
1135 lines
44 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap},
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
Arc, RwLock,
use ruma::{
api::client::keys::upload_signatures::v3::Request as SignatureUploadRequest,
events::{key::verification::VerificationMethod, AnyToDeviceEventContent},
DeviceId, DeviceKeyAlgorithm, DeviceKeyId, MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch, OwnedDeviceId,
OwnedDeviceKeyId, UInt, UserId,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tracing::{instrument, trace, warn};
use vodozemac::{olm::SessionConfig, Curve25519PublicKey, Ed25519PublicKey};
use super::{atomic_bool_deserializer, atomic_bool_serializer};
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing", doc))]
use crate::OlmMachine;
use crate::{
error::{EventError, OlmError, OlmResult, SignatureError},
identities::{ReadOnlyOwnUserIdentity, ReadOnlyUserIdentities},
InboundGroupSession, OutboundGroupSession, Session, ShareInfo, SignedJsonObject, VerifyJson,
store::{Changes, CryptoStoreWrapper, DeviceChanges, Result as StoreResult},
room::encrypted::ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent, room_key_withheld::WithheldCode,
DeviceKey, DeviceKeys, EventEncryptionAlgorithm, Signatures, SignedKey,
Account, MegolmError, OutgoingVerificationRequest, Sas, ToDeviceRequest, VerificationRequest,
pub enum MaybeEncryptedRoomKey {
Encrypted {
used_session: Session,
share_info: ShareInfo,
message: Raw<AnyToDeviceEventContent>,
Withheld {
code: WithheldCode,
/// A read-only version of a `Device`.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ReadOnlyDevice {
pub(crate) inner: Arc<DeviceKeys>,
serialize_with = "atomic_bool_serializer",
deserialize_with = "atomic_bool_deserializer"
deleted: Arc<AtomicBool>,
trust_state: Arc<RwLock<LocalTrust>>,
/// Flag remembering if we successfully sent an `m.no_olm` withheld code to
/// this device.
serialize_with = "atomic_bool_serializer",
deserialize_with = "atomic_bool_deserializer"
withheld_code_sent: Arc<AtomicBool>,
/// First time this device was seen in milliseconds since epoch.
/// Default to epoch for migration purpose.
#[serde(default = "default_timestamp")]
first_time_seen_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch,
fn default_timestamp() -> MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch {
impl std::fmt::Debug for ReadOnlyDevice {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("user_id", &self.user_id())
.field("device_id", &self.device_id())
.field("display_name", &self.display_name())
.field("keys", self.keys())
.field("deleted", &self.deleted.load(Ordering::SeqCst))
.field("trust_state", &self.trust_state)
.field("withheld_code_sent", &self.withheld_code_sent)
/// A device represents a E2EE capable client of an user.
pub struct Device {
pub(crate) inner: ReadOnlyDevice,
pub(crate) verification_machine: VerificationMachine,
pub(crate) own_identity: Option<ReadOnlyOwnUserIdentity>,
pub(crate) device_owner_identity: Option<ReadOnlyUserIdentities>,
impl std::fmt::Debug for Device {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("Device").field("device", &self.inner).finish()
impl Deref for Device {
type Target = ReadOnlyDevice;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl Device {
/// Start a interactive verification with this `Device`
/// Returns a `Sas` object and a to-device request that needs to be sent
/// out.
/// This method has been deprecated in the spec and the
/// [`request_verification()`] method should be used instead.
/// [`request_verification()`]: #method.request_verification
pub async fn start_verification(&self) -> StoreResult<(Sas, ToDeviceRequest)> {
let (sas, request) = self.verification_machine.start_sas(self.inner.clone()).await?;
if let OutgoingVerificationRequest::ToDevice(r) = request {
Ok((sas, r))
} else {
panic!("Invalid verification request type");
/// Is this our own device?
pub fn is_our_own_device(&self) -> bool {
let own_ed25519_key =;
let own_curve25519_key =;
self.user_id() == self.verification_machine.own_user_id()
&& self.device_id() == self.verification_machine.own_device_id()
&& self.ed25519_key().is_some_and(|k| k == own_ed25519_key)
&& self.curve25519_key().is_some_and(|k| k == own_curve25519_key)
/// Does the given `InboundGroupSession` belong to this device?
