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// Copyright 2020 The Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Error conditions.
use std::io::Error as IoError;
#[cfg(feature = "qrcode")]
use matrix_sdk_base::crypto::ScanError;
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
use matrix_sdk_base::crypto::{
CryptoStoreError, DecryptorError, KeyExportError, MegolmError, OlmError,
use matrix_sdk_base::{Error as SdkBaseError, StoreError};
use reqwest::Error as ReqwestError;
use ruma::{
client::uiaa::{UiaaInfo, UiaaResponse},
error::{FromHttpResponseError, IntoHttpError},
use serde_json::Error as JsonError;
use thiserror::Error;
use url::ParseError as UrlParseError;
/// Result type of the matrix-sdk.
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
/// Result type of a pure HTTP request.
pub type HttpResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, HttpError>;
/// An error response from a Matrix API call, using a client API specific
/// representation if the endpoint is from that.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum RumaApiError {
/// A client API response error.
/// A user-interactive authentication API error.
/// When registering or authenticating, the Matrix server can send a
/// `UiaaResponse` as the error type, this is a User-Interactive
/// Authentication API response. This represents an error with
/// information about how to authenticate the user.
/// Another API response error.
impl RumaApiError {
/// If `self` is `ClientApi(e)` or `Uiaa(MatrixError(e))`, returns
/// `Some(e)`.
/// Otherwise, returns `None`.
pub fn as_client_api_error(&self) -> Option<&ruma::api::client::Error> {
match self {
Self::ClientApi(e) | Self::Uiaa(UiaaResponse::MatrixError(e)) => Some(e),
_ => None,
/// An HTTP error, representing either a connection error or an error while
/// converting the raw HTTP response into a Matrix response.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum HttpError {
/// An error at the HTTP layer.
Reqwest(#[from] ReqwestError),
/// Queried endpoint requires authentication but was called on an anonymous
/// client.
#[error("the queried endpoint requires authentication but was called before logging in")]
/// Queried endpoint is not meant for clients.
#[error("the queried endpoint is not meant for clients")]
/// An error converting between ruma_*_api types and Hyper types.
/// An error converting between ruma_client_api types and Hyper types.
IntoHttp(#[from] IntoHttpError),
/// The given request can't be cloned and thus can't be retried.
#[error("The request cannot be cloned")]
/// An error occurred while refreshing the access token.
RefreshToken(#[from] RefreshTokenError),
#[rustfmt::skip] // stop rustfmt breaking the `<code>` in docs across multiple lines
impl HttpError {
/// If `self` is
/// <code>[Api](Self::Api)([Server](FromHttpResponseError::Server)(e))</code>,
/// returns `Some(e)`.
/// Otherwise, returns `None`.
pub fn as_ruma_api_error(&self) -> Option<&RumaApiError> {
match self {
Self::Api(FromHttpResponseError::Server(e)) => Some(e),
_ => None,
/// Shorthand for
/// <code>.[as_ruma_api_error](Self::as_ruma_api_error)().[and_then](Option::and_then)([RumaApiError::as_client_api_error])</code>.
pub fn as_client_api_error(&self) -> Option<&ruma::api::client::Error> {
/// If `self` is a server error in the `errcode` + `error` format expected
/// for client-API endpoints, returns the error kind (`errcode`).
pub fn client_api_error_kind(&self) -> Option<&ruma::api::client::error::ErrorKind> {
self.as_client_api_error().and_then(|e| match &e.body {
ruma::api::client::error::ErrorBody::Standard { kind, .. } => Some(kind),
_ => None,
/// Try to destructure the error into an universal interactive auth info.
/// Some requests require universal interactive auth, doing such a request
/// will always fail the first time with a 401 status code, the response
/// body will contain info how the client can authenticate.
/// The request will need to be retried, this time containing additional
/// authentication data.
/// This method is an convenience method to get to the info the server
/// returned on the first, failed request.
pub fn as_uiaa_response(&self) -> Option<&UiaaInfo> {
match self.as_ruma_api_error() {
Some(RumaApiError::Uiaa(UiaaResponse::AuthResponse(i))) => Some(i),
_ => None,
/// Internal representation of errors.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
/// Error doing an HTTP request.
Http(#[from] HttpError),
/// Queried endpoint requires authentication but was called on an anonymous
/// client.
#[error("the queried endpoint requires authentication but was called before logging in")]
/// Attempting to restore a session after the olm-machine has already been
/// set up fails
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
#[error("The olm machine has already been initialized")]
/// Attempting to access the olm-machine but it is not yet available.
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
#[error("The olm machine isn't yet available")]
/// An error de/serializing type for the `StateStore`
SerdeJson(#[from] JsonError),
/// An IO error happened.
Io(#[from] IoError),
/// An error occurred in the crypto store.
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
CryptoStoreError(#[from] CryptoStoreError),
/// An error occurred during a E2EE operation.
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
OlmError(#[from] OlmError),
/// An error occurred during a E2EE group operation.
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
MegolmError(#[from] MegolmError),
/// An error occurred during decryption.
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
DecryptorError(#[from] DecryptorError),
/// An error occurred in the state store.
StateStore(#[from] StoreError),
/// An error encountered when trying to parse an identifier.
Identifier(#[from] IdParseError),
/// An error encountered when trying to parse a url.
Url(#[from] UrlParseError),
/// An error while scanning a QR code.
#[cfg(feature = "qrcode")]
QrCodeScanError(#[from] ScanError),
/// An error encountered when trying to parse a user tag name.
