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// Copyright 2023 The Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for that specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! `RoomList` API.
//! The `RoomList` is a UI API dedicated to present a list of Matrix rooms to
//! the user. The syncing is handled by
//! [`SlidingSync`][matrix_sdk::SlidingSync]. The idea is to expose a simple API
//! to handle most of the client app use cases, like: Showing and updating a
//! list of rooms, filtering a list of rooms, handling particular updates of a
//! range of rooms (the ones the client app is showing to the view, i.e. the
//! rooms present in the viewport) etc.
//! As such, the `RoomList` works as an opinionated state machine. The states
//! are defined by [`State`]. Actions are attached to the each state transition.
//! Apart from that, one can apply [`Input`]s on the state machine, like
//! notifying that the client app viewport of the room list has changed (if the
//! user of the client app has scrolled in the room list for example) etc.
//! The API is purposely small. Sliding Sync is versatile. `RoomList` is _one_
//! specific usage of Sliding Sync.
//! # Basic principle
//! `RoomList` works with 2 Sliding Sync List:
//! * `all_rooms` (referred by the constant [`ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME`]) is the main
//! list. Its goal is to load all the user' rooms. It starts with a
//! [`SlidingSyncMode::Selective`] sync-mode with a small range (i.e. a small
//! set of rooms) to load the first rooms quickly, and then updates to a
//! [`SlidingSyncMode::Growing`] sync-mode to load the remaining rooms “in the
//! background”: it will sync the existing rooms and will fetch new rooms, by
//! a certain batch size.
//! * `visible_rooms` (referred by the constant [`VISIBLE_ROOMS_LIST_NAME`]) is
//! the “reactive” list. It's goal is to react to the client app user actions.
//! If the user scrolls in the room list, the `visible_rooms` will be
//! configured to sync for the particular range of rooms the user is actually
//! seeing (the rooms in the current viewport). `visible_rooms` has a
//! different configuration than `all_rooms` as it loads more timeline events:
//! it means that the room will already have a “history”, a timeline, ready to
//! be presented when the user enters the room.
//! This behavior has proven to be empirically satisfying to provide a fast and
//! fluid user experience for a Matrix client.
//! [`RoomList::entries`] provides a way to get a stream of room list entry.
//! This stream can be filtered, and the filter can be changed over time.
//! [`RoomList::state_stream`] provides a way to get a stream of the state
//! machine's state, which can be pretty helpful for the client app.
use std::{future::ready, sync::Arc};
use async_stream::stream;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use eyeball::shared::Observable;
use eyeball_im::VectorDiff;
use futures_util::{pin_mut, Stream, StreamExt};
use imbl::Vector;
pub use matrix_sdk::RoomListEntry;
use matrix_sdk::{
sliding_sync::Ranges, Client, Error as SlidingSyncError, SlidingSync, SlidingSyncList,
SlidingSyncMode, SlidingSyncRoom,
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use ruma::{OwnedRoomId, RoomId};
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::{timeline::EventTimelineItem, Timeline};
pub const ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME: &str = "all_rooms";
pub const VISIBLE_ROOMS_LIST_NAME: &str = "visible_rooms";
/// The [`RoomList`] type. See the module's documentation to learn more.
pub struct RoomList {
sliding_sync: SlidingSync,
state: Observable<State>,
impl RoomList {
/// Create a new `RoomList`.
/// A [`matrix_sdk::SlidingSync`] client will be created, with a cached list
/// already pre-configured.
pub async fn new(client: Client) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let sliding_sync = client
Ok(Self { sliding_sync, state: Observable::new(State::Init) })
/// Start to sync the room list.
/// It's the main method of this entire API. Calling `sync` allows to
/// receive updates on the room list: new rooms, rooms updates etc. Those
/// updates can be read with [`Self::entries`]. This method returns a
/// [`Stream`] where produced items only hold an empty value in case of a
/// sync success, otherwise an error.