/// An `InboundGroupSession` is exchanged between devices as an Olm
/// encrypted `m.room_key` event. This method determines if this `Device`
/// can be confirmed as the creator and owner of the `m.room_key`.
pub fn is_owner_of_session(&self, session: &InboundGroupSession) -> Result<bool, MegolmError> {
if session.has_been_imported() {
// An imported room key means that we did not receive the room key as a
// `m.room_key` event when the room key was initially exchanged.
// This could mean a couple of things:
// 1. We received the room key as a `m.forwarded_room_key`.
// 2. We imported the room key through a file export.
// 3. We imported the room key through a backup.
// To be certain that a `Device` is the owner of a room key we need to have a
// proof that the `Curve25519` key of this `Device` was used to
// initially exchange the room key. This proof is provided by the Olm decryption
// step, see below for further clarification.
// Each of the above room key methods that receive room keys do not contain this
// proof and we received only a claim that the room key is tied to a
// `Curve25519` key.
// Since there's no way to verify that the claim is true, we say that we don't
// know that the room key belongs to this device.
} else if let Some(key) =
session.signing_keys().get(&DeviceKeyAlgorithm::Ed25519).and_then(|k| k.ed25519())
// Room keys are received as an `` event using the `m.olm`
// algorithm. Upon decryption of the `` event, the
// decrypted content will contain also a `Ed25519` public key[1].
// The inclusion of this key means that the `Curve25519` key of the `Device` and
// Olm `Session`, established using the DH authentication of the
// double ratchet, binds the `Ed25519` key of the `Device`
// On the other hand, the `Ed25519` key is binding the `Curve25519` key
// using a signature which is uploaded to the server as
// `device_keys` and downloaded by us using a `/keys/query` request.
// A `Device` is considered to be the owner of a room key iff:
// 1. The `Curve25519` key that was used to establish the Olm `Session` that
// was used to decrypt the event is binding the `Ed25519`key of this
// `Device`.
// 2. The `Ed25519` key of this device has signed a `device_keys` object
// that contains the `Curve25519` key from step 1.
// We don't need to check the signature of the `Device` here, since we don't
// accept a `Device` unless it has a valid `Ed25519` signature.
// We do check that the `Curve25519` that was used to decrypt the event carrying
// the `m.room_key` and the `Ed25519` key that was part of the
// decrypted content matches the keys found in this `Device`.
// ```text
// ┌───────────────────────┐
// │ EncryptedToDeviceEvent│
// └───────────────────────┘
// │
// ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ │
// │ Device │ ▼
// ├──────────────────────────────────┤ ┌──────────────────┐
// │ Device Keys │ │ Session │
// ├────────────────┬─────────────────┤ ├──────────────────┤
// │ Ed25519 Key │ Curve25519 Key │◄──────►│ Curve25519 Key │
// └────────────────┴─────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘
// ▲ │
// │ │
// │ │ Decrypt
// │ │
// │ ▼
// │ ┌───────────────────────┐
// │ │ DecryptedOlmV1Event │
// │ ├───────────────────────┤
// │ │ keys │
// │ ├───────────────────────┤
// └────────────────────────────────►│ Ed25519 Key │
// └───────────────────────┘
// ```
// [1]:
let ed25519_comparison = self.ed25519_key().map(|k| k == key);
let curve25519_comparison = self.curve25519_key().map(|k| k == session.sender_key());
match (ed25519_comparison, curve25519_comparison) {
// If we have any of the keys but they don't turn out to match, refuse to decrypt
// instead.
(_, Some(false)) | (Some(false), _) => Err(MegolmError::MismatchedIdentityKeys {
key_ed25519: key.into(),
device_ed25519: self.ed25519_key().map(Into::into),
key_curve25519: session.sender_key().into(),
device_curve25519: self.curve25519_key().map(Into::into),
// If both keys match, we have ourselves an owner.
(Some(true), Some(true)) => Ok(true),
// In the remaining cases, the device is missing at least one of the required
// identity keys, so we default to a negative answer.
_ => Ok(false),
} else {
/// Is this device cross signed by its owner?
pub fn is_cross_signed_by_owner(&self) -> bool {
self.device_owner_identity.as_ref().is_some_and(|device_identity| match device_identity {
// If it's one of our own devices, just check that
// we signed the device.
