use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, fmt::Debug, sync::{Mutex, RwLock as StdRwLock}, }; use eyeball::unique::Observable; use ruma::{ api::client::sync::sync_events::v4::{ self, AccountDataConfig, E2EEConfig, ExtensionsConfig, ReceiptsConfig, ToDeviceConfig, TypingConfig, }, assign, OwnedRoomId, }; use tracing::trace; use url::Url; use super::{ Error, FrozenSlidingSync, FrozenSlidingSyncList, SlidingSync, SlidingSyncInner, SlidingSyncList, SlidingSyncListBuilder, SlidingSyncPositionMarkers, SlidingSyncRoom, }; use crate::{Client, Result}; /// Configuration for a Sliding Sync instance. /// /// Get a new builder with methods like [`crate::Client::sliding_sync`], or /// [`crate::SlidingSync::builder`]. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct SlidingSyncBuilder { storage_key: Option, homeserver: Option, client: Option, lists: BTreeMap, extensions: Option, subscriptions: BTreeMap, } impl SlidingSyncBuilder { pub(super) fn new() -> Self { Self { storage_key: None, homeserver: None, client: None, lists: BTreeMap::new(), extensions: None, subscriptions: BTreeMap::new(), } } /// Set the storage key to keep this cache at and load it from. pub fn storage_key(mut self, value: Option) -> Self { self.storage_key = value; self } /// Set the homeserver for sliding sync only. pub fn homeserver(mut self, value: Url) -> Self { self.homeserver = Some(value); self } /// Set the client this sliding sync will be using. pub fn client(mut self, value: Client) -> Self { self.client = Some(value); self } pub(super) fn subscriptions( mut self, value: BTreeMap, ) -> Self { self.subscriptions = value; self } /// Convenience function to add a full-sync list to the builder pub fn add_fullsync_list(self) -> Self { self.add_list( SlidingSyncListBuilder::default_with_fullsync() .build() .expect("Building default full sync list doesn't fail"), ) } /// The cold cache key to read from and store the frozen state at pub fn cold_cache(mut self, name: T) -> Self { self.storage_key = Some(name.to_string()); self } /// Do not use the cold cache pub fn no_cold_cache(mut self) -> Self { self.storage_key = None; self } /// Reset the lists to `None` pub fn no_lists(mut self) -> Self { self.lists.clear(); self } /// Add the given list to the lists. /// /// Replace any list with the name. pub fn add_list(mut self, list: SlidingSyncList) -> Self { self.lists.insert(, list); self } /// Activate e2ee, to-device-message and account data extensions if not yet /// configured. /// /// Will leave any extension configuration found untouched, so the order /// does not matter. pub fn with_common_extensions(mut self) -> Self { { let mut cfg = self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); if cfg.to_device.is_none() { cfg.to_device = Some(assign!(ToDeviceConfig::default(), { enabled: Some(true) })); } if cfg.e2ee.is_none() { cfg.e2ee = Some(assign!(E2EEConfig::default(), { enabled: Some(true) })); } if cfg.account_data.is_none() { cfg.account_data = Some(assign!(AccountDataConfig::default(), { enabled: Some(true) })); } } self } /// Activate e2ee, to-device-message, account data, typing and receipt /// extensions if not yet configured. /// /// Will leave any extension configuration found untouched, so the order /// does not matter. pub fn with_all_extensions(mut self) -> Self { { let mut cfg = self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); if cfg.to_device.is_none() { cfg.to_device = Some(assign!(ToDeviceConfig::default(), { enabled: Some(true) })); } if cfg.e2ee.is_none() { cfg.e2ee = Some(assign!(E2EEConfig::default(), { enabled: Some(true) })); } if cfg.account_data.is_none() { cfg.account_data = Some(assign!(AccountDataConfig::default(), { enabled: Some(true) })); } if cfg.receipts.is_none() { cfg.receipts = Some(assign!(ReceiptsConfig::default(), { enabled: Some(true) })); } if cfg.typing.is_none() { cfg.typing = Some(assign!(TypingConfig::default(), { enabled: Some(true) })); } } self } /// Set the E2EE extension configuration. pub fn with_e2ee_extension(mut self, e2ee: E2EEConfig) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).e2ee = Some(e2ee); self } /// Unset the E2EE extension configuration. pub fn without_e2ee_extension(mut self) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).e2ee = None; self } /// Set the ToDevice extension configuration. pub fn with_to_device_extension(mut self, to_device: ToDeviceConfig) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).to_device = Some(to_device); self } /// Unset the ToDevice extension configuration. pub fn without_to_device_extension(mut self) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).to_device = None; self } /// Set the account data extension configuration. pub fn with_account_data_extension(mut self, account_data: AccountDataConfig) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).account_data = Some(account_data); self } /// Unset the account data extension configuration. pub fn without_account_data_extension(mut self) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).account_data = None; self } /// Set the Typing extension configuration. pub fn with_typing_extension(mut self, typing: TypingConfig) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).typing = Some(typing); self } /// Unset the Typing extension configuration. pub fn without_typing_extension(mut self) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).typing = None; self } /// Set the Receipt extension configuration. pub fn with_receipt_extension(mut self, receipt: ReceiptsConfig) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).receipts = Some(receipt); self } /// Unset the Receipt extension configuration. pub fn without_receipt_extension(mut self) -> Self { self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).receipts = None; self } /// Build the Sliding Sync. /// /// If `self.storage_key` is `Some(_)`, load the cached data from cold /// storage. pub async fn build(mut self) -> Result { let client = self.client.ok_or(Error::BuildMissingField("client"))?; let mut delta_token = None; let mut rooms_found: BTreeMap = BTreeMap::new(); if let Some(storage_key) = &self.storage_key { trace!(storage_key, "trying to load from cold"); for (name, list) in &mut self.lists { if let Some(frozen_list) = client .store() .get_custom_value(format!("{storage_key}::{name}").as_bytes()) .await? .map(|v| serde_json::from_slice::(&v)) .transpose()? { trace!(name, "frozen for list found"); let FrozenSlidingSyncList { maximum_number_of_rooms, rooms_list, rooms } = frozen_list; list.set_from_cold(maximum_number_of_rooms, rooms_list); for (key, frozen_room) in rooms.into_iter() { rooms_found.entry(key).or_insert_with(|| { SlidingSyncRoom::from_frozen(frozen_room, client.clone()) }); } } else { trace!(name, "no frozen state for list found"); } } if let Some(FrozenSlidingSync { to_device_since, delta_token: frozen_delta_token }) = client .store() .get_custom_value(storage_key.as_bytes()) .await? .map(|v| serde_json::from_slice::(&v)) .transpose()? { trace!("frozen for generic found"); if let Some(since) = to_device_since { if let Some(to_device_ext) = self.extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).to_device.as_mut() { to_device_ext.since = Some(since); } } delta_token = frozen_delta_token; } trace!("sync unfrozen done"); }; trace!(len = rooms_found.len(), "rooms unfrozen"); let rooms = StdRwLock::new(rooms_found); let lists = StdRwLock::new(self.lists); Ok(SlidingSync::new(SlidingSyncInner { homeserver: self.homeserver, client, storage_key: self.storage_key, lists, rooms, extensions: Mutex::new(self.extensions), reset_counter: Default::default(), position: StdRwLock::new(SlidingSyncPositionMarkers { pos: Observable::new(None), delta_token: Observable::new(delta_token), }), subscriptions: StdRwLock::new(self.subscriptions), unsubscribe: Default::default(), })) } }