate, rhs: UserPowerLevelUpdate) -> Bool {
if lhs.userId != rhs.userId {
return false
if lhs.powerLevel != rhs.powerLevel {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeUserPowerLevelUpdate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UserPowerLevelUpdate {
try UserPowerLevelUpdate(
userId: &buf),
powerLevel: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: UserPowerLevelUpdate, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.userId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value.powerLevel, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUserPowerLevelUpdate_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> UserPowerLevelUpdate {
return try FfiConverterTypeUserPowerLevelUpdate.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUserPowerLevelUpdate_lower(_ value: UserPowerLevelUpdate) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeUserPowerLevelUpdate.lower(value)
public struct UserProfile {
public var userId: String
public var displayName: String?
public var avatarUrl: String?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(userId: String, displayName: String?, avatarUrl: String?) {
self.userId = userId
self.displayName = displayName
self.avatarUrl = avatarUrl
extension UserProfile: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: UserProfile, rhs: UserProfile) -> Bool {
if lhs.userId != rhs.userId {
return false
if lhs.displayName != rhs.displayName {
return false
if lhs.avatarUrl != rhs.avatarUrl {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeUserProfile: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> UserProfile {
try UserProfile(
userId: &buf),
displayName: &buf),
avatarUrl: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: UserProfile, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.userId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.displayName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.avatarUrl, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUserProfile_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> UserProfile {
return try FfiConverterTypeUserProfile.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeUserProfile_lower(_ value: UserProfile) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeUserProfile.lower(value)
public struct VideoInfo {
public var duration: TimeInterval?
public var height: UInt64?
public var width: UInt64?
public var mimetype: String?
public var size: UInt64?
public var thumbnailInfo: ThumbnailInfo?
public var thumbnailSource: MediaSource?
public var blurhash: String?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(duration: TimeInterval?, height: UInt64?, width: UInt64?, mimetype: String?, size: UInt64?, thumbnailInfo: ThumbnailInfo?, thumbnailSource: MediaSource?, blurhash: String?) {
self.duration = duration
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.mimetype = mimetype
self.size = size
self.thumbnailInfo = thumbnailInfo
self.thumbnailSource = thumbnailSource
self.blurhash = blurhash
public struct FfiConverterTypeVideoInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> VideoInfo {
try VideoInfo(
duration: &buf),
height: &buf),
width: &buf),
mimetype: &buf),
size: &buf),
thumbnailInfo: &buf),
thumbnailSource: &buf),
blurhash: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: VideoInfo, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterOptionDuration.write(value.duration, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.height, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.width, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.mimetype, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(value.size, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeThumbnailInfo.write(value.thumbnailInfo, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeMediaSource.write(value.thumbnailSource, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.blurhash, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeVideoInfo_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> VideoInfo {
return try FfiConverterTypeVideoInfo.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeVideoInfo_lower(_ value: VideoInfo) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeVideoInfo.lower(value)
public struct VideoMessageContent {
public var body: String
public var formatted: FormattedBody?
public var filename: String?
public var source: MediaSource
public var info: VideoInfo?
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(body: String, formatted: FormattedBody?, filename: String?, source: MediaSource, info: VideoInfo?) {
self.body = body
self.formatted = formatted
self.filename = filename
self.source = source = info
public struct FfiConverterTypeVideoMessageContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> VideoMessageContent {
try VideoMessageContent(
body: &buf),
formatted: &buf),
filename: &buf),
source: &buf),
info: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: VideoMessageContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeFormattedBody.write(value.formatted, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.filename, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeMediaSource.write(value.source, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeVideoInfo.write(, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeVideoMessageContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> VideoMessageContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeVideoMessageContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeVideoMessageContent_lower(_ value: VideoMessageContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeVideoMessageContent.lower(value)
* Properties to create a new virtual Element Call widget.
public struct VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions {
* The url to the app.
* E.g. <>, <>
public var elementCallUrl: String
* The widget id.
public var widgetId: String
* The url that is used as the target for the PostMessages sent
* by the widget (to the client).
* For a web app client this is the client url. In case of using other
* platforms the client most likely is setup up to listen to
* postmessages in the same webview the widget is hosted. In this case
* the `parent_url` is set to the url of the webview with the widget. Be
* aware that this means that the widget will receive its own postmessage
* messages. The `matrix-widget-api` (js) ignores those so this works but
* it might break custom implementations.
* Defaults to `element_call_url` for the non-iframe (dedicated webview)
* usecase.
public var parentUrl: String?
* Whether the branding header of Element call should be hidden.
* Default: `true`
public var hideHeader: Bool?
* If set, the lobby will be skipped and the widget will join the
* call on the `io.element.join` action.
* Default: `false`
public var preload: Bool?
* The font scale which will be used inside element call.
* Default: `1`
public var fontScale: Double?
* Whether element call should prompt the user to open in the browser or
* the app.
* Default: `false`
public var appPrompt: Bool?
* Don't show the lobby and join the call immediately.
* Default: `false`
public var skipLobby: Bool?
* Make it not possible to get to the calls list in the webview.
* Default: `true`
public var confineToRoom: Bool?
* The font to use, to adapt to the system font.
public var font: String?
* Can be used to pass a PostHog id to element call.
public var analyticsId: String?
* The encryption system to use.
* Use `EncryptionSystem::Unencrypted` to disable encryption.
public var encryption: EncryptionSystem
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* The url to the app.
* E.g. <>, <>
*/elementCallUrl: String,
* The widget id.
*/widgetId: String,
* The url that is used as the target for the PostMessages sent
* by the widget (to the client).
* For a web app client this is the client url. In case of using other
* platforms the client most likely is setup up to listen to
* postmessages in the same webview the widget is hosted. In this case
* the `parent_url` is set to the url of the webview with the widget. Be
* aware that this means that the widget will receive its own postmessage
* messages. The `matrix-widget-api` (js) ignores those so this works but
* it might break custom implementations.
* Defaults to `element_call_url` for the non-iframe (dedicated webview)
* usecase.
*/parentUrl: String?,
* Whether the branding header of Element call should be hidden.
* Default: `true`
*/hideHeader: Bool?,
* If set, the lobby will be skipped and the widget will join the
* call on the `io.element.join` action.
* Default: `false`
*/preload: Bool?,
* The font scale which will be used inside element call.
* Default: `1`
*/fontScale: Double?,
* Whether element call should prompt the user to open in the browser or
* the app.
* Default: `false`
*/appPrompt: Bool?,
* Don't show the lobby and join the call immediately.
* Default: `false`
*/skipLobby: Bool?,
* Make it not possible to get to the calls list in the webview.
* Default: `true`
*/confineToRoom: Bool?,
* The font to use, to adapt to the system font.
*/font: String?,
* Can be used to pass a PostHog id to element call.
*/analyticsId: String?,
* The encryption system to use.
* Use `EncryptionSystem::Unencrypted` to disable encryption.
*/encryption: EncryptionSystem) {
self.elementCallUrl = elementCallUrl
self.widgetId = widgetId
self.parentUrl = parentUrl
self.hideHeader = hideHeader
self.preload = preload
self.fontScale = fontScale
self.appPrompt = appPrompt
self.skipLobby = skipLobby
self.confineToRoom = confineToRoom
self.font = font
self.analyticsId = analyticsId
self.encryption = encryption
extension VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions, rhs: VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions) -> Bool {
if lhs.elementCallUrl != rhs.elementCallUrl {
return false
if lhs.widgetId != rhs.widgetId {
return false
if lhs.parentUrl != rhs.parentUrl {
return false
if lhs.hideHeader != rhs.hideHeader {
return false
if lhs.preload != rhs.preload {
return false
if lhs.fontScale != rhs.fontScale {
return false
if lhs.appPrompt != rhs.appPrompt {
return false
if lhs.skipLobby != rhs.skipLobby {
return false
if lhs.confineToRoom != rhs.confineToRoom {
return false
if lhs.font != rhs.font {
return false
if lhs.analyticsId != rhs.analyticsId {
return false
if lhs.encryption != rhs.encryption {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeVirtualElementCallWidgetOptions: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions {
try VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions(
elementCallUrl: &buf),
widgetId: &buf),
parentUrl: &buf),
hideHeader: &buf),
preload: &buf),
fontScale: &buf),
appPrompt: &buf),
skipLobby: &buf),
confineToRoom: &buf),
font: &buf),
analyticsId: &buf),
encryption: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.elementCallUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.widgetId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.parentUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionBool.write(value.hideHeader, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionBool.write(value.preload, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionDouble.write(value.fontScale, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionBool.write(value.appPrompt, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionBool.write(value.skipLobby, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionBool.write(value.confineToRoom, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.font, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(value.analyticsId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeEncryptionSystem.write(value.encryption, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeVirtualElementCallWidgetOptions_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions {
return try FfiConverterTypeVirtualElementCallWidgetOptions.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeVirtualElementCallWidgetOptions_lower(_ value: VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeVirtualElementCallWidgetOptions.lower(value)
* Capabilities that a widget can request from a client.
public struct WidgetCapabilities {
* Types of the messages that a widget wants to be able to fetch.
public var read: [WidgetEventFilter]
* Types of the messages that a widget wants to be able to send.
public var send: [WidgetEventFilter]
* If this capability is requested by the widget, it can not operate
* separately from the matrix client.
* This means clients should not offer to open the widget in a separate
* browser/tab/webview that is not connected to the postmessage widget-api.
public var requiresClient: Bool
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* Types of the messages that a widget wants to be able to fetch.
*/read: [WidgetEventFilter],
* Types of the messages that a widget wants to be able to send.
*/send: [WidgetEventFilter],
* If this capability is requested by the widget, it can not operate
* separately from the matrix client.
* This means clients should not offer to open the widget in a separate
* browser/tab/webview that is not connected to the postmessage widget-api.
*/requiresClient: Bool) { = read
self.send = send
self.requiresClient = requiresClient
extension WidgetCapabilities: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: WidgetCapabilities, rhs: WidgetCapabilities) -> Bool {
if != {
return false
if lhs.send != rhs.send {
return false
if lhs.requiresClient != rhs.requiresClient {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeWidgetCapabilities: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> WidgetCapabilities {
try WidgetCapabilities(
read: &buf),
send: &buf),
requiresClient: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: WidgetCapabilities, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterSequenceTypeWidgetEventFilter.write(, into: &buf)
FfiConverterSequenceTypeWidgetEventFilter.write(value.send, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.requiresClient, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetCapabilities_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> WidgetCapabilities {
return try FfiConverterTypeWidgetCapabilities.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetCapabilities_lower(_ value: WidgetCapabilities) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeWidgetCapabilities.lower(value)
public struct WidgetDriverAndHandle {
public var driver: WidgetDriver
public var handle: WidgetDriverHandle
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(driver: WidgetDriver, handle: WidgetDriverHandle) {
self.driver = driver
self.handle = handle
public struct FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverAndHandle: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> WidgetDriverAndHandle {
try WidgetDriverAndHandle(
driver: &buf),
handle: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: WidgetDriverAndHandle, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriver.write(value.driver, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverHandle.write(value.handle, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverAndHandle_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> WidgetDriverAndHandle {
return try FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverAndHandle.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverAndHandle_lower(_ value: WidgetDriverAndHandle) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverAndHandle.lower(value)
* Information about a widget.
public struct WidgetSettings {
* Widget's unique identifier.
public var widgetId: String
* Whether or not the widget should be initialized on load message
* (`ContentLoad` message), or upon creation/attaching of the widget to
* the SDK's state machine that drives the API.
public var initAfterContentLoad: Bool
* This contains the url from the widget state event.
* In this url placeholders can be used to pass information from the client
* to the widget. Possible values are: `$widgetId`, `$parentUrl`,
* `$userId`, `$lang`, `$fontScale`, `$analyticsID`.
* # Examples
* e.g `http://widget.domain?username=$userId`
* will become: `http://widget.domain?username=@user_matrix_id:server.domain`.
public var rawUrl: String
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(
* Widget's unique identifier.
*/widgetId: String,
* Whether or not the widget should be initialized on load message
* (`ContentLoad` message), or upon creation/attaching of the widget to
* the SDK's state machine that drives the API.
*/initAfterContentLoad: Bool,
* This contains the url from the widget state event.
* In this url placeholders can be used to pass information from the client
* to the widget. Possible values are: `$widgetId`, `$parentUrl`,
* `$userId`, `$lang`, `$fontScale`, `$analyticsID`.
* # Examples
* e.g `http://widget.domain?username=$userId`
* will become: `http://widget.domain?username=@user_matrix_id:server.domain`.
