Analysis of matrix spec bias-rumors ================ MTRNord - Fetching the MSCs - Get Employee association from Github and Gitlab - Get times for state transitions - MSCs by Company (all kind) - Merged MSCs by Company The following data is based purely on public knowledge. This means data is fetched from github and gitlab as best as I was able to. # Fetching the MSCs ``` r # Setup things library(gh) library(tidyverse) library(hrbrthemes) library(survminer) # import_roboto_condensed() # extrafont::loadfonts(device = "win") cbbPalette <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7") ``` ``` r cleanup_data <- function(prs_gql) { prs_gql <- prs_gql[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]] for (i in 1:length(prs_gql)) { prs_gql[[i]] <- prs_gql[[i]]$node prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels <- NA if (length(prs_gql[[i]]$labels$edges) >= 1) { prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels <- list() for (y in 1:length(prs_gql[[i]]$labels$edges)) { prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels[[y]] <- prs_gql[[i]]$labels$edges[[y]]$node } prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels <- map(prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels, prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels <-, prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels) } prs_gql[[i]]$labels <- NA prs_gql[[i]]$labels <- prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels prs_gql[[i]]$temp_labels <- NULL } prs_gql <-, prs_gql)) if (!("mergedAt" %in% colnames(prs_gql))) { prs_gql$mergedAt <- NA prs_gql$isPR <- FALSE } else { prs_gql$isPR <- TRUE } for (i in rownames(prs_gql)) { author <- prs_gql[i, "author"] if (!is.null(author)) { prs_gql[i, "author"] <-, author) } } return(prs_gql) } ``` ``` r if (!exists("issues_gql_all")) { issue_query <- 'query($after: String) { repository(owner: "matrix-org", name: "matrix-spec-proposals") { issues( states: [OPEN, CLOSED] orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: ASC} first: 100 after: $after ) { pageInfo { startCursor endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage } edges { node { title url author { login } closedAt createdAt labels(first: 100) { pageInfo { startCursor endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage } edges { node { name createdAt } } } } } } } }' pr_query <- 'query($after: String) { repository(owner: "matrix-org", name: "matrix-spec-proposals") { pullRequests( states: [OPEN, CLOSED, MERGED] orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: ASC} first: 100 after: $after ) { pageInfo { startCursor endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage } edges { node { title url author { login } closedAt mergedAt createdAt labels(first: 100) { pageInfo { startCursor endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage } edges { node { name createdAt } } } } } } } }' issues_gql <- gh_gql(issue_query) issues_gql_pageinfo <- issues_gql[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]] issues_gql <- cleanup_data(issues_gql) gql_data <- list(issues_gql) # Paginate API while (issues_gql_pageinfo$hasNextPage) { variables <- list() variables$after <- issues_gql_pageinfo$endCursor issues_gql <- gh_gql(issue_query, variables = variables) issues_gql_pageinfo <- issues_gql[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]] issues_gql <- cleanup_data(issues_gql) gql_data[[length(gql_data) + 1]] <- issues_gql } prs_gql <- gh_gql(pr_query) prs_gql_pageinfo <- prs_gql[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]] prs_gql <- cleanup_data(prs_gql) gql_data[[length(gql_data) + 1]] <- prs_gql # Paginate API while (prs_gql_pageinfo$hasNextPage) { variables <- list() variables$after <- prs_gql_pageinfo$endCursor prs_gql <- gh_gql(pr_query, variables = variables) prs_gql_pageinfo <- prs_gql[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]] prs_gql <- cleanup_data(prs_gql) gql_data[[length(gql_data) + 1]] <- prs_gql } issues_gql_all <-, gql_data) # Cleanup rm(issues_gql, prs_gql, gql_data, variables, issues_gql_pageinfo, prs_gql_pageinfo) issues_gql_all <- issues_gql_all |> rowwise() } ``` # Get Employee association from Github and Gitlab Please note that in the current PDF this is not yet hooked up to gitlab or checking the github workplace field. It may also exclude some users that are not detectable. ``` r # TODO also check against gitlab # TODO also check workplace thingy # Compile a list of who is who if (!exists("element_employee") || !exists("famedly_employee") || !exists("beeper_employee")) { element_employee <- list() sct_employee <- c("ara4n", "erikjohnston", "richvdh", "dbkr", "uhoreg", "anoadragon453", "turt2live", "KitsuneRal", "matrixbot") famedly_employee <- list("deepbluev7", "Sorunome", "MTRNord") beeper_employee <- list("Fizzadar") users <- list() # Get orgs of users on github for (i in rownames(issues_gql_all)) { user <- issues_gql_all[i, "author"] user <- paste(unlist(user), collapse = "") if ( || is.null(user) || user == "") { next } if ((user %in% users) || (user %in% sct_employee)) { next } orgs_raw <- gh(sprintf("GET /users/%s/orgs", user)) orgs <-, orgs_raw)) if ("vector-im" %in% orgs$login) { element_employee[[length(element_employee) + 1]] <- user } else if ("beeper" %in% orgs$login) { beeper_employee[[length(beeper_employee) + 1]] <- user } else if ("Famedly" %in% orgs$login) { famedly_employee[[length(famedly_employee) + 1]] <- user } users[[length(users) + 1]] <- user } rm(orgs, orgs_raw, user, author, i, users) } ``` # Get times for state transitions ``` r # Opened to Proposal transition opened_to_proposal <- issues_gql_all |> filter(! && is.element("proposal", labels$name)) |> select(title, author, createdAt, labels) for (i in 1:length(opened_to_proposal$labels)) { opened_to_proposal$labels[[i]] <- opened_to_proposal$labels[[i]] |> rowwise() |> filter(is.element("proposal", name)) } opened_to_proposal <- opened_to_proposal |> mutate(proposalAt = labels$createdAt) |> select(title, author, createdAt, proposalAt) opened_to_proposal <- opened_to_proposal |> mutate(Company = case_when( !is.null(author) && is.element(author, element_employee) ~ "Element", !is.null(author) && is.element(author, sct_employee) ~ "SCT", !is.null(author) && is.element(author, famedly_employee) ~ "Famedly", !is.null(author) && is.element(author, beeper_employee) ~ "Beeper", TRUE ~ "Other" )) |> group_by(Company) # Proposal to having impl # FIXME this doesnt work at this time as we dont know when the labels got removed. We need timelineItems() in the graphql query for this # proposal_to_impl <- issues_gql_all |> # filter(! && is.element("proposal", labels$name)) |> # select(title, author, createdAt) ``` # MSCs by Company (all kind) Note that this does not adjust for private vs company MSCs. ``` r # Filter MSCs by company mscs <- issues_gql_all |> filter(! && is.element("proposal", labels$name)) mscs_element <- mscs |> filter(!is.null(author) && is.element(author, element_employee)) |> nrow() mscs_sct <- mscs |> filter(!is.null(author) && is.element(author, sct_employee)) |> nrow() mscs_famedly <- mscs |> filter(!is.null(author) && is.element(author, famedly_employee)) |> nrow() mscs_beeper <- mscs |> filter(!is.null(author) && is.element(author, beeper_employee)) |> nrow() mscs_other <- nrow(mscs) - mscs_element - mscs_beeper - mscs_famedly - mscs_sct # Display Data data <- data.frame(Company = c("Beeper", "Element", "Famedly", "Other", "SCT"), Count = c(mscs_beeper, mscs_element, mscs_famedly, mscs_other, mscs_sct)) data <- map_df(data, rev) data$Company <- factor(data$Company, levels = data$Company) # Basic piechart ggplot(data, aes(x = Company, y = Count)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#69b3a2") + theme_ipsum() + theme( panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(), panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(), legend.position = "none" ) + labs( title = str_wrap("MSCs from companies", 40), caption = "source: Github API", x = "Issues" ) + xlab("") + geom_text( aes(label = Count), hjust = 1.5, colour = "white" ) + coord_flip() ``` ![](index_files/figure-gfm/unnamed-chunk-6-1.jpeg) # Merged MSCs by Company Note that this does not adjust for private vs company MSCs. ``` r # Filter for only merged MSCs merged_mscs <- issues_gql_all |> filter(! && is.element("proposal", labels$name) && (is.element("disposition-merge", labels$name) || is.element("merged", labels$name))) # Filter MSCs by company merged_element <- merged_mscs |> filter(!is.null(author) && is.element(author, element_employee)) |> nrow() merged_sct <- merged_mscs |> filter(!is.null(author) && is.element(author, sct_employee)) |> nrow() merged_famedly <- merged_mscs |> filter(!is.null(author) && is.element(author, famedly_employee)) |> nrow() merged_beeper <- merged_mscs |> filter(!is.null(author) && is.element(author, beeper_employee)) |> nrow() merged_other <- nrow(merged_mscs) - merged_element - merged_beeper - merged_famedly - merged_sct # Display Data data <- data.frame(Company = c("Beeper", "Element", "Famedly", "Other", "SCT"), Count = c(merged_beeper, merged_element, merged_famedly, merged_other, merged_sct)) data <- map_df(data, rev) data$Company <- factor(data$Company, levels = data$Company) # Basic piechart ggplot(data, aes(x = Company, y = Count)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#69b3a2") + theme_ipsum() + theme( panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(), panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(), legend.position = "none" ) + labs( title = str_wrap("Merged MSCs from companies", 40), caption = "source: Github API", x = "Issues" ) + xlab("") + geom_text( aes(label = Count), hjust = 1.5, colour = "white" ) + coord_flip() ``` ![](index_files/figure-gfm/unnamed-chunk-7-1.jpeg)