use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use anyhow::Context; use eyeball::unique::Observable; use eyeball_im::VectorDiff; use futures_util::{future::join, pin_mut, StreamExt}; use matrix_sdk::ruma::{ api::client::sync::sync_events::{ v4::RoomSubscription as RumaRoomSubscription, UnreadNotificationsCount as RumaUnreadNotificationsCount, }, assign, IdParseError, OwnedRoomId, RoomId, UInt, }; pub use matrix_sdk::{ room::timeline::Timeline, ruma::api::client::sync::sync_events::v4::SyncRequestListFilters, Client as MatrixClient, LoopCtrl, RoomListEntry as MatrixRoomEntry, SlidingSyncBuilder as MatrixSlidingSyncBuilder, SlidingSyncMode, SlidingSyncState, }; use tokio::{sync::broadcast::error::RecvError, task::JoinHandle}; use tracing::{debug, error, warn}; use url::Url; use crate::{ helpers::unwrap_or_clone_arc, room::TimelineLock, Client, ClientError, EventTimelineItem, Room, TimelineDiff, TimelineItem, TimelineListener, RUNTIME, }; type TaskHandleFinalizer = Box; pub struct TaskHandle { handle: JoinHandle<()>, finalizer: RwLock>, } impl TaskHandle { // Create a new task handle. fn new(handle: JoinHandle<()>) -> Self { Self { handle, finalizer: RwLock::new(None) } } /// Define a function that will run after the handle has been aborted. fn set_finalizer(&mut self, finalizer: TaskHandleFinalizer) { *self.finalizer.write().unwrap() = Some(finalizer); } } #[uniffi::export] impl TaskHandle { pub fn cancel(&self) { debug!("stoppable.cancel() called"); self.handle.abort(); if let Some(finalizer) = self.finalizer.write().unwrap().take() { finalizer(); } } /// Check whether the handle is finished. pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool { self.handle.is_finished() } } impl Drop for TaskHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { self.cancel(); } } #[derive(uniffi::Object)] pub struct UnreadNotificationsCount { highlight_count: u32, notification_count: u32, } #[uniffi::export] impl UnreadNotificationsCount { pub fn highlight_count(&self) -> u32 { self.highlight_count } pub fn notification_count(&self) -> u32 { self.notification_count } pub fn has_notifications(&self) -> bool { self.notification_count != 0 || self.highlight_count != 0 } } impl From for UnreadNotificationsCount { fn from(inner: RumaUnreadNotificationsCount) -> Self { UnreadNotificationsCount { highlight_count: inner .highlight_count .and_then(|x| x.try_into().ok()) .unwrap_or_default(), notification_count: inner .notification_count .and_then(|x| x.try_into().ok()) .unwrap_or_default(), } } } pub struct SlidingSyncRoom { inner: matrix_sdk::SlidingSyncRoom, timeline: TimelineLock, runner: matrix_sdk::SlidingSync, client: Client, } #[uniffi::export] impl SlidingSyncRoom { pub fn name(&self) -> Option { } pub fn room_id(&self) -> String { self.inner.room_id().to_string() } pub fn is_dm(&self) -> Option { self.inner.is_dm() } pub fn is_initial(&self) -> Option { self.inner.is_initial_response() } pub fn is_loading_more(&self) -> bool { self.inner.is_loading_more() } pub fn has_unread_notifications(&self) -> bool { self.inner.has_unread_notifications() } pub fn unread_notifications(&self) -> Arc { Arc::new(self.inner.unread_notifications().clone().into()) } pub fn full_room(&self) -> Option> { self.client .get_room(self.inner.room_id()) .map(|room| Arc::new(Room::with_timeline(room, self.timeline.clone()))) } #[allow(clippy::significant_drop_in_scrutinee)] pub fn latest_room_message(&self) -> Option> { let item = RUNTIME.block_on(self.inner.latest_event())?; Some(Arc::new(EventTimelineItem(item))) } } impl SlidingSyncRoom { pub fn add_timeline_listener( &self, listener: Box, ) -> anyhow::Result { let (items, stoppable_spawn) = self.add_timeline_listener_inner(listener)?; Ok(SlidingSyncSubscribeResult { items, task_handle: Arc::new(stoppable_spawn) }) } pub fn subscribe_and_add_timeline_listener( &self, listener: Box, settings: Option, ) -> anyhow::Result { let (items, mut stoppable_spawn) = self.add_timeline_listener_inner(listener)?; let room_id = self.inner.room_id().clone(); self.runner.subscribe(room_id.clone(),; let runner = self.runner.clone(); stoppable_spawn.set_finalizer(Box::new(move || runner.unsubscribe(room_id))); Ok(SlidingSyncSubscribeResult { items, task_handle: Arc::new(stoppable_spawn) }) } fn add_timeline_listener_inner( &self, listener: Box, ) -> anyhow::Result<(Vec>, TaskHandle)> { let mut timeline_lock = self.timeline.write().unwrap(); let timeline = match &*timeline_lock { Some(timeline) => timeline, None => { let timeline = RUNTIME .block_on(self.inner.timeline()) .context("Could not set timeline listener: room not found.")