*/rawUrl: String) {
self.widgetId = widgetId
self.initAfterContentLoad = initAfterContentLoad
self.rawUrl = rawUrl
extension WidgetSettings: Equatable, Hashable {
public static func ==(lhs: WidgetSettings, rhs: WidgetSettings) -> Bool {
if lhs.widgetId != rhs.widgetId {
return false
if lhs.initAfterContentLoad != rhs.initAfterContentLoad {
return false
if lhs.rawUrl != rhs.rawUrl {
return false
return true
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public struct FfiConverterTypeWidgetSettings: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> WidgetSettings {
try WidgetSettings(
widgetId: &buf),
initAfterContentLoad: &buf),
rawUrl: &buf)
public static func write(_ value: WidgetSettings, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
FfiConverterString.write(value.widgetId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(value.initAfterContentLoad, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value.rawUrl, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetSettings_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> WidgetSettings {
return try FfiConverterTypeWidgetSettings.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetSettings_lower(_ value: WidgetSettings) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeWidgetSettings.lower(value)
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum AccountManagementAction {
case profile
case sessionsList
case sessionView(deviceId: String
case sessionEnd(deviceId: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeAccountManagementAction: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = AccountManagementAction
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> AccountManagementAction {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .profile
case 2: return .sessionsList
case 3: return .sessionView(deviceId: try &buf)
case 4: return .sessionEnd(deviceId: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: AccountManagementAction, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .profile:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .sessionsList:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case let .sessionView(deviceId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterString.write(deviceId, into: &buf)
case let .sessionEnd(deviceId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(deviceId, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeAccountManagementAction_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> AccountManagementAction {
return try FfiConverterTypeAccountManagementAction.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeAccountManagementAction_lower(_ value: AccountManagementAction) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeAccountManagementAction.lower(value)
extension AccountManagementAction: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum AssetType {
case sender
case pin
public struct FfiConverterTypeAssetType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = AssetType
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> AssetType {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .sender
case 2: return .pin
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: AssetType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .sender:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .pin:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypeAssetType_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> AssetType {
return try FfiConverterTypeAssetType.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeAssetType_lower(_ value: AssetType) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeAssetType.lower(value)
extension AssetType: Equatable, Hashable {}
public enum AuthenticationError {
case ClientMissing(message: String)
case InvalidServerName(message: String)
case ServerUnreachable(message: String)
case WellKnownLookupFailed(message: String)
case WellKnownDeserializationError(message: String)
case SlidingSyncNotAvailable(message: String)
case SessionMissing(message: String)
case InvalidBasePath(message: String)
case OidcNotSupported(message: String)
case OidcMetadataMissing(message: String)
case OidcMetadataInvalid(message: String)
case OidcCallbackUrlInvalid(message: String)
case OidcCancelled(message: String)
case OidcError(message: String)
case Generic(message: String)
public struct FfiConverterTypeAuthenticationError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = AuthenticationError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> AuthenticationError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .ClientMissing(
message: try &buf)
case 2: return .InvalidServerName(
message: try &buf)
case 3: return .ServerUnreachable(
message: try &buf)
case 4: return .WellKnownLookupFailed(
message: try &buf)
case 5: return .WellKnownDeserializationError(
message: try &buf)
case 6: return .SlidingSyncNotAvailable(
message: try &buf)
case 7: return .SessionMissing(
message: try &buf)
case 8: return .InvalidBasePath(
message: try &buf)
case 9: return .OidcNotSupported(
message: try &buf)
case 10: return .OidcMetadataMissing(
message: try &buf)
case 11: return .OidcMetadataInvalid(
message: try &buf)
case 12: return .OidcCallbackUrlInvalid(
message: try &buf)
case 13: return .OidcCancelled(
message: try &buf)
case 14: return .OidcError(
message: try &buf)
case 15: return .Generic(
message: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: AuthenticationError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .ClientMissing(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .InvalidServerName(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .ServerUnreachable(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .WellKnownLookupFailed(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .WellKnownDeserializationError(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .SlidingSyncNotAvailable(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .SessionMissing(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .InvalidBasePath(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .OidcNotSupported(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .OidcMetadataMissing(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .OidcMetadataInvalid(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
case .OidcCallbackUrlInvalid(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(12))
case .OidcCancelled(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(13))
case .OidcError(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(14))
case .Generic(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(15))
extension AuthenticationError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension AuthenticationError: Error { }
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum BackupState {
case unknown
case creating
case enabling
case resuming
case enabled
case downloading
case disabling
public struct FfiConverterTypeBackupState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = BackupState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> BackupState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .unknown
case 2: return .creating
case 3: return .enabling
case 4: return .resuming
case 5: return .enabled
case 6: return .downloading
case 7: return .disabling
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: BackupState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .unknown:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .creating:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .enabling:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .resuming:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .enabled:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .downloading:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .disabling:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
public func FfiConverterTypeBackupState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> BackupState {
return try FfiConverterTypeBackupState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeBackupState_lower(_ value: BackupState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeBackupState.lower(value)
extension BackupState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum BackupUploadState {
case waiting
case uploading(backedUpCount: UInt32, totalCount: UInt32
case error
case done
public struct FfiConverterTypeBackupUploadState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = BackupUploadState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> BackupUploadState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .waiting
case 2: return .uploading(backedUpCount: try &buf), totalCount: try &buf)
case 3: return .error
case 4: return .done
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: BackupUploadState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .waiting:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case let .uploading(backedUpCount,totalCount):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(backedUpCount, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt32.write(totalCount, into: &buf)
case .error:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .done:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
public func FfiConverterTypeBackupUploadState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> BackupUploadState {
return try FfiConverterTypeBackupUploadState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeBackupUploadState_lower(_ value: BackupUploadState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeBackupUploadState.lower(value)
extension BackupUploadState: Equatable, Hashable {}
public enum ClientBuildError {
case Sdk(message: String)
case Generic(message: String)
public struct FfiConverterTypeClientBuildError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ClientBuildError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ClientBuildError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .Sdk(
message: try &buf)
case 2: return .Generic(
message: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: ClientBuildError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .Sdk(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .Generic(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
extension ClientBuildError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension ClientBuildError: Error { }
public enum ClientError {
case Generic(msg: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeClientError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ClientError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ClientError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .Generic(
msg: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: ClientError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .Generic(msg):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterString.write(msg, into: &buf)
extension ClientError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension ClientError: Error { }
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum EnableRecoveryProgress {
case starting
case creatingBackup
case creatingRecoveryKey
case backingUp(backedUpCount: UInt32, totalCount: UInt32
case roomKeyUploadError
case done(recoveryKey: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeEnableRecoveryProgress: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = EnableRecoveryProgress
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> EnableRecoveryProgress {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .starting
case 2: return .creatingBackup
case 3: return .creatingRecoveryKey
case 4: return .backingUp(backedUpCount: try &buf), totalCount: try &buf)
case 5: return .roomKeyUploadError
case 6: return .done(recoveryKey: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: EnableRecoveryProgress, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .starting:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .creatingBackup:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .creatingRecoveryKey:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case let .backingUp(backedUpCount,totalCount):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(backedUpCount, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt32.write(totalCount, into: &buf)
case .roomKeyUploadError:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case let .done(recoveryKey):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
FfiConverterString.write(recoveryKey, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEnableRecoveryProgress_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> EnableRecoveryProgress {
return try FfiConverterTypeEnableRecoveryProgress.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEnableRecoveryProgress_lower(_ value: EnableRecoveryProgress) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeEnableRecoveryProgress.lower(value)
extension EnableRecoveryProgress: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum EncryptedMessage {
case olmV1Curve25519AesSha2(
* The Curve25519 key of the sender.
*/senderKey: String
case megolmV1AesSha2(
* The ID of the session used to encrypt the message.
*/sessionId: String
case unknown
public struct FfiConverterTypeEncryptedMessage: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = EncryptedMessage
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> EncryptedMessage {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .olmV1Curve25519AesSha2(senderKey: try &buf)
case 2: return .megolmV1AesSha2(sessionId: try &buf)
case 3: return .unknown
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: EncryptedMessage, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .olmV1Curve25519AesSha2(senderKey):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterString.write(senderKey, into: &buf)
case let .megolmV1AesSha2(sessionId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(sessionId, into: &buf)
case .unknown:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
public func FfiConverterTypeEncryptedMessage_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> EncryptedMessage {
return try FfiConverterTypeEncryptedMessage.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEncryptedMessage_lower(_ value: EncryptedMessage) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeEncryptedMessage.lower(value)
extension EncryptedMessage: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
* Defines if a call is encrypted and which encryption system should be used.
* This controls the url parameters: `perParticipantE2EE`, `password`.
public enum EncryptionSystem {
* Equivalent to the element call url parameter: `enableE2EE=false`
case unencrypted
* Equivalent to the element call url parameter:
* `perParticipantE2EE=true`
case perParticipantKeys
* Equivalent to the element call url parameter:
* `password={secret}`
case sharedSecret(
* The secret/password which is used in the url.
*/secret: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeEncryptionSystem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = EncryptionSystem
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> EncryptionSystem {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .unencrypted
case 2: return .perParticipantKeys
case 3: return .sharedSecret(secret: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: EncryptionSystem, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .unencrypted:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .perParticipantKeys:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case let .sharedSecret(secret):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterString.write(secret, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEncryptionSystem_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> EncryptionSystem {
return try FfiConverterTypeEncryptionSystem.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEncryptionSystem_lower(_ value: EncryptionSystem) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeEncryptionSystem.lower(value)
extension EncryptionSystem: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
* This type represents the send state of a local event timeline item.
public enum EventSendState {
* The local event has not been sent yet.
case notSentYet
* The local event has been sent to the server, but unsuccessfully: The
* sending has failed.
case sendingFailed(error: String
* Sending has been cancelled because an earlier event in the
* message-sending queue failed.
case cancelled
* The local event has been sent successfully to the server.
case sent(eventId: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeEventSendState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = EventSendState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> EventSendState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .notSentYet
case 2: return .sendingFailed(error: try &buf)
case 3: return .cancelled
case 4: return .sent(eventId: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: EventSendState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .notSentYet:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case let .sendingFailed(error):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(error, into: &buf)
case .cancelled:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case let .sent(eventId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(eventId, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEventSendState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> EventSendState {
return try FfiConverterTypeEventSendState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeEventSendState_lower(_ value: EventSendState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeEventSendState.lower(value)
extension EventSendState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum FilterTimelineEventType {
case messageLike(eventType: MessageLikeEventType
case state(eventType: StateEventType
public struct FfiConverterTypeFilterTimelineEventType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = FilterTimelineEventType
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> FilterTimelineEventType {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .messageLike(eventType: try &buf)
case 2: return .state(eventType: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: FilterTimelineEventType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .messageLike(eventType):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventType.write(eventType, into: &buf)
case let .state(eventType):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterTypeStateEventType.write(eventType, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeFilterTimelineEventType_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> FilterTimelineEventType {
return try FfiConverterTypeFilterTimelineEventType.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeFilterTimelineEventType_lower(_ value: FilterTimelineEventType) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeFilterTimelineEventType.lower(value)
extension FilterTimelineEventType: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum LogLevel {
case error
case warn
case info
case debug
case trace
public struct FfiConverterTypeLogLevel: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = LogLevel
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> LogLevel {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .error
case 2: return .warn
case 3: return .info
case 4: return .debug
case 5: return .trace
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: LogLevel, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .error:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .warn:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .info:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .debug:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .trace:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
public func FfiConverterTypeLogLevel_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> LogLevel {
return try FfiConverterTypeLogLevel.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeLogLevel_lower(_ value: LogLevel) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeLogLevel.lower(value)
extension LogLevel: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
* A Matrix ID that can be a room, room alias, user, or event.
public enum MatrixId {
case room(id: String
case roomAlias(alias: String
case user(id: String
case eventOnRoomId(roomId: String, eventId: String
case eventOnRoomAlias(alias: String, eventId: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeMatrixId: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MatrixId
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MatrixId {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .room(id: try &buf)
case 2: return .roomAlias(alias: try &buf)
case 3: return .user(id: try &buf)
case 4: return .eventOnRoomId(roomId: try &buf), eventId: try &buf)
case 5: return .eventOnRoomAlias(alias: try &buf), eventId: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: MatrixId, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .room(id):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterString.write(id, into: &buf)
case let .roomAlias(alias):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(alias, into: &buf)
case let .user(id):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterString.write(id, into: &buf)
case let .eventOnRoomId(roomId,eventId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(roomId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(eventId, into: &buf)
case let .eventOnRoomAlias(alias,eventId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
FfiConverterString.write(alias, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(eventId, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMatrixId_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MatrixId {
return try FfiConverterTypeMatrixId.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMatrixId_lower(_ value: MatrixId) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMatrixId.lower(value)
extension MatrixId: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum MediaInfoError {
case missingField
case invalidField
public struct FfiConverterTypeMediaInfoError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MediaInfoError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MediaInfoError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .missingField
case 2: return .invalidField
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: MediaInfoError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .missingField:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .invalidField:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypeMediaInfoError_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MediaInfoError {
return try FfiConverterTypeMediaInfoError.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMediaInfoError_lower(_ value: MediaInfoError) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMediaInfoError.lower(value)
extension MediaInfoError: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum Membership {
case invited
case joined
case left
public struct FfiConverterTypeMembership: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = Membership
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Membership {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .invited
case 2: return .joined
case 3: return .left
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: Membership, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .invited:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .joined:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .left:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
public func FfiConverterTypeMembership_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> Membership {
return try FfiConverterTypeMembership.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMembership_lower(_ value: Membership) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMembership.lower(value)
extension Membership: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum MembershipChange {
case none
case error
case joined
case left
case banned
case unbanned
case kicked
case invited
case kickedAndBanned
case invitationAccepted
case invitationRejected
case invitationRevoked
case knocked
case knockAccepted
case knockRetracted
case knockDenied
case notImplemented
public struct FfiConverterTypeMembershipChange: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MembershipChange
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MembershipChange {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .none
case 2: return .error
case 3: return .joined
case 4: return .left
case 5: return .banned
case 6: return .unbanned
case 7: return .kicked
case 8: return .invited
case 9: return .kickedAndBanned
case 10: return .invitationAccepted
case 11: return .invitationRejected
case 12: return .invitationRevoked
case 13: return .knocked
case 14: return .knockAccepted
case 15: return .knockRetracted
case 16: return .knockDenied
case 17: return .notImplemented
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: MembershipChange, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .none:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .error:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .joined:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .left:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .banned:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .unbanned:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .kicked:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .invited:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .kickedAndBanned:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .invitationAccepted:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .invitationRejected:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
case .invitationRevoked:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(12))
case .knocked:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(13))
case .knockAccepted:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(14))
case .knockRetracted:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(15))
case .knockDenied:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(16))
case .notImplemented:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(17))
public func FfiConverterTypeMembershipChange_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MembershipChange {
return try FfiConverterTypeMembershipChange.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMembershipChange_lower(_ value: MembershipChange) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMembershipChange.lower(value)
extension MembershipChange: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum MembershipState {
* The user is banned.
case ban
* The user has been invited.
case invite
* The user has joined.
case join
* The user has requested to join.
case knock
* The user has left.
case leave
public struct FfiConverterTypeMembershipState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MembershipState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MembershipState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .ban
case 2: return .invite
case 3: return .join
case 4: return .knock
case 5: return .leave
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: MembershipState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .ban:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .invite:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .join:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .knock:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .leave:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
public func FfiConverterTypeMembershipState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MembershipState {
return try FfiConverterTypeMembershipState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMembershipState_lower(_ value: MembershipState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMembershipState.lower(value)
extension MembershipState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum MessageFormat {
case html
case unknown(format: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeMessageFormat: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MessageFormat
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MessageFormat {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .html
case 2: return .unknown(format: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: MessageFormat, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .html:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case let .unknown(format):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(format, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMessageFormat_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MessageFormat {
return try FfiConverterTypeMessageFormat.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMessageFormat_lower(_ value: MessageFormat) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMessageFormat.lower(value)
extension MessageFormat: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum MessageLikeEventContent {
case callAnswer
case callInvite
case callHangup
case callCandidates
case keyVerificationReady
case keyVerificationStart
case keyVerificationCancel
case keyVerificationAccept
case keyVerificationKey
case keyVerificationMac
case keyVerificationDone
case poll(question: String
case reactionContent(relatedEventId: String
case roomEncrypted
case roomMessage(messageType: MessageType, inReplyToEventId: String?
