mod builder; mod request_generator; use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, fmt::Debug, iter, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, RwLock as StdRwLock, }, }; pub use builder::*; use eyeball::unique::Observable; use eyeball_im::{ObservableVector, VectorDiff}; use futures_core::Stream; use im::Vector; pub(super) use request_generator::*; use ruma::{api::client::sync::sync_events::v4, events::StateEventType, OwnedRoomId, RoomId, UInt}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tracing::{debug, instrument, warn}; use super::{Error, FrozenSlidingSyncRoom, SlidingSyncRoom}; use crate::Result; /// Holding a specific filtered list within the concept of sliding sync. /// Main entrypoint to the `SlidingSync`: /// /// ```no_run /// # use futures::executor::block_on; /// # use matrix_sdk::Client; /// # use url::Url; /// # block_on(async { /// # let homeserver = Url::parse("")?; /// let client = Client::new(homeserver).await?; /// let sliding_sync = /// client.sliding_sync().await.add_fullsync_list().build().await?; /// /// # anyhow::Ok(()) /// # }); /// ``` #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct SlidingSyncList { /// Which SlidingSyncMode to start this list under sync_mode: SlidingSyncMode, /// Sort the rooms list by this sort: Vec, /// Required states to return per room required_state: Vec<(StateEventType, String)>, /// When doing a full-sync, the ranges of rooms to load are extended by this /// `full_sync_batch_size` size. full_sync_batch_size: u32, /// When doing a full-sync, it is possible to limit the total number of /// rooms to load by using this field. full_sync_maximum_number_of_rooms_to_fetch: Option, /// Whether the list should send `UpdatedAt`-Diff signals for rooms /// that have changed. send_updates_for_items: bool, /// Any filters to apply to the query. filters: Option, /// The maximum number of timeline events to query for pub timeline_limit: Arc>>>, /// Name of this list to easily recognize them pub name: String, /// The state this list is in. state: Arc>>, /// The total number of rooms that is possible to interact with for the /// given list. /// /// It's not the total rooms that have been fetched. The server tells the /// client that it's possible to fetch this amount of rooms maximum. /// Since this number can change according to the list filters, it's /// observable. maximum_number_of_rooms: Arc>>>, /// The rooms in order. rooms_list: Arc>>, /// The ranges windows of the list. #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] // temporarily ranges: Arc>>>, /// Get informed if anything in the room changed. /// /// If you only care to know about changes once all of them have applied /// (including the total), subscribe to this observable. pub rooms_updated_broadcast: Arc>>, is_cold: Arc, } impl SlidingSyncList { pub(crate) fn set_from_cold( &mut self, maximum_number_of_rooms: Option, rooms_list: Vector, ) { Observable::set(&mut self.state.write().unwrap(), SlidingSyncState::Preloaded);, Ordering::SeqCst); Observable::set( &mut self.maximum_number_of_rooms.write().unwrap(), maximum_number_of_rooms, ); let mut lock = self.rooms_list.write().unwrap(); lock.clear(); lock.append(rooms_list); } /// Create a new [`SlidingSyncListBuilder`]. pub fn builder() -> SlidingSyncListBuilder { SlidingSyncListBuilder::new() } /// Return a builder with the same settings as before pub fn new_builder(&self) -> SlidingSyncListBuilder { Self::builder() .name(& .sync_mode(self.sync_mode.clone()) .sort(self.sort.clone()) .required_state(self.required_state.clone()) .full_sync_batch_size(self.full_sync_batch_size) .ranges( } /// Set the ranges to fetch. /// /// Remember to cancel the existing stream and fetch a new one as this will /// only be applied on the next request. pub fn set_ranges(&self, range: Vec<(u32, u32)>) -> &Self { let value = range.into_iter().map(|(a, b)| (a.into(), b.into())).collect(); Observable::set(&mut self.ranges.write().unwrap(), value); self } /// Reset the ranges to a particular set /// /// Remember to cancel the existing stream and fetch a new one as this will /// only be applied on the next request. pub fn set_range(&self, start: u32, end: u32) -> &Self { let value = vec![(start.into(), end.into())]; Observable::set(&mut self.ranges.write().unwrap(), value); self } /// Set the ranges to fetch /// /// Remember to cancel the existing stream and fetch a new one as this will /// only be applied on the next request. pub fn add_range(&self, start: u32, end: u32) -> &Self { Observable::update(&mut