use std::collections::BTreeMap; use clap::{Args, Subcommand}; use xshell::{cmd, pushd}; use crate::{build_docs, workspace, DenyWarnings, Result}; #[derive(Args)] pub struct CiArgs { #[clap(subcommand)] cmd: Option, } const WASM_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY: &str = "WASM_BINDGEN_TEST_TIMEOUT"; const WASM_TIMEOUT_VALUE: &str = "120"; #[derive(Subcommand)] enum CiCommand { /// Check style Style, /// Check for typos Typos, /// Check clippy lints Clippy, /// Check documentation Docs, /// Run tests with a specific feature set TestFeatures { #[clap(subcommand)] cmd: Option, }, /// Run tests for the appservice crate TestAppservice, /// Run checks for the wasm target Wasm { #[clap(subcommand)] cmd: Option, }, /// Run wasm-pack tests WasmPack { #[clap(subcommand)] cmd: Option, }, /// Run tests for the different crypto crate features TestCrypto, /// Check that bindings can be generated Bindings, /// Check that the examples compile Examples, } #[derive(Subcommand, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] enum FeatureSet { Default, NoEncryption, NoSled, NoEncryptionAndSled, SledCryptostore, RustlsTls, Markdown, Socks, SsoLogin, } #[derive(Subcommand, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] enum WasmFeatureSet { MatrixSdkQrcode, MatrixSdkNoDefault, MatrixSdkBase, MatrixSdkCommon, MatrixSdkCryptoJs, MatrixSdkIndexeddbStoresNoCrypto, MatrixSdkIndexeddbStores, IndexeddbNoCrypto, IndexeddbWithCrypto, Indexeddb, MatrixSdkCommandBot, } impl CiArgs { pub fn run(self) -> Result<()> { let _p = pushd(workspace::root_path()?)?; match self.cmd { Some(cmd) => match cmd { CiCommand::Style => check_style(), CiCommand::Typos => check_typos(), CiCommand::Clippy => check_clippy(), CiCommand::Docs => check_docs(), CiCommand::TestFeatures { cmd } => run_feature_tests(cmd), CiCommand::TestAppservice => run_appservice_tests(), CiCommand::Wasm { cmd } => run_wasm_checks(cmd), CiCommand::WasmPack { cmd } => run_wasm_pack_tests(cmd), CiCommand::TestCrypto => run_crypto_tests(), CiCommand::Bindings => check_bindings(), CiCommand::Examples => check_examples(), }, None => { check_style()?; check_clippy()?; check_typos()?; check_docs()?; run_feature_tests(None)?; run_appservice_tests()?; run_wasm_checks(None)?; run_crypto_tests()?; check_examples()?; Ok(()) } } } } fn check_bindings() -> Result<()> { cmd!("rustup run stable cargo build -p matrix-sdk-crypto-ffi -p matrix-sdk-ffi").run()?; cmd!( " rustup run stable cargo run -p uniffi-bindgen -- generate --language kotlin --language swift --lib-file target/debug/libmatrix_sdk_ffi.a --out-dir target/generated-bindings bindings/matrix-sdk-ffi/src/api.udl " ) .run()?; cmd!( " rustup run stable cargo run -p uniffi-bindgen -- generate --language kotlin --language swift --lib-file target/debug/libmatrix_sdk_crypto_ffi.a --out-dir target/generated-bindings bindings/matrix-sdk-crypto-ffi/src/olm.udl " ) .run()?; Ok(()) } fn check_examples() -> Result<()> { cmd!("rustup run stable cargo check -p example-*").run()?; Ok(()) } fn check_style() -> Result<()> { cmd!("rustup run nightly cargo fmt -- --check").run()?; Ok(()) } fn check_typos() -> Result<()> { // FIXME: Print install instructions if command-not-found (needs an xshell // change: cmd!("typos").run()?; Ok(()) } fn check_clippy() -> Result<()> { cmd!("rustup run nightly cargo clippy --all-targets -- -D warnings").run()?; cmd!( "rustup run nightly cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets --exclude matrix-sdk-crypto --exclude xtask --no-default-features --features native-tls,experimental-sliding-sync,sso-login,experimental-timeline -- -D warnings" ) .run()?; cmd!