case roomRedaction
case sticker
public struct FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MessageLikeEventContent
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MessageLikeEventContent {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .callAnswer
case 2: return .callInvite
case 3: return .callHangup
case 4: return .callCandidates
case 5: return .keyVerificationReady
case 6: return .keyVerificationStart
case 7: return .keyVerificationCancel
case 8: return .keyVerificationAccept
case 9: return .keyVerificationKey
case 10: return .keyVerificationMac
case 11: return .keyVerificationDone
case 12: return .poll(question: try &buf)
case 13: return .reactionContent(relatedEventId: try &buf)
case 14: return .roomEncrypted
case 15: return .roomMessage(messageType: try &buf), inReplyToEventId: try &buf)
case 16: return .roomRedaction
case 17: return .sticker
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: MessageLikeEventContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .callAnswer:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .callInvite:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .callHangup:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .callCandidates:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .keyVerificationReady:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .keyVerificationStart:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .keyVerificationCancel:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .keyVerificationAccept:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .keyVerificationKey:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .keyVerificationMac:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .keyVerificationDone:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
case let .poll(question):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(12))
FfiConverterString.write(question, into: &buf)
case let .reactionContent(relatedEventId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(13))
FfiConverterString.write(relatedEventId, into: &buf)
case .roomEncrypted:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(14))
case let .roomMessage(messageType,inReplyToEventId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(15))
FfiConverterTypeMessageType.write(messageType, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(inReplyToEventId, into: &buf)
case .roomRedaction:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(16))
case .sticker:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(17))
public func FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MessageLikeEventContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventContent_lower(_ value: MessageLikeEventContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventContent.lower(value)
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum MessageLikeEventType {
case callAnswer
case callCandidates
case callHangup
case callInvite
case keyVerificationAccept
case keyVerificationCancel
case keyVerificationDone
case keyVerificationKey
case keyVerificationMac
case keyVerificationReady
case keyVerificationStart
case pollEnd
case pollResponse
case pollStart
case reaction
case roomEncrypted
case roomMessage
case roomRedaction
case sticker
case unstablePollEnd
case unstablePollResponse
case unstablePollStart
public struct FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MessageLikeEventType
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MessageLikeEventType {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .callAnswer
case 2: return .callCandidates
case 3: return .callHangup
case 4: return .callInvite
case 5: return .keyVerificationAccept
case 6: return .keyVerificationCancel
case 7: return .keyVerificationDone
case 8: return .keyVerificationKey
case 9: return .keyVerificationMac
case 10: return .keyVerificationReady
case 11: return .keyVerificationStart
case 12: return .pollEnd
case 13: return .pollResponse
case 14: return .pollStart
case 15: return .reaction
case 16: return .roomEncrypted
case 17: return .roomMessage
case 18: return .roomRedaction
case 19: return .sticker
case 20: return .unstablePollEnd
case 21: return .unstablePollResponse
case 22: return .unstablePollStart
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: MessageLikeEventType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .callAnswer:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .callCandidates:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .callHangup:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .callInvite:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .keyVerificationAccept:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .keyVerificationCancel:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .keyVerificationDone:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .keyVerificationKey:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .keyVerificationMac:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .keyVerificationReady:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .keyVerificationStart:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
case .pollEnd:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(12))
case .pollResponse:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(13))
case .pollStart:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(14))
case .reaction:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(15))
case .roomEncrypted:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(16))
case .roomMessage:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(17))
case .roomRedaction:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(18))
case .sticker:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(19))
case .unstablePollEnd:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(20))
case .unstablePollResponse:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(21))
case .unstablePollStart:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(22))
public func FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventType_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MessageLikeEventType {
return try FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventType.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventType_lower(_ value: MessageLikeEventType) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventType.lower(value)
extension MessageLikeEventType: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum MessageType {
case emote(content: EmoteMessageContent
case image(content: ImageMessageContent
case audio(content: AudioMessageContent
case video(content: VideoMessageContent
case file(content: FileMessageContent
case notice(content: NoticeMessageContent
case text(content: TextMessageContent
case location(content: LocationContent
case other(msgtype: String, body: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeMessageType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MessageType
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> MessageType {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .emote(content: try &buf)
case 2: return .image(content: try &buf)
case 3: return .audio(content: try &buf)
case 4: return .video(content: try &buf)
case 5: return .file(content: try &buf)
case 6: return .notice(content: try &buf)
case 7: return .text(content: try &buf)
case 8: return .location(content: try &buf)
case 9: return .other(msgtype: try &buf), body: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: MessageType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .emote(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterTypeEmoteMessageContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .image(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterTypeImageMessageContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .audio(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterTypeAudioMessageContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .video(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterTypeVideoMessageContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .file(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
FfiConverterTypeFileMessageContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .notice(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
FfiConverterTypeNoticeMessageContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .text(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
FfiConverterTypeTextMessageContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .location(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
FfiConverterTypeLocationContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .other(msgtype,body):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
FfiConverterString.write(msgtype, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(body, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMessageType_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> MessageType {
return try FfiConverterTypeMessageType.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeMessageType_lower(_ value: MessageType) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeMessageType.lower(value)
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum NotificationEvent {
case timeline(event: TimelineEvent
case invite(sender: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationEvent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = NotificationEvent
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationEvent {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .timeline(event: try &buf)
case 2: return .invite(sender: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: NotificationEvent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .timeline(event):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterTypeTimelineEvent.write(event, into: &buf)
case let .invite(sender):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(sender, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationEvent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> NotificationEvent {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationEvent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationEvent_lower(_ value: NotificationEvent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationEvent.lower(value)
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum NotificationProcessSetup {
case multipleProcesses
case singleProcess(syncService: SyncService
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationProcessSetup: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = NotificationProcessSetup
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationProcessSetup {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .multipleProcesses
case 2: return .singleProcess(syncService: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: NotificationProcessSetup, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .multipleProcesses:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case let .singleProcess(syncService):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterTypeSyncService.write(syncService, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationProcessSetup_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> NotificationProcessSetup {
return try FfiConverterTypeNotificationProcessSetup.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeNotificationProcessSetup_lower(_ value: NotificationProcessSetup) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeNotificationProcessSetup.lower(value)
public enum NotificationSettingsError {
case Generic(msg: String
* Invalid parameter.
case InvalidParameter(msg: String
* Invalid room id.
case InvalidRoomId(roomId: String
* Rule not found
case RuleNotFound(ruleId: String
* Unable to add push rule.
case UnableToAddPushRule
* Unable to remove push rule.
case UnableToRemovePushRule
* Unable to save the push rules
case UnableToSavePushRules
* Unable to update push rule.
case UnableToUpdatePushRule
public struct FfiConverterTypeNotificationSettingsError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = NotificationSettingsError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> NotificationSettingsError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .Generic(
msg: try &buf)
case 2: return .InvalidParameter(
msg: try &buf)
case 3: return .InvalidRoomId(
roomId: try &buf)
case 4: return .RuleNotFound(
ruleId: try &buf)
case 5: return .UnableToAddPushRule
case 6: return .UnableToRemovePushRule
case 7: return .UnableToSavePushRules
case 8: return .UnableToUpdatePushRule
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: NotificationSettingsError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .Generic(msg):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterString.write(msg, into: &buf)
case let .InvalidParameter(msg):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(msg, into: &buf)
case let .InvalidRoomId(roomId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterString.write(roomId, into: &buf)
case let .RuleNotFound(ruleId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(ruleId, into: &buf)
case .UnableToAddPushRule:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .UnableToRemovePushRule:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .UnableToSavePushRules:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .UnableToUpdatePushRule:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
extension NotificationSettingsError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension NotificationSettingsError: Error { }
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum OtherState {
case policyRuleRoom
case policyRuleServer
case policyRuleUser
case roomAliases
case roomAvatar(url: String?
case roomCanonicalAlias
case roomCreate
case roomEncryption
case roomGuestAccess
case roomHistoryVisibility
case roomJoinRules
case roomName(name: String?
case roomPinnedEvents
case roomPowerLevels(users: [String: Int64], previous: [String: Int64]?
case roomServerAcl
case roomThirdPartyInvite(displayName: String?
case roomTombstone
case roomTopic(topic: String?
case spaceChild
case spaceParent
case custom(eventType: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeOtherState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = OtherState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> OtherState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .policyRuleRoom
case 2: return .policyRuleServer
case 3: return .policyRuleUser
case 4: return .roomAliases
case 5: return .roomAvatar(url: try &buf)
case 6: return .roomCanonicalAlias
case 7: return .roomCreate
case 8: return .roomEncryption
case 9: return .roomGuestAccess
case 10: return .roomHistoryVisibility
case 11: return .roomJoinRules
case 12: return .roomName(name: try &buf)
case 13: return .roomPinnedEvents
case 14: return .roomPowerLevels(users: try &buf), previous: try &buf)
case 15: return .roomServerAcl
case 16: return .roomThirdPartyInvite(displayName: try &buf)
case 17: return .roomTombstone
case 18: return .roomTopic(topic: try &buf)
case 19: return .spaceChild
case 20: return .spaceParent
case 21: return .custom(eventType: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: OtherState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .policyRuleRoom:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .policyRuleServer:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .policyRuleUser:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .roomAliases:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case let .roomAvatar(url):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
FfiConverterOptionString.write(url, into: &buf)
case .roomCanonicalAlias:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .roomCreate:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .roomEncryption:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .roomGuestAccess:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .roomHistoryVisibility:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .roomJoinRules:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
case let .roomName(name):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(12))
FfiConverterOptionString.write(name, into: &buf)
case .roomPinnedEvents:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(13))
case let .roomPowerLevels(users,previous):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(14))
FfiConverterDictionaryStringInt64.write(users, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionDictionaryStringInt64.write(previous, into: &buf)
case .roomServerAcl:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(15))
case let .roomThirdPartyInvite(displayName):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(16))
FfiConverterOptionString.write(displayName, into: &buf)
case .roomTombstone:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(17))
case let .roomTopic(topic):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(18))
FfiConverterOptionString.write(topic, into: &buf)
case .spaceChild:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(19))
case .spaceParent:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(20))
case let .custom(eventType):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(21))
FfiConverterString.write(eventType, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeOtherState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> OtherState {
return try FfiConverterTypeOtherState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeOtherState_lower(_ value: OtherState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeOtherState.lower(value)
extension OtherState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum PaginationOptions {
case simpleRequest(eventLimit: UInt16, waitForToken: Bool
case untilNumItems(eventLimit: UInt16, items: UInt16, waitForToken: Bool
public struct FfiConverterTypePaginationOptions: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = PaginationOptions
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> PaginationOptions {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .simpleRequest(eventLimit: try &buf), waitForToken: try &buf)
case 2: return .untilNumItems(eventLimit: try &buf), items: try &buf), waitForToken: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: PaginationOptions, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .simpleRequest(eventLimit,waitForToken):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterUInt16.write(eventLimit, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(waitForToken, into: &buf)
case let .untilNumItems(eventLimit,items,waitForToken):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterUInt16.write(eventLimit, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt16.write(items, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(waitForToken, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePaginationOptions_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> PaginationOptions {
return try FfiConverterTypePaginationOptions.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePaginationOptions_lower(_ value: PaginationOptions) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypePaginationOptions.lower(value)
extension PaginationOptions: Equatable, Hashable {}
public enum ParseError {
case EmptyHost(message: String)
case IdnaError(message: String)
case InvalidPort(message: String)
case InvalidIpv4Address(message: String)
case InvalidIpv6Address(message: String)
case InvalidDomainCharacter(message: String)
case RelativeUrlWithoutBase(message: String)
case RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase(message: String)
case SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl(message: String)
case Overflow(message: String)
case Other(message: String)
public struct FfiConverterTypeParseError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ParseError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ParseError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .EmptyHost(
message: try &buf)
case 2: return .IdnaError(
message: try &buf)
case 3: return .InvalidPort(
message: try &buf)
case 4: return .InvalidIpv4Address(
message: try &buf)
case 5: return .InvalidIpv6Address(
message: try &buf)
case 6: return .InvalidDomainCharacter(
message: try &buf)
case 7: return .RelativeUrlWithoutBase(
message: try &buf)
case 8: return .RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase(
message: try &buf)
case 9: return .SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl(
message: try &buf)
case 10: return .Overflow(
message: try &buf)
case 11: return .Other(
message: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: ParseError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .EmptyHost(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .IdnaError(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .InvalidPort(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .InvalidIpv4Address(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .InvalidIpv6Address(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .InvalidDomainCharacter(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .RelativeUrlWithoutBase(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .Overflow(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .Other(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
extension ParseError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension ParseError: Error { }
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum PollKind {
case disclosed
case undisclosed
public struct FfiConverterTypePollKind: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = PollKind
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> PollKind {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .disclosed
case 2: return .undisclosed
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: PollKind, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .disclosed:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .undisclosed:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypePollKind_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> PollKind {
return try FfiConverterTypePollKind.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePollKind_lower(_ value: PollKind) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypePollKind.lower(value)
extension PollKind: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum ProfileDetails {
case unavailable
case pending
case ready(displayName: String?, displayNameAmbiguous: Bool, avatarUrl: String?