ReadOnlyUserIdentities::Own(identity) => identity.is_device_signed(&self.inner).is_ok(),
// If it's a device from someone else, check
// if the other user has signed this device.
ReadOnlyUserIdentities::Other(device_identity) => {
/// Is the device owner verified by us?
pub fn is_device_owner_verified(&self) -> bool {
self.device_owner_identity.as_ref().is_some_and(|id| match id {
ReadOnlyUserIdentities::Own(own_identity) => own_identity.is_verified(),
ReadOnlyUserIdentities::Other(other_identity) => {
self.own_identity.as_ref().is_some_and(|oi| {
oi.is_verified() && oi.is_identity_signed(other_identity).is_ok()
/// Request an interactive verification with this `Device`.
/// Returns a `VerificationRequest` object and a to-device request that
/// needs to be sent out.
pub async fn request_verification(&self) -> (VerificationRequest, OutgoingVerificationRequest) {
/// Request an interactive verification with this `Device`.
/// Returns a `VerificationRequest` object and a to-device request that
/// needs to be sent out.
/// # Arguments
/// * `methods` - The verification methods that we want to support.
pub async fn request_verification_with_methods(
methods: Vec<VerificationMethod>,
) -> (VerificationRequest, OutgoingVerificationRequest) {
async fn request_verification_helper(
methods: Option<Vec<VerificationMethod>>,
) -> (VerificationRequest, OutgoingVerificationRequest) {
/// Get the Olm sessions that belong to this device.
pub(crate) async fn get_sessions(&self) -> StoreResult<Option<Arc<Mutex<Vec<Session>>>>> {
let Some(k) = self.curve25519_key() else { return Ok(None) };
pub(crate) async fn get_most_recent_session(&self) -> OlmResult<Option<Session>> {
/// Is this device considered to be verified.
/// This method returns true if either [`is_locally_trusted()`] returns true
/// or if [`is_cross_signing_trusted()`] returns true.
/// [`is_locally_trusted()`]: #method.is_locally_trusted
/// [`is_cross_signing_trusted()`]: #method.is_cross_signing_trusted
pub fn is_verified(&self) -> bool {
self.inner.is_verified(&self.own_identity, &self.device_owner_identity)
/// Is this device considered to be verified using cross signing.
pub fn is_cross_signing_trusted(&self) -> bool {
self.inner.is_cross_signing_trusted(&self.own_identity, &self.device_owner_identity)
/// Manually verify this device.
/// This method will attempt to sign the device using our private cross
/// signing key.
/// This method will always fail if the device belongs to someone else, we
/// can only sign our own devices.
/// It can also fail if we don't have the private part of our self-signing
/// key.
/// Returns a request that needs to be sent out for the device to be marked
/// as verified.
pub async fn verify(&self) -> Result<SignatureUploadRequest, SignatureError> {
if self.user_id() == self.verification_machine.own_user_id() {
} else {
/// Set the local trust state of the device to the given state.
/// This won't affect any cross signing trust state, this only sets a flag
/// marking to have the given trust state.
/// # Arguments
/// * `trust_state` - The new trust state that should be set for the device.
pub async fn set_local_trust(&self, trust_state: LocalTrust) -> StoreResult<()> {
let changes = Changes {
devices: DeviceChanges { changed: vec![self.inner.clone()], ..Default::default() },
/// Encrypt the given content for this `Device`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `content` - The content of the event that should be encrypted.
pub(crate) async fn encrypt(
event_type: &str,
content: impl Serialize,
) -> OlmResult<(Session, Raw<ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent>)> {
self.inner.encrypt(, event_type, content).await
/// Encrypt the given inbound group session as a forwarded room key for this
/// device.
pub async fn encrypt_room_key_for_forwarding(
session: InboundGroupSession,
message_index: Option<u32>,
) -> OlmResult<(Session, Raw<ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent>)> {
let (event_type, content) = {
let export = if let Some(index) = message_index {
} else {
let content: ForwardedRoomKeyContent = export.try_into()?;
(content.event_type(), content)
self.encrypt(event_type, content).await
/// Encrypt an event for this device.
/// Beware that the 1-to-1 session must be established prior to this
/// call by using the [`OlmMachine::get_missing_sessions`] method.