( "rustup run nightly cargo clippy --all-targets -p matrix-sdk-crypto --no-default-features -- -D warnings" ) .run()?; Ok(()) } fn check_docs() -> Result<()> { build_docs([], DenyWarnings::Yes) } fn run_feature_tests(cmd: Option) -> Result<()> { let args = BTreeMap::from([ (FeatureSet::NoEncryption, "--no-default-features --features sled,native-tls"), (FeatureSet::NoSled, "--no-default-features --features e2e-encryption,native-tls"), (FeatureSet::NoEncryptionAndSled, "--no-default-features --features native-tls"), ( FeatureSet::SledCryptostore, "--no-default-features --features e2e-encryption,sled,native-tls", ), (FeatureSet::RustlsTls, "--no-default-features --features rustls-tls"), (FeatureSet::Markdown, "--features markdown"), (FeatureSet::Socks, "--features socks"), (FeatureSet::SsoLogin, "--features sso-login"), ]); let run = |arg_set: &str| { cmd!("rustup run stable cargo nextest run -p matrix-sdk") .args(arg_set.split_whitespace()) .run()?; cmd!("rustup run stable cargo test --doc -p matrix-sdk") .args(arg_set.split_whitespace()) .run() }; match cmd { Some(cmd) => { run(args[&cmd])?; } None => { for &arg_set in args.values() { run(arg_set)?; } } } Ok(()) } fn run_crypto_tests() -> Result<()> { cmd!( "rustup run stable cargo clippy -p matrix-sdk-crypto --features=backups_v1 -- -D warnings" ) .run()?; cmd!("rustup run stable cargo nextest run -p matrix-sdk-crypto --features=backups_v1").run()?; cmd!("rustup run stable cargo test --doc -p matrix-sdk-crypto --features=backups_v1").run()?; cmd!( "rustup run stable cargo clippy -p matrix-sdk-crypto --features=experimental-algorithms -- -D warnings" ) .run()?; cmd!( "rustup run stable cargo nextest run -p matrix-sdk-crypto --features=experimental-algorithms" ).run()?; cmd!( "rustup run stable cargo test --doc -p matrix-sdk-crypto --features=experimental-algorithms" ) .run()?; cmd!("rustup run stable cargo nextest run -p matrix-sdk-crypto-ffi").run()?; cmd!("rustup run stable cargo nextest run -p matrix-sdk-sqlite --features crypto-store") .run()?; Ok(()) } fn run_appservice_tests() -> Result<()> { cmd!("rustup run stable cargo clippy -p matrix-sdk-appservice -- -D warnings").run()?; cmd!("rustup run stable cargo nextest run -p matrix-sdk-appservice").run()?; cmd!("rustup run stable cargo test --doc -p matrix-sdk-appservice").run()?; Ok(()) } fn run_wasm_checks(cmd: Option) -> Result<()> { if let Some(WasmFeatureSet::Indexeddb) = cmd { run_wasm_checks(Some(WasmFeatureSet::IndexeddbNoCrypto))?; run_wasm_checks(Some(WasmFeatureSet::IndexeddbWithCrypto))?; return Ok(()); } let args = BTreeMap::from([ (WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkQrcode, "-p matrix-sdk-qrcode"), ( WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkNoDefault, "-p matrix-sdk --no-default-features --features js,rustls-tls", ), (WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkBase, "-p matrix-sdk-base --features js"), (WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkCommon, "-p matrix-sdk-common --features js"), (WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkCryptoJs, "-p matrix-sdk-crypto-js"), ( WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkIndexeddbStoresNoCrypto, "-p matrix-sdk --no-default-features --features js,indexeddb,rustls-tls", ), ( WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkIndexeddbStores, "-p matrix-sdk --no-default-features --features js,indexeddb,e2e-encryption,rustls-tls", ), (WasmFeatureSet::IndexeddbNoCrypto, "-p matrix-sdk-indexeddb --no-default-features "), ( WasmFeatureSet::IndexeddbWithCrypto, "-p matrix-sdk-indexeddb --no-default-features --features e2e-encryption", ), ]); let run = |arg_set: &str| { cmd!