
153 lines
7.0 KiB

import {
// MessageEvent,
// TextualMessageEventContent,
} from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import { readFile } from "fs/promises";
import { load } from "js-yaml";
import * as tf from "@tensorflow/tfjs-node";
import { Rank, Tensor } from "@tensorflow/tfjs-node";
import { TFSavedModel } from "@tensorflow/tfjs-node/dist/saved_model";
type Config = {
homeserver: string;
accessToken: string;
modelPath: string;
// A private room for admins to see responses on reports and other secret activity.
adminRoom: string;
// A possibly public room where warnings land which also is used to issue actions from as an admin
warningsRoom: string;
class Bot {
public static async createBot() {
const config = load(await readFile("./config.yaml", "utf8")) as Config;
// Add some divider for clarity after tensorflow loaded up
const line = '-'.repeat(process.stdout.columns);
// Check if required fields are set
if (config.homeserver == undefined && config.accessToken == undefined) {
console.error("Missing homeserver and accessToken config values");
} else if (config.homeserver == undefined) {
console.error("Missing homeserver config value");
} else if (config.accessToken == undefined) {
console.error("Missing accessToken config value");
if (config.adminRoom == undefined && config.warningsRoom == undefined) {
console.error("Missing adminRoom and warningsRoom config values");
} else if (config.adminRoom == undefined) {
console.error("Missing adminRoom config value");
} else if (config.warningsRoom == undefined) {
console.error("Missing warningsRoom config value");
if (config.adminRoom.startsWith("#")) {
console.error("adminRoom config value needs to be a roomid starting with a \"!\"");
if (config.warningsRoom.startsWith("#")) {
console.error("warningsRoom config value needs to be a roomid starting with a \"!\"");
// This will be the URL where clients can reach your homeserver. Note that this might be different
// from where the web/chat interface is hosted. The server must support password registration without
// captcha or terms of service (public servers typically won't work).
const homeserverUrl = config.homeserver;
// Use the access token you got from login or registration above.
const accessToken = config.accessToken;
// In order to make sure the bot doesn't lose its state between restarts, we'll give it a place to cache
// any information it needs to. You can implement your own storage provider if you like, but a JSON file
// will work fine for this example.
const storage = new SimpleFsStorageProvider("ml-bot.json");
const cryptoProvider = new RustSdkCryptoStorageProvider("./ml-bot-store");
const model = await tf.node.loadSavedModel(config.modelPath);
// Finally, let's create the client and set it to autojoin rooms. Autojoining is typical of bots to ensure
// they can be easily added to any room.
const client = new MatrixClient(homeserverUrl, accessToken, storage, cryptoProvider);
// TODO replace with manual handling to need admin approval
// Join rooms as needed but crash if missing
await client.joinRoom(config.adminRoom);
await client.joinRoom(config.warningsRoom);
return new Bot(config, client, model);
private constructor(private config: Config, private client: MatrixClient, private model: TFSavedModel) {
// Before we start the bot, register our command handler
client.on("room.message", this.handleMessage.bind(this));
// Now that everything is set up, start the bot. This will start the sync loop and run until killed.
client.start().then(() => console.log("Bot started!"));
// This is the command handler we registered a few lines up
private async handleMessage(roomId: string, event: any) {
// Don't handle unhelpful events (ones that aren't text messages, are redacted, or sent by us)
if (event['content']?.['msgtype'] !== 'm.text') return;
if (event['sender'] === await this.client.getUserId()) return;
const body = event['content']['body'];
if (roomId !== this.config.adminRoom && roomId !== this.config.warningsRoom) {
await this.checkSpam(event, body, roomId);
private async checkSpam(event: any, body: string, roomId: string) {
// Check if spam
const data = tf.tensor([body])
const prediction: Tensor<Rank.R2> = this.model.predict(data) as Tensor<Rank.R2>;
const prediction_data: number[][] = await prediction.array() as number[][];
console.log(`Prediction: ${prediction_data}`);
const prediction_value = ((prediction_data[0] ?? [])[0] ?? 0);
if (prediction_value > 0.8) {
// TODO reverse resolve alias for the roomID and make pill.
const alert_event_id = await this.client.sendHtmlText(this.config.warningsRoom, `<blockquote>\n<p>${body}</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Above message was detected as spam. See json file for full event and use reactions to take action or no action.</p>\n<p>It was sent in ${roomId}</p>\n<p>Spam Score is: ${prediction_value.toFixed(3)}</p>\n`);
await this.client.unstableApis.addReactionToEvent(this.config.warningsRoom, alert_event_id, "🚨 Ban User");
await this.client.unstableApis.addReactionToEvent(this.config.warningsRoom, alert_event_id, "⚠️ Kick User");
await this.client.unstableApis.addReactionToEvent(this.config.warningsRoom, alert_event_id, "✅ False positive");
var eventContent = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(event), 'utf8');
const media = await this.client.uploadContent(eventContent, "application/json", "event.json");
await this.client.sendMessage(this.config.warningsRoom, {
msgtype: "m.file",
body: "event.json",
filename: "event.json",
info: {
mimetype: "application/json",
size: eventContent.length,
url: media,
} else {
// const message = new MessageEvent(event);
// const textEvent = new MessageEvent<TextualMessageEventContent>(message.raw);
//await this.client.unstableApis.addReactionToEvent(roomId, textEvent.eventId, "Classified Not Spam")
await Bot.createBot();