case error(message: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeProfileDetails: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ProfileDetails
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ProfileDetails {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .unavailable
case 2: return .pending
case 3: return .ready(displayName: try &buf), displayNameAmbiguous: try &buf), avatarUrl: try &buf)
case 4: return .error(message: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: ProfileDetails, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .unavailable:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .pending:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case let .ready(displayName,displayNameAmbiguous,avatarUrl):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterOptionString.write(displayName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(displayNameAmbiguous, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(avatarUrl, into: &buf)
case let .error(message):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(message, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeProfileDetails_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> ProfileDetails {
return try FfiConverterTypeProfileDetails.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeProfileDetails_lower(_ value: ProfileDetails) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeProfileDetails.lower(value)
extension ProfileDetails: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum PublicRoomJoinRule {
case `public`
case knock
public struct FfiConverterTypePublicRoomJoinRule: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = PublicRoomJoinRule
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> PublicRoomJoinRule {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .`public`
case 2: return .knock
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: PublicRoomJoinRule, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .`public`:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .knock:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypePublicRoomJoinRule_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> PublicRoomJoinRule {
return try FfiConverterTypePublicRoomJoinRule.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePublicRoomJoinRule_lower(_ value: PublicRoomJoinRule) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypePublicRoomJoinRule.lower(value)
extension PublicRoomJoinRule: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum PushFormat {
case eventIdOnly
public struct FfiConverterTypePushFormat: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = PushFormat
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> PushFormat {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .eventIdOnly
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: PushFormat, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .eventIdOnly:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
public func FfiConverterTypePushFormat_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> PushFormat {
return try FfiConverterTypePushFormat.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePushFormat_lower(_ value: PushFormat) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypePushFormat.lower(value)
extension PushFormat: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum PusherKind {
case http(data: HttpPusherData
case email
public struct FfiConverterTypePusherKind: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = PusherKind
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> PusherKind {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .http(data: try &buf)
case 2: return .email
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: PusherKind, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .http(data):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterTypeHttpPusherData.write(data, into: &buf)
case .email:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypePusherKind_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> PusherKind {
return try FfiConverterTypePusherKind.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypePusherKind_lower(_ value: PusherKind) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypePusherKind.lower(value)
extension PusherKind: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
* A [`TimelineItem`](super::TimelineItem) that doesn't correspond to an event.
public enum ReceiptType {
case read
case readPrivate
case fullyRead
public struct FfiConverterTypeReceiptType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ReceiptType
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> ReceiptType {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .read
case 2: return .readPrivate
case 3: return .fullyRead
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: ReceiptType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .read:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .readPrivate:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .fullyRead:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
public func FfiConverterTypeReceiptType_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> ReceiptType {
return try FfiConverterTypeReceiptType.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeReceiptType_lower(_ value: ReceiptType) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeReceiptType.lower(value)
extension ReceiptType: Equatable, Hashable {}
public enum RecoveryError {
* A backup already exists on the homeserver, the recovery subsystem does
* not allow backups to be overwritten, disable recovery first.
case BackupExistsOnServer
* A typical SDK error.
case Client(source: ClientError
* Error in the secret storage subsystem.
case SecretStorage(errorMessage: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeRecoveryError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RecoveryError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RecoveryError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .BackupExistsOnServer
case 2: return .Client(
source: try &buf)
case 3: return .SecretStorage(
errorMessage: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RecoveryError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .BackupExistsOnServer:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case let .Client(source):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterTypeClientError.write(source, into: &buf)
case let .SecretStorage(errorMessage):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterString.write(errorMessage, into: &buf)
extension RecoveryError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension RecoveryError: Error { }
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RecoveryState {
case unknown
case enabled
case disabled
case incomplete
public struct FfiConverterTypeRecoveryState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RecoveryState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RecoveryState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .unknown
case 2: return .enabled
case 3: return .disabled
case 4: return .incomplete
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RecoveryState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .unknown:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .enabled:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .disabled:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .incomplete:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
public func FfiConverterTypeRecoveryState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RecoveryState {
return try FfiConverterTypeRecoveryState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRecoveryState_lower(_ value: RecoveryState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRecoveryState.lower(value)
extension RecoveryState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RepliedToEventDetails {
case unavailable
case pending
case ready(content: TimelineItemContent, sender: String, senderProfile: ProfileDetails
case error(message: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeRepliedToEventDetails: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RepliedToEventDetails
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RepliedToEventDetails {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .unavailable
case 2: return .pending
case 3: return .ready(content: try &buf), sender: try &buf), senderProfile: try &buf)
case 4: return .error(message: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RepliedToEventDetails, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .unavailable:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .pending:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case let .ready(content,sender,senderProfile):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContent.write(content, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(sender, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeProfileDetails.write(senderProfile, into: &buf)
case let .error(message):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(message, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRepliedToEventDetails_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RepliedToEventDetails {
return try FfiConverterTypeRepliedToEventDetails.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRepliedToEventDetails_lower(_ value: RepliedToEventDetails) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRepliedToEventDetails.lower(value)
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate {
case append(values: [RoomDescription]
case clear
case pushFront(value: RoomDescription
case pushBack(value: RoomDescription
case popFront
case popBack
case insert(index: UInt32, value: RoomDescription
case set(index: UInt32, value: RoomDescription
case remove(index: UInt32
case truncate(length: UInt32
case reset(values: [RoomDescription]
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .append(values: try &buf)
case 2: return .clear
case 3: return .pushFront(value: try &buf)
case 4: return .pushBack(value: try &buf)
case 5: return .popFront
case 6: return .popBack
case 7: return .insert(index: try &buf), value: try &buf)
case 8: return .set(index: try &buf), value: try &buf)
case 9: return .remove(index: try &buf)
case 10: return .truncate(length: try &buf)
case 11: return .reset(values: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .append(values):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomDescription.write(values, into: &buf)
case .clear:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case let .pushFront(value):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription.write(value, into: &buf)
case let .pushBack(value):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription.write(value, into: &buf)
case .popFront:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .popBack:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case let .insert(index,value):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(index, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription.write(value, into: &buf)
case let .set(index,value):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(index, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription.write(value, into: &buf)
case let .remove(index):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(index, into: &buf)
case let .truncate(length):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(length, into: &buf)
case let .reset(values):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomDescription.write(values, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate_lower(_ value: RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate.lower(value)
extension RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate: Equatable, Hashable {}
public enum RoomError {
case InvalidAttachmentData(message: String)
case InvalidAttachmentMimeType(message: String)
case InvalidMediaInfo(message: String)
case TimelineUnavailable(message: String)
case InvalidThumbnailData(message: String)
case FailedSendingAttachment(message: String)
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .InvalidAttachmentData(
message: try &buf)
case 2: return .InvalidAttachmentMimeType(
message: try &buf)
case 3: return .InvalidMediaInfo(
message: try &buf)
case 4: return .TimelineUnavailable(
message: try &buf)
case 5: return .InvalidThumbnailData(
message: try &buf)
case 6: return .FailedSendingAttachment(
message: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .InvalidAttachmentData(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .InvalidAttachmentMimeType(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .InvalidMediaInfo(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .TimelineUnavailable(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .InvalidThumbnailData(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .FailedSendingAttachment(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
extension RoomError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension RoomError: Error { }
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind {
case all(filters: [RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind]
case any(filters: [RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind]
case nonLeft
case unread
case favourite
case invite
case category(expect: RoomListFilterCategory
case none
case normalizedMatchRoomName(pattern: String
case fuzzyMatchRoomName(pattern: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .all(filters: try &buf)
case 2: return .any(filters: try &buf)
case 3: return .nonLeft
case 4: return .unread
case 5: return .favourite
case 6: return .invite
case 7: return .category(expect: try &buf)
case 8: return .none
case 9: return .normalizedMatchRoomName(pattern: try &buf)
case 10: return .fuzzyMatchRoomName(pattern: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .all(filters):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind.write(filters, into: &buf)
case let .any(filters):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind.write(filters, into: &buf)
case .nonLeft:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .unread:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .favourite:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .invite:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case let .category(expect):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
FfiConverterTypeRoomListFilterCategory.write(expect, into: &buf)
case .none:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case let .normalizedMatchRoomName(pattern):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
FfiConverterString.write(pattern, into: &buf)
case let .fuzzyMatchRoomName(pattern):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
FfiConverterString.write(pattern, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind_lower(_ value: RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind.lower(value)
extension RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomListEntriesUpdate {
case append(values: [RoomListEntry]
case clear
case pushFront(value: RoomListEntry
case pushBack(value: RoomListEntry
case popFront
case popBack
case insert(index: UInt32, value: RoomListEntry
case set(index: UInt32, value: RoomListEntry
case remove(index: UInt32
case truncate(length: UInt32
case reset(values: [RoomListEntry]
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesUpdate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListEntriesUpdate
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListEntriesUpdate {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .append(values: try &buf)
case 2: return .clear
case 3: return .pushFront(value: try &buf)
case 4: return .pushBack(value: try &buf)
case 5: return .popFront
case 6: return .popBack
case 7: return .insert(index: try &buf), value: try &buf)
case 8: return .set(index: try &buf), value: try &buf)
case 9: return .remove(index: try &buf)
case 10: return .truncate(length: try &buf)
case 11: return .reset(values: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListEntriesUpdate, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .append(values):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntry.write(values, into: &buf)
case .clear:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case let .pushFront(value):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry.write(value, into: &buf)
case let .pushBack(value):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry.write(value, into: &buf)
case .popFront:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .popBack:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case let .insert(index,value):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(index, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry.write(value, into: &buf)
case let .set(index,value):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(index, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry.write(value, into: &buf)
case let .remove(index):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(index, into: &buf)
case let .truncate(length):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(length, into: &buf)
case let .reset(values):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntry.write(values, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesUpdate_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListEntriesUpdate {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesUpdate.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesUpdate_lower(_ value: RoomListEntriesUpdate) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesUpdate.lower(value)
extension RoomListEntriesUpdate: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomListEntry {
case empty
case invalidated(roomId: String
case filled(roomId: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListEntry
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListEntry {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .empty
case 2: return .invalidated(roomId: try &buf)
case 3: return .filled(roomId: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListEntry, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .empty:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case let .invalidated(roomId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(roomId, into: &buf)
case let .filled(roomId):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterString.write(roomId, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListEntry {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry_lower(_ value: RoomListEntry) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry.lower(value)
extension RoomListEntry: Equatable, Hashable {}
public enum RoomListError {
case SlidingSync(error: String
case UnknownList(listName: String
case InputCannotBeApplied
case RoomNotFound(roomName: String
case InvalidRoomId(error: String
case TimelineAlreadyExists(roomName: String
case TimelineNotInitialized(roomName: String
case InitializingTimeline(error: String
case EventCache(error: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .SlidingSync(
error: try &buf)
case 2: return .UnknownList(
listName: try &buf)
case 3: return .InputCannotBeApplied
case 4: return .RoomNotFound(
roomName: try &buf)
case 5: return .InvalidRoomId(
error: try &buf)
case 6: return .TimelineAlreadyExists(
roomName: try &buf)
case 7: return .TimelineNotInitialized(
roomName: try &buf)
case 8: return .InitializingTimeline(
error: try &buf)
case 9: return .EventCache(
error: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .SlidingSync(error):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterString.write(error, into: &buf)
case let .UnknownList(listName):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(listName, into: &buf)
case .InputCannotBeApplied:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case let .RoomNotFound(roomName):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(roomName, into: &buf)
case let .InvalidRoomId(error):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
FfiConverterString.write(error, into: &buf)
case let .TimelineAlreadyExists(roomName):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
FfiConverterString.write(roomName, into: &buf)
case let .TimelineNotInitialized(roomName):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
FfiConverterString.write(roomName, into: &buf)
case let .InitializingTimeline(error):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
FfiConverterString.write(error, into: &buf)
case let .EventCache(error):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
FfiConverterString.write(error, into: &buf)
extension RoomListError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension RoomListError: Error { }
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomListFilterCategory {
case group
case people
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListFilterCategory: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListFilterCategory
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListFilterCategory {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .group
case 2: return .people
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListFilterCategory, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .group:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .people:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListFilterCategory_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListFilterCategory {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListFilterCategory.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListFilterCategory_lower(_ value: RoomListFilterCategory) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListFilterCategory.lower(value)
extension RoomListFilterCategory: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomListInput {
case viewport(ranges: [RoomListRange]
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListInput: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListInput
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListInput {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .viewport(ranges: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListInput, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .viewport(ranges):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListRange.write(ranges, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListInput_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListInput {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListInput.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListInput_lower(_ value: RoomListInput) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListInput.lower(value)
extension RoomListInput: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomListLoadingState {
case notLoaded
case loaded(maximumNumberOfRooms: UInt32?
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListLoadingState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListLoadingState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .notLoaded
case 2: return .loaded(maximumNumberOfRooms: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListLoadingState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .notLoaded:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case let .loaded(maximumNumberOfRooms):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterOptionUInt32.write(maximumNumberOfRooms, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListLoadingState {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingState_lower(_ value: RoomListLoadingState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingState.lower(value)
extension RoomListLoadingState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomListServiceState {
case initial
case settingUp
case recovering
case running
case error
case terminated
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListServiceState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListServiceState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .initial
case 2: return .settingUp
case 3: return .recovering
case 4: return .running
case 5: return .error
case 6: return .terminated
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListServiceState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .initial:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .settingUp:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .recovering:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .running:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .error:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .terminated:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListServiceState {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceState_lower(_ value: RoomListServiceState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceState.lower(value)
extension RoomListServiceState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomListServiceSyncIndicator {
case show
case hide
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceSyncIndicator: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListServiceSyncIndicator
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomListServiceSyncIndicator {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .show
case 2: return .hide
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomListServiceSyncIndicator, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .show:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .hide:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceSyncIndicator_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomListServiceSyncIndicator {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceSyncIndicator.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceSyncIndicator_lower(_ value: RoomListServiceSyncIndicator) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceSyncIndicator.lower(value)
extension RoomListServiceSyncIndicator: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
* Enum representing the push notification modes for a room.
public enum RoomNotificationMode {
* Receive notifications for all messages.
case allMessages
* Receive notifications for mentions and keywords only.
case mentionsAndKeywordsOnly
* Do not receive any notifications.
case mute
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationMode: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomNotificationMode
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomNotificationMode {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .allMessages
case 2: return .mentionsAndKeywordsOnly
case 3: return .mute
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomNotificationMode, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .allMessages:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .mentionsAndKeywordsOnly:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .mute:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationMode_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomNotificationMode {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationMode.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationMode_lower(_ value: RoomNotificationMode) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationMode.lower(value)
extension RoomNotificationMode: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomPreset {
* `join_rules` is set to `invite` and `history_visibility` is set to
* `shared`.
case privateChat
* `join_rules` is set to `public` and `history_visibility` is set to
* `shared`.
case publicChat
* Same as `PrivateChat`, but all initial invitees get the same power level
* as the creator.
case trustedPrivateChat
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomPreset: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomPreset
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomPreset {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .privateChat
case 2: return .publicChat
case 3: return .trustedPrivateChat
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomPreset, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .privateChat:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .publicChat:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .trustedPrivateChat:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomPreset_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomPreset {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomPreset.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomPreset_lower(_ value: RoomPreset) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomPreset.lower(value)
extension RoomPreset: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum RoomVisibility {
* Indicates that the room will be shown in the published room list.