self.ranges.write().unwrap(), |ranges| { ranges.push((start.into(), end.into())); }); self } /// Set the ranges to fetch /// /// Note: sending an empty list of ranges is, according to the spec, to be /// understood that the consumer doesn't care about changes of the room /// order but you will only receive updates when for rooms entering or /// leaving the set. /// /// Remember to cancel the existing stream and fetch a new one as this will /// only be applied on the next request. pub fn reset_ranges(&self) -> &Self { Observable::set(&mut self.ranges.write().unwrap(), Vec::new()); self } /// Get the current state. pub fn state(&self) -> SlidingSyncState { } /// Get a stream of state. pub fn state_stream(&self) -> impl Stream { Observable::subscribe(& } /// Get the current rooms list. pub fn rooms_list(&self) -> Vec where R: for<'a> From<&'a RoomListEntry>, {|e| R::from(e)).collect() } /// Get a stream of rooms list. pub fn rooms_list_stream(&self) -> impl Stream> { ObservableVector::subscribe(& } /// Get the maximum number of rooms. See [`Self::maximum_number_of_rooms`] /// to learn more. pub fn maximum_number_of_rooms(&self) -> Option { ** } /// Get a stream of rooms count. pub fn maximum_number_of_rooms_stream(&self) -> impl Stream> { Observable::subscribe(& } /// Find the current valid position of the room in the list `room_list`. /// /// Only matches against the current ranges and only against filled items. /// Invalid items are ignore. Return the total position the item was /// found in the room_list, return None otherwise. pub fn find_room_in_list(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Option { let ranges =; let listing =; for (start_uint, end_uint) in ranges.iter() { let mut current_position: usize = (*start_uint).try_into().unwrap(); let end: usize = (*end_uint).try_into().unwrap(); let room_list_entries = listing.iter().skip(current_position); for room_list_entry in room_list_entries { if let RoomListEntry::Filled(this_room_id) = room_list_entry { if room_id == this_room_id { return Some(current_position); } } if current_position == end { break; } current_position += 1; } } None } /// Find the current valid position of the rooms in the lists `room_list`. /// /// Only matches against the current ranges and only against filled items. /// Invalid items are ignore. Return the total position the items that were /// found in the `room_list`, will skip any room not found in the /// `rooms_list`. pub fn find_rooms_in_list(&self, room_ids: &[OwnedRoomId]) -> Vec<(usize, OwnedRoomId)> { let ranges =; let listing =; let mut rooms_found = Vec::new(); for (start_uint, end_uint) in ranges.iter() { let mut current_position: usize = (*start_uint).try_into().unwrap(); let end: usize = (*end_uint).try_into().unwrap(); let room_list_entries = listing.iter().skip(current_position); for room_list_entry in room_list_entries { if let RoomListEntry::Filled(room_id) = room_list_entry { if room_ids.contains(room_id) { rooms_found.push((current_position, room_id.clone())); } } if current_position == end { break; } current_position += 1; } } rooms_found } /// Return the `room_id` at the given index. pub fn get_room_id(&self, index: usize) -> Option { self.rooms_list .read() .unwrap() .get(index) .and_then(|room_list_entry| room_list_entry.as_room_id().map(ToOwned::to_owned)) } #[instrument(skip(self, ops), fields(name =, ops_count = ops.len()))] pub(super) fn handle_response( &self, maximum_number_of_rooms: u32, ops: &Vec, ranges: &Vec<(UInt, UInt)>, updated_rooms: &Vec, ) -> Result { let ranges = ranges .iter() .map(|(start, end)| ((*start).try_into().unwrap(), (*end).try_into().unwrap())) .collect::>(); let current_maximum_number_of_rooms = **; if current_maximum_number_of_rooms.is_none() || current_maximum_number_of_rooms == Some(0) || self.is_cold.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { debug!("first run, replacing rooms list"); // first response, we do that slightly differently let mut rooms_list = ObservableVector::new(); rooms_list.append( iter::repeat(RoomListEntry::Empty).take(maximum_number_of_rooms as usize).collect(), ); // then we apply it room_ops(&mut rooms_list, ops, &ranges)?; { let mut lock = self.rooms_list.write().unwrap(); lock.clear(); lock.append(rooms_list.into_inner()); } Observable::set( &mut self.maximum_number_of_rooms.write().unwrap(), Some(maximum_number_of_rooms), );, Ordering::SeqCst); return Ok(true); } debug!