/// Notable limitation: The caller is responsible for sending the encrypted
/// event to the target device, this encryption method supports out-of-order
/// messages to a certain extent (2000 messages), if multiple messages are
/// encrypted using this method they should be sent in the same order as
/// they are encrypted.
/// *Note*: To instead encrypt an event meant for a room use the
/// [`OlmMachine::encrypt_room_event()`] method instead.
/// # Arguments
/// * `event_type` - The type of the event to be sent.
/// * `content` - The content of the event to be sent. This should be a type
/// that implements the `Serialize` trait.
/// # Returns
/// The encrypted raw content to be shared with your preferred transport
/// layer (usually to-device), [`OlmError::MissingSession`] if there is
/// no established session with the device.
pub async fn encrypt_event_raw(
event_type: &str,
content: &Value,
) -> OlmResult<Raw<ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent>> {
let (used_session, raw_encrypted) = self.encrypt(event_type, content).await?;
// perist the used session
.save_changes(Changes { sessions: vec![used_session], ..Default::default() })
/// Whether or not the device is a dehydrated device.
pub fn is_dehydrated(&self) -> bool {
/// A read only view over all devices belonging to a user.
pub struct UserDevices {
pub(crate) inner: HashMap<OwnedDeviceId, ReadOnlyDevice>,
pub(crate) verification_machine: VerificationMachine,
pub(crate) own_identity: Option<ReadOnlyOwnUserIdentity>,
pub(crate) device_owner_identity: Option<ReadOnlyUserIdentities>,
impl UserDevices {
/// Get the specific device with the given device ID.
pub fn get(&self, device_id: &DeviceId) -> Option<Device> {
self.inner.get(device_id).map(|d| Device {
inner: d.clone(),
verification_machine: self.verification_machine.clone(),
own_identity: self.own_identity.clone(),
device_owner_identity: self.device_owner_identity.clone(),
fn own_user_id(&self) -> &UserId {
fn own_device_id(&self) -> &DeviceId {
/// Returns true if there is at least one devices of this user that is
/// considered to be verified, false otherwise.
/// This won't consider your own device as verified, as your own device is
/// always implicitly verified.
pub fn is_any_verified(&self) -> bool {
.filter(|d| {
!(d.user_id() == self.own_user_id() && d.device_id() == self.own_device_id())
.any(|d| d.is_verified(&self.own_identity, &self.device_owner_identity))
/// Iterator over all the device ids of the user devices.
pub fn keys(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &DeviceId> {
/// Iterator over all the devices of the user devices.
pub fn devices(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Device> + '_ {
self.inner.values().map(move |d| Device {
inner: d.clone(),
verification_machine: self.verification_machine.clone(),
own_identity: self.own_identity.clone(),
device_owner_identity: self.device_owner_identity.clone(),
/// The local trust state of a device.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "uniffi", derive(uniffi::Enum))]
pub enum LocalTrust {
/// The device has been verified and is trusted.
Verified = 0,
/// The device been blacklisted from communicating.
BlackListed = 1,
/// The trust state of the device is being ignored.
Ignored = 2,
/// The trust state is unset.
Unset = 3,
impl From<i64> for LocalTrust {
fn from(state: i64) -> Self {
match state {
0 => LocalTrust::Verified,
1 => LocalTrust::BlackListed,
2 => LocalTrust::Ignored,
3 => LocalTrust::Unset,
_ => LocalTrust::Unset,
impl ReadOnlyDevice {
/// Create a new Device, this constructor skips signature verification of
/// the keys, `TryFrom` should be used for completely new devices we
/// receive.
pub fn new(device_keys: DeviceKeys, trust_state: LocalTrust) -> Self {
Self {
inner: device_keys.into(),
trust_state: Arc::new(RwLock::new(trust_state)),
deleted: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
withheld_code_sent: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
first_time_seen_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now(),
/// The user id of the device owner.
pub fn user_id(&self) -> &UserId {
/// The unique ID of the device.
pub fn device_id(&self) -> &DeviceId {
/// Get the human readable name of the device.
pub fn display_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
/// Get the key of the given key algorithm belonging to this device.
pub fn get_key(&self, algorithm: DeviceKeyAlgorithm) -> Option<&DeviceKey> {
/// Get the Curve25519 key of the given device.
pub fn curve25519_key(&self) -> Option<Curve25519PublicKey> {
/// Get the Ed25519 key of the given device.
pub fn ed25519_key(&self) -> Option<Ed25519PublicKey> {
/// Get a map containing all the device keys.
pub fn keys(&self) -> &BTreeMap<OwnedDeviceKeyId, DeviceKey> {
/// Get a map containing all the device signatures.
pub fn signatures(&self) -> &Signatures {
/// Get the trust state of the device.
pub fn local_trust_state(&self) -> LocalTrust {
/// Is the device locally marked as trusted.
pub fn is_locally_trusted(&self) -> bool {
self.local_trust_state() == LocalTrust::Verified
/// Is the device locally marked as blacklisted.