/// The `RoomList`' state machine is run by this method.
/// Stopping the [`Stream`] (i.e. stop polling it) and calling
/// [`Self::sync`] again will resume from the previous state of the state
/// machine.
pub fn sync(&self) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<(), Error>> + '_ {
stream! {
let sync = self.sliding_sync.sync();
// This is a state machine implementation.
// Things happen in this order:
// 1. The next state is calculated,
// 2. The actions associated to the next state are run,
// 3. The next state is stored,
// 4. A sync is done.
// So the sync is done after the machine _has entered_ into a new state.
loop {
let next_state =;
Observable::set(&self.state, next_state);
match {
Some(Ok(_update_summary)) => {
yield Ok(());
Some(Err(error)) => {
let next_state = State::Terminated { from: Box::new(self.state.get()) };
Observable::set(&self.state, next_state);
yield Err(Error::SlidingSync(error));
None => {
let next_state = State::Terminated { from: Box::new(self.state.get()) };
Observable::set(&self.state, next_state);
/// Get the current state of the state machine.
pub fn state(&self) -> State {
/// Get a [`Stream`] of [`State`]s.
pub fn state_stream(&self) -> impl Stream<Item = State> {
/// Get all previous room list entries, in addition to a [`Stream`] to room
/// list entry's updates.
pub async fn entries(
) -> Result<(Vector<RoomListEntry>, impl Stream<Item = VectorDiff<RoomListEntry>>), Error> {
.on_list(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |list| ready(list.room_list_stream()))
.ok_or_else(|| Error::UnknownList(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME.to_string()))
/// Similar to [`Self::entries`] except that it's possible to provide a
/// filter that will filter out room list entries.
pub async fn entries_filtered<F>(
filter: F,
) -> Result<(Vector<RoomListEntry>, impl Stream<Item = VectorDiff<RoomListEntry>>), Error>
F: Fn(&RoomListEntry) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static,
.on_list(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |list| ready(list.room_list_filtered_stream(filter)))
.ok_or_else(|| Error::UnknownList(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME.to_string()))
/// Pass an [`Input`] onto the state machine.
pub async fn apply_input(&self, input: Input) -> Result<(), Error> {
use Input::*;
match input {
Viewport(ranges) => {
async fn update_viewport(&self, ranges: Ranges) -> Result<(), Error> {
.on_list(VISIBLE_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |list| {
.ok_or_else(|| Error::InputHasNotBeenApplied(Input::Viewport(ranges)))?;
/// Get a [`Room`] if it exists.
pub async fn room(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<Room, Error> {
match self.sliding_sync.get_room(room_id).await {
Some(room) => Room::new(room).await,
None => Err(Error::RoomNotFound(room_id.to_owned())),
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
pub fn sliding_sync(&self) -> &SlidingSync {
/// A room in the room list.
/// It's cheap to clone this type.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Room {
inner: Arc<RoomInner>,
struct RoomInner {
/// The Sliding Sync room.
sliding_sync_room: SlidingSyncRoom,
/// The underlying client room.
room: matrix_sdk::room::Room,
/// The timeline of the room.
timeline: Timeline,
/// The “sneaky” timeline of the room, i.e. this timeline doesn't track the
/// read marker nor the receipts.
sneaky_timeline: Timeline,
impl Room {
/// Create a new `Room`.
async fn new(sliding_sync_room: SlidingSyncRoom) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let room = sliding_sync_room
.ok_or_else(|| Error::RoomNotFound(sliding_sync_room.room_id().to_owned()))?;
let timeline = Timeline::builder(&room)
.events(sliding_sync_room.prev_batch(), sliding_sync_room.timeline_queue())
let sneaky_timeline = Timeline::builder(&room)
.events(sliding_sync_room.prev_batch(), sliding_sync_room.timeline_queue())
Ok(Self {
inner: Arc::new(RoomInner { sliding_sync_room, room, timeline, sneaky_timeline }),
/// Get the best possible name for the room.