UserTagName(#[from] InvalidUserTagName),
/// An error while processing images.
#[cfg(feature = "image-proc")]
ImageError(#[from] ImageError),
/// An error occurred within sliding-sync
#[cfg(feature = "sliding-sync")]
SlidingSync(#[from] crate::sliding_sync::Error),
/// The client is in inconsistent state. This happens when we set a room to
/// a specific type, but then cannot get it in this type.
#[error("The internal client state is inconsistent.")]
/// An other error was raised
/// this might happen because encryption was enabled on the base-crate
/// but not here and that raised.
#[error("unknown error: {0}")]
UnknownError(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>),
#[rustfmt::skip] // stop rustfmt breaking the `<code>` in docs across multiple lines
impl Error {
/// If `self` is
/// <code>[Http](Self::Http)([Api](HttpError::Api)([Server](FromHttpResponseError::Server)(e)))</code>,
/// returns `Some(e)`.
/// Otherwise, returns `None`.
pub fn as_ruma_api_error(&self) -> Option<&RumaApiError> {
match self {
Error::Http(e) => e.as_ruma_api_error(),
_ => None,
/// Shorthand for
/// <code>.[as_ruma_api_error](Self::as_ruma_api_error)().[and_then](Option::and_then)([RumaApiError::as_client_api_error])</code>.
pub fn as_client_api_error(&self) -> Option<&ruma::api::client::Error> {
/// If `self` is a server error in the `errcode` + `error` format expected
/// for client-API endpoints, returns the error kind (`errcode`).
pub fn client_api_error_kind(&self) -> Option<&ruma::api::client::error::ErrorKind> {
self.as_client_api_error().and_then(|e| match &e.body {
ruma::api::client::error::ErrorBody::Standard { kind, .. } => Some(kind),
_ => None,
/// Try to destructure the error into an universal interactive auth info.
/// Some requests require universal interactive auth, doing such a request
/// will always fail the first time with a 401 status code, the response
/// body will contain info how the client can authenticate.
/// The request will need to be retried, this time containing additional
/// authentication data.
/// This method is an convenience method to get to the info the server
/// returned on the first, failed request.
pub fn as_uiaa_response(&self) -> Option<&UiaaInfo> {
match self.as_ruma_api_error() {
Some(RumaApiError::Uiaa(UiaaResponse::AuthResponse(i))) => Some(i),
_ => None,
/// Error for the room key importing functionality.
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
// This is allowed because key importing isn't enabled under wasm.
pub enum RoomKeyImportError {
/// An error de/serializing type for the `StateStore`
SerdeJson(#[from] JsonError),
/// The crypto store isn't yet open. Logging in is required to open the
/// crypto store.
#[error("The crypto store hasn't been yet opened, can't import yet.")]
/// An IO error happened.
Io(#[from] IoError),
/// An error occurred in the crypto store.
CryptoStore(#[from] CryptoStoreError),
/// An error occurred while importing the key export.
Export(#[from] KeyExportError),
impl From<FromHttpResponseError<ruma::api::client::Error>> for HttpError {
fn from(err: FromHttpResponseError<ruma::api::client::Error>) -> Self {
impl From<FromHttpResponseError<UiaaResponse>> for HttpError {
fn from(err: FromHttpResponseError<UiaaResponse>) -> Self {
impl From<FromHttpResponseError<ruma::api::error::MatrixError>> for HttpError {
fn from(err: FromHttpResponseError<ruma::api::error::MatrixError>) -> Self {
impl From<SdkBaseError> for Error {
fn from(e: SdkBaseError) -> Self {
match e {
SdkBaseError::StateStore(e) => Self::StateStore(e),
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
SdkBaseError::CryptoStore(e) => Self::CryptoStoreError(e),
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
SdkBaseError::BadCryptoStoreState => Self::BadCryptoStoreState,
#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
SdkBaseError::OlmError(e) => Self::OlmError(e),
#[cfg(feature = "eyre")]
_ => Self::UnknownError(eyre::eyre!(e).into()),
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "eyre"), feature = "anyhow"))]
_ => Self::UnknownError(anyhow::anyhow!(e).into()),
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "eyre"), not(feature = "anyhow")))]
_ => {
let e: Box<dyn std::error::Error + Sync + Send> = format!("{e:?}").into();
impl From<ReqwestError> for Error {
fn from(e: ReqwestError) -> Self {
/// All possible errors that can happen during image processing.
#[cfg(feature = "image-proc")]
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ImageError {
/// Error processing the image data.
Proc(#[from] image::ImageError),
/// The image format is not supported.
#[error("the image format is not supported")]
/// The thumbnail size is bigger than the original image.
#[error("the thumbnail size is bigger than the original image size")]
/// Errors that can happen when refreshing an access token.
/// This is usually only returned by [`Client::refresh_access_token()`], unless
/// [handling refresh tokens] is activated for the `Client`.
/// [`Client::refresh_access_token()`]: crate::Client::refresh_access_token()
/// [handling refresh tokens]: crate::ClientBuilder::handle_refresh_tokens()
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
pub enum RefreshTokenError {
/// The Matrix endpoint returned an error.
ClientApi(#[from] ruma::api::client::Error),
/// Tried to send a refresh token request without a refresh token.
#[error("missing refresh token")]
/// There was an ongoing refresh token call that failed and the error could
/// not be forwarded.
#[error("the access token could not be refreshed")]