/// Blacklisted devices won't receive any group sessions.
pub fn is_blacklisted(&self) -> bool {
self.local_trust_state() == LocalTrust::BlackListed
/// Set the trust state of the device to the given state.
/// Note: This should only done in the crypto store where the trust state
/// can be stored.
pub(crate) fn set_trust_state(&self, state: LocalTrust) {
*self.trust_state.write().unwrap() = state;
pub(crate) fn mark_withheld_code_as_sent(&self) {, Ordering::Relaxed)
/// Returns true if the `m.no_olm` withheld code was already sent to this
/// device.
pub fn was_withheld_code_sent(&self) -> bool {
/// Get the list of algorithms this device supports.
pub fn algorithms(&self) -> &[EventEncryptionAlgorithm] {
/// Does this device support any of our known Olm encryption algorithms.
pub fn supports_olm(&self) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "experimental-algorithms")]
|| self.algorithms().contains(&EventEncryptionAlgorithm::OlmV2Curve25519AesSha2)
#[cfg(not(feature = "experimental-algorithms"))]
/// Find and return the most recently created Olm [`Session`] we are sharing
/// with this device.
pub(crate) async fn get_most_recent_session(
store: &CryptoStoreWrapper,
) -> OlmResult<Option<Session>> {
if let Some(sender_key) = self.curve25519_key() {
if let Some(s) = store.get_sessions(&sender_key.to_base64()).await? {
let mut sessions = s.lock().await;
sessions.sort_by_key(|s| s.creation_time);
} else {
} else {
"Trying to find an Olm session of a device, but the device doesn't have a \
Curve25519 key",
/// Does this device support the olm.v2.curve25519-aes-sha2 encryption
/// algorithm.
#[cfg(feature = "experimental-algorithms")]
pub fn supports_olm_v2(&self) -> bool {
/// Get the optimal `SessionConfig` for this device.
pub fn olm_session_config(&self) -> SessionConfig {
#[cfg(feature = "experimental-algorithms")]
if self.supports_olm_v2() {
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "experimental-algorithms"))]
/// Is the device deleted.
pub fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn is_verified(
own_identity: &Option<ReadOnlyOwnUserIdentity>,
device_owner: &Option<ReadOnlyUserIdentities>,
) -> bool {
self.is_locally_trusted() || self.is_cross_signing_trusted(own_identity, device_owner)
pub(crate) fn is_cross_signing_trusted(
own_identity: &Option<ReadOnlyOwnUserIdentity>,
device_owner: &Option<ReadOnlyUserIdentities>,
) -> bool {
|(own_identity, device_identity)| {
// Our own identity needs to be marked as verified.
&& match device_identity {
// If it's one of our own devices, just check that
// we signed the device.
ReadOnlyUserIdentities::Own(_) => {
// If it's a device from someone else, first check
// that our user has signed the other user and then
// check if the other user has signed this device.
ReadOnlyUserIdentities::Other(device_identity) => {
&& device_identity.is_device_signed(self).is_ok()
/// Encrypt the given content for this device.
/// # Arguments
/// * `store` - The crypto store. Used to find an established Olm session
/// for this device.
/// * `event_type` - The type of the event that should be encrypted.
/// * `content` - The content of the event that should be encrypted.
/// # Returns
/// On success, a tuple `(session, content)`, where `session` is the Olm
/// [`Session`] that was used to encrypt the content, and `content` is
/// the content for the `` to-device event.