?; timeline_lock.insert(Arc::new(timeline)) } }; #[allow(unknown_lints, clippy::redundant_async_block)] // false positive let (timeline_items, timeline_stream) = RUNTIME.block_on(timeline.subscribe()); let handle_events = async move { let listener: Arc = listener.into(); timeline_stream .for_each(move |diff| { let listener = listener.clone(); let fut = RUNTIME.spawn_blocking(move || { listener.on_update(Arc::new(TimelineDiff::new(diff))) }); async move { if let Err(e) = fut.await { error!("Timeline listener error: {e}"); } } }) .await; }; let mut reset_broadcast_rx = self.client.sliding_sync_reset_broadcast_tx.subscribe(); let timeline = timeline.to_owned(); let handle_sliding_sync_reset = async move { loop { match reset_broadcast_rx.recv().await { Err(RecvError::Closed) => break, Ok(_) | Err(RecvError::Lagged(_)) => timeline.clear().await, } } }; let items = timeline_items.into_iter().map(TimelineItem::from_arc).collect(); let task_handle = TaskHandle::new(RUNTIME.spawn(async move { join(handle_events, handle_sliding_sync_reset).await; })); Ok((items, task_handle)) } } pub struct SlidingSyncSubscribeResult { pub items: Vec>, pub task_handle: Arc, } pub struct UpdateSummary { /// The lists (according to their name), which have seen an update pub lists: Vec, pub rooms: Vec, } pub struct RequiredState { pub key: String, pub value: String, } pub struct RoomSubscription { pub required_state: Option>, pub timeline_limit: Option, } impl From for RumaRoomSubscription { fn from(val: RoomSubscription) -> Self { assign!(RumaRoomSubscription::default(), { required_state:|r| r.into_iter().map(|s| (s.key.into(), s.value)).collect() ).unwrap_or_default(), timeline_limit:|u| u.into()) }) } } impl From for UpdateSummary { fn from(other: matrix_sdk::UpdateSummary) -> Self { Self { lists: other.lists, rooms: other.rooms.into_iter().map(|r| r.as_str().to_owned()).collect(), } } } pub enum SlidingSyncListRoomsListDiff { Append { values: Vec }, Insert { index: u32, value: RoomListEntry }, Set { index: u32, value: RoomListEntry }, Remove { index: u32 }, PushBack { value: RoomListEntry }, PushFront { value: RoomListEntry }, PopBack, PopFront, Clear, Reset { values: Vec }, } impl From> for SlidingSyncListRoomsListDiff { fn from(other: VectorDiff) -> Self { match other { VectorDiff::Append { values } => { Self::Append { values: values.into_iter().map(|e| (&e).into()).collect() } } VectorDiff::Insert { index, value } => { Self::Insert { index: index as u32, value: (&value).into() } } VectorDiff::Set { index, value } => { Self::Set { index: index as u32, value: (&value).into() } } VectorDiff::Remove { index } => Self::Remove { index: index as u32 }, VectorDiff::PushBack { value } => Self::PushBack { value: (&value).into() }, VectorDiff::PushFront { value } => Self::PushFront { value: (&value).into() }, VectorDiff::PopBack => Self::PopBack, VectorDiff::PopFront => Self::PopFront, VectorDiff::Clear => Self::Clear, VectorDiff::Reset { values } => { warn!