("regular update"); let mut missing = maximum_number_of_rooms .checked_sub( as u32) .unwrap_or_default(); let mut changed = false; if missing > 0 { let mut list = self.rooms_list.write().unwrap(); while missing > 0 { list.push_back(RoomListEntry::Empty); missing -= 1; } changed = true; } { // keep the lock scoped so that the later `find_rooms_in_list` doesn't deadlock let mut rooms_list = self.rooms_list.write().unwrap(); if !ops.is_empty() { room_ops(&mut rooms_list, ops, &ranges)?; changed = true; } else { debug!("no rooms operations found"); } } { let mut lock = self.maximum_number_of_rooms.write().unwrap(); if **lock != Some(maximum_number_of_rooms) { Observable::set(&mut lock, Some(maximum_number_of_rooms)); changed = true; } } if self.send_updates_for_items && !updated_rooms.is_empty() { let found_lists = self.find_rooms_in_list(updated_rooms); if !found_lists.is_empty() { debug!("room details found"); let mut rooms_list = self.rooms_list.write().unwrap(); for (pos, room_id) in found_lists { // trigger an `UpdatedAt` update rooms_list.set(pos, RoomListEntry::Filled(room_id)); changed = true; } } } if changed { Observable::set(&mut self.rooms_updated_broadcast.write().unwrap(), ()); } Ok(changed) } pub(super) fn request_generator(&self) -> SlidingSyncListRequestGenerator { match &self.sync_mode { SlidingSyncMode::PagingFullSync => { SlidingSyncListRequestGenerator::new_with_paging_full_sync(self.clone()) } SlidingSyncMode::GrowingFullSync => { SlidingSyncListRequestGenerator::new_with_growing_full_sync(self.clone()) } SlidingSyncMode::Selective => { SlidingSyncListRequestGenerator::new_selective(self.clone()) } } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub(super) struct FrozenSlidingSyncList { #[serde(default, rename = "rooms_count", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub(super) maximum_number_of_rooms: Option, #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Vector::is_empty")] pub(super) rooms_list: Vector, #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "BTreeMap::is_empty")] pub(super) rooms: BTreeMap, } impl FrozenSlidingSyncList { pub(super) fn freeze( source_list: &SlidingSyncList, rooms_map: &BTreeMap, ) -> Self { let mut rooms = BTreeMap::new(); let mut rooms_list = Vector::new(); for room_list_entry in { match room_list_entry { RoomListEntry::Filled(room_id) | RoomListEntry::Invalidated(room_id) => { rooms.insert( room_id.clone(), rooms_map.get(room_id).expect("room doesn't exist").into(), ); } _ => {} }; rooms_list.push_back(room_list_entry.freeze()); } FrozenSlidingSyncList { maximum_number_of_rooms: **, rooms_list, rooms, } } } #[instrument(skip(operations))] fn room_ops( rooms_list: &mut ObservableVector, operations: &Vec, room_ranges: &Vec<(usize, usize)>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let index_in_range = |idx| room_ranges.iter().any(|(start, end)| idx >= *start && idx <= *end); for operation in operations { match &operation.op { v4::SlidingOp::Sync => { let start: u32 = operation .range .ok_or_else(|| { Error::BadResponse( "`range` must be present for Sync and Update operation".to_owned(), ) })? .0 .try_into() .map_err(|error| { Error::BadResponse(format!("`range` not a valid int: {error}")) })?; let room_ids = operation.room_ids.clone(); room_ids .into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, r)| { let idx = start as usize + i; if idx >= rooms_list.len() { rooms_list.insert(idx, RoomListEntry::Filled(r)); } else { rooms_list.set(idx, RoomListEntry::Filled(r)); } }) .count(); } v4::SlidingOp::Delete => { let position: u32 = operation .index .ok_or_else(|| { Error::BadResponse( "`index` must be present for DELETE operation".to_owned(), ) })? .try_into() .map_err(|error| { Error::BadResponse(format!("`index` not a valid int for DELETE: {error}")) })?; rooms_list.set(position as usize, RoomListEntry::Empty); } v4::SlidingOp::Insert => { let position: usize = operation .index .ok_or_else(|| { Error::BadResponse( "`index` must be present for INSERT operation".to_owned(), ) })? .try_into() .map_err(|error| { Error::BadResponse(format!