case `public`
* Indicates that the room will not be shown in the published room list.
case `private`
public struct FfiConverterTypeRoomVisibility: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomVisibility
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> RoomVisibility {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .`public`
case 2: return .`private`
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: RoomVisibility, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .`public`:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .`private`:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomVisibility_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> RoomVisibility {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomVisibility.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeRoomVisibility_lower(_ value: RoomVisibility) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeRoomVisibility.lower(value)
extension RoomVisibility: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum SessionVerificationData {
case emojis(emojis: [SessionVerificationEmoji], indices: Data
case decimals(values: [UInt16]
public struct FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = SessionVerificationData
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SessionVerificationData {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .emojis(emojis: try &buf), indices: try &buf)
case 2: return .decimals(values: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: SessionVerificationData, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .emojis(emojis,indices):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeSessionVerificationEmoji.write(emojis, into: &buf)
FfiConverterData.write(indices, into: &buf)
case let .decimals(values):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterSequenceUInt16.write(values, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationData_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> SessionVerificationData {
return try FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationData.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationData_lower(_ value: SessionVerificationData) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationData.lower(value)
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum StateEventContent {
case policyRuleRoom
case policyRuleServer
case policyRuleUser
case roomAliases
case roomAvatar
case roomCanonicalAlias
case roomCreate
case roomEncryption
case roomGuestAccess
case roomHistoryVisibility
case roomJoinRules
case roomMemberContent(userId: String, membershipState: MembershipState
case roomName
case roomPinnedEvents
case roomPowerLevels
case roomServerAcl
case roomThirdPartyInvite
case roomTombstone
case roomTopic
case spaceChild
case spaceParent
public struct FfiConverterTypeStateEventContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = StateEventContent
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> StateEventContent {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .policyRuleRoom
case 2: return .policyRuleServer
case 3: return .policyRuleUser
case 4: return .roomAliases
case 5: return .roomAvatar
case 6: return .roomCanonicalAlias
case 7: return .roomCreate
case 8: return .roomEncryption
case 9: return .roomGuestAccess
case 10: return .roomHistoryVisibility
case 11: return .roomJoinRules
case 12: return .roomMemberContent(userId: try &buf), membershipState: try &buf)
case 13: return .roomName
case 14: return .roomPinnedEvents
case 15: return .roomPowerLevels
case 16: return .roomServerAcl
case 17: return .roomThirdPartyInvite
case 18: return .roomTombstone
case 19: return .roomTopic
case 20: return .spaceChild
case 21: return .spaceParent
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: StateEventContent, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .policyRuleRoom:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .policyRuleServer:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .policyRuleUser:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .roomAliases:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .roomAvatar:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .roomCanonicalAlias:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .roomCreate:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .roomEncryption:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .roomGuestAccess:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .roomHistoryVisibility:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .roomJoinRules:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
case let .roomMemberContent(userId,membershipState):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(12))
FfiConverterString.write(userId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeMembershipState.write(membershipState, into: &buf)
case .roomName:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(13))
case .roomPinnedEvents:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(14))
case .roomPowerLevels:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(15))
case .roomServerAcl:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(16))
case .roomThirdPartyInvite:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(17))
case .roomTombstone:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(18))
case .roomTopic:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(19))
case .spaceChild:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(20))
case .spaceParent:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(21))
public func FfiConverterTypeStateEventContent_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> StateEventContent {
return try FfiConverterTypeStateEventContent.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeStateEventContent_lower(_ value: StateEventContent) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeStateEventContent.lower(value)
extension StateEventContent: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum StateEventType {
case callMember
case policyRuleRoom
case policyRuleServer
case policyRuleUser
case roomAliases
case roomAvatar
case roomCanonicalAlias
case roomCreate
case roomEncryption
case roomGuestAccess
case roomHistoryVisibility
case roomJoinRules
case roomMemberEvent
case roomName
case roomPinnedEvents
case roomPowerLevels
case roomServerAcl
case roomThirdPartyInvite
case roomTombstone
case roomTopic
case spaceChild
case spaceParent
public struct FfiConverterTypeStateEventType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = StateEventType
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> StateEventType {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .callMember
case 2: return .policyRuleRoom
case 3: return .policyRuleServer
case 4: return .policyRuleUser
case 5: return .roomAliases
case 6: return .roomAvatar
case 7: return .roomCanonicalAlias
case 8: return .roomCreate
case 9: return .roomEncryption
case 10: return .roomGuestAccess
case 11: return .roomHistoryVisibility
case 12: return .roomJoinRules
case 13: return .roomMemberEvent
case 14: return .roomName
case 15: return .roomPinnedEvents
case 16: return .roomPowerLevels
case 17: return .roomServerAcl
case 18: return .roomThirdPartyInvite
case 19: return .roomTombstone
case 20: return .roomTopic
case 21: return .spaceChild
case 22: return .spaceParent
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: StateEventType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .callMember:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .policyRuleRoom:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .policyRuleServer:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .policyRuleUser:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .roomAliases:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .roomAvatar:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .roomCanonicalAlias:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .roomCreate:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .roomEncryption:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .roomGuestAccess:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .roomHistoryVisibility:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
case .roomJoinRules:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(12))
case .roomMemberEvent:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(13))
case .roomName:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(14))
case .roomPinnedEvents:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(15))
case .roomPowerLevels:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(16))
case .roomServerAcl:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(17))
case .roomThirdPartyInvite:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(18))
case .roomTombstone:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(19))
case .roomTopic:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(20))
case .spaceChild:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(21))
case .spaceParent:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(22))
public func FfiConverterTypeStateEventType_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> StateEventType {
return try FfiConverterTypeStateEventType.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeStateEventType_lower(_ value: StateEventType) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeStateEventType.lower(value)
extension StateEventType: Equatable, Hashable {}
public enum SteadyStateError {
case BackupDisabled(message: String)
case Connection(message: String)
case Lagged(message: String)
public struct FfiConverterTypeSteadyStateError: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = SteadyStateError
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SteadyStateError {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .BackupDisabled(
message: try &buf)
case 2: return .Connection(
message: try &buf)
case 3: return .Lagged(
message: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: SteadyStateError, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .BackupDisabled(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .Connection(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .Lagged(_ /* message is ignored*/):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
extension SteadyStateError: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension SteadyStateError: Error { }
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum SyncServiceState {
case idle
case running
case terminated
case error
public struct FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = SyncServiceState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SyncServiceState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .idle
case 2: return .running
case 3: return .terminated
case 4: return .error
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: SyncServiceState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .idle:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .running:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .terminated:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .error:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
public func FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> SyncServiceState {
return try FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceState_lower(_ value: SyncServiceState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceState.lower(value)
extension SyncServiceState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum TimelineChange {
case append
case clear
case insert
case set
case remove
case pushBack
case pushFront
case popBack
case popFront
case truncate
case reset
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimelineChange: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TimelineChange
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimelineChange {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .append
case 2: return .clear
case 3: return .insert
case 4: return .set
case 5: return .remove
case 6: return .pushBack
case 7: return .pushFront
case 8: return .popBack
case 9: return .popFront
case 10: return .truncate
case 11: return .reset
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: TimelineChange, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .append:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .clear:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .insert:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
case .set:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
case .remove:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case .pushBack:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
case .pushFront:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
case .popBack:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
case .popFront:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
case .truncate:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
case .reset:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineChange_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> TimelineChange {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineChange.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineChange_lower(_ value: TimelineChange) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimelineChange.lower(value)
extension TimelineChange: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum TimelineEventType {
case messageLike(content: MessageLikeEventContent
case state(content: StateEventContent
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TimelineEventType
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimelineEventType {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .messageLike(content: try &buf)
case 2: return .state(content: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: TimelineEventType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .messageLike(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterTypeMessageLikeEventContent.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .state(content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterTypeStateEventContent.write(content, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventType_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> TimelineEventType {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventType.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventType_lower(_ value: TimelineEventType) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventType.lower(value)
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum TimelineItemContentKind {
case message
case redactedMessage
case sticker(body: String, info: ImageInfo, url: String
case poll(question: String, kind: PollKind, maxSelections: UInt64, answers: [PollAnswer], votes: [String: [String]], endTime: UInt64?, hasBeenEdited: Bool
case callInvite
case unableToDecrypt(msg: EncryptedMessage
case roomMembership(userId: String, change: MembershipChange?
case profileChange(displayName: String?, prevDisplayName: String?, avatarUrl: String?, prevAvatarUrl: String?
case state(stateKey: String, content: OtherState
case failedToParseMessageLike(eventType: String, error: String
case failedToParseState(eventType: String, stateKey: String, error: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContentKind: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TimelineItemContentKind
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> TimelineItemContentKind {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .message
case 2: return .redactedMessage
case 3: return .sticker(body: try &buf), info: try &buf), url: try &buf)
case 4: return .poll(question: try &buf), kind: try &buf), maxSelections: try &buf), answers: try &buf), votes: try &buf), endTime: try &buf), hasBeenEdited: try &buf)
case 5: return .callInvite
case 6: return .unableToDecrypt(msg: try &buf)
case 7: return .roomMembership(userId: try &buf), change: try &buf)
case 8: return .profileChange(displayName: try &buf), prevDisplayName: try &buf), avatarUrl: try &buf), prevAvatarUrl: try &buf)
case 9: return .state(stateKey: try &buf), content: try &buf)
case 10: return .failedToParseMessageLike(eventType: try &buf), error: try &buf)
case 11: return .failedToParseState(eventType: try &buf), stateKey: try &buf), error: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: TimelineItemContentKind, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .message:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .redactedMessage:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case let .sticker(body,info,url):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterString.write(body, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeImageInfo.write(info, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(url, into: &buf)
case let .poll(question,kind,maxSelections,answers,votes,endTime,hasBeenEdited):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(question, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypePollKind.write(kind, into: &buf)
FfiConverterUInt64.write(maxSelections, into: &buf)
FfiConverterSequenceTypePollAnswer.write(answers, into: &buf)
FfiConverterDictionaryStringSequenceString.write(votes, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionUInt64.write(endTime, into: &buf)
FfiConverterBool.write(hasBeenEdited, into: &buf)
case .callInvite:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(5))
case let .unableToDecrypt(msg):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(6))
FfiConverterTypeEncryptedMessage.write(msg, into: &buf)
case let .roomMembership(userId,change):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(7))
FfiConverterString.write(userId, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionTypeMembershipChange.write(change, into: &buf)
case let .profileChange(displayName,prevDisplayName,avatarUrl,prevAvatarUrl):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(8))
FfiConverterOptionString.write(displayName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(prevDisplayName, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(avatarUrl, into: &buf)
FfiConverterOptionString.write(prevAvatarUrl, into: &buf)
case let .state(stateKey,content):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(9))
FfiConverterString.write(stateKey, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeOtherState.write(content, into: &buf)
case let .failedToParseMessageLike(eventType,error):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(10))
FfiConverterString.write(eventType, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(error, into: &buf)
case let .failedToParseState(eventType,stateKey,error):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(11))
FfiConverterString.write(eventType, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(stateKey, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(error, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContentKind_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> TimelineItemContentKind {
return try FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContentKind.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContentKind_lower(_ value: TimelineItemContentKind) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeTimelineItemContentKind.lower(value)
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
public enum VerificationState {
case unknown
case verified
case unverified
public struct FfiConverterTypeVerificationState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = VerificationState
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> VerificationState {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .unknown
case 2: return .verified
case 3: return .unverified
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: VerificationState, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case .unknown:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
case .verified:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
case .unverified:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
public func FfiConverterTypeVerificationState_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> VerificationState {
return try FfiConverterTypeVerificationState.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeVerificationState_lower(_ value: VerificationState) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeVerificationState.lower(value)
extension VerificationState: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
* A [`TimelineItem`](super::TimelineItem) that doesn't correspond to an event.
public enum VirtualTimelineItem {
* A divider between messages of two days.
case dayDivider(
* A timestamp in milliseconds since Unix Epoch on that day in local
* time.
*/ts: UInt64
* The user's own read marker.
case readMarker
public struct FfiConverterTypeVirtualTimelineItem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = VirtualTimelineItem
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> VirtualTimelineItem {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .dayDivider(ts: try &buf)
case 2: return .readMarker
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: VirtualTimelineItem, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .dayDivider(ts):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterUInt64.write(ts, into: &buf)
case .readMarker:
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
public func FfiConverterTypeVirtualTimelineItem_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> VirtualTimelineItem {
return try FfiConverterTypeVirtualTimelineItem.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeVirtualTimelineItem_lower(_ value: VirtualTimelineItem) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeVirtualTimelineItem.lower(value)
extension VirtualTimelineItem: Equatable, Hashable {}
// Note that we don't yet support `indirect` for enums.
// See for further discussion.