("Room list subscriber lagged behind and was reset"); Self::Reset { values: values.into_iter().map(|e| (&e).into()).collect() } } } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum RoomListEntry { Empty, Invalidated { room_id: String }, Filled { room_id: String }, } impl From<&MatrixRoomEntry> for RoomListEntry { fn from(other: &MatrixRoomEntry) -> Self { match other { MatrixRoomEntry::Empty => Self::Empty, MatrixRoomEntry::Filled(b) => Self::Filled { room_id: b.to_string() }, MatrixRoomEntry::Invalidated(b) => Self::Invalidated { room_id: b.to_string() }, } } } pub trait SlidingSyncListRoomItemsObserver: Sync + Send { fn did_receive_update(&self); } pub trait SlidingSyncListRoomListObserver: Sync + Send { fn did_receive_update(&self, diff: SlidingSyncListRoomsListDiff); } pub trait SlidingSyncListRoomsCountObserver: Sync + Send { fn did_receive_update(&self, new_count: u32); } pub trait SlidingSyncListStateObserver: Sync + Send { fn did_receive_update(&self, new_state: SlidingSyncState); } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SlidingSyncListBuilder { inner: matrix_sdk::SlidingSyncListBuilder, } #[derive(uniffi::Record)] pub struct SlidingSyncRequestListFilters { pub is_dm: Option, pub spaces: Vec, pub is_encrypted: Option, pub is_invite: Option, pub is_tombstoned: Option, pub room_types: Vec, pub not_room_types: Vec, pub room_name_like: Option, pub tags: Vec, pub not_tags: Vec, // pub extensions: BTreeMap, } impl From for SyncRequestListFilters { fn from(value: SlidingSyncRequestListFilters) -> Self { let SlidingSyncRequestListFilters { is_dm, spaces, is_encrypted, is_invite, is_tombstoned, room_types, not_room_types, room_name_like, tags, not_tags, } = value; assign!(SyncRequestListFilters::default(), { is_dm, spaces, is_encrypted, is_invite, is_tombstoned, room_types, not_room_types, room_name_like, tags, not_tags, }) } } impl SlidingSyncListBuilder { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: matrix_sdk::SlidingSyncList::builder() } } pub fn sync_mode(self: Arc, mode: SlidingSyncMode) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.sync_mode(mode); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn send_updates_for_items(self: Arc, enable: bool) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.send_updates_for_items(enable); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn ranges(self: Arc, ranges: Vec<(u32, u32)>) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.ranges(ranges); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn build(self: Arc) -> anyhow::Result> { let builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); Ok(Arc::new( } } #[uniffi::export] impl SlidingSyncListBuilder { pub fn sort(self: Arc, sort: Vec) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.sort(sort); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn required_state(self: Arc, required_state: Vec) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder .inner .required_state(required_state.into_iter().map(|s| (s.key.into(), s.value)).collect()); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn filters(self: Arc, filters: SlidingSyncRequestListFilters) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.filters(Some(filters.into())); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn no_filters(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.filters(None); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn batch_size(self: Arc, batch_size: u32) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.full_sync_batch_size(batch_size); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn room_limit(self: Arc, limit: u32) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.full_sync_maximum_number_of_rooms_to_fetch(limit); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn no_room_limit(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.full_sync_maximum_number_of_rooms_to_fetch(None); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn timeline_limit(self: Arc, limit: u32) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.timeline_limit(limit); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn no_timeline_limit(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.no_timeline_limit(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn name(self: Arc, name: String) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner =; Arc::new(builder) } pub fn add_range(self: Arc, from: u32, to: u32) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.add_range(from, to); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn reset_ranges(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.reset_ranges(); Arc::new(builder) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SlidingSyncList { inner: matrix_sdk::SlidingSyncList, } impl From for SlidingSyncList { fn from(inner: matrix_sdk::SlidingSyncList) -> Self { SlidingSyncList { inner } } } impl SlidingSyncList { pub fn observe_state( &self, observer: Box, ) -> Arc { let mut state_stream = self.inner.state_stream(); Arc::new(TaskHandle::new(RUNTIME.spawn(async move { loop { if let Some(new_state) = { observer.did_receive_update(new_state); } } }))) } pub fn observe_room_list( &self, observer: Box, ) -> Arc { let mut rooms_list_stream = self.inner.rooms_list_stream(); Arc::new(TaskHandle::new(RUNTIME.spawn(async move { loop { if let Some(diff) = { observer.did_receive_update(diff.into()); } } }))) } pub fn observe_room_items( &self, observer: Box, ) -> Arc { let mut rooms_updated = Observable::subscribe(&; Arc::new(TaskHandle::new(RUNTIME.spawn(async move { loop { if { observer.did_receive_update(); } } }))) } pub fn observe_rooms_count( &self, observer: Box, ) -> Arc { let mut rooms_count_stream = self.inner.maximum_number_of_rooms_stream(); Arc::new(TaskHandle::new(RUNTIME.spawn(async move { loop { if let Some(Some(new)) = { observer.did_receive_update(new); } } }))) } } #[uniffi::export] impl SlidingSyncList { /// Get the current list of rooms pub fn current_rooms_list(&self) -> Vec { self.inner.rooms_list() } /// Reset the ranges to a particular set /// /// Remember to cancel the existing stream and fetch a new one as this will /// only be applied on the next request. pub fn set_range(&self, start: u32, end: u32) { self.inner.set_range(start, end); } /// Set the ranges to fetch /// /// Remember to cancel the existing stream and fetch a new one as this will /// only be applied on the next request. pub fn add_range(&self, start: u32, end: u32) { self.inner.add_range(start, end); } /// Reset the ranges pub fn reset_ranges(&self) { self.inner.reset_ranges(); } /// Total of rooms matching the filter pub fn current_room_count(&self) -> Option { self.inner.maximum_number_of_rooms() } /// The current timeline limit pub fn get_timeline_limit(&self) -> Option { (** .map(|limit| u32::try_from(limit).unwrap_or_default()) } /// The current timeline limit pub fn set_timeline_limit(&self, value: u32) { let value = Some(UInt::try_from(value).unwrap()); Observable::set(&mut self.inner.timeline_limit.write().unwrap(), value); } /// Unset the current timeline limit pub fn unset_timeline_limit(&self) { Observable::set(&mut self.inner.timeline_limit.write().unwrap(), None); } } pub trait SlidingSyncObserver: Sync + Send { fn did_receive_sync_update(&self, summary: UpdateSummary); } pub struct SlidingSync { inner: matrix_sdk::SlidingSync, client: Client, observer: Arc>>>, } impl SlidingSync { fn new(inner: matrix_sdk::SlidingSync, client: Client) -> Self { Self { inner, client, observer: Default::default() } } pub fn set_observer(&self, observer: Option>) { * = observer; } pub fn subscribe( &self, room_id: String, settings: Option, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.inner.subscribe(room_id.try_into()?,; Ok(()) } pub fn unsubscribe(&self, room_id: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.inner.unsubscribe(room_id.try_into()?); Ok(()) } pub fn get_room(&self, room_id: String) -> anyhow::Result>> { let runner = self.inner.clone(); Ok(self.inner.get_room(<&RoomId>::try_from(room_id.as_str())?).map(|inner| { Arc::new(SlidingSyncRoom { inner, runner, client: self.client.clone(), timeline: Default::default(), }) })) } pub fn get_rooms( &self, room_ids: Vec, ) -> anyhow::Result>>> { let actual_ids = room_ids .into_iter() .map(OwnedRoomId::try_from) .collect::, IdParseError>>()?; Ok(self .inner .get_rooms(actual_ids.into_iter()) .into_iter() .map(|o| {|inner| { Arc::new(SlidingSyncRoom { inner, runner: self.inner.clone(), client: self.client.clone(), timeline: Default::default(), }) }) }) .collect()) } } #[uniffi::export] impl SlidingSync { #[allow(clippy::significant_drop_in_scrutinee)] pub