/// If an Olm session has not already been established with this device,
/// returns `Err(OlmError::MissingSession)`.
recipient = ?self.user_id(),
recipient_device = ?self.device_id(),
recipient_key = ?self.curve25519_key(),
pub(crate) async fn encrypt(
store: &CryptoStoreWrapper,
event_type: &str,
content: impl Serialize,
) -> OlmResult<(Session, Raw<ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent>)> {
#[cfg(feature = "message-ids")]
let message_id = {
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
let id = ulid::Ulid::new().to_string();
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
let id = ruma::TransactionId::new().to_string();
tracing::Span::current().record("message_id", &id);
#[cfg(not(feature = "message-ids"))]
let message_id = None;
let session = self.get_most_recent_session(store).await?;
if let Some(mut session) = session {
let message = session.encrypt(self, event_type, content, message_id).await?;
Ok((session, message))
} else {
trace!("Trying to encrypt an event for a device, but no Olm session is found.");
pub(crate) async fn maybe_encrypt_room_key(
store: &CryptoStoreWrapper,
session: OutboundGroupSession,
) -> OlmResult<MaybeEncryptedRoomKey> {
let content = session.as_content().await;
let message_index = session.message_index().await;
let event_type = content.event_type();
match self.encrypt(store, event_type, content).await {
Ok((session, encrypted)) => Ok(MaybeEncryptedRoomKey::Encrypted {
share_info: ShareInfo::new_shared(session.sender_key().to_owned(), message_index),
used_session: session,
message: encrypted.cast(),
Err(OlmError::MissingSession | OlmError::EventError(EventError::MissingSenderKey)) => {
Ok(MaybeEncryptedRoomKey::Withheld { code: WithheldCode::NoOlm })
Err(e) => Err(e),
/// Update a device with a new device keys struct.
pub(crate) fn update_device(&mut self, device_keys: &DeviceKeys) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
if self.user_id() != device_keys.user_id || self.device_id() != device_keys.device_id {
} else if self.ed25519_key() != device_keys.ed25519_key() {
} else {
self.inner = device_keys.clone().into();
pub(crate) fn as_device_keys(&self) -> &DeviceKeys {
/// Check if the given JSON is signed by this device key.
/// This method should only be used if an object's signature needs to be
/// checked multiple times, and you'd like to avoid performing the
/// canonicalization step each time.
/// **Note**: Use this method with caution, the `canonical_json` needs to be
/// correctly canonicalized and make sure that the object you are checking
/// the signature for is allowed to be signed by a device.
pub(crate) fn has_signed_raw(
signatures: &Signatures,
canonical_json: &str,
) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
let key = self.ed25519_key().ok_or(SignatureError::MissingSigningKey)?;
let user_id = self.user_id();
let key_id = &DeviceKeyId::from_parts(DeviceKeyAlgorithm::Ed25519, self.device_id());
key.verify_canonicalized_json(user_id, key_id, signatures, canonical_json)
fn has_signed(&self, signed_object: &impl SignedJsonObject) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
let key = self.ed25519_key().ok_or(SignatureError::MissingSigningKey)?;
let user_id = self.user_id();
let key_id = &DeviceKeyId::from_parts(DeviceKeyAlgorithm::Ed25519, self.device_id());
key.verify_json(user_id, key_id, signed_object)
pub(crate) fn verify_device_keys(
device_keys: &DeviceKeys,
) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
pub(crate) fn verify_one_time_key(
one_time_key: &SignedKey,
) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
/// Mark the device as deleted.
pub(crate) fn mark_as_deleted(&self) {, Ordering::Relaxed);
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
/// Generate the Device from a reference of an OlmMachine.
pub async fn from_machine_test_helper(
machine: &OlmMachine,
) -> Result<ReadOnlyDevice, crate::CryptoStoreError> {
/// Create a `ReadOnlyDevice` from an `Account`
/// We will have our own device in the store once we receive a `/keys/query`
/// response, but this is useful to create it before we receive such a
/// response.
/// It also makes it easier to check that the server doesn't lie about our
/// own device.
