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//! The crypto specific Olm objects.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use js_sys::{Array, Function, Map, Promise, Set};
use ruma::{serde::Raw, DeviceKeyAlgorithm, OwnedTransactionId, UInt};
use serde_json::{json, Value as JsonValue};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use crate::{
device, encryption,
identifiers, identities,
olm, requests,
responses::{self, response_from_string},
store, sync_events, types, verification, vodozemac,
/// State machine implementation of the Olm/Megolm encryption protocol
/// used for Matrix end to end encryption.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct OlmMachine {
inner: matrix_sdk_crypto::OlmMachine,
impl OlmMachine {
/// Create a new memory based `OlmMachine`.
/// The created machine will keep the encryption keys only in
/// memory and once the objects is dropped, the keys will be lost.
/// `user_id` represents the unique ID of the user that owns this
/// machine. `device_id` represents the unique ID of the device
/// that owns this machine.
/// `store_name` and `store_passphrase` are both optional, but
/// must be both set to have an effect. If they are both set, the
/// state of the machine will persist in a database named
/// `store_name` where its content is encrypted by the passphrase
/// given by `store_passphrase`. If they are not both set, the
/// created machine will keep the encryption keys only in memory,
/// and once the object is dropped, the keys will be lost.
pub fn new(
user_id: &identifiers::UserId,
device_id: &identifiers::DeviceId,
store_name: Option<String>,
store_passphrase: Option<String>,
) -> Promise {
let user_id = user_id.inner.clone();
let device_id = device_id.inner.clone();
future_to_promise(async move {
let store = match (store_name, store_passphrase) {
// We need this `#[cfg]` because `IndexeddbCryptoStore`
// implements `CryptoStore` only on `target_arch =
// "wasm32"`. Without that, we could have a compilation
// error when checking the entire workspace. In
// practise, it doesn't impact this crate because it's
// always compiled for `wasm32`.
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
(Some(store_name), Some(mut store_passphrase)) => {
use std::sync::Arc;
use zeroize::Zeroize;
let store = Some(
(Some(_), None) => return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("The `store_name` has been set, and so, it expects a `store_passphrase`, which is not set; please provide one")),
(None, Some(_)) => return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("The `store_passphrase` has been set, but it has an effect only if `store_name` is set, which is not; please provide one")),
_ => None,
Ok(OlmMachine {
inner: match store {
Some(store) => {
None => {
matrix_sdk_crypto::OlmMachine::new(user_id.as_ref(), device_id.as_ref())
/// The unique user ID that owns this `OlmMachine` instance.
#[wasm_bindgen(getter, js_name = "userId")]
pub fn user_id(&self) -> identifiers::UserId {
/// The unique device ID that identifies this `OlmMachine`.
#[wasm_bindgen(getter, js_name = "deviceId")]
pub fn device_id(&self) -> identifiers::DeviceId {
/// Get the public parts of our Olm identity keys.
#[wasm_bindgen(getter, js_name = "identityKeys")]
pub fn identity_keys(&self) -> vodozemac::IdentityKeys {
/// Get the display name of our own device.
#[wasm_bindgen(getter, js_name = "displayName")]
pub fn display_name(&self) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise(async move { Ok(me.display_name().await?) })
/// Get all the tracked users of our own device.
/// Returns a `Set<UserId>`.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "trackedUsers")]
pub fn tracked_users(&self) -> Set {
let set = Set::new(&JsValue::UNDEFINED);
for user in self.inner.tracked_users() {
/// Update the tracked users.
/// `users` is an iterator over user IDs that should be marked for
/// tracking.
/// This will mark users that weren't seen before for a key query
/// and tracking.
/// If the user is already known to the Olm machine, it will not
/// be considered for a key query.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "updateTrackedUsers")]
pub fn update_tracked_users(&self, users: &Array) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let users = users
.map(|user| Ok(downcast::<identifiers::UserId>(&user, "UserId")?.inner.clone()))
.collect::<Result<Vec<ruma::OwnedUserId>, JsError>>()?;
let me = self.inner.clone();
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
/// Handle to-device events and one-time key counts from a sync
/// response.
/// This will decrypt and handle to-device events returning the
/// decrypted versions of them.