/// If the sliding sync room has received a name from the server, then use
/// it, otherwise, let's calculate a name.
pub async fn name(&self) -> Option<String> {
Some(match {
Some(name) => name,
None =>,
/// Get the timeline of the room.
pub fn timeline(&self) -> &Timeline {
/// Get the latest event of the timeline.
/// It's different from `Self::timeline().latest_event()` as it won't track
/// the read marker and receipts.
pub async fn latest_event(&self) -> Option<EventTimelineItem> {
/// [`RoomList`]'s errors.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum Error {
/// Error from [`matrix_sdk::SlidingSync`].
#[error("SlidingSync failed")]
/// An operation has been requested on an unknown list.
#[error("Unknown list `{0}`")]
/// An input was asked to be applied but it wasn't possible to apply it.
#[error("The input has been not applied")]
/// The requested room doesn't exist.
#[error("Room `{0}` not found")]
/// The state of the [`RoomList`]' state machine.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum State {
/// That's the first initial state.
/// At this state, the first rooms start to be synced.
/// At this state, all rooms start to be synced.
/// This state is the cruising speed, i.e. the “normal” state, where nothing
/// fancy happens: all rooms are syncing, and life is great.
/// At this state, the sync has been stopped (because it was requested, or
/// because it has errored too many times previously).
Terminated { from: Box<State> },
impl State {
/// Transition to the next state, and execute the associated transition's
/// [`Actions`].
async fn next(&self, sliding_sync: &SlidingSync) -> Result<Self, Error> {
use State::*;
let (next_state, actions) = match self {
Init => (FirstRooms, Actions::none()),
FirstRooms => (AllRooms, Actions::first_rooms_are_loaded()),
AllRooms => (Enjoy, Actions::none()),
Enjoy => (Enjoy, Actions::none()),
// If the state was `Terminated` but the next state is calculated again, it means the
// sync has been restarted. In this case, let's jump back on the previous state that led
// to the termination. No action is required in this scenario.
Terminated { from: previous_state } => {
match previous_state.as_ref() {
state @ Init | state @ FirstRooms => {
// Do nothing.
(state.to_owned(), Actions::none())
state @ AllRooms | state @ Enjoy => {
// Refresh the lists.
(state.to_owned(), Actions::refresh_lists())
Terminated { .. } => {
// Having `Terminated { from: Terminated { … } }` is not allowed.
unreachable!("It's impossible to reach `Terminated` from `Terminated`");
for action in actions.iter() {;
/// A trait to define what an `Action` is.
trait Action {
async fn run(&self, sliding_sync: &SlidingSync) -> Result<(), Error>;
struct AddVisibleRoomsList;
impl Action for AddVisibleRoomsList {
async fn run(&self, sliding_sync: &SlidingSync) -> Result<(), Error> {
struct SetAllRoomsListToGrowingSyncMode;
impl Action for SetAllRoomsListToGrowingSyncMode {
async fn run(&self, sliding_sync: &SlidingSync) -> Result<(), Error> {
.on_list(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |list| {
.ok_or_else(|| Error::UnknownList(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME.to_string()))?;
/// Type alias to represent one action.
type OneAction = Box<dyn Action + Send + Sync>;
/// Type alias to represent many actions.
type ManyActions = Vec<OneAction>;
/// A type to represent multiple actions.
/// It contains helper methods to create pre-configured set of actions.
struct Actions {
actions: &'static Lazy<ManyActions>,
macro_rules! actions {
$action_group_name:ident => [
$( $action_name:ident ),* $(,)?
