# Matrix SDK integration test ## Requirements This requires a synapse backend with a ci patched configuration. You can easily get it up and running with `docker compose` via: ```sh docker compose -f assets/docker-compose.yml up -d docker compose -f assets/docker-compose.yml logs --tail 100 -f ``` Note that this works also with `podman compose`. **Patches** You can see the patches we do to configuration (namely activate registration and resetting rate limits), check out what `assets/ci-start.sh` changes. ## Running The integration tests can be run with `cargo test` or `cargo nextest run`. The integration tests expect the environment variables `HOMESERVER_URL` to be the HTTP URL to access the synapse server and `HOMESERVER_DOMAIN` to be set to the domain configured in that server. If you are using the provided `docker-compose.yml`, the default will be fine. ## Maintenance To drop the database of your docker compose run: ```bash docker compose -f assets/docker-compose.yml down --volumes ```