* Different kinds of filters that could be applied to the timeline events.
public enum WidgetEventFilter {
* Matches message-like events with the given `type`.
case messageLikeWithType(eventType: String
* Matches `` events with the given `msgtype`.
case roomMessageWithMsgtype(msgtype: String
* Matches state events with the given `type`, regardless of `state_key`.
case stateWithType(eventType: String
* Matches state events with the given `type` and `state_key`.
case stateWithTypeAndStateKey(eventType: String, stateKey: String
public struct FfiConverterTypeWidgetEventFilter: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = WidgetEventFilter
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> WidgetEventFilter {
let variant: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
switch variant {
case 1: return .messageLikeWithType(eventType: try &buf)
case 2: return .roomMessageWithMsgtype(msgtype: try &buf)
case 3: return .stateWithType(eventType: try &buf)
case 4: return .stateWithTypeAndStateKey(eventType: try &buf), stateKey: try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedEnumCase
public static func write(_ value: WidgetEventFilter, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
switch value {
case let .messageLikeWithType(eventType):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(1))
FfiConverterString.write(eventType, into: &buf)
case let .roomMessageWithMsgtype(msgtype):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(2))
FfiConverterString.write(msgtype, into: &buf)
case let .stateWithType(eventType):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(3))
FfiConverterString.write(eventType, into: &buf)
case let .stateWithTypeAndStateKey(eventType,stateKey):
writeInt(&buf, Int32(4))
FfiConverterString.write(eventType, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(stateKey, into: &buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetEventFilter_lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> WidgetEventFilter {
return try FfiConverterTypeWidgetEventFilter.lift(buf)
public func FfiConverterTypeWidgetEventFilter_lower(_ value: WidgetEventFilter) -> RustBuffer {
return FfiConverterTypeWidgetEventFilter.lower(value)
extension WidgetEventFilter: Equatable, Hashable {}
public protocol BackPaginationStatusListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(status: BackPaginationStatus)
// Magic number for the Rust proxy to call using the same mechanism as every other method,
// to free the callback once it's dropped by Rust.
private let IDX_CALLBACK_FREE: Int32 = 0
// Callback return codes
private let UNIFFI_CALLBACK_SUCCESS: Int32 = 0
private let UNIFFI_CALLBACK_ERROR: Int32 = 1
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceBackPaginationStatusListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceBackPaginationStatusListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceBackPaginationStatusListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
status: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: BackPaginationStatusListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackPaginationStatusListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
status: try FfiConverterTypeBackPaginationStatus_lift(status)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackPaginationStatusListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface BackPaginationStatusListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitBackPaginationStatusListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackPaginationStatusListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<BackPaginationStatusListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackPaginationStatusListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = BackPaginationStatusListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol BackupStateListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(status: BackupState)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceBackupStateListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceBackupStateListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceBackupStateListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
status: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: BackupStateListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupStateListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
status: try FfiConverterTypeBackupState.lift(status)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupStateListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface BackupStateListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitBackupStateListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupStateListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<BackupStateListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupStateListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = BackupStateListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol BackupSteadyStateListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(status: BackupUploadState)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
status: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: BackupSteadyStateListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
status: try FfiConverterTypeBackupUploadState.lift(status)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface BackupSteadyStateListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitBackupSteadyStateListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<BackupSteadyStateListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = BackupSteadyStateListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol ClientDelegate : AnyObject {
func didReceiveAuthError(isSoftLogout: Bool)
func didRefreshTokens()
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate(
didReceiveAuthError: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
isSoftLogout: Int8,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: ClientDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.didReceiveAuthError(
isSoftLogout: try FfiConverterBool.lift(isSoftLogout)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
didRefreshTokens: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: ClientDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.didRefreshTokens(
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface ClientDelegate: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitClientDelegate() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<ClientDelegate>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = ClientDelegate
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol ClientSessionDelegate : AnyObject {
func retrieveSessionFromKeychain(userId: String) throws -> Session
func saveSessionInKeychain(session: Session)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate(
retrieveSessionFromKeychain: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
userId: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustBuffer>,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: ClientSessionDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { try uniffiObj.retrieveSessionFromKeychain(
userId: try FfiConverterString.lift(userId)
) }
let writeReturn = { uniffiOutReturn.pointee = FfiConverterTypeSession.lower($0) }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn,
lowerError: FfiConverterTypeClientError.lower
saveSessionInKeychain: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
session: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: ClientSessionDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.saveSessionInKeychain(
session: try FfiConverterTypeSession.lift(session)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface ClientSessionDelegate: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitClientSessionDelegate() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<ClientSessionDelegate>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = ClientSessionDelegate
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol EnableRecoveryProgressListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(status: EnableRecoveryProgress)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceEnableRecoveryProgressListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceEnableRecoveryProgressListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceEnableRecoveryProgressListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
status: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: EnableRecoveryProgressListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceEnableRecoveryProgressListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
status: try FfiConverterTypeEnableRecoveryProgress.lift(status)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceEnableRecoveryProgressListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface EnableRecoveryProgressListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitEnableRecoveryProgressListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceEnableRecoveryProgressListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<EnableRecoveryProgressListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceEnableRecoveryProgressListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = EnableRecoveryProgressListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol IgnoredUsersListener : AnyObject {
func call(ignoredUserIds: [String])
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceIgnoredUsersListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceIgnoredUsersListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceIgnoredUsersListener(
call: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
ignoredUserIds: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: IgnoredUsersListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceIgnoredUsersListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = {
ignoredUserIds: try FfiConverterSequenceString.lift(ignoredUserIds)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceIgnoredUsersListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface IgnoredUsersListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitIgnoredUsersListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceIgnoredUsersListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<IgnoredUsersListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceIgnoredUsersListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = IgnoredUsersListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
* Delegate to notify of changes in push rules
public protocol NotificationSettingsDelegate : AnyObject {
func settingsDidChange()
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate(
settingsDidChange: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: NotificationSettingsDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.settingsDidChange(
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface NotificationSettingsDelegate: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitNotificationSettingsDelegate() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<NotificationSettingsDelegate>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = NotificationSettingsDelegate
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol ProgressWatcher : AnyObject {
func transmissionProgress(progress: TransmissionProgress)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher(
transmissionProgress: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
progress: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: ProgressWatcher
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.transmissionProgress(
progress: try FfiConverterTypeTransmissionProgress.lift(progress)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface ProgressWatcher: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitProgressWatcher() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<ProgressWatcher>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = ProgressWatcher
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol RecoveryStateListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(status: RecoveryState)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceRecoveryStateListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRecoveryStateListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRecoveryStateListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
status: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: RecoveryStateListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRecoveryStateListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
status: try FfiConverterTypeRecoveryState.lift(status)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRecoveryStateListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface RecoveryStateListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitRecoveryStateListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRecoveryStateListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<RecoveryStateListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRecoveryStateListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = RecoveryStateListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol RoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(roomEntriesUpdate: [RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate])
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceRoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
roomEntriesUpdate: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: RoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
roomEntriesUpdate: try FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate.lift(roomEntriesUpdate)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface RoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitRoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<RoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = RoomDirectorySearchEntriesListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol RoomInfoListener : AnyObject {
func call(roomInfo: RoomInfo)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceRoomInfoListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomInfoListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomInfoListener(
call: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
roomInfo: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: RoomInfoListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomInfoListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = {
roomInfo: try FfiConverterTypeRoomInfo.lift(roomInfo)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomInfoListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface RoomInfoListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitRoomInfoListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomInfoListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<RoomInfoListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomInfoListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = RoomInfoListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol RoomListEntriesListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(roomEntriesUpdate: [RoomListEntriesUpdate])
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceRoomListEntriesListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomListEntriesListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomListEntriesListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
roomEntriesUpdate: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: RoomListEntriesListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListEntriesListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
roomEntriesUpdate: try FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntriesUpdate.lift(roomEntriesUpdate)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListEntriesListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface RoomListEntriesListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitRoomListEntriesListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListEntriesListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<RoomListEntriesListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListEntriesListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListEntriesListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol RoomListLoadingStateListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(state: RoomListLoadingState)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceRoomListLoadingStateListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomListLoadingStateListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomListLoadingStateListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
state: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: RoomListLoadingStateListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListLoadingStateListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
state: try FfiConverterTypeRoomListLoadingState.lift(state)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListLoadingStateListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface RoomListLoadingStateListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitRoomListLoadingStateListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListLoadingStateListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<RoomListLoadingStateListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListLoadingStateListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListLoadingStateListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol RoomListServiceStateListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(state: RoomListServiceState)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceStateListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceStateListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceStateListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
state: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: RoomListServiceStateListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceStateListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
state: try FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceState.lift(state)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceStateListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface RoomListServiceStateListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitRoomListServiceStateListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceStateListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<RoomListServiceStateListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceStateListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListServiceStateListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol RoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(syncIndicator: RoomListServiceSyncIndicator)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
syncIndicator: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: RoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
syncIndicator: try FfiConverterTypeRoomListServiceSyncIndicator.lift(syncIndicator)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface RoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitRoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<RoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceRoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = RoomListServiceSyncIndicatorListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol SessionVerificationControllerDelegate : AnyObject {
func didAcceptVerificationRequest()
func didStartSasVerification()
func didReceiveVerificationData(data: SessionVerificationData)
func didFail()
func didCancel()
func didFinish()
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate(
didAcceptVerificationRequest: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: SessionVerificationControllerDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.didAcceptVerificationRequest(
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
didStartSasVerification: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: SessionVerificationControllerDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.didStartSasVerification(
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
didReceiveVerificationData: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
data: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: SessionVerificationControllerDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.didReceiveVerificationData(
data: try FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationData.lift(data)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
didFail: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: SessionVerificationControllerDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.didFail(
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
didCancel: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: SessionVerificationControllerDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.didCancel(
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
didFinish: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: SessionVerificationControllerDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.didFinish(
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface SessionVerificationControllerDelegate: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitSessionVerificationControllerDelegate() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<SessionVerificationControllerDelegate>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = SessionVerificationControllerDelegate
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol SyncServiceStateObserver : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(state: SyncServiceState)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceSyncServiceStateObserver {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceSyncServiceStateObserver = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceSyncServiceStateObserver(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
state: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: SyncServiceStateObserver
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSyncServiceStateObserver.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
state: try FfiConverterTypeSyncServiceState.lift(state)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSyncServiceStateObserver.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface SyncServiceStateObserver: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitSyncServiceStateObserver() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSyncServiceStateObserver {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<SyncServiceStateObserver>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSyncServiceStateObserver : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = SyncServiceStateObserver
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol TimelineListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(diff: [TimelineDiff])
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceTimelineListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceTimelineListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceTimelineListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
diff: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: TimelineListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceTimelineListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
diff: try FfiConverterSequenceTypeTimelineDiff.lift(diff)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceTimelineListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface TimelineListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitTimelineListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceTimelineListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<TimelineListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceTimelineListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = TimelineListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol TypingNotificationsListener : AnyObject {
func call(typingUserIds: [String])
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceTypingNotificationsListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceTypingNotificationsListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceTypingNotificationsListener(
call: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
typingUserIds: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: TypingNotificationsListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceTypingNotificationsListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = {
typingUserIds: try FfiConverterSequenceString.lift(typingUserIds)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceTypingNotificationsListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface TypingNotificationsListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitTypingNotificationsListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceTypingNotificationsListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<TypingNotificationsListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceTypingNotificationsListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = TypingNotificationsListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol UnableToDecryptDelegate : AnyObject {
func onUtd(info: UnableToDecryptInfo)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceUnableToDecryptDelegate {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceUnableToDecryptDelegate = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceUnableToDecryptDelegate(
onUtd: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
info: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: UnableToDecryptDelegate
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceUnableToDecryptDelegate.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUtd(
info: try FfiConverterTypeUnableToDecryptInfo.lift(info)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceUnableToDecryptDelegate.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface UnableToDecryptDelegate: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitUnableToDecryptDelegate() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceUnableToDecryptDelegate {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<UnableToDecryptDelegate>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceUnableToDecryptDelegate : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = UnableToDecryptDelegate
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol VerificationStateListener : AnyObject {
func onUpdate(status: VerificationState)
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceVerificationStateListener {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceVerificationStateListener = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceVerificationStateListener(
onUpdate: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
status: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: VerificationStateListener
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceVerificationStateListener.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.onUpdate(
status: try FfiConverterTypeVerificationState.lift(status)
) }
let writeReturn = { () }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceVerificationStateListener.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface VerificationStateListener: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitVerificationStateListener() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceVerificationStateListener {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<VerificationStateListener>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceVerificationStateListener : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = VerificationStateListener
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
public protocol WidgetCapabilitiesProvider : AnyObject {
func acquireCapabilities(capabilities: WidgetCapabilities) -> WidgetCapabilities
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct UniffiCallbackInterfaceWidgetCapabilitiesProvider {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceWidgetCapabilitiesProvider = UniffiVTableCallbackInterfaceWidgetCapabilitiesProvider(
acquireCapabilities: { (
uniffiHandle: UInt64,
capabilities: RustBuffer,
uniffiOutReturn: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustBuffer>,
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
) in
let uniffiObj: WidgetCapabilitiesProvider
do {
try uniffiObj = FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceWidgetCapabilitiesProvider.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle)
} catch {
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.code = CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR
uniffiCallStatus.pointee.errorBuf = FfiConverterString.lower("Callback handle map error: \(error)")
let makeCall = { uniffiObj.acquireCapabilities(
capabilities: try FfiConverterTypeWidgetCapabilities.lift(capabilities)
) }
let writeReturn = { uniffiOutReturn.pointee = FfiConverterTypeWidgetCapabilities.lower($0) }
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceWidgetCapabilitiesProvider.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface WidgetCapabilitiesProvider: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func uniffiCallbackInitWidgetCapabilitiesProvider() {
// FfiConverter protocol for callback interfaces
fileprivate struct FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceWidgetCapabilitiesProvider {
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<WidgetCapabilitiesProvider>()
extension FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceWidgetCapabilitiesProvider : FfiConverter {
typealias SwiftType = WidgetCapabilitiesProvider
typealias FfiType = UInt64
public static func lift(_ handle: UInt64) throws -> SwiftType {
try handleMap.get(handle: handle)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
let handle: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
return try lift(handle)
public static func lower(_ v: SwiftType) -> UInt64 {
return handleMap.insert(obj: v)
public static func write(_ v: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
writeInt(&buf, lower(v))
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionUInt8: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = UInt8?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterUInt8.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionUInt32: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = UInt32?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterUInt32.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionInt32: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = Int32?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterInt32.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionUInt64: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = UInt64?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterUInt64.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionDouble: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = Double?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterDouble.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionBool: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = Bool?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterBool.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionString: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = String?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterString.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionDuration: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TimeInterval?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterDuration.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeEventTimelineItem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = EventTimelineItem?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeEventTimelineItem.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeHomeserverLoginDetails: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = HomeserverLoginDetails?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeHomeserverLoginDetails.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeMediaSource: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MediaSource?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeMediaSource.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeMessage: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = Message?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeMessage.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeRoom: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = Room?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeRoom.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeTaskHandle: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TaskHandle?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeTaskHandle.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeTimelineEventTypeFilter: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TimelineEventTypeFilter?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeTimelineEventTypeFilter.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeTimelineItem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TimelineItem?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeAudioInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = AudioInfo?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeAudioInfo.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeFileInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = FileInfo?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeFileInfo.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeFormattedBody: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = FormattedBody?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeFormattedBody.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeImageInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ImageInfo?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeImageInfo.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeInReplyToDetails: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = InReplyToDetails?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeInReplyToDetails.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeInsertData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = InsertData?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeInsertData.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeMatrixEntity: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MatrixEntity?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeMatrixEntity.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeNotificationItem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = NotificationItem?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeNotificationItem.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeNotificationPowerLevels: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = NotificationPowerLevels?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeNotificationPowerLevels.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeOidcConfiguration: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = OidcConfiguration?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeOidcConfiguration.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypePowerLevels: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = PowerLevels?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypePowerLevels.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeRoomMember: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomMember?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeRoomMember.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeRoomSubscription: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomSubscription?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeRoomSubscription.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeSetData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = SetData?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeSetData.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeThumbnailInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ThumbnailInfo?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeThumbnailInfo.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeTracingFileConfiguration: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = TracingFileConfiguration?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeTracingFileConfiguration.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeUnstableAudioDetailsContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = UnstableAudioDetailsContent?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeUnstableAudioDetailsContent.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeUnstableVoiceContent: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = UnstableVoiceContent?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeUnstableVoiceContent.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeVideoInfo: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = VideoInfo?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeVideoInfo.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeAccountManagementAction: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = AccountManagementAction?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeAccountManagementAction.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeAssetType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = AssetType?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeAssetType.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeEventSendState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = EventSendState?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeEventSendState.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeMembershipChange: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = MembershipChange?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeMembershipChange.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypePublicRoomJoinRule: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = PublicRoomJoinRule?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypePublicRoomJoinRule.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypePushFormat: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = PushFormat?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypePushFormat.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeRoomNotificationMode: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = RoomNotificationMode?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeRoomNotificationMode.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeVirtualTimelineItem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = VirtualTimelineItem?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeVirtualTimelineItem.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = BackupSteadyStateListener?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceBackupSteadyStateListener.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ClientDelegate?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientDelegate.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ClientSessionDelegate?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceClientSessionDelegate.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = NotificationSettingsDelegate?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceNotificationSettingsDelegate.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = ProgressWatcher?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceProgressWatcher.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = SessionVerificationControllerDelegate?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterCallbackInterfaceSessionVerificationControllerDelegate.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionSequenceString: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [String]?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterSequenceString.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionSequenceTypeTimelineItem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [TimelineItem]?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeTimelineItem.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionSequenceTypeRequiredState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RequiredState]?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRequiredState.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionSequenceTypeRoomMember: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RoomMember]?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomMember.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionDictionaryStringInt64: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [String: Int64]?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterDictionaryStringInt64.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterOptionTypeEventItemOrigin: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = EventItemOrigin?