fn get_list(&self, name: String) -> Option> { self.inner.list(&name).map(|inner| Arc::new(SlidingSyncList { inner })) } pub fn add_list(&self, list: Arc) -> Option> { self.inner.add_list(list.inner.clone()).map(|inner| Arc::new(SlidingSyncList { inner })) } pub fn pop_list(&self, name: String) -> Option> { self.inner.pop_list(&name).map(|inner| Arc::new(SlidingSyncList { inner })) } pub fn add_common_extensions(&self) { self.inner.add_common_extensions(); } pub fn sync(&self) -> Arc { let inner = self.inner.clone(); let client = self.client.clone(); let observer =; Arc::new(TaskHandle::new(RUNTIME.spawn(async move { let stream =; pin_mut!(stream); loop { let update_summary = match { Some(Ok(update_summary)) => update_summary, Some(Err(error)) => { if client.process_sync_error(error) == LoopCtrl::Break { warn!("loop was stopped by client error processing"); break; } else { continue; } } None => { warn!("Inner streaming loop ended unexpectedly"); break; } }; if let Some(ref observer) = * { observer.did_receive_sync_update(update_summary.into()); } } }))) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SlidingSyncBuilder { inner: MatrixSlidingSyncBuilder, client: Client, } impl SlidingSyncBuilder { pub fn homeserver(self: Arc, url: String) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.homeserver(url.parse()?); Ok(Arc::new(builder)) } pub fn build(self: Arc) -> anyhow::Result> { let builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); RUNTIME.block_on(async move { Ok(Arc::new(SlidingSync::new(, builder.client))) }) } } #[uniffi::export] impl SlidingSyncBuilder { pub fn add_fullsync_list(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.add_fullsync_list(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn no_lists(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.no_lists(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn cold_cache(self: Arc, name: String) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.cold_cache(name); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn add_list(self: Arc, v: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); let list = unwrap_or_clone_arc(v); builder.inner = builder.inner.add_list(list.inner); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn with_common_extensions(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.with_common_extensions(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn without_e2ee_extension(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.without_e2ee_extension(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn without_to_device_extension(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.without_to_device_extension(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn without_account_data_extension(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.without_account_data_extension(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn without_receipt_extension(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.without_receipt_extension(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn without_typing_extension(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.without_typing_extension(); Arc::new(builder) } pub fn with_all_extensions(self: Arc) -> Arc { let mut builder = unwrap_or_clone_arc(self); builder.inner = builder.inner.with_all_extensions(); Arc::new(builder) } } #[uniffi::export] impl Client { pub fn full_sliding_sync(&self) -> Result, ClientError> { RUNTIME.block_on(async move { let builder = self.client.sliding_sync().await; let inner = builder.add_fullsync_list().build().await?; Ok(Arc::new(SlidingSync::new(inner, self.clone()))) }) } } #[uniffi::export] impl Client { pub fn sliding_sync(&self) -> Arc { RUNTIME.block_on(async move { let mut inner = self.client.sliding_sync().await; if let Some(sliding_sync_proxy) = self .sliding_sync_proxy .read() .unwrap() .clone() .and_then(|p| Url::parse(p.as_str()).ok()) { inner = inner.homeserver(sliding_sync_proxy); } Arc::new(SlidingSyncBuilder { inner, client: self.clone() }) }) } }