) => {
fn $action_group_name () -> Self {
static ACTIONS: Lazy<ManyActions> = Lazy::new(|| {
$( Box::new( $action_name ) ),*
Self { actions: &ACTIONS }
impl Actions {
actions! {
none => [],
first_rooms_are_loaded => [SetAllRoomsListToGrowingSyncMode, AddVisibleRoomsList],
refresh_lists => [SetAllRoomsListToGrowingSyncMode],
fn iter(&self) -> &[OneAction] {
/// An input for the [`RoomList`]' state machine.
/// An input is something that has happened or is happening or is requested by
/// the client app using this [`RoomList`].
pub enum Input {
/// The client app's viewport of the room list has changed.
/// Use this input when the user of the client app is scrolling inside the
/// room list, and the viewport has changed. The viewport is defined as the
/// range of visible rooms in the room list.
mod tests {
use matrix_sdk::{config::RequestConfig, Session};
use matrix_sdk_test::async_test;
use ruma::{api::MatrixVersion, device_id, user_id};
use wiremock::MockServer;
use super::*;
async fn new_client() -> (Client, MockServer) {
let session = Session {
access_token: "1234".to_owned(),
refresh_token: None,
user_id: user_id!("@example:localhost").to_owned(),
device_id: device_id!("DEVICEID").to_owned(),
let server = MockServer::start().await;
let client = Client::builder()
(client, server)
async fn new_room_list() -> Result<RoomList, Error> {
let (client, _) = new_client().await;
async fn test_all_rooms_are_declared() -> Result<(), Error> {
let room_list = new_room_list().await?;
let sliding_sync = room_list.sliding_sync();
// List is present, in Selective mode.
.on_list(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |list| ready(matches!(
SlidingSyncMode::Selective { ranges } if ranges == vec![0..=19]
async fn test_states() -> Result<(), Error> {
let room_list = new_room_list().await?;
let sliding_sync = room_list.sliding_sync();
// First state.
let state = State::Init;
// Hypothetical termination.
let state =
State::Terminated { from: Box::new(state.clone()) }.next(sliding_sync).await?;
assert_eq!(state, State::Init);
// Next state.
let state =;
assert_eq!(state, State::FirstRooms);
// Hypothetical termination.
let state =
State::Terminated { from: Box::new(state.clone()) }.next(sliding_sync).await?;
assert_eq!(state, State::FirstRooms);
// Next state.
let state =;
assert_eq!(state, State::AllRooms);
// Hypothetical termination.
let state =
State::Terminated { from: Box::new(state.clone()) }.next(sliding_sync).await?;
assert_eq!(state, State::AllRooms);
// Next state.
let state =;
assert_eq!(state, State::Enjoy);
// Hypothetical termination.
let state =
State::Terminated { from: Box::new(state.clone()) }.next(sliding_sync).await?;
assert_eq!(state, State::Enjoy);
// Next state.
let state =;
assert_eq!(state, State::Enjoy);
// Hypothetical termination.
let state =
State::Terminated { from: Box::new(state.clone()) }.next(sliding_sync).await?;
assert_eq!(state, State::Enjoy);
async fn test_action_add_visible_rooms_list() -> Result<(), Error> {
let room_list = new_room_list().await?;
let sliding_sync = room_list.sliding_sync();
// List is absent.
assert_eq!(sliding_sync.on_list(VISIBLE_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |_list| ready(())).await, None);
// Run the action!;
// List is present!
.on_list(VISIBLE_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |list| ready(matches!(
SlidingSyncMode::Selective { ranges } if ranges.is_empty()
async fn test_action_set_all_rooms_list_to_growing_sync_mode() -> Result<(), Error> {
let room_list = new_room_list().await?;
let sliding_sync = room_list.sliding_sync();
// List is present, in Selective mode.
.on_list(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |list| ready(matches!(
SlidingSyncMode::Selective { ranges } if ranges == vec![0..=19]
// Run the action!;
// List is still present, in Growing mode.
.on_list(ALL_ROOMS_LIST_NAME, |list| ready(matches!(
SlidingSyncMode::Growing { batch_size: 50, .. }