public static func write(_ value: SwiftType, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
guard let value = value else {
writeInt(&buf, Int8(0))
writeInt(&buf, Int8(1))
FfiConverterTypeEventItemOrigin.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> SwiftType {
switch try readInt(&buf) as Int8 {
case 0: return nil
case 1: return try &buf)
default: throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedOptionalTag
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceUInt16: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [UInt16]
public static func write(_ value: [UInt16], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterUInt16.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [UInt16] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [UInt16]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceString: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [String]
public static func write(_ value: [String], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterString.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [String] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [String]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [Data]
public static func write(_ value: [Data], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterData.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [Data] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [Data]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoom: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [Room]
public static func write(_ value: [Room], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRoom.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [Room] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [Room]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeSessionVerificationEmoji: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [SessionVerificationEmoji]
public static func write(_ value: [SessionVerificationEmoji], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeSessionVerificationEmoji.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [SessionVerificationEmoji] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [SessionVerificationEmoji]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeTimelineDiff: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [TimelineDiff]
public static func write(_ value: [TimelineDiff], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeTimelineDiff.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [TimelineDiff] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [TimelineDiff]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeTimelineItem: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [TimelineItem]
public static func write(_ value: [TimelineItem], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeTimelineItem.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [TimelineItem] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [TimelineItem]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypePollAnswer: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [PollAnswer]
public static func write(_ value: [PollAnswer], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypePollAnswer.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [PollAnswer] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [PollAnswer]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeReaction: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [Reaction]
public static func write(_ value: [Reaction], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeReaction.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [Reaction] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [Reaction]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeReactionSenderData: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [ReactionSenderData]
public static func write(_ value: [ReactionSenderData], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeReactionSenderData.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [ReactionSenderData] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [ReactionSenderData]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRequiredState: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RequiredState]
public static func write(_ value: [RequiredState], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRequiredState.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [RequiredState] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [RequiredState]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomDescription: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RoomDescription]
public static func write(_ value: [RoomDescription], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRoomDescription.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [RoomDescription] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [RoomDescription]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListRange: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RoomListRange]
public static func write(_ value: [RoomListRange], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRoomListRange.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [RoomListRange] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [RoomListRange]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomMember: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RoomMember]
public static func write(_ value: [RoomMember], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRoomMember.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [RoomMember] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [RoomMember]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeUserPowerLevelUpdate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [UserPowerLevelUpdate]
public static func write(_ value: [UserPowerLevelUpdate], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeUserPowerLevelUpdate.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [UserPowerLevelUpdate] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [UserPowerLevelUpdate]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeUserProfile: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [UserProfile]
public static func write(_ value: [UserProfile], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeUserProfile.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [UserProfile] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [UserProfile]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeFilterTimelineEventType: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [FilterTimelineEventType]
public static func write(_ value: [FilterTimelineEventType], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeFilterTimelineEventType.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [FilterTimelineEventType] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [FilterTimelineEventType]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate]
public static func write(_ value: [RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [RoomDirectorySearchEntryUpdate]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind]
public static func write(_ value: [RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [RoomListEntriesDynamicFilterKind]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntriesUpdate: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RoomListEntriesUpdate]
public static func write(_ value: [RoomListEntriesUpdate], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntriesUpdate.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [RoomListEntriesUpdate] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [RoomListEntriesUpdate]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeRoomListEntry: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [RoomListEntry]
public static func write(_ value: [RoomListEntry], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeRoomListEntry.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [RoomListEntry] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [RoomListEntry]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterSequenceTypeWidgetEventFilter: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = [WidgetEventFilter]
public static func write(_ value: [WidgetEventFilter], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for item in value {
FfiConverterTypeWidgetEventFilter.write(item, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [WidgetEventFilter] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var seq = [WidgetEventFilter]()
for _ in 0 ..< len {
seq.append(try &buf))
return seq
fileprivate struct FfiConverterDictionaryStringInt32: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func write(_ value: [String: Int32], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for (key, value) in value {
FfiConverterString.write(key, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt32.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [String: Int32] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var dict = [String: Int32]()
for _ in 0..<len {
let key = try &buf)
let value = try &buf)
dict[key] = value
return dict
fileprivate struct FfiConverterDictionaryStringInt64: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func write(_ value: [String: Int64], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for (key, value) in value {
FfiConverterString.write(key, into: &buf)
FfiConverterInt64.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [String: Int64] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var dict = [String: Int64]()
for _ in 0..<len {
let key = try &buf)
let value = try &buf)
dict[key] = value
return dict
fileprivate struct FfiConverterDictionaryStringString: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func write(_ value: [String: String], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for (key, value) in value {
FfiConverterString.write(key, into: &buf)
FfiConverterString.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [String: String] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var dict = [String: String]()
for _ in 0..<len {
let key = try &buf)
let value = try &buf)
dict[key] = value
return dict
fileprivate struct FfiConverterDictionaryStringTypeReceipt: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func write(_ value: [String: Receipt], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for (key, value) in value {
FfiConverterString.write(key, into: &buf)
FfiConverterTypeReceipt.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [String: Receipt] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var dict = [String: Receipt]()
for _ in 0..<len {
let key = try &buf)
let value = try &buf)
dict[key] = value
return dict
fileprivate struct FfiConverterDictionaryStringSequenceString: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func write(_ value: [String: [String]], into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
let len = Int32(value.count)
writeInt(&buf, len)
for (key, value) in value {
FfiConverterString.write(key, into: &buf)
FfiConverterSequenceString.write(value, into: &buf)
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> [String: [String]] {
let len: Int32 = try readInt(&buf)
var dict = [String: [String]]()
for _ in 0..<len {
let key = try &buf)
let value = try &buf)
dict[key] = value
return dict
fileprivate let uniffiContinuationHandleMap = UniffiHandleMap<UnsafeContinuation<Int8, Never>>()
fileprivate func uniffiRustCallAsync<F, T>(
rustFutureFunc: () -> UInt64,
pollFunc: (UInt64, @escaping UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback, UInt64) -> (),
completeFunc: (UInt64, UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>) -> F,
freeFunc: (UInt64) -> (),
liftFunc: (F) throws -> T,
errorHandler: ((RustBuffer) throws -> Error)?
) async throws -> T {
// Make sure to call uniffiEnsureInitialized() since future creation doesn't have a
// RustCallStatus param, so doesn't use makeRustCall()
let rustFuture = rustFutureFunc()
defer {
var pollResult: Int8;
repeat {
pollResult = await withUnsafeContinuation {
uniffiContinuationHandleMap.insert(obj: $0)
return try liftFunc(makeRustCall(
{ completeFunc(rustFuture, $0) },
errorHandler: errorHandler
// Callback handlers for an async calls. These are invoked by Rust when the future is ready. They
// lift the return value or error and resume the suspended function.
fileprivate func uniffiFutureContinuationCallback(handle: UInt64, pollResult: Int8) {
if let continuation = try? uniffiContinuationHandleMap.remove(handle: handle) {
continuation.resume(returning: pollResult)
} else {
print("uniffiFutureContinuationCallback invalid handle")
public func genTransactionId() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
try! rustCall() {
* Create the actual url that can be used to setup the WebView or IFrame
* that contains the widget.
* # Arguments
* * `widget_settings` - The widget settings to generate the url for.
* * `room` - A matrix room which is used to query the logged in username
* * `props` - Properties from the client that can be used by a widget to adapt
* to the client. e.g. language, font-scale...
public func generateWebviewUrl(widgetSettings: WidgetSettings, room: Room, props: ClientProperties) async throws -> String {
return try await uniffiRustCallAsync(
rustFutureFunc: {
pollFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer,
completeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer,
freeFunc: ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_rust_future_free_rust_buffer,
liftFunc: FfiConverterString.lift,
errorHandler: FfiConverterTypeParseError.lift
* The Capabilities required to run a element call widget.
* This is intended to be used in combination with: `acquire_capabilities` of
* the `CapabilitiesProvider`.
* `acquire_capabilities` can simply return the `WidgetCapabilities` from this
* function. Even if there are non intersecting permissions to what the widget
* requested.
* Editing and extending the capabilities from this function is also possible,
* but should only be done as temporal workarounds until this function is
* adjusted
public func getElementCallRequiredPermissions() -> WidgetCapabilities {
return try! FfiConverterTypeWidgetCapabilities.lift(
try! rustCall() {
* Log an event.
* The target should be something like a module path, and can be referenced in
* the filter string given to `setup_tracing`. `level` and `target` for a
* callsite are fixed at the first `log_event` call for that callsite and can
* not be changed afterwards, i.e. the level and target passed for second and
* following `log_event`s with the same callsite will be ignored.
* This function leaks a little bit of memory for each unique (file + line +
* level + target) it is called with. Please make sure that the number of
* different combinations of those parameters this can be called with is
* constant in the final executable.
public func logEvent(file: String, line: UInt32?, level: LogLevel, target: String, message: String) {
try! rustCall() {
public func makeWidgetDriver(settings: WidgetSettings) throws -> WidgetDriverAndHandle {
return try FfiConverterTypeWidgetDriverAndHandle.lift(
try rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeParseError.lift) {
* Generates a `` permalink from to the given userID.
public func matrixToUserPermalink(userId: String) throws -> String {
return try FfiConverterString.lift(
try rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
public func mediaSourceFromUrl(url: String) -> MediaSource {
return try! FfiConverterTypeMediaSource.lift(
try! rustCall() {
public func messageEventContentFromHtml(body: String, htmlBody: String) -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lift(
try! rustCall() {
public func messageEventContentFromHtmlAsEmote(body: String, htmlBody: String) -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lift(
try! rustCall() {
public func messageEventContentFromMarkdown(md: String) -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lift(
try! rustCall() {
public func messageEventContentFromMarkdownAsEmote(md: String) -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lift(
try! rustCall() {
public func messageEventContentNew(msgtype: MessageType) throws -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation {
return try FfiConverterTypeRoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation.lift(
try rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeClientError.lift) {
* `WidgetSettings` are usually created from a state event.
* (currently unimplemented)
* In some cases the client wants to create custom `WidgetSettings`
* for specific rooms based on other conditions.
* This function returns a `WidgetSettings` object which can be used
* to setup a widget using `run_client_widget_api`
* and to generate the correct url for the widget.
