Add decision tree model of the key sharing algorithm.

And a tool to render it.

Signed-off-by: Denis Kasak <>
This commit is contained in:
Denis Kasak 2021-10-04 12:49:16 +02:00
parent 3042209cf6
commit 55731922e8
4 changed files with 108 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.PHONY: default clean png pdf
default: model.png model.pdf
rm -f model.png model.pdf
pdf: model.pdf
png: model.png
./setdotlabelwidth 45 < | dot -Tpdf -o model.pdf
./setdotlabelwidth 45 < | dot -Tpng -o model.png

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
This models the room key sharing algorithm as a decision tree and provides
tooling to render it as a PDF or PNG.
# Usage
make # Render the decision tree both as a PDF and PNG
make pdf # Renders the decision tree as a PDF
make png # Renders the decision tree as a PNG
make clean # Remove rendered artifacts

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
digraph {
label="Matrix room key sharing algorithm"
fontname="Fira Sans"
node [shape=box, colorscheme=paired6, style=filled, fillcolor=white, fontname="Fira Sans"]
edge [fontname="Fira Sans"]
/* Non-end states, additional checks needed. */
verified_device_check [label="START\n\nIs this our own, verified device?", labelfontname="Fira Sans"]
outbound_session_check [label="Outbound session exists?"]
outbound_exists [label="Session previously previously_shared with this user ID/device ID pair?"]
previously_shared [label="Requesting device sender (Curve25519) key matches the key we originally shared with?"]
own_device_check [label="Is this our own device?"]
/* End states */
allow_verified [label="Share the entire session from the earliest known index.\n\nOk(None)", color=4, fillcolor=3]
allow_limited [label="Share a limited session starting from index i, which is the index we previously shared at.\n\nOk(Some(i))", color=4, fillcolor=3]
refuse_device_key_changed [label="Sender key changed, refuse to share.\n\nErr(KeyForwardDecision::ChangedSenderKey)", color=6, fillcolor=5]
refuse_not_shared [label="Session was never shared with this device, refuse to share.\n\nErr(KeyForwardDecision::OutboundSessionNotShared)", color=6, fillcolor=5]
refuse_untrusted_own_device [label="Our own device, but it is untrusted and we haven't previously shared with it. Refuse to share.\n\nErr(KeyForwardDecision::UntrustedDevice)", color=6, fillcolor=5]
refuse_missing_outbound_session [label="Not our device and haven't previously shared with it. Refuse to share.\n\nErr(KeyForwardDecision::MissingOutboundSession)", color=6, fillcolor=5]
/* Checks */
/* Is this our own verified device? */
verified_device_check -> allow_verified [label="Yes"]
verified_device_check -> outbound_session_check [label="No"]
/* Does the outbound session exist? */
outbound_session_check -> outbound_exists [label="Yes"]
outbound_session_check -> own_device_check [label="No"]
/* Previously shared? */
outbound_exists -> previously_shared [label="Yes"]
outbound_exists -> refuse_not_shared [label="No"]
/* Requesting device sender key matches key it was shared with? */
previously_shared -> allow_limited [label="Yes"]
previously_shared -> refuse_device_key_changed [label="No"]
/* Is this our own device? */
own_device_check -> refuse_untrusted_own_device [label="Yes"]
own_device_check -> refuse_missing_outbound_session [label="No"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Adapted from
use strict;
my $usage = "setdotlabelwidth [char-width] < [dotfile]";
my $width = shift() or die("Usage: $usage $!");
if (m/label="(.*?)"/)
my $labeltext = $1;
my @words = split(/ +|(?=\\n)/, $labeltext);
my @newtext = ();
my $newline = "";
foreach my $word(@words)
if (length($newline) > 0 and
length($newline) + length($word) > $width)
push(@newtext, $newline);
$newline = "";
$newline .= " " if (length($newline) > 0);
$newline .= $word;
push(@newtext, $newline) if (length($newline) > 0);
my $newlabel = join("\\n", @newtext);