diff --git a/UPGRADING-0.5-to-0.6.md b/UPGRADING-0.5-to-0.6.md index 4e2bd5314..bc74f695f 100644 --- a/UPGRADING-0.5-to-0.6.md +++ b/UPGRADING-0.5-to-0.6.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This is a rough migration guide to help you upgrade your code using matrix-sdk 0 ## Minimum Supported Rust Version Update: `1.60` -We have updated the minimal rust version you need in order to build `matrix-sdk`, as we require some new depencency resolving features from it: +We have updated the minimal rust version you need in order to build `matrix-sdk`, as we require some new dependency resolving features from it: > These crates are built with the Rust language version 2021 and require a minimum compiler version of 1.60 @@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ We are moving to the [builder pattern][] (familiar from e.g. `std::io:process:Co - [`SledStore` configuratiion][sled-store builder] - [`Indexeddb` configuration][indexeddb builder] -Most have fallback (though maybe with deprecation warning) support for an existing code path, but these are likley to be removed in upcoming releases. +Most have fallback (though maybe with deprecation warning) support for an existing code path, but these are likely to be removed in upcoming releases. ### Splitting of concerns: Media -In an effort to declutter the `Client` API dedicated types have been created dealing with specfic concerns in one place. In `0.5` we introduced `client.account()`, and `client.encryption()`, we are doing the same with `client.media()` to manage media and attachments in one place with the [`media::Media` type][media typ] now. +In an effort to declutter the `Client` API dedicated types have been created dealing with specific concerns in one place. In `0.5` we introduced `client.account()`, and `client.encryption()`, we are doing the same with `client.media()` to manage media and attachments in one place with the [`media::Media` type][media typ] now. The signatures of media uploads, have also changed slightly: rather than expecting a reader `R: Read + Seek`, it now is a simple `&[u8]`. Which also means no more unnecessary `seek(0)` to reset the cursor, as we are just taking an immutable reference now. @@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ Secondly, you will find a new [`sync_with_result_callback` sync function][sync w ### Refresh Tokens -This release now [supports `refresh_token`s][refresh tokens PR] as part of the [`Session`][session]. It is implemented with a default-flag in serde so deserializing a previously serialized Session (e.g. in a store) will work as before. As part of `refresh_token` support, you can now configure the client via `ClientBuilder.request_refresh_token()` to refresh the access token automagicaly on certain failures or do it manually by calling `client.refresh_access_token()` yourself. Auto-refresh is _off_ by default. +This release now [supports `refresh_token`s][refresh tokens PR] as part of the [`Session`][session]. It is implemented with a default-flag in serde so deserializing a previously serialized Session (e.g. in a store) will work as before. As part of `refresh_token` support, you can now configure the client via `ClientBuilder.request_refresh_token()` to refresh the access token automagically on certain failures or do it manually by calling `client.refresh_access_token()` yourself. Auto-refresh is _off_ by default. You can stay informed about updates on the access token by listening to `client.session_tokens_signal()`. ### Further changes - - [`MessageOptions`][message options] has been upated to Matrix 1.3 by making the `from` parameter optional (and function signatures have been updated, too). You can now request the server sends you messages from the first one you are allowed to have received. + - [`MessageOptions`][message options] has been updated to Matrix 1.3 by making the `from` parameter optional (and function signatures have been updated, too). You can now request the server sends you messages from the first one you are allowed to have received. - `client.user_id()` is not a `future` anymore. Remove any `.await` you had behind it. - `verified()`, `blacklisted()` and `deleted()` on `matrix_sdk::encryption::identities::Device` have been renamed with a `is_` prefix. - `verified()` on `matrix_sdk::encryption::identities::UserIdentity`, too has been prefixed with `is_` and thus is onw called `is_verified()`. @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ We have replaced the login facilities with a `LoginBuilder` and recommend you us ### expected slice `[u8]`, found struct ... -We've updated the `send_attachment` and `Media` signatures to use `&[u8]` rather than `reader: Read + Seek` as it is more convinient and common place for most architectures anyways. If you are using `File::open(path)?` to get that handler, you can just replace that with `std::fs::read(path)?` +We've updated the `send_attachment` and `Media` signatures to use `&[u8]` rather than `reader: Read + Seek` as it is more convenient and common place for most architectures anyways. If you are using `File::open(path)?` to get that handler, you can just replace that with `std::fs::read(path)?` ### no method named `verified` found for struct `matrix_sdk::encryption::identities::Device` in the current scope