("rustup run stable cargo clippy --target wasm32-unknown-unknown") .args(arg_set.split_whitespace()) .args(["--", "-D", "warnings"]) .env(WASM_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY, WASM_TIMEOUT_VALUE) .run() }; let test_command_bot = || { let _p = pushd("examples/wasm_command_bot"); cmd!("rustup run stable cargo clippy --target wasm32-unknown-unknown") .args(["--", "-D", "warnings", "-A", "clippy::unused-unit"]) .env(WASM_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY, WASM_TIMEOUT_VALUE) .run() }; match cmd { Some(cmd) => match cmd { WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkCommandBot => { test_command_bot()?; } _ => { run(args[&cmd])?; } }, None => { for &arg_set in args.values() { run(arg_set)?; } test_command_bot()?; } } Ok(()) } fn run_wasm_pack_tests(cmd: Option) -> Result<()> { if let Some(WasmFeatureSet::Indexeddb) = cmd { run_wasm_pack_tests(Some(WasmFeatureSet::IndexeddbNoCrypto))?; run_wasm_pack_tests(Some(WasmFeatureSet::IndexeddbWithCrypto))?; return Ok(()); } let args = BTreeMap::from([ (WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkQrcode, ("matrix-sdk-qrcode", "")), ( WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkNoDefault, ("matrix-sdk", "--no-default-features --features js,rustls-tls --lib"), ), (WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkBase, ("matrix-sdk-base", "--features js")), (WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkCommon, ("matrix-sdk-common", "--features js")), (WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkCryptoJs, ("matrix-sdk-crypto-js", "")), ( WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkIndexeddbStoresNoCrypto, ("matrix-sdk", "--no-default-features --features js,indexeddb,rustls-tls --lib"), ), ( WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkIndexeddbStores, ( "matrix-sdk", "--no-default-features --features js,indexeddb,e2e-encryption,rustls-tls --lib", ), ), (WasmFeatureSet::IndexeddbNoCrypto, ("matrix-sdk-indexeddb", "--no-default-features")), ( WasmFeatureSet::IndexeddbWithCrypto, ("matrix-sdk-indexeddb", "--no-default-features --features e2e-encryption"), ), ]); let run = |(folder, arg_set): (&str, &str)| { let _p = pushd(format!("crates/{folder}")); cmd!("pwd").env(WASM_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY, WASM_TIMEOUT_VALUE).run()?; // print dir so we know what might have failed cmd!("wasm-pack test --node -- ") .args(arg_set.split_whitespace()) .env(WASM_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY, WASM_TIMEOUT_VALUE) .run()?; cmd!("wasm-pack test --firefox --headless --") .args(arg_set.split_whitespace()) .env(WASM_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY, WASM_TIMEOUT_VALUE) .run() }; let test_command_bot = || { let _p = pushd("examples/wasm_command_bot"); cmd!("wasm-pack test --node").env(WASM_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY, WASM_TIMEOUT_VALUE).run()?; cmd!("wasm-pack test --firefox --headless") .env(WASM_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY, WASM_TIMEOUT_VALUE) .run() }; match cmd { Some(cmd) => match cmd { WasmFeatureSet::MatrixSdkCommandBot => { test_command_bot()?; } _ => { run(args[&cmd])?; } }, None => { for &arg_set in args.values() { run(arg_set)?; } test_command_bot()?; } } Ok(()) }