/// To decrypt an event from the room timeline call
/// `decrypt_room_event`.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "receiveSyncChanges")]
pub fn receive_sync_changes(
to_device_events: &str,
changed_devices: &sync_events::DeviceLists,
one_time_key_counts: &Map,
unused_fallback_keys: &Set,
) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let to_device_events = serde_json::from_str(to_device_events)?;
let changed_devices = changed_devices.inner.clone();
let one_time_key_counts: BTreeMap<DeviceKeyAlgorithm, UInt> = one_time_key_counts
.filter_map(|js_value| {
let pair = Array::from(&js_value.ok()?);
let (key, value) = (
UInt::new( as u64)?,
Some((key, value))
let unused_fallback_keys: Option<Vec<DeviceKeyAlgorithm>> = Some(
.filter_map(|js_value| Some(DeviceKeyAlgorithm::from(js_value.ok()?.as_string()?)))
let me = self.inner.clone();
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
/// Get the outgoing requests that need to be sent out.
/// This returns a list of `JsValue` to represent either:
/// * `KeysUploadRequest`,
/// * `KeysQueryRequest`,
/// * `KeysClaimRequest`,
/// * `ToDeviceRequest`,
/// * `SignatureUploadRequest`,
/// * `RoomMessageRequest` or
/// * `KeysBackupRequest`.
/// Those requests need to be sent out to the server and the
/// responses need to be passed back to the state machine using
/// `mark_request_as_sent`.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "outgoingRequests")]
pub fn outgoing_requests(&self) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise(async move {
.collect::<Result<Vec<JsValue>, _>>()?
/// Mark the request with the given request ID as sent (see
/// `outgoing_requests`).
/// Arguments are:
/// * `request_id` represents the unique ID of the request that was sent
/// out. This is needed to couple the response with the now sent out
/// request.
/// * `response_type` represents the type of the request that was sent out.
/// * `response` represents the response that was received from the server
/// after the outgoing request was sent out.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "markRequestAsSent")]
pub fn mark_request_as_sent(
request_id: &str,
request_type: requests::RequestType,
response: &str,
) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let transaction_id = OwnedTransactionId::from(request_id);
let response = response_from_string(response)?;
let incoming_response = responses::OwnedResponse::try_from((request_type, response))?;
let me = self.inner.clone();
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
Ok(me.mark_request_as_sent(&transaction_id, &incoming_response)|_| true)?)
/// Encrypt a room message for the given room.
/// Beware that a room key needs to be shared before this
/// method can be called using the `share_room_key` method.
/// `room_id` is the ID of the room for which the message should
/// be encrypted. `event_type` is the type of the event. `content`
/// is the plaintext content of the message that should be
/// encrypted.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if a group session for the given room wasn't shared
/// beforehand.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "encryptRoomEvent")]
pub fn encrypt_room_event(
room_id: &identifiers::RoomId,
event_type: String,
content: &str,
) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let room_id = room_id.inner.clone();
let content: JsonValue = serde_json::from_str(content)?;
let me = self.inner.clone();
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
&me.encrypt_room_event_raw(&room_id, content, event_type.as_ref()).await?,
/// Decrypt an event from a room timeline.
/// # Arguments
/// * `event`, the event that should be decrypted.
/// * `room_id`, the ID of the room where the event was sent to.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "decryptRoomEvent")]
pub fn decrypt_room_event(
event: &str,
room_id: &identifiers::RoomId,
) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let event: Raw<_> = serde_json::from_str(event)?;
let room_id = room_id.inner.clone();
let me = self.inner.clone();
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
let room_event = me.decrypt_room_event(&event, room_id.as_ref()).await?;
/// Get the status of the private cross signing keys.
/// This can be used to check which private cross signing keys we
/// have stored locally.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "crossSigningStatus")]
pub fn cross_signing_status(&self) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise::<_, olm::CrossSigningStatus>(async move {
/// Export all the private cross signing keys we have.
/// The export will contain the seed for the ed25519 keys as a
/// unpadded base64 encoded string.
/// This method returns None if we dont have any private cross
/// signing keys.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "exportCrossSigningKeys")]
pub fn export_cross_signing_keys(&self) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise(async move {
/// Import our private cross signing keys.
/// The export needs to contain the seed for the ed25519 keys as
/// an unpadded base64 encoded string.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "importCrossSigningKeys")]
pub fn import_cross_signing_keys(&self, export: store::CrossSigningKeyExport) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
let export = export.inner;
future_to_promise(async move {
/// Create a new cross signing identity and get the upload request
/// to push the new public keys to the server.
/// Warning: This will delete any existing cross signing keys that
/// might exist on the server and thus will reset the trust
/// between all the devices.