* # Arguments
* * - `props` A struct containing the configuration parameters for a element
* call widget.
public func newVirtualElementCallWidget(props: VirtualElementCallWidgetOptions) throws -> WidgetSettings {
return try FfiConverterTypeWidgetSettings.lift(
try rustCallWithError(FfiConverterTypeParseError.lift) {
* Parse a matrix entity from a given URI, be it either
* a `` link or a `matrix:` URI
public func parseMatrixEntityFrom(uri: String) -> MatrixEntity? {
return try! FfiConverterOptionTypeMatrixEntity.lift(
try! rustCall() {
public func sdkGitSha() -> String {
return try! FfiConverterString.lift(
try! rustCall() {
public func setupOtlpTracing(config: OtlpTracingConfiguration) {
try! rustCall() {
public func setupTracing(config: TracingConfiguration) {
try! rustCall() {
public func suggestedPowerLevelForRole(role: RoomMemberRole) -> Int64 {
return try! FfiConverterInt64.lift(
try! rustCall() {
public func suggestedRoleForPowerLevel(powerLevel: Int64) -> RoomMemberRole {
return try! FfiConverterTypeRoomMemberRole_lift(
try! rustCall() {
private enum InitializationResult {
case ok
case contractVersionMismatch
case apiChecksumMismatch
// Use a global variables to perform the versioning checks. Swift ensures that
// the code inside is only computed once.
private var initializationResult: InitializationResult {
// Get the bindings contract version from our ComponentInterface
let bindings_contract_version = 26
// Get the scaffolding contract version by calling the into the dylib
let scaffolding_contract_version = ffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_uniffi_contract_version()
if bindings_contract_version != scaffolding_contract_version {
return InitializationResult.contractVersionMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_gen_transaction_id() != 15808) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_generate_webview_url() != 16579) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_get_element_call_required_permissions() != 30886) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_log_event() != 12418) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_make_widget_driver() != 11382) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_matrix_to_user_permalink() != 56419) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_media_source_from_url() != 33587) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_message_event_content_from_html() != 34215) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_message_event_content_from_html_as_emote() != 21632) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_message_event_content_from_markdown() != 7130) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_message_event_content_from_markdown_as_emote() != 7466) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_message_event_content_new() != 31683) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_new_virtual_element_call_widget() != 39901) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_parse_matrix_entity_from() != 20064) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_sdk_git_sha() != 4038) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_setup_otlp_tracing() != 4491) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_setup_tracing() != 35378) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_suggested_power_level_for_role() != 15784) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_func_suggested_role_for_power_level() != 21984) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_mediasource_to_json() != 2998) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_mediasource_url() != 34026) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roommessageeventcontentwithoutrelation_with_mentions() != 8867) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_authenticationservice_configure_homeserver() != 13406) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_authenticationservice_homeserver_details() != 39542) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_authenticationservice_login() != 30740) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_authenticationservice_login_with_oidc_callback() != 52385) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_authenticationservice_url_for_oidc_login() != 64804) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_account_data() != 42952) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_account_url() != 54235) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_avatar_url() != 18456) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_cached_avatar_url() != 36332) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_create_room() != 25555) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_delete_pusher() != 46707) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_device_id() != 44340) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_display_name() != 31680) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_encryption() != 9657) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_dm_room() != 55850) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_media_content() != 40597) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_media_file() != 37676) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_media_thumbnail() != 29639) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_notification_settings() != 6359) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_profile() != 54768) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_recently_visited_rooms() != 22399) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_room_preview() != 16738) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_get_session_verification_controller() != 62335) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_homeserver() != 26427) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_ignore_user() != 55157) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_ignored_users() != 49620) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_join_room_by_id() != 61264) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_login() != 32848) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_logout() != 7127) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_notification_client() != 49891) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_remove_avatar() != 60365) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_resolve_room_alias() != 40454) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_restore_session() != 19641) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_room_directory_search() != 39855) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_rooms() != 29558) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_search_users() != 30416) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_session() != 8085) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_set_account_data() != 52207) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_set_delegate() != 13852) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_set_display_name() != 27968) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_set_pusher() != 21191) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_subscribe_to_ignored_users() != 46021) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_sync_service() != 52812) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_track_recently_visited_room() != 37070) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_unignore_user() != 9349) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_upload_avatar() != 10403) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_upload_media() != 24862) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_client_user_id() != 40531) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_add_root_certificates() != 57950) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_base_path() != 40888) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_build() != 56018) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_disable_automatic_token_refresh() != 43839) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_disable_ssl_verification() != 2334) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_enable_cross_process_refresh_lock() != 23732) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_homeserver_url() != 30130) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_passphrase() != 47878) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_proxy() != 34543) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_server_name() != 63110) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_server_name_or_homeserver_url() != 22597) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_server_versions() != 36178) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_set_session_delegate() != 37012) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_sliding_sync_proxy() != 40747) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_user_agent() != 35113) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientbuilder_username() != 30031) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_backup_exists_on_server() != 45490) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_backup_state() != 51049) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_backup_state_listener() != 42037) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_disable_recovery() != 18699) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_enable_backups() != 55446) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_enable_recovery() != 27719) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_is_last_device() != 27955) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_recover() != 31143) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_recover_and_reset() != 13857) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_recovery_state() != 54051) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_recovery_state_listener() != 65018) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_reset_recovery_key() != 20380) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_verification_state() != 29114) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_verification_state_listener() != 26187) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_encryption_wait_for_backup_upload_steady_state() != 16813) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_can_be_replied_to() != 42922) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_content() != 41060) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_debug_info() != 31359) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_event_id() != 8156) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_is_editable() != 4716) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_is_local() != 12539) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_is_own() != 50903) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_is_remote() != 5953) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_local_send_state() != 53866) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_origin() != 19585) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_reactions() != 42968) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_read_receipts() != 22462) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_sender() != 58860) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_sender_profile() != 3911) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_timestamp() != 44397) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_eventtimelineitem_transaction_id() != 40338) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_homeserverlogindetails_sliding_sync_proxy() != 46815) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_homeserverlogindetails_supports_oidc_login() != 46090) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_homeserverlogindetails_supports_password_login() != 33501) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_homeserverlogindetails_url() != 61326) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_mediafilehandle_path() != 16357) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_mediafilehandle_persist() != 25010) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_message_body() != 21198) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_message_in_reply_to() != 16154) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_message_is_edited() != 60975) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_message_is_threaded() != 9404) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_message_msgtype() != 14062) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationclient_get_notification() != 22643) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationclientbuilder_filter_by_push_rules() != 20013) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationclientbuilder_finish() != 40007) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_can_homeserver_push_encrypted_event_to_device() != 37323) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_can_push_encrypted_event_to_device() != 21251) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_contains_keywords_rules() != 60025) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_get_default_room_notification_mode() != 38317) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_get_room_notification_settings() != 2344) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_get_rooms_with_user_defined_rules() != 31877) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_get_user_defined_room_notification_mode() != 65418) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_is_call_enabled() != 12210) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_is_invite_for_me_enabled() != 533) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_is_room_mention_enabled() != 13304) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_is_user_mention_enabled() != 49857) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_restore_default_room_notification_mode() != 36036) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_set_call_enabled() != 2652) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_set_default_room_notification_mode() != 58336) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_set_delegate() != 47719) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_set_invite_for_me_enabled() != 35019) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_set_room_mention_enabled() != 51244) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_set_room_notification_mode() != 43729) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_set_user_mention_enabled() != 21551) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettings_unmute_room() != 7480) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_oidcauthenticationdata_login_url() != 43638) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_active_members_count() != 61905) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_active_room_call_participants() != 60098) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_alternative_aliases() != 28555) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_apply_power_level_changes() != 41062) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_avatar_url() != 34637) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_ban_user() != 25865) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_can_user_ban() != 22009) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_can_user_invite() != 2594) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_can_user_kick() != 46822) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_can_user_redact_other() != 18770) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_can_user_redact_own() != 47784) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_can_user_send_message() != 7909) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_can_user_send_state() != 9892) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_can_user_trigger_room_notification() != 32409) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_canonical_alias() != 19786) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_discard_room_key() != 18081) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_display_name() != 39695) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_get_power_levels() != 54094) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_has_active_room_call() != 33588) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_id() != 61990) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_ignore_user() != 50971) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_invite_user_by_id() != 483) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_invited_members_count() != 1023) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_inviter() != 64006) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_is_direct() != 16947) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_is_encrypted() != 55158) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_is_public() != 7336) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_is_space() != 16919) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_is_tombstoned() != 49186) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_join() != 34994) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_joined_members_count() != 55835) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_kick_user() != 52409) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_leave() != 6569) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_mark_as_read() != 43726) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_matrix_to_event_permalink() != 14417) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_matrix_to_permalink() != 47781) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_member() != 53375) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_member_avatar_url() != 42670) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_member_display_name() != 25496) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_members() != 42691) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_members_no_sync() != 3255) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_membership() != 26065) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_name() != 49131) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_own_user_id() != 39510) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_redact() != 55672) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_remove_avatar() != 32659) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_report_content() != 39574) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_reset_power_levels() != 63622) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_room_info() != 41146) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_set_is_favourite() != 41879) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_set_is_low_priority() != 47223) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_set_name() != 60145) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_set_topic() != 29413) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_set_unread_flag() != 35026) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_subscribe_to_room_info_updates() != 47774) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_subscribe_to_typing_notifications() != 24633) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_suggested_role_for_user() != 37402) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_timeline() != 701) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_topic() != 59745) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_typing_notice() != 10027) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_unban_user() != 51089) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_update_power_levels_for_users() != 34363) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_room_upload_avatar() != 34800) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomdirectorysearch_is_at_last_page() != 22509) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomdirectorysearch_loaded_pages() != 7109) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomdirectorysearch_next_page() != 14603) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomdirectorysearch_results() != 40431) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomdirectorysearch_search() != 11131) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlist_entries() != 24971) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlist_entries_with_dynamic_adapters() != 3188) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlist_loading_state() != 53222) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlist_room() != 21437) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistdynamicentriescontroller_add_one_page() != 47748) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistdynamicentriescontroller_reset_to_one_page() != 61352) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistdynamicentriescontroller_set_filter() != 51384) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_avatar_url() != 39097) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_canonical_alias() != 63300) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_full_room() != 35618) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_id() != 41176) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_init_timeline() != 15676) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_is_direct() != 46873) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_is_timeline_initialized() != 46855) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_latest_event() != 41471) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_name() != 6516) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_room_info() != 32985) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_subscribe() != 19882) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistitem_unsubscribe() != 45026) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistservice_all_rooms() != 49704) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistservice_apply_input() != 63125) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistservice_invites() != 18531) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistservice_room() != 63500) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistservice_state() != 49435) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistservice_sync_indicator() != 50946) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roommembersiterator_len() != 39835) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roommembersiterator_next_chunk() != 36165) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sendattachmentjoinhandle_cancel() != 19759) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sendattachmentjoinhandle_join() != 49985) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontroller_approve_verification() != 12154) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontroller_cancel_verification() != 42503) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontroller_decline_verification() != 51976) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontroller_is_verified() != 60081) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontroller_request_verification() != 22948) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontroller_set_delegate() != 18081) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontroller_start_sas_verification() != 17409) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationemoji_description() != 21346) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationemoji_symbol() != 46075) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_span_enter() != 8900) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_span_exit() != 47924) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_span_is_none() != 33327) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservice_room_list_service() != 26426) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservice_start() != 16010) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservice_state() != 23660) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservice_stop() != 23138) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservicebuilder_finish() != 22814) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservicebuilder_with_cross_process_lock() != 43169) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservicebuilder_with_unified_invites_in_room_list() != 46590) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservicebuilder_with_utd_hook() != 31250) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_taskhandle_cancel() != 9124) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_taskhandle_is_finished() != 29008) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_add_listener() != 36410) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_cancel_send() != 48666) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_create_poll() != 19084) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_edit() != 30407) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_edit_poll() != 52880) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_end_poll() != 27185) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_fetch_details_for_event() != 20865) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_fetch_members() != 37994) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_get_event_timeline_item_by_event_id() != 33483) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_get_timeline_event_content_by_event_id() != 33318) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_latest_event() != 11115) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_mark_as_read() != 15734) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_paginate_backwards() != 40762) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_retry_decryption() != 57065) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_retry_send() != 31214) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send() != 16148) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_audio() != 2898) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_file() != 14268) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_image() != 33650) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_location() != 2150) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_poll_response() != 32951) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_read_receipt() != 30808) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_reply() != 8317) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_video() != 28201) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_send_voice_message() != 50962) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_subscribe_to_back_pagination_status() != 9015) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timeline_toggle_reaction() != 42402) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinediff_append() != 8453) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinediff_change() != 4562) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinediff_insert() != 26630) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinediff_push_back() != 53464) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinediff_push_front() != 42084) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinediff_remove() != 74) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinediff_reset() != 34118) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinediff_set() != 13334) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineevent_event_id() != 11088) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineevent_event_type() != 12922) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineevent_sender_id() != 18142) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineevent_timestamp() != 58123) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineitem_as_event() != 52211) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineitem_as_virtual() != 50960) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineitem_fmt_debug() != 38094) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineitem_unique_id() != 8639) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineitemcontent_as_message() != 45784) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelineitemcontent_kind() != 44789) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_unreadnotificationscount_has_notifications() != 33024) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_unreadnotificationscount_highlight_count() != 35997) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_unreadnotificationscount_notification_count() != 35655) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_widgetdriver_run() != 6150) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_widgetdriverhandle_recv() != 2662) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_widgetdriverhandle_send() != 34976) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_constructor_mediasource_from_json() != 62542) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_constructor_authenticationservice_new() != 249) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_constructor_clientbuilder_new() != 43131) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_constructor_span_current() != 65184) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_constructor_span_new() != 62579) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_constructor_timelineeventtypefilter_exclude() != 48570) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_constructor_timelineeventtypefilter_include() != 21388) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_backpaginationstatuslistener_on_update() != 5891) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_backupstatelistener_on_update() != 24369) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_backupsteadystatelistener_on_update() != 40381) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientdelegate_did_receive_auth_error() != 26414) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientdelegate_did_refresh_tokens() != 16325) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientsessiondelegate_retrieve_session_from_keychain() != 48691) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_clientsessiondelegate_save_session_in_keychain() != 34411) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_enablerecoveryprogresslistener_on_update() != 30049) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_ignoreduserslistener_call() != 22029) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_notificationsettingsdelegate_settings_did_change() != 51708) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_progresswatcher_transmission_progress() != 20412) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_recoverystatelistener_on_update() != 3747) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomdirectorysearchentrieslistener_on_update() != 3751) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roominfolistener_call() != 29620) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistentrieslistener_on_update() != 4030) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistloadingstatelistener_on_update() != 19361) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistservicestatelistener_on_update() != 29313) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_roomlistservicesyncindicatorlistener_on_update() != 42394) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontrollerdelegate_did_accept_verification_request() != 22759) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontrollerdelegate_did_start_sas_verification() != 54982) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontrollerdelegate_did_receive_verification_data() != 63916) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontrollerdelegate_did_fail() != 56823) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontrollerdelegate_did_cancel() != 29888) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_sessionverificationcontrollerdelegate_did_finish() != 54532) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_syncservicestateobserver_on_update() != 11758) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_timelinelistener_on_update() != 9224) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_typingnotificationslistener_call() != 50844) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_unabletodecryptdelegate_on_utd() != 28912) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_verificationstatelistener_on_update() != 9392) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
if (uniffi_matrix_sdk_ffi_checksum_method_widgetcapabilitiesprovider_acquire_capabilities() != 43759) {
return InitializationResult.apiChecksumMismatch
return InitializationResult.ok
private func uniffiEnsureInitialized() {
switch initializationResult {
case .ok:
case .contractVersionMismatch:
fatalError("UniFFI contract version mismatch: try cleaning and rebuilding your project")
case .apiChecksumMismatch:
fatalError("UniFFI API checksum mismatch: try cleaning and rebuilding your project")
// swiftlint:enable all