
180 lines
6.3 KiB

/// This is an example showcasing how to build a very simple bot with custom
/// events using the matrix-sdk. To try it, you need a rust build setup, then
/// you can run: `cargo run -p example-custom-events -- <homeserver_url> <user>
/// <password>`
/// Use a second client to open a DM to your bot or invite them into some room.
/// You should see it automatically join. Then post `!ping` and observe the log
/// of the bot. You will see that it sends the `Ping` event and upon receiving
/// it responds with the `Ack` event send to the room. You won't see that in
/// most regular clients, unless you activate showing of unknown events.
use std::{env, process::exit};
use matrix_sdk::{
message::{MessageType, OriginalSyncRoomMessageEvent},
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
// We use ruma to define our custom events. Just declare the events content
// by deriving from `EventContent` and define `ruma_events` for the metadata
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, EventContent)]
#[ruma_event(type = "", kind = MessageLike)]
pub struct PingEventContent {}
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, EventContent)]
#[ruma_event(type = "rs.matrix-sdk.example.ack", kind = MessageLike)]
pub struct AckEventContent {
// the event ID of the ping.
ping_id: OwnedEventId,
// Deriving `EventContent` generates a few types and aliases,
// like wrapping the content into full-blown events: for `PingEventContent` this
// generates us `PingEvent` and `SyncPingEvent`, which have redaction support
// and contain all the other event-metadata like event_id and room_id. We will
// use that for `on_ping_event`.
// we want to start the ping-ack-flow on "!ping" messages.
async fn on_regular_room_message(event: OriginalSyncRoomMessageEvent, room: Room) {
let Room::Joined(room) = room else { return };
let MessageType::Text(text_content) = event.content.msgtype else { return };
if text_content.body.contains("!ping") {
let content = PingEventContent {};
println!("sending ping");
room.send(content, None).await.unwrap();
println!("ping sent");
// call this on any PingEvent we receive
async fn on_ping_event(event: SyncPingEvent, room: Room) {
if let Room::Joined(room) = room {
let event_id = event.event_id().to_owned();
// Send an ack with the event_id of the ping, as our 'protocol' demands
let content = AckEventContent { ping_id: event_id };
println!("sending ack");
room.send(content, None).await.unwrap();
println!("ack sent");
// once logged in, this is called where we configure the handlers
// and run the client
async fn sync_loop(client: Client) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// invite acceptance as in the getting-started-client
let response = client.sync_once(SyncSettings::default()).await.unwrap();
// our customisation:
// - send `PingEvent` on `!ping` in any room
// - send `AckEvent` on `PingEvent` in any room
let settings = SyncSettings::default().token(response.next_batch);
client.sync(settings).await?; // this essentially loops until we kill the bot
// ------ below is mainly like the getting-started example, see that for docs.
async fn login_and_sync(
homeserver_url: String,
username: &str,
password: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let home = dirs::data_dir().expect("no home directory found").join("getting_started");
let client =
Client::builder().homeserver_url(homeserver_url).sled_store(home, None).build().await?;
.login_username(username, password)
.initial_device_display_name("getting started bot")
// it worked!
println!("logged in as {username}");
// Whenever we see a new stripped room member event, we've asked our client to
// call this function. So what exactly are we doing then?
async fn on_stripped_state_member(
room_member: StrippedRoomMemberEvent,
client: Client,
room: Room,
) {
if room_member.state_key != client.user_id().unwrap() {
// the invite we've seen isn't for us, but for someone else. ignore
// looks like the room is an invited room, let's attempt to join then
if let Room::Invited(room) = room {
tokio::spawn(async move {
println!("Autojoining room {}", room.room_id());
let mut delay = 2;
while let Err(err) = room.accept_invitation().await {
// retry autojoin due to synapse sending invites, before the
// invited user can join for more information see
eprintln!("Failed to join room {} ({err:?}), retrying in {delay}s", room.room_id());
delay *= 2;
if delay > 3600 {
eprintln!("Can't join room {} ({err:?})", room.room_id());
println!("Successfully joined room {}", room.room_id());
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// set up some simple stderr logging. You can configure it by changing the env
// var `RUST_LOG`
// parse the command line for homeserver, username and password
let (homeserver_url, username, password) =
match (env::args().nth(1), env::args().nth(2), env::args().nth(3)) {
(Some(a), Some(b), Some(c)) => (a, b, c),
_ => {
"Usage: {} <homeserver_url> <username> <password>",
// exist if missing
// our actual runner
login_and_sync(homeserver_url, &username, &password).await?;