/// Uploading these keys will require user interactive auth.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "bootstrapCrossSigning")]
pub fn bootstrap_cross_signing(&self, reset: bool) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise(async move {
let (upload_signing_keys_request, upload_signatures_request) =
let tuple = Array::new();
/// Get the cross signing user identity of a user.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "getIdentity")]
pub fn get_identity(&self, user_id: &identifiers::UserId) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
let user_id = user_id.inner.clone();
future_to_promise(async move {
Ok(me.get_identity(user_id.as_ref(), None).await?.map(identities::UserIdentities::from))
/// Sign the given message using our device key and if available
/// cross-signing master key.
pub fn sign(&self, message: String) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise::<_, types::Signatures>(async move { Ok(me.sign(&message).await.into()) })
/// Invalidate the currently active outbound group session for the
/// given room.
/// Returns true if a session was invalidated, false if there was
/// no session to invalidate.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "invalidateGroupSession")]
pub fn invalidate_group_session(&self, room_id: &identifiers::RoomId) -> Promise {
let room_id = room_id.inner.clone();
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise(async move { Ok(me.invalidate_group_session(&room_id).await?) })
/// Get to-device requests to share a room key with users in a room.
/// `room_id` is the room ID. `users` is an array of `UserId`
/// objects. `encryption_settings` are an `EncryptionSettings`
/// object.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "shareRoomKey")]
pub fn share_room_key(
room_id: &identifiers::RoomId,
users: &Array,
encryption_settings: &encryption::EncryptionSettings,
) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let room_id = room_id.inner.clone();
let users = users
.map(|user| Ok(downcast::<identifiers::UserId>(&user, "UserId")?.inner.clone()))
.collect::<Result<Vec<ruma::OwnedUserId>, JsError>>()?;
let encryption_settings =
let me = self.inner.clone();
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
&me.share_room_key(&room_id, users.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref), encryption_settings)
/// Get the a key claiming request for the user/device pairs that
/// we are missing Olm sessions for.
/// Returns `NULL` if no key claiming request needs to be sent
/// out, otherwise it returns an `Array` where the first key is
/// the transaction ID as a string, and the second key is the keys
/// claim request serialized to JSON.
/// Sessions need to be established between devices so group
/// sessions for a room can be shared with them.
/// This should be called every time a group session needs to be
/// shared as well as between sync calls. After a sync some
/// devices may request room keys without us having a valid Olm
/// session with them, making it impossible to server the room key
/// request, thus its necessary to check for missing sessions
/// between sync as well.
/// Note: Care should be taken that only one such request at a
/// time is in flight, e.g. using a lock.
/// The response of a successful key claiming requests needs to be
/// passed to the `OlmMachine` with the `mark_request_as_sent`.
/// `users` represents the list of users that we should check if
/// we lack a session with one of their devices. This can be an
/// empty iterator when calling this method between sync requests.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "getMissingSessions")]
pub fn get_missing_sessions(&self, users: &Array) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let users = users
.map(|user| Ok(downcast::<identifiers::UserId>(&user, "UserId")?.inner.clone()))
.collect::<Result<Vec<ruma::OwnedUserId>, JsError>>()?;
let me = self.inner.clone();
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
match me.get_missing_sessions(users.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref)).await? {
Some((transaction_id, keys_claim_request)) => {
None => Ok(JsValue::NULL),
/// Get a map holding all the devices of a user.
/// `user_id` represents the unique ID of the user that the
/// devices belong to.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "getUserDevices")]
pub fn get_user_devices(&self, user_id: &identifiers::UserId) -> Promise {
let user_id = user_id.inner.clone();
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise::<_, device::UserDevices>(async move {
Ok(me.get_user_devices(&user_id, None)
/// Get a specific device of a user if one is found and the crypto store
/// didn't throw an error.
/// `user_id` represents the unique ID of the user that the
/// identity belongs to. `device_id` represents the unique ID of
/// the device.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "getDevice")]
pub fn get_device(
user_id: &identifiers::UserId,
device_id: &identifiers::DeviceId,
) -> Promise {
let user_id = user_id.inner.clone();
let device_id = device_id.inner.clone();
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise::<_, Option<device::Device>>(async move {
Ok(me.get_device(&user_id, &device_id, None).await?.map(Into::into))
/// Get a verification object for the given user ID with the given
/// flow ID (a to-device request ID if the verification has been
/// requested by a to-device request, or a room event ID if the
/// verification has been requested by a room event).