("`index` not a valid int for INSERT: {error}")) })?; let room = RoomListEntry::Filled(operation.room_id.clone().ok_or_else(|| { Error::BadResponse("`room_id` must be present for INSERT operation".to_owned()) })?); let mut offset = 0usize; loop { // Find the next empty slot and drop it. let (previous_position, overflow) = position.overflowing_sub(offset); let check_previous = !overflow && index_in_range(previous_position); let (next_position, overflow) = position.overflowing_add(offset); let check_next = !overflow && next_position < rooms_list.len() && index_in_range(next_position); if !check_previous && !check_next { return Err(Error::BadResponse( "We were asked to insert but could not find any direction to shift to" .to_owned(), )); } if check_previous && rooms_list[previous_position].is_empty_or_invalidated() { // we only check for previous, if there are items left rooms_list.remove(previous_position); break; } else if check_next && rooms_list[next_position].is_empty_or_invalidated() { rooms_list.remove(next_position); break; } else { // Let's check the next position. offset += 1; } } rooms_list.insert(position, room); } v4::SlidingOp::Invalidate => { let max_len = rooms_list.len(); let (mut position, end): (usize, usize) = if let Some(range) = operation.range { ( range.0.try_into().map_err(|error| { Error::BadResponse(format!("`range.0` not a valid int: {error}")) })?, range.1.try_into().map_err(|error| { Error::BadResponse(format!("`range.1` not a valid int: {error}")) })?, ) } else { return Err(Error::BadResponse( "`range` must be given on `Invalidate` operation".to_owned(), )); }; if position > end { return Err(Error::BadResponse( "Invalid invalidation, end smaller than start".to_owned(), )); } // Ranges are inclusive up to the last index. e.g. `[0, 10]`; `[0, 0]`. // ensure we pick them all up. while position <= end { if position >= max_len { break; // how does this happen? } let room_id = if let Some(RoomListEntry::Filled(room_id)) = rooms_list.get(position) { Some(room_id.clone()) } else { None }; if let Some(room_id) = room_id { rooms_list.set(position, RoomListEntry::Invalidated(room_id)); } else { rooms_list.set(position, RoomListEntry::Empty); } position += 1; } } unknown_operation => { warn!("Unknown operation occurred: {unknown_operation:?}"); } } } Ok(()) } /// The state the [`SlidingSyncList`] is in. /// /// The lifetime of a `SlidingSyncList` usually starts at `NotLoaded` or /// `Preloaded` (if it is restored from a cache). When loading rooms in a list, /// depending of the [`SlidingSyncMode`], it moves to `PartiallyLoaded` or /// `FullyLoaded`. The lifetime of a `SlidingSync` usually starts at a /// /// If the client has been offline for a while, though, the `SlidingSyncList` /// might return back to `PartiallyLoaded` at any point. #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum SlidingSyncState { /// Sliding Sync has not started to load anything yet. #[default] #[serde(rename = "Cold")] NotLoaded, /// Sliding Sync has been preloaded, i.e. restored from a cache for example. #[serde(rename = "Preload")] Preloaded, /// Updates are received from the loaded rooms, and new rooms are being /// fetched in the background. #[serde(rename = "CatchingUp")] PartiallyLoaded, /// Updates are received for all the loaded rooms, and all rooms have been /// loaded! #[serde(rename = "Live")] FullyLoaded, } /// How a [`SlidingSyncList`] fetches the data. #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum SlidingSyncMode { /// Fully sync all rooms in the background, page by page of `batch_size`, /// like `0..=19`, `20..=39`, 40..=59` etc. assuming the `batch_size` is 20. #[serde(alias = "FullSync")] PagingFullSync, /// Fully sync all rooms in the background, with a growing window of /// `batch_size`, like `0..=19`, `0..=39`, `0..=59` etc. assuming the /// `batch_size` is 20. GrowingFullSync, /// Only sync the specific defined windows/ranges. #[default] Selective, } /// The Entry in the Sliding Sync room list per Sliding Sync list. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum RoomListEntry { /// This entry isn't known at this point and thus considered `Empty`. #[default] Empty, /// There was `OwnedRoomId` but since the server told us to invalid this /// entry. it is considered stale. Invalidated(OwnedRoomId), /// This entry is followed with `OwnedRoomId`. Filled(OwnedRoomId), } impl RoomListEntry { /// Is this entry empty or invalidated? pub fn is_empty_or_invalidated(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::Empty | Self::Invalidated(_)) } /// Return the inner `room_id` if the entry' state is not empty. pub fn as_room_id(&self) -> Option<&RoomId> { match &self { Self::Empty => None, Self::Invalidated(room_id) | Self::Filled(room_id) => Some(room_id.as_ref()), } } /// Clone this entry, but freeze it, i.e. if the entry is empty, it remains /// empty, otherwise it is invalidated. fn freeze(&self) -> Self { match &self { Self::Empty => Self::Empty, Self::Invalidated(room_id) | Self::Filled(room_id) => { Self::Invalidated(room_id.clone()) } } } } impl<'a> From<&'a RoomListEntry> for RoomListEntry { fn from(value: &'a RoomListEntry) -> Self { value.clone() } }