
314 lines
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//! Cache utilities.
//! A `SlidingSync` instance can be stored in a cache, and restored from the
//! same cache. It helps to define what it sometimes called a “cold start”, or a
//! “fast start”.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use ruma::{api::client::sync::sync_events::v4::ExtensionsConfig, OwnedRoomId};
use tracing::{trace, warn};
use super::{
FrozenSlidingSync, FrozenSlidingSyncList, SlidingSync, SlidingSyncList, SlidingSyncRoom,
use crate::{Client, Result};
fn format_storage_key_for_sliding_sync(storage_key: &str) -> String {
fn format_storage_key_for_sliding_sync_list(storage_key: &str, list_name: &str) -> String {
/// Clean the storage for everything related to `SlidingSync`.
async fn clean_storage(
client: &Client,
storage_key: &str,
lists: &BTreeMap<String, SlidingSyncList>,
) {
let storage =;
for list_name in lists.keys() {
let storage_key_for_list = format_storage_key_for_sliding_sync_list(storage_key, list_name);
let _ = storage.remove_custom_value(storage_key_for_list.as_bytes()).await;
let _ = storage
/// Store the `SlidingSync`'s state in the storage.
pub(super) async fn store_sliding_sync_state(sliding_sync: &SlidingSync) -> Result<()> {
let Some(storage_key) = sliding_sync.inner.storage_key.as_ref() else { return Ok(()) };
trace!(storage_key, "Saving a `SlidingSync`");
let storage =;
// Write this `SlidingSync` instance, as a `FrozenSlidingSync` instance, inside
// the store.
// Write every `SlidingSyncList` inside the client the store.
let frozen_lists = {
let rooms_lock =;
.map(|(list_name, list)| {
format_storage_key_for_sliding_sync_list(storage_key, list_name),
serde_json::to_vec(&FrozenSlidingSyncList::freeze(list, &rooms_lock))?,
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, crate::Error>>()?
for (storage_key_for_list, frozen_list) in frozen_lists {
trace!(storage_key_for_list, "Saving a `SlidingSyncList`");
storage.set_custom_value(storage_key_for_list.as_bytes(), frozen_list).await?;
/// Restore the `SlidingSync`'s state from what is stored in the storage.
/// If one cache is obsolete (corrupted, and cannot be deserialized or
/// anything), the entire `SlidingSync` cache is removed.
pub(super) async fn restore_sliding_sync_state(
client: &Client,
storage_key: &str,
lists: &mut BTreeMap<String, SlidingSyncList>,
delta_token: &mut Option<String>,
rooms_found: &mut BTreeMap<OwnedRoomId, SlidingSyncRoom>,
extensions: &mut Option<ExtensionsConfig>,
) -> Result<()> {
let storage =;
let mut collected_lists_and_frozen_lists = Vec::with_capacity(lists.len());
// Preload the `FrozenSlidingSyncList` objects from the cache.
// Even if a cache was detected as obsolete, we go over all of them, so that we
// are sure all obsolete cache entries are removed.
for (list_name, list) in lists.iter_mut() {
let storage_key_for_list = format_storage_key_for_sliding_sync_list(storage_key, list_name);
match storage
.map(|custom_value| serde_json::from_slice::<FrozenSlidingSyncList>(&custom_value))
// List has been found and successfully deserialized.
Some(Ok(frozen_list)) => {
trace!(list_name, "successfully read the list from cache");
// Keep it for later.
collected_lists_and_frozen_lists.push((list, frozen_list));
// List has been found, but it wasn't possible to deserialize it. It's declared
// as obsolete. The main reason might be that the internal representation of a
// `SlidingSyncList` might have changed. Instead of considering this as a strong
// error, we remove the entry from the cache and keep the list in its initial
// state.
Some(Err(_)) => {
"failed to deserialize the list from the cache, it is obsolete; removing the cache entry!"
// Let's clear everything and stop here.
clean_storage(client, storage_key, lists).await;
return Ok(());
None => {
trace!(list_name, "failed to find the list in the cache");
// A missing cache doesn't make anything obsolete.
// We just do nothing here.
// Preload the `SlidingSync` object from the cache.
match storage
.map(|custom_value| serde_json::from_slice::<FrozenSlidingSync>(&custom_value))
// `SlidingSync` has been found and successfully deserialized.
Some(Ok(FrozenSlidingSync { to_device_since, delta_token: frozen_delta_token })) => {
trace!("Successfully read the `SlidingSync` from the cache");
// OK, at this step, everything has been loaded successfully from the cache.
// Let's update all the `SlidingSyncList`.
for (list, FrozenSlidingSyncList { maximum_number_of_rooms, room_list, rooms }) in
list.set_from_cold(maximum_number_of_rooms, room_list);
for (key, frozen_room) in rooms.into_iter() {
rooms_found.entry(key).or_insert_with(|| {
SlidingSyncRoom::from_frozen(frozen_room, client.clone())
// Let's update the `SlidingSync`.
if let Some(since) = to_device_since {
let to_device_ext = &mut extensions.get_or_insert_with(Default::default).to_device;
if to_device_ext.enabled == Some(true) {
to_device_ext.since = Some(since);
*delta_token = frozen_delta_token;
// `SlidingSync` has been found, but it wasn't possible to deserialize it. It's
// declared as obsolete. The main reason might be that the internal
// representation of a `SlidingSync` might have changed.
// Instead of considering this as a strong error, we remove
// the entry from the cache and keep `SlidingSync` in its initial
// state.
Some(Err(_)) => {
"failed to deserialize `SlidingSync` from the cache, it is obsolote; removing the cache entry!"
// Let's clear everything and stop here.
clean_storage(client, storage_key, lists).await;
return Ok(());
None => {
trace!("Failed to find the `SlidingSync` object in the cache");
mod tests {
use futures::executor::block_on;
use url::Url;
use super::*;
use crate::{Client, Result};
fn test_sliding_sync_can_be_stored_and_restored() -> Result<()> {
block_on(async {
let homeserver = Url::parse("")?;
let client = Client::new(homeserver).await?;
let store =;
// Store entries don't exist.
format_storage_key_for_sliding_sync_list("hello", "list_foo").as_bytes()
// Create a new `SlidingSync` instance, and store it.
let sliding_sync = client
// Modify one list just to check the restoration.
let lists = sliding_sync.inner.lists.write().unwrap();
let list_foo = lists.get("list_foo").unwrap();
// Store entries now exist.
format_storage_key_for_sliding_sync_list("hello", "list_foo").as_bytes()
// Create a new `SlidingSync`, and it should be read from the cache.
let sliding_sync = client
// Check the list' state.
let lists = sliding_sync.inner.lists.write().unwrap();
let list_foo = lists.get("list_foo").unwrap();
assert_eq!(list_foo.maximum_number_of_rooms(), Some(42));
// Clean the cache.
clean_storage(&client, "hello", &;
// Store entries don't exist.
format_storage_key_for_sliding_sync_list("hello", "list_foo").as_bytes()