/// It returns a “`Verification` object”, which is either a `Sas`
/// or `Qr` object.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "getVerification")]
pub fn get_verification(
user_id: &identifiers::UserId,
flow_id: &str,
) -> Result<JsValue, JsError> {
.get_verification(&user_id.inner, flow_id)
/// Get a verification request object with the given flow ID.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "getVerificationRequest")]
pub fn get_verification_request(
user_id: &identifiers::UserId,
flow_id: &str,
) -> Option<verification::VerificationRequest> {
self.inner.get_verification_request(&user_id.inner, flow_id).map(Into::into)
/// Get all the verification requests of a given user.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "getVerificationRequests")]
pub fn get_verification_requests(&self, user_id: &identifiers::UserId) -> Array {
/// Receive an unencrypted verification event.
/// This method can be used to pass verification events that are
/// happening in unencrypted rooms to the `OlmMachine`.
/// Note: This does not need to be called for encrypted events
/// since those will get passed to the `OlmMachine` during
/// decryption.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "receiveUnencryptedVerificationEvent")]
pub fn receive_unencrypted_verification_event(&self, event: &str) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let event: ruma::events::AnyMessageLikeEvent = serde_json::from_str(event)?;
let me = self.inner.clone();
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
.map(|_| JsValue::UNDEFINED)?)
/// Export the keys that match the given predicate.
/// `predicate` is a closure that will be called for every known
/// `InboundGroupSession`, which represents a room key. If the closure
/// returns `true`, the `InboundGroupSession` will be included in the
/// export, otherwise it won't.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "exportRoomKeys")]
pub fn export_room_keys(&self, predicate: Function) -> Promise {
let me = self.inner.clone();
future_to_promise(async move {
&me.export_room_keys(|session| {
let session = session.clone();
.call1(&JsValue::NULL, &olm::InboundGroupSession::from(session).into())
.expect("Predicate function passed to `export_room_keys` failed")
/// Import the given room keys into our store.
/// `exported_keys` is a list of previously exported keys that should be
/// imported into our store. If we already have a better version of a key,
/// the key will _not_ be imported.
/// `progress_listener` is a closure that takes 2 arguments: `progress` and
/// `total`, and returns nothing.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "importRoomKeys")]
pub fn import_room_keys(
exported_room_keys: &str,
progress_listener: Function,
) -> Result<Promise, JsError> {
let me = self.inner.clone();
let exported_room_keys: Vec<matrix_sdk_crypto::olm::ExportedRoomKey> =
Ok(future_to_promise(async move {
let matrix_sdk_crypto::RoomKeyImportResult { imported_count, total_count, keys } = me
.import_room_keys(exported_room_keys, false, |progress, total| {
let progress: u64 = progress.try_into().unwrap();
let total: u64 = total.try_into().unwrap();
.call2(&JsValue::NULL, &JsValue::from(progress), &JsValue::from(total))
.expect("Progress listener passed to `import_room_keys` failed");
"imported_count": imported_count,
"total_count": total_count,
"keys": keys,
/// Encrypt the list of exported room keys using the given passphrase.
/// `exported_room_keys` is a list of sessions that should be encrypted
/// (it's generally returned by `export_room_keys`). `passphrase` is the
/// passphrase that will be used to encrypt the exported room keys. And
/// `rounds` is the number of rounds that should be used for the key
/// derivation when the passphrase gets turned into an AES key. More rounds
/// are increasingly computationnally intensive and as such help against
/// brute-force attacks. Should be at least `10_000`, while values in the
/// `100_000` ranges should be preferred.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "encryptExportedRoomKeys")]
pub fn encrypt_exported_room_keys(
exported_room_keys: &str,
passphrase: &str,
rounds: u32,
) -> Result<String, JsError> {
let exported_room_keys: Vec<matrix_sdk_crypto::olm::ExportedRoomKey> =
Ok(matrix_sdk_crypto::encrypt_room_key_export(&exported_room_keys, passphrase, rounds)?)
/// Try to decrypt a reader into a list of exported room keys.
/// `encrypted_exported_room_keys` is the result from
/// `encrypt_exported_room_keys`. `passphrase` is the passphrase that was
/// used when calling `encrypt_exported_room_keys`.
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "decryptExportedRoomKeys")]
pub fn decrypt_exported_room_keys(
encrypted_exported_room_keys: &str,
passphrase: &str,
) -> Result<String, JsError> {