/// *Don't* use this after we received a `/keys/query` response, other
/// users/devices might add signatures to our own device, which can't be
/// replicated locally.
pub fn from_account(account: &Account) -> ReadOnlyDevice {
let device_keys = account.device_keys();
let mut device = ReadOnlyDevice::try_from(&device_keys)
.expect("Creating a device from our own account should always succeed");
device.first_time_seen_ts = account.creation_local_time();
/// Get the local timestamp of when this device was first persisted, in
/// milliseconds since epoch (client local time).
pub fn first_time_seen_ts(&self) -> MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch {
impl TryFrom<&DeviceKeys> for ReadOnlyDevice {
type Error = SignatureError;
fn try_from(device_keys: &DeviceKeys) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let device = Self {
inner: device_keys.clone().into(),
deleted: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
trust_state: Arc::new(RwLock::new(LocalTrust::Unset)),
withheld_code_sent: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
first_time_seen_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now(),
impl PartialEq for ReadOnlyDevice {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.user_id() == other.user_id() && self.device_id() == other.device_id()
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
pub(crate) mod testing {
//! Testing Facilities for Device Management
use serde_json::json;
use crate::{identities::ReadOnlyDevice, types::DeviceKeys};
/// Generate default DeviceKeys for tests
pub fn device_keys() -> DeviceKeys {
let device_keys = json!({
"algorithms": vec![
"device_id": "BNYQQWUMXO",
"user_id": "@example:localhost",
"keys": {
"curve25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "xfgbLIC5WAl1OIkpOzoxpCe8FsRDT6nch7NQsOb15nc",
"ed25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "2/5LWJMow5zhJqakV88SIc7q/1pa8fmkfgAzx72w9G4"
"signatures": {
"@example:localhost": {
"ed25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "kTwMrbsLJJM/uFGOj/oqlCaRuw7i9p/6eGrTlXjo8UJMCFAetoyWzoMcF35vSe4S6FTx8RJmqX6rM7ep53MHDQ"
"unsigned": {
"device_display_name": "Alice's mobile phone"
/// Generate default ReadOnlyDevice for tests
pub fn get_device() -> ReadOnlyDevice {
let device_keys = device_keys();
pub(crate) mod tests {
use ruma::{user_id, MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch};
use serde_json::json;
use vodozemac::{Curve25519PublicKey, Ed25519PublicKey};
use super::testing::{device_keys, get_device};
use crate::{identities::LocalTrust, ReadOnlyDevice};
fn create_a_device() {
let now = MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now();
let user_id = user_id!("@example:localhost");
let device_id = "BNYQQWUMXO";
let device = get_device();
assert_eq!(user_id, device.user_id());
assert_eq!(device_id, device.device_id());
assert_eq!(device.algorithms().len(), 2);
assert_eq!(LocalTrust::Unset, device.local_trust_state());
assert_eq!("Alice's mobile phone", device.display_name().unwrap());
let then = MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now();
assert!(device.first_time_seen_ts() >= now);
assert!(device.first_time_seen_ts() <= then);
fn update_a_device() {
let mut device = get_device();
assert_eq!("Alice's mobile phone", device.display_name().unwrap());
let display_name = "Alice's work computer".to_owned();
let mut device_keys = device_keys();
device_keys.unsigned.device_display_name = Some(display_name.clone());
assert_eq!(&display_name, device.display_name().as_ref().unwrap());
fn delete_a_device() {
let device = get_device();
let device_clone = device.clone();
fn deserialize_device() {
let user_id = user_id!("@example:localhost");
let device_id = "BNYQQWUMXO";
let device = json!({
"inner": {
"user_id": user_id,
"device_id": device_id,
"algorithms": ["m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2","m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"],
"keys": {
"curve25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "xfgbLIC5WAl1OIkpOzoxpCe8FsRDT6nch7NQsOb15nc",
"ed25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "2/5LWJMow5zhJqakV88SIc7q/1pa8fmkfgAzx72w9G4"
"signatures": {
"@example:localhost": {
"ed25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "kTwMrbsLJJM/uFGOj/oqlCaRuw7i9p/6eGrTlXjo8UJMCFAetoyWzoMcF35vSe4S6FTx8RJmqX6rM7ep53MHDQ"
"unsigned": {
"device_display_name": "Alice's mobile phone"
"deleted": false,
"trust_state": "Verified",
"withheld_code_sent": false,
"first_time_seen_ts": 1696931068314u64
let device: ReadOnlyDevice =
serde_json::from_value(device).expect("We should be able to deserialize our device");
assert_eq!(user_id, device.user_id());
assert_eq!(device_id, device.device_id());
assert_eq!(device.algorithms().len(), 2);
assert_eq!(LocalTrust::Verified, device.local_trust_state());
assert_eq!("Alice's mobile phone", device.display_name().unwrap());