
82 lines
2.2 KiB

use std::path::PathBuf;
use clap::{Args, Parser, ValueEnum};
use matrix_sdk::SlidingSyncMode;
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[command(name = "jack-in", about = "Your experimental sliding-sync jack into the matrix")]
pub struct Opt {
/// The password of your account. If not given and no database found, it
/// will prompt you for it
#[arg(short, long, env = "JACKIN_PASSWORD")]
pub password: Option<String>,
/// Create a fresh database, drop all existing cache
pub fresh: bool,
/// RUST_LOG log-levels
#[arg(short, long, env = "JACKIN_LOG", default_value = "jack_in=info,warn")]
pub log: String,
/// The userID to log in with
#[arg(short, long, env = "JACKIN_USER")]
pub user: String,
/// The password to encrypt the store with
#[arg(long, env = "JACKIN_STORE_PASSWORD")]
pub store_pass: Option<String>,
/// Activate tracing and write the flamegraph to the specified file
pub flames: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Sliding Sync configuration flags
pub sliding_sync: SlidingSyncConfig,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, ValueEnum)]
#[value(rename_all = "lower")]
pub enum FullSyncMode {
impl From<FullSyncMode> for SlidingSyncMode {
fn from(val: FullSyncMode) -> Self {
match val {
FullSyncMode::Growing => SlidingSyncMode::GrowingFullSync,
FullSyncMode::Paging => SlidingSyncMode::PagingFullSync,
#[derive(Debug, Args)]
pub struct SlidingSyncConfig {
/// The address of the sliding sync server to connect (probs the proxy)
long = "sliding-sync-proxy",
default_value = "http://localhost:8008",
pub proxy: String,
/// Activate growing window rather than pagination for full-sync
#[arg(long, default_value = "paging")]
pub full_sync_mode: FullSyncMode,
/// Limit the growing/paging to this number of maximum items to caonsider
/// "done"
pub limit: Option<u32>,
/// define the batch_size per request
pub batch_size: Option<u32>,
/// define the timeline items to load
pub timeline_limit: Option<u32>,